path: root/build.sh
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Warn early if proxy not reachable (#262)samtygier2019-02-181-0/+5
* Silence shellcheck warnings (#255)Hugo Hromic2019-02-181-4/+8
* Improve update_issue() function in common scriptHugo Hromic2019-02-181-0/+3
* Add a DEPLOY_ZIP settingLouis Matthijssen2019-01-301-0/+1
* Add username validationSam Tygier2019-01-221-0/+5
* IMG_SUFFIX evaluation in export image (fix #241)Błażej Sowa2019-01-221-2/+2
* Allow custom stagesSam Tygier2019-01-071-1/+4
* Allow custom deploy zip filenameBłażej Sowa2018-12-211-0/+1
* Allow custom image filenameBłażej Sowa2018-12-211-0/+1
* Add commandline argument for config fileSam Tygier2018-12-211-0/+10
* Allow enabling ssh server from configSam Tygier2018-12-211-0/+1
* Allow setting up wifi from configSam Tygier2018-12-211-0/+3
* Allow setting user name and password from configSam Tygier2018-12-211-0/+3
* Remove quotes in globbed patch CLEANup (#168)David Steele2018-03-241-1/+1
* shellcheckSerge Schneider2018-03-131-43/+50
* Allow image building to be skipped for stages (#137)Ben Pirt2018-01-031-2/+4
* [adding] qemu emulation layout to test images with qemuJacen2017-09-141-4/+8
* Image build date now honours timezoneThomas Phillips2017-06-271-1/+1
* Updated {i}-run-chroot script filename to match {i}-run.sh formatMike Roberts2017-03-201-4/+4
* Make WORK_DIR and DEPLOY_DIR configurable through config fileDavid C Wang2017-03-141-2/+2
* build.sh: execute postrun.sh, if executableSerge Schneider2017-03-131-0/+7
* Specify additional variables in EXPORT_* filesSerge Schneider2017-03-131-1/+4
* Revert "Enable pi-gen build when "pi-gen/work" dir is a symlink"Serge Schneider2017-03-061-1/+1
* Enable pi-gen build when "pi-gen/work" dir is a symlinkDavid C Wang2017-03-061-1/+1
* Use capsh to ensure file capabilities aren't setSerge Schneider2016-11-141-4/+4
* Revert 7f0c59d5c1291c087eccc4fc70014190de6a439fSerge Schneider2016-10-141-26/+17
* Add MAX_STAGE and RUN_STAGE variables (#21)Greg MacLellan2016-10-051-17/+26
* Dependency checks + important bugfix (#16)Joseph Carter2016-09-141-1/+4
* build.sh: Support comments in package files (#14)Joseph Carter2016-09-081-2/+4
* build.sh: fix for patchsets with same names in substagesStaroselskii Georgii2016-07-291-2/+3
* Add NOOBS export supportSerge Schneider2016-05-271-2/+5
* build.sh: fix patchesSerge Schneider2016-05-051-1/+2
* Various fixesSerge Schneider2016-05-041-9/+21
* Initial build scriptSerge Schneider2016-04-111-0/+162
* Setup initial layoutSerge Schneider2016-04-081-0/+0