Tiny Bluetooth LE Library / Direct-BT LE and BREDR Library ========================================================== Git Repository ============== This project's canonical repository is hosted on [Zafena ICT](https://ict.zafena.se/cgit/direct_bt.git/). Goals ============ This project aims to create a clean, modern and easy to use Bluetooth LE and BREDR API fully accessible through C++, Java and other languages. TinyB Version 2 ================ Starting with version 2.1.0, the specification has slightly changed and hence its implementation. As of today, the TinyB Java API comprises two implementations, *TinyB* and *Direct-BT*. TinyB ----- *TinyB* exposes the BLE GATT API for C++, Java and other languages, using BlueZ over DBus. *TinyB* does not expose the BREDR API. *TinyB* is exposed via the following native libraries - *libtinyb.so* for the core C++ implementation. - *libjavatinyb.so* for the Java binding. *TinyB* is the original implementation of the TinyB project by Intel. Direct-BT ---------- *Direct-BT* provides direct Bluetooth LE and BREDR programming without intermediate layers targeting high-performance reliable Bluetooth support. By having least system and userspace dependencies and no communication overhead, Direct-BT shall be suitable for embedded device configurations besides others. *Direct-BT* supports a fully event driven workflow from discovery to GATT programming. [AdapterStatusListener](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/classdirect__bt_1_1AdapterStatusListener.html) allows listening to adapter changes and device discovery and [GATTCharacteristicListener](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/classdirect__bt_1_1GATTCharacteristicListener.html) to GATT indications and notifications. *Direct-BT* may be utilized via its [C++ API](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/index.html) or via the refactored TinyB [Java API](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/index.html). *Direct-BT* is exposed via the following native libraries - *libdirect_bt.so* for the core C++ implementation. - *libjavadirect_bt.so* for the Java binding. You will find a detailed overview of *Direct-BT* in the doxygen generated [C++ API doc of its *direct_bt* namespace](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/namespacedirect__bt.html#details). To use *Direct-BT* in the most efficient way, the BlueZ userspace daemon *bluetoothd* should be disabled. Using systemd this should be: ``` systemctl stop bluetooth systemctl disable bluetooth systemctl mask bluetooth ``` *Direct-BT* is the new implementation as provided by [Zafena ICT](https://ict.zafena.se). TinyB and Direct-BT ------------------- Pre version 2.0.0 D-Bus implementation details of the Java[tm] classes of package *tinyb* has been moved to *tinyb.dbus*. The *tinyb.jar* jar file has been renamed to *tinyb2.jar*, avoiding conflicts. General interfaces matching the original implementation and following [BlueZ API](http://git.kernel.org/cgit/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/doc/) were created in package *org.tinyb*. *org.tinyb.BluetoothFactory* provides a factory to instantiate the initial root *org.tinyb.BluetoothManager*, either using *Tiny-B*, the original D-Bus implementation, or *Direct-BT*, the direct implementation. *TinyB*'s C++ namespace and implementation kept mostly unchanged. The new Java interface of package *org.tinyb* has been kept mostly compatible, however, changes were required to benefit from *Direct-BT*'s implementation. *since 2.x* version tags have been added to the Java interface specification for clarity. API Documentation ============ Up to date API documentation can be found: * [C++ API Doc](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/index.html). * [Overview of *direct_bt*](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/namespacedirect__bt.html#details). * [Java API Doc](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/index.html). A guide for getting started with *Direct-BT* on C++ and Java will follow up soon from Zafena ICT. *Direct-BT* [C++ examples](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/examples.html) are available, [dbt_scanner10.cpp](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/dbt_scanner10_8cpp-example.html) demonstrates the event driven and multithreading workflow. *Direct-BT* [Java examples](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/examples.html) are availble, [ScannerTinyB10.java](https://ict.zafena.se/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/ScannerTinyB10_8java-example.html) demonstrates the event driven and multithreading workflow - matching *dbt_scanner10.cpp*. A guide for getting started with *TinyB* on Java is available from Intel: https://software.intel.com/en-us/java-for-bluetooth-le-apps. Build Status ============ *Will be updated soon* Using TinyB / Direct-BT ========================= The project requires CMake 3.1+ for building and a Java JDK >= 11. *TinyB* requires GLib/GIO 2.40+. It also requires BlueZ with GATT profile activated, which is currently experimental (as of BlueZ 5.37), so you might have to run bluetoothd with the -E flag. For example, on a system with systemd (Fedora, poky, etc.) edit the bluetooth.service file (usually found in /usr/lib/systemd/system/ or /lib/systemd/system) and append -E to ExecStart line, restart the daemon with systemctl restart bluetooth. *Direct-BT* does not require GLib/GIO nor shall the BlueZ userspace service *bluetoothd* be active for best experience. To disable the *bluetoothd* service using systemd: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.sh} systemctl stop bluetooth systemctl disable bluetooth systemctl mask bluetooth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installing build dependencies on Debian (10 or 11): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.sh} apt install git apt install build-essential g++ gcc libc-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev apt install libglib2.0 libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev apt install openjdk-11-jdk openjdk-11-jre apt install cmake cmake-extras extra-cmake-modules pkg-config apt install doxygen graphviz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a generic build use: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.sh} git clone https://ict.zafena.se/cgit/direct_bt.git cd direct_bt mkdir build cd build cmake -DBUILDJAVA=ON -DBUILDEXAMPLES=ON -DBUILD_TESTING=ON .. make make install test doc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The install target of the last command will create the include/ and lib/ directories with a copy of the headers and library objects respectively in your build location. Note that doing an out-of-source build may cause issues when rebuilding later on. Our cmake configure has a number of options, *cmake-gui* or *ccmake* can show you all the options. The interesting ones are detailed below: Changing install path from /usr/local to /usr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Building debug build: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using clang instead of gcc: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cross-compiling on a different system: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-m32 -march=i586 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=-m32 -march=i586 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build Java bindings: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DBUILDJAVA=ON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To not build the *TinyB* implementation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DSKIP_TINYB=ON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build examples: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -DBUILDEXAMPLES=ON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build documentation run: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ make doc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The hellotinyb example uses a [TI Sensor Tag](http://www.ti.com/ww/en/wireless_connectivity/sensortag2015/?INTC=SensorTag&HQS=sensortag) from which it reads the ambient temperature. You have to pass the MAC address of the Sensor Tag as a first parameter to the program. Changes ============ - 2.0.0 - Java D-Bus implementation details of package 'tinyb' moved to *tinyb.dbus*. - The *tinyb.jar* jar file has been renamed to *tinyb2.jar*, avoiding conflicts. - General interfaces matching the original implementation and following [BlueZ API](http://git.kernel.org/cgit/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/doc/device-api.txt) were created in package *org.tinyb*. - Class *org.tinyb.BluetoothFactory* provides a factory to instantiate the initial root *org.tinyb.BluetoothManager*, either using the original D-Bus implementation or an alternative implementation. - C++ namespace and implementation kept unchanged. - 0.5.0 - Added notifications API - Capitalized RSSI and UUID properly in Java - Added JNI Helper classes for managing lifetime of JNIEnv and Global Refences - 0.4.0 - Added asynchronous methods for discovering BluetoothObjects Common issues ============ If you have any issues, please go through the [Troubleshooting Guide](TROUBLESHOOTING.md). If the solution is not there, please create a new issue on [Zafena ICT](https://ict.zafena.se/issues/). Contributing to TinyB / Direct-BT =================================== You shall agree to Developer Certificate of Origin and Sign-off your code, using a real name and e-mail address. Please check the [Contribution](CONTRIBUTING.md) document for more details.