path: root/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp b/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
index 81eb55cd5..eb4c612ae 100644
--- a/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
+++ b/src/lib/pubkey/rsa/rsa.cpp
@@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ class RSA_Private_Operation
[this](const BigInt& k) { return m_powermod_e_n(k); },
[this](const BigInt& k) { return inverse_mod(k, m_key.get_n()); }),
- m_exp_blinding_bits(64),
+ m_blinding_bits(64),
- m_max_d1_bits(m_key.get_p().bits() + m_exp_blinding_bits),
- m_max_d2_bits(m_key.get_q().bits() + m_exp_blinding_bits)
+ m_max_d1_bits(m_key.get_p().bits() + m_blinding_bits),
+ m_max_d2_bits(m_key.get_q().bits() + m_blinding_bits)
@@ -235,31 +235,42 @@ class RSA_Private_Operation
const size_t powm_window = 4;
- const BigInt d1_mask(m_blinder.rng(), m_exp_blinding_bits);
- const BigInt d2_mask(m_blinder.rng(), m_exp_blinding_bits);
- const BigInt masked_d1 = m_key.get_d1() + (d1_mask * (m_key.get_p() - 1));
- const BigInt masked_d2 = m_key.get_d2() + (d2_mask * (m_key.get_q() - 1));
+ const BigInt d1_mask(m_blinder.rng(), m_blinding_bits);
- auto future_j1 = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, &m, &masked_d1, powm_window]() {
+ auto future_j1 = std::async(std::launch::async, [this, &m, &d1_mask, powm_window]() {
+ const BigInt masked_d1 = m_key.get_d1() + (d1_mask * (m_key.get_p() - 1));
auto powm_d1_p = monty_precompute(m_monty_p, m, powm_window);
return monty_execute(*powm_d1_p, masked_d1, m_max_d1_bits);
- auto powm_d2_q = monty_precompute(m_monty_q, m, powm_window);
- BigInt j2 = monty_execute(*powm_d2_q, masked_d2, m_max_d2_bits);
- BigInt j1 = future_j1.get();
+ const BigInt masked_d1 = m_key.get_d1() + (d1_mask * (m_key.get_p() - 1));
auto powm_d1_p = monty_precompute(m_monty_p, m, powm_window);
- auto powm_d2_q = monty_precompute(m_monty_q, m, powm_window);
BigInt j1 = monty_execute(*powm_d1_p, masked_d1, m_max_d1_bits);
- BigInt j2 = monty_execute(*powm_d2_q, masked_d2, m_max_d2_bits);
- j1 = m_mod_p.reduce(sub_mul(j1, j2, m_key.get_c()));
+ const BigInt d2_mask(m_blinder.rng(), m_blinding_bits);
+ const BigInt masked_d2 = m_key.get_d2() + (d2_mask * (m_key.get_q() - 1));
+ auto powm_d2_q = monty_precompute(m_monty_q, m, powm_window);
+ const BigInt j2 = monty_execute(*powm_d2_q, masked_d2, m_max_d2_bits);
+ /*
+ * To recover the final value from the CRT representation (j1,j2)
+ * we use Garner's algorithm:
+ * c = q^-1 mod p (this is precomputed)
+ * h = c*(j1-j2) mod p
+ * m = j2 + h*q
+ */
+ BigInt j1 = future_j1.get();
+ /*
+ To prevent a side channel that allows detecting case where j1 < j2,
+ add p to j1 before reducing [computing c*(p+j1-j2) mod p]
+ */
+ j1 = m_mod_p.reduce(sub_mul(m_key.get_p() + j1, j2, m_key.get_c()));
return mul_add(j1, m_key.get_q(), j2);
@@ -273,7 +284,7 @@ class RSA_Private_Operation
Fixed_Exponent_Power_Mod m_powermod_e_n;
Blinder m_blinder;
- const size_t m_exp_blinding_bits;
+ const size_t m_blinding_bits;
const size_t m_mod_bytes;
const size_t m_mod_bits;
const size_t m_max_d1_bits;