path: root/jaucpp/test/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jaucpp/test/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jaucpp/test/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp b/jaucpp/test/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8799e63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jaucpp/test/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cinttypes>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <cppunit.h>
+#include <jau/ringbuffer.hpp>
+using namespace jau;
+class Integer {
+ public:
+ int value;
+ Integer(int v) : value(v) {}
+ Integer(const Integer &o) noexcept = default;
+ Integer(Integer &&o) noexcept = default;
+ Integer& operator=(const Integer &o) noexcept = default;
+ Integer& operator=(Integer &&o) noexcept = default;
+ operator int() const {
+ return value;
+ }
+ int intValue() const { return value; }
+ static Integer valueOf(const int i) { return Integer(i); }
+std::shared_ptr<Integer> NullInteger = nullptr;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<Integer> SharedType;
+typedef ringbuffer<SharedType, nullptr> SharedTypeRingbuffer;
+// Test examples.
+class Cppunit_tests : public Cppunit {
+ private:
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> createEmpty(int initialCapacity) {
+ return std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer>(new SharedTypeRingbuffer(initialCapacity));
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> createFull(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Integer>> & source) {
+ return std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer>(new SharedTypeRingbuffer(source));
+ }
+ std::vector<SharedType> createIntArray(const int capacity, const int startValue) {
+ std::vector<SharedType> array(capacity);
+ for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
+ array[i] = SharedType(new Integer(startValue+i));
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ void readTestImpl(SharedTypeRingbuffer &rb, bool clearRef, int capacity, int len, int startValue) {
+ (void) clearRef;
+ int preSize = rb.getSize();
+ CHECKM("Wrong capacity "+rb.toString(), capacity, rb.capacity());
+ CHECKTM("Too low capacity to read "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), capacity-len >= 0);
+ CHECKTM("Too low size to read "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), preSize >= len);
+ CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb.toString(), !rb.isEmpty());
+ for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ SharedType svI = rb.get();
+ CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb.toString(), svI!=nullptr);
+ CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb.toString(), startValue+i, svI->intValue());
+ }
+ CHECKM("Invalid size "+rb.toString(), preSize-len, rb.getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Invalid free slots after reading "+std::to_string(len)+": "+rb.toString(), rb.getFreeSlots()>= len);
+ CHECKTM("Is full "+rb.toString(), !rb.isFull());
+ }
+ void writeTestImpl(SharedTypeRingbuffer &rb, int capacity, int len, int startValue) {
+ int preSize = rb.getSize();
+ CHECKM("Wrong capacity "+rb.toString(), capacity, rb.capacity());
+ CHECKTM("Too low capacity to write "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), capacity-len >= 0);
+ CHECKTM("Too low size to write "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), preSize+len <= capacity);
+ CHECKTM("Is full "+rb.toString(), !rb.isFull());
+ for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ std::string m = "Buffer is full at put #"+std::to_string(i)+": "+rb.toString();
+ CHECKTM(m, rb.put( SharedType( new Integer(startValue+i) ) ) );
+ }
+ CHECKM("Invalid size "+rb.toString(), preSize+len, rb.getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb.toString(), !rb.isEmpty());
+ }
+ void moveGetPutImpl(SharedTypeRingbuffer &rb, int pos) {
+ CHECKTM("RB is empty "+rb.toString(), !rb.isEmpty());
+ for(int i=0; i<pos; i++) {
+ CHECKM("MoveFull.get failed "+rb.toString(), i, rb.get()->intValue());
+ CHECKTM("MoveFull.put failed "+rb.toString(), rb.put( SharedType( new Integer(i) ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ void movePutGetImpl(SharedTypeRingbuffer &rb, int pos) {
+ CHECKTM("RB is full "+rb.toString(), !rb.isFull());
+ for(int i=0; i<pos; i++) {
+ CHECKTM("MoveEmpty.put failed "+rb.toString(), rb.put( SharedType( new Integer(600+i) ) ) );
+ CHECKM("MoveEmpty.get failed "+rb.toString(), 600+i, rb.get()->intValue());
+ }
+ }
+ void test01_FullRead() {
+ int capacity = 11;
+ std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createFull(source);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullRead: Created / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKM("Not full size "+rb->toString(), capacity, rb->getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, true, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullRead: PostRead / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ }
+ void test02_EmptyWrite() {
+ int capacity = 11;
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createEmpty(capacity);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_EmptyWrite: Created / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKM("Not zero size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ writeTestImpl(*rb, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_EmptyWrite: PostWrite / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKM("Not full size "+rb->toString(), capacity, rb->getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, true, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_EmptyWrite: PostRead / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ }
+ void test03_FullReadReset() {
+ int capacity = 11;
+ std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createFull(source);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Created / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ rb->reset(source);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Reset w/ source / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Read / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ rb->reset(source);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Reset w/ source / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Read / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ }
+ void test04_EmptyWriteClear() {
+ int capacity = 11;
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createEmpty(capacity);
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ rb->clear();
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ writeTestImpl(*rb, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ rb->clear();
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ writeTestImpl(*rb, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ }
+ void test05_ReadResetMid01() {
+ int capacity = 11;
+ std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createFull(source);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ rb->reset(source);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, 5, 0);
+ CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb->toString(), !rb->isEmpty());
+ CHECKTM("Is Full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
+ rb->reset(source);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ }
+ void test06_ReadResetMid02() {
+ int capacity = 11;
+ std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createFull(source);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ rb->reset(source);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ moveGetPutImpl(*rb, 5);
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, 5, 5);
+ CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb->toString(), !rb->isEmpty());
+ CHECKTM("Is Full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
+ rb->reset(source);
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ }
+ void test_GrowFullImpl(int initialCapacity, int pos) {
+ int growAmount = 5;
+ int grownCapacity = initialCapacity+growAmount;
+ std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(initialCapacity, 0);
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createFull(source);
+ for(int i=0; i<initialCapacity; i++) {
+ SharedType svI = rb->get();
+ CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), svI!=nullptr);
+ CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), (0+i)%initialCapacity, svI->intValue());
+ }
+ CHECKM("Not zero size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
+ rb->reset(source);
+ CHECKM("Not orig size "+rb->toString(), initialCapacity, rb->getSize());
+ moveGetPutImpl(*rb, pos);
+ // PRINTM("X02 "+rb->toString());
+ // rb->dump(stderr, "X02");
+ rb->recapacity(grownCapacity);
+ CHECKM("Wrong capacity "+rb->toString(), grownCapacity, rb->capacity());
+ CHECKM("Not orig size "+rb->toString(), initialCapacity, rb->getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Is full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
+ CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb->toString(), !rb->isEmpty());
+ // PRINTM("X03 "+rb->toString());
+ // rb->dump(stderr, "X03");
+ for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) {
+ CHECKTM("Buffer is full at put #"+std::to_string(i)+": "+rb->toString(), rb->put( SharedType( new Integer(100+i) ) ) );
+ }
+ CHECKM("Not new size "+rb->toString(), grownCapacity, rb->getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
+ for(int i=0; i<initialCapacity; i++) {
+ SharedType svI = rb->get();
+ // PRINTM("X05["+std::to_string(i)+"]: "+rb->toString()+", svI-null: "+std::to_string(svI==nullptr));
+ CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), svI!=nullptr);
+ CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), (pos+i)%initialCapacity, svI->intValue());
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) {
+ SharedType svI = rb->get();
+ // PRINTM("X07["+std::to_string(i)+"]: "+rb->toString()+", svI-null: "+std::to_string(svI==nullptr));
+ CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), svI!=nullptr);
+ CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), 100+i, svI->intValue());
+ }
+ CHECKM("Not zero size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
+ CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
+ CHECKTM("Is full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
+ }
+ public:
+ void test20_GrowFull01_Begin() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0);
+ }
+ void test21_GrowFull02_Begin1() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+1);
+ }
+ void test22_GrowFull03_Begin2() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+2);
+ }
+ void test23_GrowFull04_Begin3() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+3);
+ }
+ void test24_GrowFull05_End() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1);
+ }
+ void test25_GrowFull11_End1() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-1);
+ }
+ void test26_GrowFull12_End2() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-2);
+ }
+ void test27_GrowFull13_End3() {
+ test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-3);
+ }
+ void test_list() override {
+ test01_FullRead();
+ test02_EmptyWrite();
+ test03_FullReadReset();
+ test04_EmptyWriteClear();
+ test05_ReadResetMid01();
+ test06_ReadResetMid02();
+ test20_GrowFull01_Begin();
+ test21_GrowFull02_Begin1();
+ test22_GrowFull03_Begin2();
+ test23_GrowFull04_Begin3();
+ test24_GrowFull05_End();
+ test25_GrowFull11_End1();
+ test26_GrowFull12_End2();
+ test27_GrowFull13_End3();
+ }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ Cppunit_tests test1;
+ return;