path: root/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86-64_asm.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86-64_asm.py')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86-64_asm.py b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86-64_asm.py
index 9a085eaec5b..a3548c2951e 100644
--- a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86-64_asm.py
+++ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86-64_asm.py
@@ -30,306 +30,306 @@ import gl_XML, glX_XML
import sys, getopt, copy
def should_use_push(registers):
- for [reg, offset] in registers:
- if reg[1:4] == "xmm":
- return 0
+ for [reg, offset] in registers:
+ if reg[1:4] == "xmm":
+ return 0
- N = len(registers)
- return (N & 1) != 0
+ N = len(registers)
+ return (N & 1) != 0
def local_size(registers):
- # The x86-64 ABI says "the value (%rsp - 8) is always a multiple of
- # 16 when control is transfered to the function entry point." This
- # means that the local stack usage must be (16*N)+8 for some value
- # of N. (16*N)+8 = (8*(2N))+8 = 8*(2N+1). As long as N is odd, we
- # meet this requirement.
+ # The x86-64 ABI says "the value (%rsp - 8) is always a multiple of
+ # 16 when control is transfered to the function entry point." This
+ # means that the local stack usage must be (16*N)+8 for some value
+ # of N. (16*N)+8 = (8*(2N))+8 = 8*(2N+1). As long as N is odd, we
+ # meet this requirement.
- N = (len(registers) | 1)
- return 8*N
+ N = (len(registers) | 1)
+ return 8*N
def save_all_regs(registers):
- adjust_stack = 0
- if not should_use_push(registers):
- adjust_stack = local_size(registers)
- print '\tsubq\t$%u, %%rsp' % (adjust_stack)
+ adjust_stack = 0
+ if not should_use_push(registers):
+ adjust_stack = local_size(registers)
+ print '\tsubq\t$%u, %%rsp' % (adjust_stack)
- for [reg, stack_offset] in registers:
- save_reg( reg, stack_offset, adjust_stack )
- return
+ for [reg, stack_offset] in registers:
+ save_reg( reg, stack_offset, adjust_stack )
+ return
def restore_all_regs(registers):
- adjust_stack = 0
- if not should_use_push(registers):
- adjust_stack = local_size(registers)
+ adjust_stack = 0
+ if not should_use_push(registers):
+ adjust_stack = local_size(registers)
- temp = copy.deepcopy(registers)
- while len(temp):
- [reg, stack_offset] = temp.pop()
- restore_reg(reg, stack_offset, adjust_stack)
+ temp = copy.deepcopy(registers)
+ while len(temp):
+ [reg, stack_offset] = temp.pop()
+ restore_reg(reg, stack_offset, adjust_stack)
- if adjust_stack:
- print '\taddq\t$%u, %%rsp' % (adjust_stack)
- return
+ if adjust_stack:
+ print '\taddq\t$%u, %%rsp' % (adjust_stack)
+ return
def save_reg(reg, offset, use_move):
- if use_move:
- if offset == 0:
- print '\tmovq\t%s, (%%rsp)' % (reg)
- else:
- print '\tmovq\t%s, %u(%%rsp)' % (reg, offset)
- else:
- print '\tpushq\t%s' % (reg)
+ if use_move:
+ if offset == 0:
+ print '\tmovq\t%s, (%%rsp)' % (reg)
+ else:
+ print '\tmovq\t%s, %u(%%rsp)' % (reg, offset)
+ else:
+ print '\tpushq\t%s' % (reg)
- return
+ return
def restore_reg(reg, offset, use_move):
- if use_move:
- if offset == 0:
- print '\tmovq\t(%%rsp), %s' % (reg)
- else:
- print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rsp), %s' % (offset, reg)
- else:
- print '\tpopq\t%s' % (reg)
+ if use_move:
+ if offset == 0:
+ print '\tmovq\t(%%rsp), %s' % (reg)
+ else:
+ print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rsp), %s' % (offset, reg)
+ else:
+ print '\tpopq\t%s' % (reg)
- return
+ return
class PrintGenericStubs(gl_XML.gl_print_base):
- def __init__(self):
- gl_XML.gl_print_base.__init__(self)
- self.name = "gl_x86-64_asm.py (from Mesa)"
- self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ("(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005", "IBM")
- return
- def get_stack_size(self, f):
- size = 0
- for p in f.parameterIterator():
- size += p.get_stack_size()
- return size
- def printRealHeader(self):
- print "/* If we build with gcc's -fvisibility=hidden flag, we'll need to change"
- print " * the symbol visibility mode to 'default'."
- print ' */'
- print ''
- print '#include "x86/assyntax.h"'
- print ''
- print '#ifdef __GNUC__'
- print '# pragma GCC visibility push(default)'
- print '# define HIDDEN(x) .hidden x'
- print '#else'
- print '# define HIDDEN(x)'
- print '#endif'
- print ''
- print '# if defined(USE_MGL_NAMESPACE)'
- print '# define GL_PREFIX(n) GLNAME(CONCAT(mgl,n))'
- print '# define _glapi_Dispatch _mglapi_Dispatch'
- print '# else'
- print '# define GL_PREFIX(n) GLNAME(CONCAT(gl,n))'
- print '# endif'
- print ''
- print '#if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) || defined(_WIN32)'
- print '# define THREADS'
- print '#endif'
- print ''
- print '\t.text'
- print ''
- print '#ifdef GLX_USE_TLS'
- print ''
- print '\t.globl _x86_64_get_get_dispatch; HIDDEN(_x86_64_get_get_dispatch)'
- print '_x86_64_get_get_dispatch:'
- print '\tlea\t_x86_64_get_dispatch(%rip), %rax'
- print '\tret'
- print ''
- print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
- print '_x86_64_get_dispatch:'
- print '\tmovq\t_glapi_tls_Dispatch@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax'
- print '\tmovq\t%fs:(%rax), %rax'
- print '\tret'
- print '\t.size\t_x86_64_get_dispatch, .-_x86_64_get_dispatch'
- print ''
- print '#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD)'
- print ''
- print '\t.extern\t_glapi_Dispatch'
- print '\t.extern\t_gl_DispatchTSD'
- print '\t.extern\tpthread_getspecific'
- print ''
- print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
- print '_x86_64_get_dispatch:'
- print '\tmovq\t_gl_DispatchTSD@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax'
- print '\tmovl\t(%rax), %edi'
- print '\tjmp\tpthread_getspecific@PLT'
- print ''
- print '#elif defined(THREADS)'
- print ''
- print '\t.extern\t_glapi_get_dispatch'
- print ''
- print '#endif'
- print ''
- return
- def printRealFooter(self):
- print ''
- print '#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) && defined(__linux__)'
- print ' .section ".note.ABI-tag", "a"'
- print ' .p2align 2'
- print ' .long 1f - 0f /* name length */'
- print ' .long 3f - 2f /* data length */'
- print ' .long 1 /* note length */'
- print '0: .asciz "GNU" /* vendor name */'
- print '1: .p2align 2'
- print '2: .long 0 /* note data: the ABI tag */'
- print ' .long 2,4,20 /* Minimum kernel version w/TLS */'
- print '3: .p2align 2 /* pad out section */'
- print '#endif /* GLX_USE_TLS */'
- print ''
- print '#if defined (__ELF__) && defined (__linux__)'
- print ' .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits'
- print '#endif'
- return
- def printFunction(self, f):
- # The x86-64 ABI divides function parameters into a couple
- # classes. For the OpenGL interface, the only ones that are
- # relevent are INTEGER and SSE. Basically, the first 8
- # GLfloat or GLdouble parameters are placed in %xmm0 - %xmm7,
- # the first 6 non-GLfloat / non-GLdouble parameters are placed
- # in registers listed in int_parameters.
- #
- # If more parameters than that are required, they are passed
- # on the stack. Therefore, we just have to make sure that
- # %esp hasn't changed when we jump to the actual function.
- # Since we're jumping to the function (and not calling it), we
- # have to make sure of that anyway!
- int_parameters = ["%rdi", "%rsi", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9"]
- int_class = 0
- sse_class = 0
- stack_offset = 0
- registers = []
- for p in f.parameterIterator():
- type_name = p.get_base_type_string()
- if p.is_pointer() or (type_name != "GLfloat" and type_name != "GLdouble"):
- if int_class < 6:
- registers.append( [int_parameters[int_class], stack_offset] )
- int_class += 1
- stack_offset += 8
- else:
- if sse_class < 8:
- registers.append( ["%%xmm%u" % (sse_class), stack_offset] )
- sse_class += 1
- stack_offset += 8
- if ((int_class & 1) == 0) and (sse_class == 0):
- registers.append( ["%rbp", 0] )
- name = f.dispatch_name()
- print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
- print '\t.globl\tGL_PREFIX(%s)' % (name)
- print '\t.type\tGL_PREFIX(%s), @function' % (name)
- if not f.is_static_entry_point(f.name):
- print '\tHIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(%s))' % (name)
- print 'GL_PREFIX(%s):' % (name)
- print '#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)'
- print '\tcall\t_x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT'
- print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
- print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
- print '#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD)'
- save_all_regs(registers)
- print '\tcall\t_x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT'
- restore_all_regs(registers)
- if f.offset == 0:
- print '\tmovq\t(%rax), %r11'
- else:
- print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
- print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
- print '#else'
- print '\tmovq\t_glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax'
- print '\ttestq\t%rax, %rax'
- print '\tje\t1f'
- print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
- print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
- print '1:'
- save_all_regs(registers)
- print '\tcall\t_glapi_get_dispatch'
- restore_all_regs(registers)
- print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
- print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
- print '#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */'
- print '\t.size\tGL_PREFIX(%s), .-GL_PREFIX(%s)' % (name, name)
- print ''
- return
- def printBody(self, api):
- for f in api.functionIterateByOffset():
- self.printFunction(f)
- for f in api.functionIterateByOffset():
- dispatch = f.dispatch_name()
- for n in f.entry_points:
- if n != f.name:
- if f.is_static_entry_point(n):
- text = '\t.globl GL_PREFIX(%s) ; .set GL_PREFIX(%s), GL_PREFIX(%s)' % (n, n, dispatch)
- if f.has_different_protocol(n):
- print '#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING'
- print text
- print '#endif'
- else:
- print text
- return
+ def __init__(self):
+ gl_XML.gl_print_base.__init__(self)
+ self.name = "gl_x86-64_asm.py (from Mesa)"
+ self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ("(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005", "IBM")
+ return
+ def get_stack_size(self, f):
+ size = 0
+ for p in f.parameterIterator():
+ size += p.get_stack_size()
+ return size
+ def printRealHeader(self):
+ print "/* If we build with gcc's -fvisibility=hidden flag, we'll need to change"
+ print " * the symbol visibility mode to 'default'."
+ print ' */'
+ print ''
+ print '#include "x86/assyntax.h"'
+ print ''
+ print '#ifdef __GNUC__'
+ print '# pragma GCC visibility push(default)'
+ print '# define HIDDEN(x) .hidden x'
+ print '#else'
+ print '# define HIDDEN(x)'
+ print '#endif'
+ print ''
+ print '# if defined(USE_MGL_NAMESPACE)'
+ print '# define GL_PREFIX(n) GLNAME(CONCAT(mgl,n))'
+ print '# define _glapi_Dispatch _mglapi_Dispatch'
+ print '# else'
+ print '# define GL_PREFIX(n) GLNAME(CONCAT(gl,n))'
+ print '# endif'
+ print ''
+ print '#if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) || defined(_WIN32)'
+ print '# define THREADS'
+ print '#endif'
+ print ''
+ print '\t.text'
+ print ''
+ print '#ifdef GLX_USE_TLS'
+ print ''
+ print '\t.globl _x86_64_get_get_dispatch; HIDDEN(_x86_64_get_get_dispatch)'
+ print '_x86_64_get_get_dispatch:'
+ print '\tlea\t_x86_64_get_dispatch(%rip), %rax'
+ print '\tret'
+ print ''
+ print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
+ print '_x86_64_get_dispatch:'
+ print '\tmovq\t_glapi_tls_Dispatch@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax'
+ print '\tmovq\t%fs:(%rax), %rax'
+ print '\tret'
+ print '\t.size\t_x86_64_get_dispatch, .-_x86_64_get_dispatch'
+ print ''
+ print '#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD)'
+ print ''
+ print '\t.extern\t_glapi_Dispatch'
+ print '\t.extern\t_gl_DispatchTSD'
+ print '\t.extern\tpthread_getspecific'
+ print ''
+ print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
+ print '_x86_64_get_dispatch:'
+ print '\tmovq\t_gl_DispatchTSD@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax'
+ print '\tmovl\t(%rax), %edi'
+ print '\tjmp\tpthread_getspecific@PLT'
+ print ''
+ print '#elif defined(THREADS)'
+ print ''
+ print '\t.extern\t_glapi_get_dispatch'
+ print ''
+ print '#endif'
+ print ''
+ return
+ def printRealFooter(self):
+ print ''
+ print '#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) && defined(__linux__)'
+ print ' .section ".note.ABI-tag", "a"'
+ print ' .p2align 2'
+ print ' .long 1f - 0f /* name length */'
+ print ' .long 3f - 2f /* data length */'
+ print ' .long 1 /* note length */'
+ print '0: .asciz "GNU" /* vendor name */'
+ print '1: .p2align 2'
+ print '2: .long 0 /* note data: the ABI tag */'
+ print ' .long 2,4,20 /* Minimum kernel version w/TLS */'
+ print '3: .p2align 2 /* pad out section */'
+ print '#endif /* GLX_USE_TLS */'
+ print ''
+ print '#if defined (__ELF__) && defined (__linux__)'
+ print ' .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits'
+ print '#endif'
+ return
+ def printFunction(self, f):
+ # The x86-64 ABI divides function parameters into a couple
+ # classes. For the OpenGL interface, the only ones that are
+ # relevent are INTEGER and SSE. Basically, the first 8
+ # GLfloat or GLdouble parameters are placed in %xmm0 - %xmm7,
+ # the first 6 non-GLfloat / non-GLdouble parameters are placed
+ # in registers listed in int_parameters.
+ #
+ # If more parameters than that are required, they are passed
+ # on the stack. Therefore, we just have to make sure that
+ # %esp hasn't changed when we jump to the actual function.
+ # Since we're jumping to the function (and not calling it), we
+ # have to make sure of that anyway!
+ int_parameters = ["%rdi", "%rsi", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9"]
+ int_class = 0
+ sse_class = 0
+ stack_offset = 0
+ registers = []
+ for p in f.parameterIterator():
+ type_name = p.get_base_type_string()
+ if p.is_pointer() or (type_name != "GLfloat" and type_name != "GLdouble"):
+ if int_class < 6:
+ registers.append( [int_parameters[int_class], stack_offset] )
+ int_class += 1
+ stack_offset += 8
+ else:
+ if sse_class < 8:
+ registers.append( ["%%xmm%u" % (sse_class), stack_offset] )
+ sse_class += 1
+ stack_offset += 8
+ if ((int_class & 1) == 0) and (sse_class == 0):
+ registers.append( ["%rbp", 0] )
+ name = f.dispatch_name()
+ print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
+ print '\t.globl\tGL_PREFIX(%s)' % (name)
+ print '\t.type\tGL_PREFIX(%s), @function' % (name)
+ if not f.is_static_entry_point(f.name):
+ print '\tHIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(%s))' % (name)
+ print 'GL_PREFIX(%s):' % (name)
+ print '#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)'
+ print '\tcall\t_x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT'
+ print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
+ print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
+ print '#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD)'
+ save_all_regs(registers)
+ print '\tcall\t_x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT'
+ restore_all_regs(registers)
+ if f.offset == 0:
+ print '\tmovq\t(%rax), %r11'
+ else:
+ print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
+ print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
+ print '#else'
+ print '\tmovq\t_glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax'
+ print '\ttestq\t%rax, %rax'
+ print '\tje\t1f'
+ print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
+ print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
+ print '1:'
+ save_all_regs(registers)
+ print '\tcall\t_glapi_get_dispatch'
+ restore_all_regs(registers)
+ print '\tmovq\t%u(%%rax), %%r11' % (f.offset * 8)
+ print '\tjmp\t*%r11'
+ print '#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */'
+ print '\t.size\tGL_PREFIX(%s), .-GL_PREFIX(%s)' % (name, name)
+ print ''
+ return
+ def printBody(self, api):
+ for f in api.functionIterateByOffset():
+ self.printFunction(f)
+ for f in api.functionIterateByOffset():
+ dispatch = f.dispatch_name()
+ for n in f.entry_points:
+ if n != f.name:
+ if f.is_static_entry_point(n):
+ text = '\t.globl GL_PREFIX(%s) ; .set GL_PREFIX(%s), GL_PREFIX(%s)' % (n, n, dispatch)
+ if f.has_different_protocol(n):
+ print '#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING'
+ print text
+ print '#endif'
+ else:
+ print text
+ return
def show_usage():
- print "Usage: %s [-f input_file_name] [-m output_mode]" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(1)
+ print "Usage: %s [-f input_file_name] [-m output_mode]" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- file_name = "gl_API.xml"
- mode = "generic"
- try:
- (args, trail) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "m:f:")
- except Exception,e:
- show_usage()
- for (arg,val) in args:
- if arg == '-m':
- mode = val
- elif arg == "-f":
- file_name = val
- if mode == "generic":
- printer = PrintGenericStubs()
- else:
- print "ERROR: Invalid mode \"%s\" specified." % mode
- show_usage()
- api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API(file_name, glX_XML.glx_item_factory())
- printer.Print(api)
+ file_name = "gl_API.xml"
+ mode = "generic"
+ try:
+ (args, trail) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "m:f:")
+ except Exception,e:
+ show_usage()
+ for (arg,val) in args:
+ if arg == '-m':
+ mode = val
+ elif arg == "-f":
+ file_name = val
+ if mode == "generic":
+ printer = PrintGenericStubs()
+ else:
+ print "ERROR: Invalid mode \"%s\" specified." % mode
+ show_usage()
+ api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API(file_name, glX_XML.glx_item_factory())
+ printer.Print(api)