path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
3 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d9cc697a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#! /usr/bin/awk -f
+# A script to extract the actual suppression info from the output of (for example) valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --error-limit=no --gen-suppressions=all ./minimal
+# The desired bits are between ^{ and ^} (including the braces themselves).
+# The combined output should either be appended to /usr/lib/valgrind/default.supp, or placed in a .supp of its own
+# If the latter, either tell valgrind about it each time with --suppressions=<filename>, or add that line to ~/.valgrindrc
+# NB This script uses the |& operator, which I believe is gawk-specific. In case of failure, check that you're using gawk rather than some other awk
+# The script looks for suppressions. When it finds one it stores it temporarily in an array,
+# and also feeds it line by line to the external app 'md5sum' which generates a unique checksum for it.
+# The checksum is used as an index in a different array. If an item with that index already exists the suppression must be a duplicate and is discarded.
+# Source: <>
+# See: <>
+BEGIN { suppression=0; md5sum = "md5sum" }
+ # If the line begins with '{', it's the start of a supression; so set the var and initialise things
+ /^{/ {
+ suppression=1; i=0; next
+ }
+ # If the line begins with '}' its the end of a suppression
+ /^}/ {
+ if (suppression)
+ { suppression=0;
+ close(md5sum, "to") # We've finished sending data to md5sum, so close that part of the pipe
+ ProcessInput() # Do the slightly-complicated stuff in functions
+ delete supparray # We don't want subsequent suppressions to append to it!
+ }
+ }
+ # Otherwise, it's a normal line. If we're inside a supression, store it, and pipe it to md5sum. Otherwise it's cruft, so ignore it
+ { if (suppression)
+ {
+ supparray[++i] = $0
+ print |& md5sum
+ }
+ }
+ function ProcessInput()
+ {
+ # Pipe the result from md5sum, then close it
+ md5sum |& getline result
+ close(md5sum)
+ # gawk can't cope with enormous ints like $result would be, so stringify it first by prefixing a definite string
+ resultstring = "prefix"result
+ if (! (resultstring in chksum_array) )
+ { chksum_array[resultstring] = 0; # This checksum hasn't been seen before, so add it to the array
+ OutputSuppression() # and output the contents of the suppression
+ }
+ }
+ function OutputSuppression()
+ {
+ # A suppression is surrounded by '{' and '}'. Its data was stored line by line in the array
+ print "{"
+ for (n=1; n <= i; ++n)
+ { print supparray[n] }
+ print "}"
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/valgrind.supp b/scripts/valgrind.supp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1973e69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/valgrind.supp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# All file and line numbers from debug build using commit 60e6f5f67c5bc2a8fb26e8f2ef76c169c5b78813
+# See <>
+# See <>
+# direct_bt::LFRingbuffer::* utilizes SC-DRF atomic acquire (read) and release (write)
+# not detected by helgrind. See uni test test_mm_sc_drf (passed).
+# ==1175024== ---Thread-Announcement------------------------------------------
+# ==1175024== Thread #2 was created
+# ==1175024== by 0x49434C1: direct_bt::DBTManager::DBTManager(direct_bt::BTMode) (DBTManager.cpp:333)
+# ==1175024== Thread #2: Bug in libpthread: write lock granted on mutex/rwlock which is currently wr-held by a different thread
+# ==1175024== by 0x13283A: _ZN9direct_bt12LFRingbufferISt10shared_ptrINS_9MgmtEventEELDnEE7putImplERKS3_bbi (LFRingbuffer.hpp:240)
+# (see below: cpp_unique_lock_cond_wait_002)
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_lock_and_wait_001
+ Helgrind:Misc
+ fun:mutex_lock_WRK
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*LFRingbuffer*putImpl*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+# direct_bt::LFRingbuffer::* utilizes SC-DRF atomic acquire (read) and release (write)
+# not detected by helgrind. See uni test test_mm_sc_drf (passed).
+# ==1175024== Thread #1 is the program's root thread
+# ==1175024== Thread #2 unlocked lock at 0x13F628 currently held by thread #1
+# ==1175024== by 0x132913: _ZN9direct_bt12LFRingbufferISt10shared_ptrINS_9MgmtEventEELDnEE7putImplERKS3_bbi (LFRingbuffer.hpp:240)
+# {
+# 240 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lockRead(syncRead); // SC-DRF w/ getImpl via same lock
+# size++;
+# writePos = localWritePos; // SC-DRF release atomic writePos
+# cvRead.notify_all(); // notify waiting getter
+# }
+# ==1175024== Lock at 0x13F628 was first observed
+# ==1175024== by 0x131EDC: _ZN9direct_bt12LFRingbufferISt10shared_ptrINS_9MgmtEventEELDnEE7getImplEbbi (LFRingbuffer.hpp:181)
+# if( blocking ) {
+# 181 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lockRead(syncRead); // SC-DRF w/ putImpl via same lock
+# while( localReadPos == writePos ) {
+# ..
+# cvRead.wait(lockRead); or cvRead.wait_until(lockRead, ..);
+# }
+# }
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_lock_and_wait_002
+ Helgrind:UnlockForeign
+ fun:mutex_unlock_WRK
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*LFRingbuffer*putImpl*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+# direct_bt::LFRingbuffer::* utilizes SC-DRF atomic acquire (read) and release (write)
+# not detected by helgrind. See uni test test_mm_sc_drf (passed).
+# ==1175024== Possible data race during read of size 8 at 0x4F490E8 by thread #1
+# ==1175024== Locks held: 3, at addresses 0x13F480 0x13F650 0x13F7B0
+# ==1175024== at 0x131D90: std::__shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::__shared_ptr(std::__shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> const&) (shared_ptr_base.h:1181)
+# ==1175024== by 0x131DDA: std::shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent>::shared_ptr(std::shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent> const&) (shared_ptr.h:149)
+# ==1175024== by 0x1320B0: _ZN9direct_bt12LFRingbufferISt10shared_ptrINS_9MgmtEventEELDnEE7getImplEbbi (LFRingbuffer.hpp:198)
+# ==1175024== This conflicts with a previous write of size 8 by thread #2
+# ==1175024== Locks held: 1, at address 0x13F6A0
+# ==1175024== at 0x130E6D: std::__shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::operator=(std::__shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> const&) (shared_ptr_base.h:1182)
+# ==1175024== by 0x130EB4: std::shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent>::operator=(std::shared_ptr<direct_bt::MgmtEvent> const&) (shared_ptr.h:358)
+# ==1175024== by 0x13281D: _ZN9direct_bt12LFRingbufferISt10shared_ptrINS_9MgmtEventEELDnEE7putImplERKS3_bbi (LFRingbuffer.hpp:237)
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_001
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*LFRingbuffer*getImpl*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+# DBTManager
+# ==1175024== Possible data race during read of size 8 at 0x4F49690 by thread #1
+# ==1175024== Locks held: 2, at addresses 0x13F480 0x13F7B0
+# ==1175024== at 0x494261F: direct_bt::DBTManager::sendWithReply(direct_bt::MgmtCommand&) (DBTManager.cpp:205)
+# ==1175024== by 0x494359D: direct_bt::DBTManager::DBTManager(direct_bt::BTMode) (DBTManager.cpp:350)
+# ==1175024== Address 0x4f49690 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 48 alloc'd
+# ==1175024== at 0x4839E3F: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:342)
+# ==1175024== by 0x493C244: direct_bt::MgmtEvent::getSpecialized(unsigned char const*, int) (MgmtTypes.cpp:243)
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_011
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*DBTManager*sendWithReply*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_012
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN9direct_bt10DBTManagerC1ENS_6BTModeE
+ ...
+# obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_013
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN9direct_bt9MgmtEventD1Ev
+ ...
+ obj:**
+# GATTHandler
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_021
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*GATTHandler*sendWithReply*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_022
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN9direct_bt11GATTHandlerC1ERKSt10shared_ptrINS_9DBTDeviceEE
+ ...
+# obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_023
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+# fun:*direct_bt*GATTHandler*discoverPrimaryServices*
+# fun:*direct_bt*GATTHandler*discoverCharacteristics*
+ fun:*direct_bt*GATTHandler*discoverCompletePrimaryServices*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_024
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN9direct_bt9AttPDUMsgD1Ev
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_025
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*GATTHandler*readValue*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_026
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*GATTHandler*writeValue*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+# HCIHandler
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_031
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*HCIHandler*getNextReply*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_032
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*HCIHandler*sendWithCmdCompleteReply*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_033
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN9direct_bt10HCIHandlerC1ENS_6BTModeEt
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_034
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:_ZN9direct_bt9HCIPacketD1Ev
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_035
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:_ZNSt10shared_ptrIN9direct_bt8HCIEventEED1Ev
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_036
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*HCIHandler*processCommandComplete*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_037
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*HCIHandler*processCommandStatus*
+ ...
+ obj:**
+ dbt_lfringbuffer_sc_drf_atomic_038
+ Helgrind:Race
+ ...
+ fun:*direct_bt*HCIEvent*le_set_scan_param*
+ ...
+ obj:**
diff --git a/scripts/valgrindmerge b/scripts/valgrindmerge
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f9b11e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/valgrindmerge
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Timothe Litt litt at acm _ddot_ org
+# May be freely used and copied providing this notice is retained
+# No warranty, use at your own risk
+# valgrind foo 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grindmerge -f input >newrules
+# Source: <>
+# See: <>
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
+my %known;
+my $dups = 0;
+sub parse {
+ my $in = shift;
+ while( <$in> ) {
+ next unless( /^\{/ );
+ my $block = $_;
+ while( <$in> ) {
+ if( /^\}/ ) {
+ $block .= "}\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ $block .= $_;
+ }
+ last unless( defined $block );
+ if( $block !~ /\}\n/ ) {
+ print STDERR ("Unterminated suppression at line $.\n" );
+ last;
+ }
+ my $key = $block;
+ $key =~ s/(\A{[^\n]*\n)\s*[^\n]*\n/$1/;
+ my $sum = md5_hex( $key );
+ $dups++ if( exists $known{$sum} );
+ $known{$sum} = $block;
+ }
+if( @ARGV >= 2 && $ARGV[0] eq '-f' ) {
+ if( open( my $db, '<', $ARGV[1] ) ) {
+ parse( $db );
+ close( $db );
+ } else {
+ print STDERR ("Open failed for $ARGV[1]: $!\n");
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ print STDERR ("Read " . keys( %known ) . " suppressions from $ARGV[1]\n" );
+parse( \*STDIN );
+print $known{$_} foreach ( sort keys %known );
+print STDERR ("Squashed $dups duplicate suppressions\n")