BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
b22xScripts: Bump to java 1.8.0_20Sven Gothel10 years
gluegen-branch-1-0Fixed problem in resetting of AL and ALC proc address tables -- neededkbr19 years
java11Bug 1363: Java 11: Use new Android SDK 24 for Eclipse Android .classpathSven Gothel5 years
masterSync OpenAL-Soft to commit b82cd2e60edb8fbe5fdd3567105ae76a016a554cSven Göthel11 months
rcBug 1295: Add linux-aarch64 GNU/Linux AArch64 supportXerxes Rånby8 years
v2.5.0commit b87238ac34...Sven Gothel15 months
v2.4.0commit bfba3d564c...Sven Gothel22 months
v2.3.2commit 1dace826e1...Sven Gothel9 years
v2.3.1commit 3182f64a8a...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.3.0commit 3182f64a8a...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.4commit b9f915e11d...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.3commit b9f915e11d...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.2commit b9f915e11d...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.1commit b9f915e11d...Sven Gothel10 years
v2.2.0commit 3c2409e9cc...Sven Gothel10 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2016-12-12Bug 1295: Add linux-aarch64 GNU/Linux AArch64 supportrcXerxes Rånby1-0/+39
2015-11-16Bump scripts to jre1.8.0_66Sven Gothel2-4/+4
2015-11-15Bug 1270 - Fix OSX El Capitan 10.11 stuttering ; Prefer provided OpenAL libra...Sven Gothel1-6/+11
2015-11-15Bug 1269 - Bump openal-soft to Release 1.17.0Sven Gothel1-0/+0
2015-10-03Bug 1237: Adopt GlueGen's clarification of IOUtil.getResource(..), commit d78...v2.3.2Sven Gothel1-1/+1
2015-09-01Windows Scripts: Bump JVM to 1.8.0_60Sven Gothel2-4/+4
2015-07-29Remove possible duplicates of libopenal.1* on OSX due to joker '*' in native....Sven Gothel1-0/+6
2015-07-13Fix Android ARM64 SupportSven Gothel4-5/+8
2015-07-11add osx-java6 script: using separate rootrel.buildSven Gothel2-0/+31
2015-07-11cmake/clang: Inject additional architectures for fat-binary (macosx) ; Bump o...Sven Gothel2-0/+16