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2 files changed, 225 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/include/jau/cow_darray.hpp b/include/jau/cow_darray.hpp
index 8da0399..e1486cd 100644
--- a/include/jau/cow_darray.hpp
+++ b/include/jau/cow_darray.hpp
@@ -492,10 +492,14 @@ namespace jau {
- * Create a new instance from an initializer list.
+ * Using the `std::initializer_list` requires to *copy* the given value_type objects into this cow_darray.
+ *
+ * To utilize more efficient move semantics, see push_back_list() and jau::make_cow_darray().
* @param initlist initializer_list.
* @param alloc allocator
+ * @see push_back_list()
+ * @see jau::make_cow_darray()
constexpr cow_darray(std::initializer_list<value_type> initlist, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
: store_ref(std::make_shared<storage_t>(initlist, alloc)), sync_atomic(false)
@@ -912,6 +916,73 @@ namespace jau {
+ * Like push_back(), but for more multiple const r-value to copy.
+ * <p>
+ * This write operation uses a mutex lock and is blocking this instances' write operations only.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @tparam Args
+ * @param args r-value references to copy into this storage
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ constexpr_atomic void push_back_list(const Args&... args)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mtx_write);
+ const size_type new_size_ = store_ref->size() + sizeof...(Args);
+ if( new_size_ > store_ref->capacity() ) {
+ // grow and swap all refs
+ storage_ref_t new_store_ref = std::make_shared<storage_t>( *store_ref, new_size_,
+ store_ref->growth_factor(),
+ store_ref->get_allocator_ref() );
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack args
+ ( new_store_ref->push_back( args ), ... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ {
+ sc_atomic_critical sync(sync_atomic);
+ store_ref = std::move(new_store_ref);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // just append ..
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack args
+ ( store_ref->push_back( args ), ... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Like push_back(), but for more multiple r-value references to move.
+ * <p>
+ * This write operation uses a mutex lock and is blocking this instances' write operations only.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @tparam Args
+ * @param args r-value references to move into this storage
+ * @see jau::make_cow_darray()
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ constexpr_atomic void push_back_list(Args&&... args)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mtx_write);
+ const size_type new_size_ = store_ref->size() + sizeof...(Args);
+ if( new_size_ > store_ref->capacity() ) {
+ // grow and swap all refs
+ storage_ref_t new_store_ref = std::make_shared<storage_t>( *store_ref, new_size_,
+ store_ref->growth_factor(),
+ store_ref->get_allocator_ref() );
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack args
+ ( new_store_ref->push_back( std::move(args) ), ... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ {
+ sc_atomic_critical sync(sync_atomic);
+ store_ref = std::move(new_store_ref);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // just append ..
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack args
+ ( store_ref->push_back( std::move(args) ), ... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* Generic value_type equal comparator to be user defined for e.g. jau::cow_darray::push_back_unique().
* @param a one element of the equality test.
* @param b the other element of the equality test.
@@ -1021,6 +1092,57 @@ namespace jau {
+ /**
+ * Construct a cow_darray<T> instance, initialized by move semantics from the variadic (template pack) argument list.
+ *
+ * std::initializer_list<T> enforces to copy the created instances into the container,
+ * since its iterator references to `const` value_type.
+ *
+ * This alternative template passes the r-value argument references to cow_darray::push_back_list(),
+ * hence using `std::move` without copying semantics.
+ *
+ * All argument types must be of same type, i.e. std::is_same.
+ * The deduced darray<T> instance also uses same type as its Value_type.
+ *
+ * @tparam First the first argument type, must be same
+ * @tparam Next all other argument types, must be same
+ * @tparam
+ * @param arg1 the first r-value
+ * @param argsN the other r-values
+ * @return the new `cow_darray`
+ * @see cow_darray::push_back_list()
+ * @see make_cow_darray()
+ */
+ template <typename First, typename... Next,
+ // std::enable_if_t< ( std::is_same<First, Next>::value && ... ), bool> = true>
+ std::enable_if_t< std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<First, Next>... >, bool> = true>
+ constexpr cow_darray< First > make_cow_darray(First&& arg1, Next&&... argsN)
+ {
+ cow_darray< First > d(1 + sizeof...(Next));
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack arg1 and argsN
+ // d.push_back_list( std::forward<First>(arg1), ( std::forward<Next>(argsN), ... ) ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ d.push_back_list( arg1, argsN... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ return d;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Complement constructor for cow_darray<T> instance, move semantics initializer for one argument.
+ * @tparam First
+ * @tparam Next
+ * @param arg1
+ * @return
+ * @see cow_darray::push_back()
+ * @see cow_darray::push_back_list()
+ * @see make_cow_darray()
+ */
+ template <typename First, typename... Next>
+ constexpr cow_darray< First > make_cow_darray(First&& arg1)
+ {
+ cow_darray< First > d(1);
+ d.push_back( std::forward<First>(arg1) );
+ return d;
+ }
diff --git a/include/jau/darray.hpp b/include/jau/darray.hpp
index 84a209f..53edba7 100644
--- a/include/jau/darray.hpp
+++ b/include/jau/darray.hpp
@@ -621,8 +621,14 @@ namespace jau {
* Create a new instance from an initializer list.
+ * Using the `std::initializer_list` requires to *copy* the given value_type objects into this darray.
+ *
+ * To utilize more efficient move semantics, see push_back_list() and jau::make_darray().
+ *
* @param initlist initializer_list.
* @param alloc allocator
+ * @see push_back_list()
+ * @see jau::make_darray()
constexpr darray(std::initializer_list<value_type> initlist, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type())
: alloc_inst( alloc ), begin_( clone_range_foreign(initlist.size(), initlist.begin(), initlist.end()) ),
@@ -1103,6 +1109,51 @@ namespace jau {
+ * Like push_back(), but for more multiple const r-value to copy.
+ *
+ * @tparam Args
+ * @param args r-value references to copy into this storage
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ constexpr void push_back_list(const Args&... args)
+ {
+ const size_type count = sizeof...(Args);
+ JAU_DARRAY_PRINTF("push_back_list.copy.0: %zu elems: this %s\n", count, get_info().c_str());
+ if( end_ + count >= storage_end_ ) {
+ grow_storage_move(size() + count);
+ }
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack args
+ ( new (const_cast<pointer_mutable>(end_++)) value_type( args ), ... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ JAU_DARRAY_PRINTF("push_back_list.copy.X: %zu elems: this %s\n", count, get_info().c_str());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Like push_back(), but for more multiple r-value references to move.
+ *
+ * @tparam Args
+ * @param args r-value references to move into this storage
+ * @see jau::make_darray()
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ constexpr void push_back_list(Args&&... args)
+ {
+ const size_type count = sizeof...(Args);
+ JAU_DARRAY_PRINTF("push_back_list.move.0: %zu elems: this %s\n", count, get_info().c_str());
+ if( end_ + count >= storage_end_ ) {
+ grow_storage_move(size() + count);
+ }
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack args
+ ( new (const_cast<pointer_mutable>(end_++)) value_type( std::move(args) ), ... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ JAU_DARRAY_PRINTF("push_back_list.move.X: %zu elems: this %s\n", count, get_info().c_str());
+ }
+ /**
* Generic value_type equal comparator to be user defined for e.g. jau::darray::push_back_unique().
* @param a one element of the equality test.
* @param b the other element of the equality test.
@@ -1206,6 +1257,57 @@ namespace jau {
+ /**
+ * Construct a darray<T> instance, initialized by move semantics from the variadic (template pack) argument list.
+ *
+ * std::initializer_list<T> enforces to copy the created instances into the container,
+ * since its iterator references to `const` value_type.
+ *
+ * This alternative template passes the r-value argument references to darray::push_back_list(),
+ * hence using `std::move` without copying semantics.
+ *
+ * All argument types must be of same type, i.e. std::is_same.
+ * The deduced darray<T> instance also uses same type as its Value_type.
+ *
+ * @tparam First the first argument type, must be same
+ * @tparam Next all other argument types, must be same
+ * @tparam
+ * @param arg1 the first r-value
+ * @param argsN the other r-values
+ * @return the new `darray`
+ * @see darray::push_back_list()
+ * @see make_darray()
+ */
+ template <typename First, typename... Next,
+ // std::enable_if_t< ( std::is_same<First, Next>::value && ... ), bool> = true>
+ std::enable_if_t< std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<First, Next>... >, bool> = true>
+ constexpr darray< First > make_darray(First&& arg1, Next&&... argsN)
+ {
+ darray< First > d(1 + sizeof...(Next));
+ // C++17 fold expression on above C++11 template pack arg1 and argsN
+ // d.push_back_list( std::forward<First>(arg1), ( std::forward<Next>(argsN), ... ) ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ d.push_back_list( arg1, argsN... ); // @suppress("Syntax error")
+ return d;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Complement constructor for darray<T> instance, move semantics initializer for one argument.
+ * @tparam First
+ * @tparam Next
+ * @param arg1
+ * @return
+ * @see darray::push_back()
+ * @see darray::push_back_list()
+ * @see make_darray()
+ */
+ template <typename First, typename... Next>
+ constexpr darray< First > make_darray(First&& arg1)
+ {
+ darray< First > d(1);
+ d.push_back( std::forward<First>(arg1) );
+ return d;
+ }