path: root/test
diff options
authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2020-10-16 04:31:06 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2020-10-16 04:31:06 +0200
commitb477d8d7057d367feb0d87cccb212221b5992f82 (patch)
tree6fb66f2349363f871d15a121bd583841b2b39c39 /test
parent50fcf6a3781b4f3be7899c0e4a42c7b4a1505833 (diff)
Extract common C++ Support Library inclusive Java JNI Binding to sub-project jaucpp, namespace jau
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
7 files changed, 6 insertions, 1465 deletions
diff --git a/test/direct_bt/CMakeLists.txt b/test/direct_bt/CMakeLists.txt
index 135a2766..02bbf978 100644
--- a/test/direct_bt/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/direct_bt/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/jaucpp/include
-add_executable (test_functiondef01 test_functiondef01.cpp)
+add_executable (test_basictypes01 test_basictypes01.cpp)
COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror"
-target_link_libraries (test_functiondef01 direct_bt)
-add_dependencies(test_functiondef01 direct_bt)
-add_test (NAME functiondef01 COMMAND test_functiondef01)
+target_link_libraries (test_basictypes01 direct_bt)
+add_dependencies(test_basictypes01 direct_bt)
+add_test (NAME basictypes01 COMMAND test_basictypes01)
add_executable (test_uuid test_uuid.cpp)
@@ -25,17 +26,6 @@ target_link_libraries (test_uuid direct_bt)
add_dependencies(test_uuid direct_bt)
add_test (NAME uuid COMMAND test_uuid)
-add_executable (test_basictypes01 test_basictypes01.cpp)
- COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror"
-target_link_libraries (test_basictypes01 direct_bt)
-add_dependencies(test_basictypes01 direct_bt)
-add_test (NAME basictypes01 COMMAND test_basictypes01)
add_executable (test_attpdu01 test_attpdu01.cpp)
@@ -47,48 +37,3 @@ target_link_libraries (test_attpdu01 direct_bt)
add_dependencies(test_attpdu01 direct_bt)
add_test (NAME attpdu01 COMMAND test_attpdu01)
-add_executable (test_lfringbuffer01 test_lfringbuffer01.cpp)
- COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror"
-target_link_libraries (test_lfringbuffer01 direct_bt)
-add_dependencies(test_lfringbuffer01 direct_bt)
-add_test (NAME lfringbuffer01 COMMAND test_lfringbuffer01)
-add_executable (test_lfringbuffer11 test_lfringbuffer11.cpp)
- COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror"
-target_link_libraries (test_lfringbuffer11 direct_bt)
-add_dependencies(test_lfringbuffer11 direct_bt)
-add_test (NAME lfringbuffer11 COMMAND test_lfringbuffer11)
-add_executable (test_mm_sc_drf_00 test_mm_sc_drf_00.cpp)
- COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror"
-target_link_libraries (test_mm_sc_drf_00 direct_bt)
-add_dependencies(test_mm_sc_drf_00 direct_bt)
-add_test (NAME mm_sc_drf_00 COMMAND test_mm_sc_drf_00)
-add_executable (test_mm_sc_drf_01 test_mm_sc_drf_01.cpp)
- COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror"
-target_link_libraries (test_mm_sc_drf_01 direct_bt)
-add_dependencies(test_mm_sc_drf_01 direct_bt)
-add_test (NAME mm_sc_drf_01 COMMAND test_mm_sc_drf_01)
diff --git a/test/direct_bt/test_basictypes01.cpp b/test/direct_bt/test_basictypes01.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d44ac0c4..00000000
--- a/test/direct_bt/test_basictypes01.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cinttypes>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cppunit.h>
-#include <direct_bt/BasicTypes.hpp>
-#include <direct_bt/BTAddress.hpp>
-using namespace direct_bt;
-// Test examples.
-class Cppunit_tests : public Cppunit {
- private:
- void test_int32_t(const std::string msg, const int32_t v, const int expStrLen, const std::string expStr) {
- const std::string str = int32SeparatedString(v);
- PRINTM(msg+": has '"+str+"', len "+std::to_string(str.length()));
- PRINTM(msg+": exp '"+expStr+"', len "+std::to_string(expStr.length())+", equal: "+std::to_string(str==expStr));
- CHECKM(msg, str.length(), expStrLen);
- CHECKTM(msg, str == expStr);
- }
- void test_uint32_t(const std::string msg, const uint32_t v, const int expStrLen, const std::string expStr) {
- const std::string str = uint32SeparatedString(v);
- PRINTM(msg+": has '"+str+"', len "+std::to_string(str.length()));
- PRINTM(msg+": exp '"+expStr+"', len "+std::to_string(expStr.length())+", equal: "+std::to_string(str==expStr));
- CHECKM(msg, str.length(), expStrLen);
- CHECKTM(msg, str == expStr);
- }
- void test_uint64_t(const std::string msg, const uint64_t v, const int expStrLen, const std::string expStr) {
- const std::string str = uint64SeparatedString(v);
- PRINTM(msg+": has '"+str+"', len "+std::to_string(str.length()));
- PRINTM(msg+": exp '"+expStr+"', len "+std::to_string(expStr.length())+", equal: "+std::to_string(str==expStr));
- CHECKM(msg, str.length(), expStrLen);
- CHECKTM(msg, str == expStr);
- }
- public:
- void single_test() override {
- {
- test_int32_t("INT32_MIN", INT32_MIN, 14, "-2,147,483,648");
- test_int32_t("int32_t -thousand", -1000, 6, "-1,000");
- test_int32_t("int32_t one", 1, 1, "1");
- test_int32_t("int32_t thousand", 1000, 5, "1,000");
- test_int32_t("INT32_MAX", INT32_MAX, 13, "2,147,483,647");
- test_uint32_t("UINT32_MIN", 0, 1, "0");
- test_uint32_t("uint32_t one", 1, 1, "1");
- test_uint32_t("uint32_t thousand", 1000, 5, "1,000");
- test_uint32_t("UINT32_MAX", UINT32_MAX, 13, "4,294,967,295");
- test_uint64_t("UINT64_MIN", 0, 1, "0");
- test_uint64_t("uint64_t one", 1, 1, "1");
- test_uint64_t("uint64_t thousand", 1000, 5, "1,000");
- test_uint64_t("UINT64_MAX", UINT64_MAX, 26, "18,446,744,073,709,551,615");
- }
- {
- EUI48 mac01;
- PRINTM("EUI48 size: whole0 "+std::to_string(sizeof(EUI48)));
- PRINTM("EUI48 size: whole1 "+std::to_string(sizeof(mac01)));
- PRINTM("EUI48 size: data1 "+std::to_string(sizeof(mac01.b)));
- CHECKM("EUI48 struct and data size not matching", sizeof(EUI48), sizeof(mac01));
- CHECKM("EUI48 struct and data size not matching", sizeof(mac01), sizeof(mac01.b));
- }
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- (void)argc;
- (void)argv;
- Cppunit_tests test1;
- return;
diff --git a/test/direct_bt/test_functiondef01.cpp b/test/direct_bt/test_functiondef01.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02872b66..00000000
--- a/test/direct_bt/test_functiondef01.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cinttypes>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cppunit.h>
-#include <direct_bt/FunctionDef.hpp>
-using namespace direct_bt;
-// Test examples.
-class Cppunit_tests : public Cppunit {
- private:
- int func2a_member(int i) {
- int res = i+100;
- return res;;
- }
- int func2b_member(int i) {
- int res = i+1000;
- return res;;
- }
- static int Func3a_static(int i) {
- int res = i+100;
- return res;;
- }
- static int Func3b_static(int i) {
- int res = i+1000;
- return res;;
- }
- // template<typename R, typename... A>
- typedef FunctionDef<int, int> MyClassFunction;
- struct IntOffset {
- int value;
- IntOffset(int v) : value(v) {}
- IntOffset(const IntOffset &o)
- : value(o.value)
- {
- PRINTM("IntOffset::copy_ctor");
- }
- IntOffset(IntOffset &&o)
- : value(std::move(o.value))
- {
- PRINTM("IntOffset::move_ctor");
- }
- IntOffset& operator=(const IntOffset &o) {
- PRINTM("IntOffset::copy_assign");
- if( &o == this ) {
- return *this;
- }
- value = o.value;
- return *this;
- }
- IntOffset& operator=(IntOffset &&o) {
- PRINTM("IntOffset::move_assign");
- value = std::move(o.value);
- (void)value;
- return *this;
- }
- bool operator==(const IntOffset& rhs) const {
- if( &rhs == this ) {
- return true;
- }
- return value == rhs.value;
- }
- bool operator!=(const IntOffset& rhs) const
- { return !( *this == rhs ); }
- };
- void test_FunctionPointer00(std::string msg, bool expEqual, int value, int expRes, MyClassFunction & f1, MyClassFunction &f2) {
- // test std::function identity
- PRINTM(msg+": FunctionPointer00 Fun f1p == f2p : " + std::to_string( f1 == f2 ) + ", f1p: " + f1.toString() + ", f2 "+f2.toString() );
- int f1r = f1.invoke(value);
- int f2r = f2.invoke(value);
- PRINTM(msg+": FunctionPointer00 Res f1r == f2r : " + std::to_string( f1r == f2r ) + ", f1r: " + std::to_string( f1r ) + ", f2r "+std::to_string( f2r ) );
- if( expEqual ) {
- CHECKM(msg, f1r, expRes);
- CHECKM(msg, f2r, expRes);
- CHECKTM(msg, f1 == f2);
- } else {
- CHECKTM(msg, f1 != f2);
- }
- }
- void test_FunctionPointer01(std::string msg, bool expEqual, MyClassFunction & f1, MyClassFunction &f2) {
- // test std::function identity
- PRINTM(msg+": FunctionPointer00 Fun f1p == f2p : " + std::to_string( f1 == f2 ) + ", f1p: " + f1.toString() + ", f2 "+f2.toString() );
- if( expEqual ) {
- CHECKTM(msg, f1 == f2);
- } else {
- CHECKTM(msg, f1 != f2);
- }
- }
- public:
- void single_test() override {
- {
- PRINTM("FuncPtr2_member: bindMemberFunc<int, Cppunit_tests, int>: START");
- // FunctionDef(Cppunit_tests &base, Func1Type func)
- MyClassFunction f2a_1 = bindMemberFunc<int, Cppunit_tests, int>(this, &Cppunit_tests::func2a_member);
- MyClassFunction f2a_2 = bindMemberFunc(this, &Cppunit_tests::func2a_member);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr2a_member_11", true, 1, 101, f2a_1, f2a_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr2a_member_12", true, 1, 101, f2a_1, f2a_2);
- MyClassFunction f2b_1 = bindMemberFunc(this, &Cppunit_tests::func2b_member);
- MyClassFunction f2b_2 = bindMemberFunc(this, &Cppunit_tests::func2b_member);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr2b_member_11", true, 1, 1001, f2b_1, f2b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr2b_member_12", true, 1, 1001, f2b_1, f2b_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr2ab_member_11", false, 1, 0, f2a_1, f2b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr2ab_member_22", false, 1, 0, f2a_2, f2b_2);
- PRINTM("FuncPtr2_member: bindMemberFunc<int, Cppunit_tests, int>: END");
- }
- {
- PRINTM("FuncPtr3_plain: bindPlainFunc<int, int>: START");
- // FunctionDef(Func1Type func)
- MyClassFunction f3a_1 = bindPlainFunc<int, int>(&Cppunit_tests::Func3a_static);
- MyClassFunction f3a_2 = bindPlainFunc(&Cppunit_tests::Func3a_static);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr3a_plain_11", true, 1, 101, f3a_1, f3a_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr3a_plain_12", true, 1, 101, f3a_1, f3a_2);
- MyClassFunction f3b_1 = bindPlainFunc(&Cppunit_tests::Func3b_static);
- MyClassFunction f3b_2 = bindPlainFunc(&Func3b_static);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr3b_plain_11", true, 1, 1001, f3b_1, f3b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr3b_plain_12", true, 1, 1001, f3b_1, f3b_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr3ab_plain_11", false, 1, 0, f3a_1, f3b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr3ab_plain_22", false, 1, 0, f3a_2, f3b_2);
- PRINTM("FuncPtr3_plain: bindPlainFunc<int, int>: END");
- }
- {
- PRINTM("FuncPtr4_stdlambda: bindStdFunc<int, int>: START");
- // FunctionDef(Func1Type func) <int, int>
- std::function<int(int i)> func4a_stdlambda = [](int i)->int {
- int res = i+100;
- return res;;
- };
- std::function<int(int i)> func4b_stdlambda = [](int i)->int {
- int res = i+1000;
- return res;;
- };
- MyClassFunction f4a_1 = bindStdFunc<int, int>(100, func4a_stdlambda);
- MyClassFunction f4a_2 = bindStdFunc(100, func4a_stdlambda);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr4a_stdlambda_11", true, 1, 101, f4a_1, f4a_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr4a_stdlambda_12", true, 1, 101, f4a_1, f4a_2);
- MyClassFunction f4b_1 = bindStdFunc(200, func4b_stdlambda);
- MyClassFunction f4b_2 = bindStdFunc(200, func4b_stdlambda);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr4b_stdlambda_11", true, 1, 1001, f4b_1, f4b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr4b_stdlambda_12", true, 1, 1001, f4b_1, f4b_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr4ab_stdlambda_11", false, 1, 0, f4a_1, f4b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr4ab_stdlambda_22", false, 1, 0, f4a_2, f4b_2);
- MyClassFunction f4a_0 = bindStdFunc<int, int>(100);
- MyClassFunction f4b_0 = bindStdFunc<int, int>(200);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr4a_stdlambda_01", true, f4a_0, f4a_1);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr4a_stdlambda_02", true, f4a_0, f4a_2);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr4b_stdlambda_01", true, f4b_0, f4b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr4b_stdlambda_02", true, f4b_0, f4b_2);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr4ab_stdlambda_00", false, f4a_0, f4b_0);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr4ab_stdlambda_01", false, f4a_0, f4b_1);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr4ab_stdlambda_10", false, f4a_1, f4b_0);
- PRINTM("FuncPtr4_stdlambda: bindStdFunc<int, int>: END");
- }
- {
- PRINTM("FuncPtr5_capture: bindCaptureFunc<int, int, int>: START");
- // bindCaptureFunc(I& data, R(*func)(I&, A...))
- // FunctionDef(Func1Type func) <int, int>
- int offset100 = 100;
- int offset1000 = 1000;
- int(*func5a_capture)(int&, int) = [](int& offset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+10000+offset;
- return res;
- };
- int(*func5b_capture)(int&, int) = [](int& offset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+100000+offset;
- return res;
- };
-#if 0
- MyClassFunction f5a_o100_0 = bindCaptureFunc<int, int, int>(offset100,
- [](int& offset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+10000+offset;
- return res;;
- } );
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr5a_o100_capture_00", true, f5a_o100_0, f5a_o100_0);
- MyClassFunction f5a_o100_1 = bindCaptureFunc<int, int, int>(offset100, func5a_capture);
- MyClassFunction f5a_o100_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func5a_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr5a_o100_capture_12", true, f5a_o100_1, f5a_o100_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr5a_o100_capture_11", true, 1, 10101, f5a_o100_1, f5a_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr5a_o100_capture_12", true, 1, 10101, f5a_o100_1, f5a_o100_2);
- // test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr5a_o100_capture_01", false, f5a_o100_0, f5a_o100_1);
- MyClassFunction f5a_o1000_1 = bindCaptureFunc(offset1000, func5a_capture);
- MyClassFunction f5a_o1000_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset1000, func5a_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr5a_o1000_capture_12", true, f5a_o1000_1, f5a_o1000_2);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr5a_o100_o1000_capture_11", false, f5a_o100_1, f5a_o1000_1);
- MyClassFunction f5b_o100_1 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func5b_capture);
- MyClassFunction f5b_o100_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func5b_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr5b_o100_capture_11", true, 1, 100101, f5b_o100_1, f5b_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr5b_o100_capture_12", true, 1, 100101, f5b_o100_1, f5b_o100_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr5ab_o100_capture_11", false, 1, 0, f5a_o100_1, f5b_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr5ab_o100_capture_22", false, 1, 0, f5a_o100_2, f5b_o100_2);
- PRINTM("FuncPtr5_capture: bindCaptureFunc<int, int, int>: END");
- }
- {
- PRINTM("FuncPtr6_capture: bindCaptureFunc<int, std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>, int>: START");
- // bindCaptureFunc(I& data, R(*func)(I&, A...))
- // FunctionDef(Func1Type func) <int, int>
- std::shared_ptr<IntOffset> offset100(new IntOffset(100));
- std::shared_ptr<IntOffset> offset1000(new IntOffset(1000));
- int(*func6a_capture)(std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>&, int) = [](std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>& sharedOffset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+10000+sharedOffset->value;
- return res;
- };
- int(*func6b_capture)(std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>&, int) = [](std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>& sharedOffset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+100000+sharedOffset->value;
- return res;
- };
-#if 0
- MyClassFunction f6a_o100_0 = bindCaptureFunc<int, std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>, int>(offset100,
- [](std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>& sharedOffset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+10000+sharedOffset->value;
- return res;;
- } );
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr6a_o100_capture_00", true, f6a_o100_0, f6a_o100_0);
- MyClassFunction f6a_o100_1 = bindCaptureFunc<int, std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>, int>(offset100, func6a_capture);
- MyClassFunction f6a_o100_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func6a_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr6a_o100_capture_12", true, f6a_o100_1, f6a_o100_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr6a_o100_capture_11", true, 1, 10101, f6a_o100_1, f6a_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr6a_o100_capture_12", true, 1, 10101, f6a_o100_1, f6a_o100_2);
- // test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr6a_o100_capture_01", false, f6a_o100_0, f6a_o100_1);
- MyClassFunction f6a_o1000_1 = bindCaptureFunc(offset1000, func6a_capture);
- MyClassFunction f6a_o1000_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset1000, func6a_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr6a_o1000_capture_12", true, f6a_o1000_1, f6a_o1000_2);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr6a_o100_o1000_capture_11", false, f6a_o100_1, f6a_o1000_1);
- MyClassFunction f6b_o100_1 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func6b_capture);
- MyClassFunction f6b_o100_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func6b_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr6b_o100_capture_11", true, 1, 100101, f6b_o100_1, f6b_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr6b_o100_capture_12", true, 1, 100101, f6b_o100_1, f6b_o100_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr6ab_o100_capture_11", false, 1, 0, f6a_o100_1, f6b_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr6ab_o100_capture_22", false, 1, 0, f6a_o100_2, f6b_o100_2);
- PRINTM("FuncPtr6_capture: bindCaptureFunc<int, std::shared_ptr<IntOffset>, int>: END");
- }
- {
- PRINTM("FuncPtr7_capture: bindCaptureFunc<int, IntOffset, int>: START");
- // bindCaptureFunc(I& data, R(*func)(I&, A...))
- // FunctionDef(Func1Type func) <int, int>
- IntOffset offset100(100);
- IntOffset offset1000(1000);
- int(*func7a_capture)(IntOffset&, int) = [](IntOffset& sharedOffset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+10000+sharedOffset.value;
- return res;
- };
- int(*func7b_capture)(IntOffset&, int) = [](IntOffset& sharedOffset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+100000+sharedOffset.value;
- return res;
- };
-#if 0
- MyClassFunction f7a_o100_0 = bindCaptureFunc<int, IntOffset, int>(offset100,
- [](IntOffset& sharedOffset, int i)->int {
- int res = i+10000+sharedOffset.value;
- return res;;
- } );
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr7a_o100_capture_00", true, f7a_o100_0, f7a_o100_0);
- PRINTM("f7a_o100_1 copy_ctor");
- MyClassFunction f7a_o100_1 = bindCaptureFunc<int, IntOffset, int>(offset100, func7a_capture);
- PRINTM("f7a_o100_1 copy_ctor done");
- PRINTM("f7a_o100_2 move_ctor");
- MyClassFunction f7a_o100_2 = bindCaptureFunc(IntOffset(100), func7a_capture);
- PRINTM("f7a_o100_2 move_ctor done");
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr7a_o100_capture_12", true, f7a_o100_1, f7a_o100_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr7a_o100_capture_11", true, 1, 10101, f7a_o100_1, f7a_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr7a_o100_capture_12", true, 1, 10101, f7a_o100_1, f7a_o100_2);
- // test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr7a_o100_capture_01", false, f7a_o100_0, f7a_o100_1);
- MyClassFunction f7a_o1000_1 = bindCaptureFunc(offset1000, func7a_capture);
- MyClassFunction f7a_o1000_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset1000, func7a_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr7a_o1000_capture_12", true, f7a_o1000_1, f7a_o1000_2);
- test_FunctionPointer01("FuncPtr7a_o100_o1000_capture_11", false, f7a_o100_1, f7a_o1000_1);
- MyClassFunction f7b_o100_1 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func7b_capture);
- MyClassFunction f7b_o100_2 = bindCaptureFunc(offset100, func7b_capture);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr7b_o100_capture_11", true, 1, 100101, f7b_o100_1, f7b_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr7b_o100_capture_12", true, 1, 100101, f7b_o100_1, f7b_o100_2);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr7ab_o100_capture_11", false, 1, 0, f7a_o100_1, f7b_o100_1);
- test_FunctionPointer00("FuncPtr7ab_o100_capture_22", false, 1, 0, f7a_o100_2, f7b_o100_2);
- PRINTM("FuncPtr7_capture: bindCaptureFunc<int, IntOffset, int>: END");
- }
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- (void)argc;
- (void)argv;
- Cppunit_tests test1;
- return;
diff --git a/test/direct_bt/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp b/test/direct_bt/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f3c101..00000000
--- a/test/direct_bt/test_lfringbuffer01.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cinttypes>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <memory>
-#include <cppunit.h>
-#include <direct_bt/UUID.hpp>
-#include <direct_bt/Ringbuffer.hpp>
-#include <direct_bt/LFRingbuffer.hpp>
-using namespace direct_bt;
-class Integer {
- public:
- int value;
- Integer(int v) : value(v) {}
- Integer(const Integer &o) noexcept = default;
- Integer(Integer &&o) noexcept = default;
- Integer& operator=(const Integer &o) noexcept = default;
- Integer& operator=(Integer &&o) noexcept = default;
- operator int() const {
- return value;
- }
- int intValue() const { return value; }
- static Integer valueOf(const int i) { return Integer(i); }
-std::shared_ptr<Integer> NullInteger = nullptr;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<Integer> SharedType;
-typedef Ringbuffer<SharedType> SharedTypeRingbuffer;
-typedef LFRingbuffer<SharedType, nullptr> SharedTypeLFRingbuffer;
-// Test examples.
-class Cppunit_tests : public Cppunit {
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> createEmpty(int initialCapacity) {
- return std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer>(new SharedTypeLFRingbuffer(initialCapacity));
- }
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> createFull(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Integer>> & source) {
- return std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer>(new SharedTypeLFRingbuffer(source));
- }
- std::vector<SharedType> createIntArray(const int capacity, const int startValue) {
- std::vector<SharedType> array(capacity);
- for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
- array[i] = SharedType(new Integer(startValue+i));
- }
- return array;
- }
- void readTestImpl(Ringbuffer<SharedType> &rb, bool clearRef, int capacity, int len, int startValue) {
- (void) clearRef;
- int preSize = rb.getSize();
- CHECKM("Wrong capacity "+rb.toString(), capacity, rb.capacity());
- CHECKTM("Too low capacity to read "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), capacity-len >= 0);
- CHECKTM("Too low size to read "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), preSize >= len);
- CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb.toString(), !rb.isEmpty());
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- SharedType svI = rb.get();
- CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb.toString(), svI!=nullptr);
- CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb.toString(), startValue+i, svI->intValue());
- }
- CHECKM("Invalid size "+rb.toString(), preSize-len, rb.getSize());
- CHECKTM("Invalid free slots after reading "+std::to_string(len)+": "+rb.toString(), rb.getFreeSlots()>= len);
- CHECKTM("Is full "+rb.toString(), !rb.isFull());
- }
- void writeTestImpl(Ringbuffer<SharedType> &rb, int capacity, int len, int startValue) {
- int preSize = rb.getSize();
- CHECKM("Wrong capacity "+rb.toString(), capacity, rb.capacity());
- CHECKTM("Too low capacity to write "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), capacity-len >= 0);
- CHECKTM("Too low size to write "+std::to_string(len)+" elems: "+rb.toString(), preSize+len <= capacity);
- CHECKTM("Is full "+rb.toString(), !rb.isFull());
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- std::string m = "Buffer is full at put #"+std::to_string(i)+": "+rb.toString();
- CHECKTM(m, rb.put( SharedType( new Integer(startValue+i) ) ) );
- }
- CHECKM("Invalid size "+rb.toString(), preSize+len, rb.getSize());
- CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb.toString(), !rb.isEmpty());
- }
- void moveGetPutImpl(Ringbuffer<SharedType> &rb, int pos) {
- CHECKTM("RB is empty "+rb.toString(), !rb.isEmpty());
- for(int i=0; i<pos; i++) {
- CHECKM("MoveFull.get failed "+rb.toString(), i, rb.get()->intValue());
- CHECKTM("MoveFull.put failed "+rb.toString(), rb.put( SharedType( new Integer(i) ) ) );
- }
- }
- void movePutGetImpl(Ringbuffer<SharedType> &rb, int pos) {
- CHECKTM("RB is full "+rb.toString(), !rb.isFull());
- for(int i=0; i<pos; i++) {
- CHECKTM("MoveEmpty.put failed "+rb.toString(), rb.put( SharedType( new Integer(600+i) ) ) );
- CHECKM("MoveEmpty.get failed "+rb.toString(), 600+i, rb.get()->intValue());
- }
- }
- void test01_FullRead() {
- int capacity = 11;
- std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createFull(source);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullRead: Created / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKM("Not full size "+rb->toString(), capacity, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, true, capacity, capacity, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullRead: PostRead / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- }
- void test02_EmptyWrite() {
- int capacity = 11;
- std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb = createEmpty(capacity);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_EmptyWrite: Created / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKM("Not zero size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- writeTestImpl(*rb, capacity, capacity, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_EmptyWrite: PostWrite / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKM("Not full size "+rb->toString(), capacity, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, true, capacity, capacity, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_EmptyWrite: PostRead / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- }
- void test03_FullReadReset() {
- int capacity = 11;
- std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
- std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb = createFull(source);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Created / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- rb->reset(source);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Reset w/ source / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Read / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- rb->reset(source);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Reset w/ source / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
- fprintf(stderr, "test01_FullReadReset: Post Read / %s\n", rb->toString().c_str());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- }
- void test04_EmptyWriteClear() {
- int capacity = 11;
- std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb = createEmpty(capacity);
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- rb->clear();
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- writeTestImpl(*rb, capacity, capacity, 0);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- rb->clear();
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- writeTestImpl(*rb, capacity, capacity, 0);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- }
- void test05_ReadResetMid01() {
- int capacity = 11;
- std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
- std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb = createFull(source);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- rb->reset(source);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, 5, 0);
- CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb->toString(), !rb->isEmpty());
- CHECKTM("Is Full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
- rb->reset(source);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- }
- void test06_ReadResetMid02() {
- int capacity = 11;
- std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(capacity, 0);
- std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb = createFull(source);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- rb->reset(source);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- moveGetPutImpl(*rb, 5);
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, 5, 5);
- CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb->toString(), !rb->isEmpty());
- CHECKTM("Is Full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
- rb->reset(source);
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- readTestImpl(*rb, false, capacity, capacity, 0);
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- }
- void test_GrowFullImpl(int initialCapacity, int pos) {
- int growAmount = 5;
- int grownCapacity = initialCapacity+growAmount;
- std::vector<SharedType> source = createIntArray(initialCapacity, 0);
- std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb = createFull(source);
- for(int i=0; i<initialCapacity; i++) {
- SharedType svI = rb->get();
- CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), svI!=nullptr);
- CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), (0+i)%initialCapacity, svI->intValue());
- }
- CHECKM("Not zero size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- rb->reset(source);
- CHECKM("Not orig size "+rb->toString(), initialCapacity, rb->getSize());
- moveGetPutImpl(*rb, pos);
- // PRINTM("X02 "+rb->toString());
- // rb->dump(stderr, "X02");
- rb->recapacity(grownCapacity);
- CHECKM("Wrong capacity "+rb->toString(), grownCapacity, rb->capacity());
- CHECKM("Not orig size "+rb->toString(), initialCapacity, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Is full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
- CHECKTM("Is empty "+rb->toString(), !rb->isEmpty());
- // PRINTM("X03 "+rb->toString());
- // rb->dump(stderr, "X03");
- for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) {
- CHECKTM("Buffer is full at put #"+std::to_string(i)+": "+rb->toString(), rb->put( SharedType( new Integer(100+i) ) ) );
- }
- CHECKM("Not new size "+rb->toString(), grownCapacity, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not full "+rb->toString(), rb->isFull());
- for(int i=0; i<initialCapacity; i++) {
- SharedType svI = rb->get();
- // PRINTM("X05["+std::to_string(i)+"]: "+rb->toString()+", svI-null: "+std::to_string(svI==nullptr));
- CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), svI!=nullptr);
- CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), (pos+i)%initialCapacity, svI->intValue());
- }
- for(int i=0; i<growAmount; i++) {
- SharedType svI = rb->get();
- // PRINTM("X07["+std::to_string(i)+"]: "+rb->toString()+", svI-null: "+std::to_string(svI==nullptr));
- CHECKTM("Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), svI!=nullptr);
- CHECKM("Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), 100+i, svI->intValue());
- }
- CHECKM("Not zero size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- CHECKTM("Is full "+rb->toString(), !rb->isFull());
- }
- public:
- void test20_GrowFull01_Begin() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0);
- }
- void test21_GrowFull02_Begin1() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+1);
- }
- void test22_GrowFull03_Begin2() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+2);
- }
- void test23_GrowFull04_Begin3() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 0+3);
- }
- void test24_GrowFull05_End() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1);
- }
- void test25_GrowFull11_End1() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-1);
- }
- void test26_GrowFull12_End2() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-2);
- }
- void test27_GrowFull13_End3() {
- test_GrowFullImpl(11, 11-1-3);
- }
- void test_list() override {
- test01_FullRead();
- test02_EmptyWrite();
- test03_FullReadReset();
- test04_EmptyWriteClear();
- test05_ReadResetMid01();
- test06_ReadResetMid02();
- test20_GrowFull01_Begin();
- test21_GrowFull02_Begin1();
- test22_GrowFull03_Begin2();
- test23_GrowFull04_Begin3();
- test24_GrowFull05_End();
- test25_GrowFull11_End1();
- test26_GrowFull12_End2();
- test27_GrowFull13_End3();
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- (void)argc;
- (void)argv;
- Cppunit_tests test1;
- return;
diff --git a/test/direct_bt/test_lfringbuffer11.cpp b/test/direct_bt/test_lfringbuffer11.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index dcbba69e..00000000
--- a/test/direct_bt/test_lfringbuffer11.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cinttypes>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <memory>
-#include <thread>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <cppunit.h>
-#include <direct_bt/UUID.hpp>
-#include <direct_bt/Ringbuffer.hpp>
-#include <direct_bt/LFRingbuffer.hpp>
-using namespace direct_bt;
-class Integer {
- public:
- int value;
- Integer(int v) : value(v) {}
- Integer(const Integer &o) noexcept = default;
- Integer(Integer &&o) noexcept = default;
- Integer& operator=(const Integer &o) noexcept = default;
- Integer& operator=(Integer &&o) noexcept = default;
- operator int() const {
- return value;
- }
- int intValue() const { return value; }
- static Integer valueOf(const int i) { return Integer(i); }
-std::shared_ptr<Integer> NullInteger = nullptr;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<Integer> SharedType;
-typedef Ringbuffer<SharedType> SharedTypeRingbuffer;
-typedef LFRingbuffer<SharedType, nullptr> SharedTypeLFRingbuffer;
-// Test examples.
-class Cppunit_tests : public Cppunit {
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> createEmpty(int initialCapacity) {
- return std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer>(new SharedTypeLFRingbuffer(initialCapacity));
- }
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> createFull(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Integer>> & source) {
- return std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer>(new SharedTypeLFRingbuffer(source));
- }
- std::vector<SharedType> createIntArray(const int capacity, const int startValue) {
- std::vector<SharedType> array(capacity);
- for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
- array[i] = SharedType(new Integer(startValue+i));
- }
- return array;
- }
- void getThreadType01(const std::string msg, std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb, int len, int startValue) {
- // std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
- // pthread_t this_id = pthread_self();
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Created / %s\n", msg.c_str(), rb->toString().c_str());
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- SharedType svI = rb->getBlocking();
- CHECKTM(msg+": Empty at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), svI!=nullptr);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got %d / %s\n",
- msg.c_str(), svI->intValue(), rb->toString().c_str());
- if( 0 <= startValue ) {
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read #"+std::to_string(i+1)+": "+rb->toString(), startValue+i, svI->intValue());
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Dies / %s\n", msg.c_str(), rb->toString().c_str());
- }
- void putThreadType01(const std::string msg, std::shared_ptr<Ringbuffer<SharedType>> rb, int len, int startValue) {
- // std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
- // pthread_t this_id = pthread_self();
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Created / %s\n", msg.c_str(), rb->toString().c_str());
- int preSize = rb->getSize();
- (void)preSize;
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- Integer * vI = new Integer(startValue+i);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Putting %d ... / %s\n",
- msg.c_str(), vI->intValue(), rb->toString().c_str());
- rb->putBlocking( SharedType( vI ) );
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: Dies / %s\n", msg.c_str(), rb->toString().c_str());
- }
- public:
- void test01_Read1Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest01_Read1Write1\n");
- int capacity = 100;
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createEmpty(capacity);
- CHECKM("Not empty size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get01", rb, capacity, 0); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, "test01.put01", rb, capacity, 0); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread01.join();
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- CHECKM("Not empty size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- }
- void test02_Read4Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest02_Read4Write1\n");
- int capacity = 400;
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createEmpty(capacity);
- CHECKM("Not empty size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get01", rb, capacity/4, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread02(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get02", rb, capacity/4, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, "test02.put01", rb, capacity, 0); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread03(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get03", rb, capacity/4, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread04(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get04", rb, capacity/4, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread01.join();
- getThread02.join();
- getThread03.join();
- getThread04.join();
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- CHECKM("Not empty size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- }
- void test03_Read8Write2() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest03_Read8Write2\n");
- int capacity = 800;
- std::shared_ptr<SharedTypeRingbuffer> rb = createEmpty(capacity);
- CHECKM("Not empty size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get01", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread02(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get02", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, "test03.put01", rb, capacity/2, 0); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread03(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get03", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread04(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get04", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread05(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get05", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread06(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get06", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread02(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, "test03.put02", rb, capacity/2, 400); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread07(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get07", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread08(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test03.get08", rb, capacity/8, -1); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- putThread02.join();
- getThread01.join();
- getThread02.join();
- getThread03.join();
- getThread04.join();
- getThread05.join();
- getThread06.join();
- getThread07.join();
- getThread08.join();
- CHECKTM("Not empty "+rb->toString(), rb->isEmpty());
- CHECKM("Not empty size "+rb->toString(), 0, rb->getSize());
- }
- void test_list() override {
- test01_Read1Write1();
- test02_Read4Write1();
- test03_Read8Write2();
- test01_Read1Write1();
- test02_Read4Write1();
- test03_Read8Write2();
- test03_Read8Write2();
- test03_Read8Write2();
- test03_Read8Write2();
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- (void)argc;
- (void)argv;
- Cppunit_tests test1;
- return;
diff --git a/test/direct_bt/test_mm_sc_drf_00.cpp b/test/direct_bt/test_mm_sc_drf_00.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 505cbcc1..00000000
--- a/test/direct_bt/test_mm_sc_drf_00.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cinttypes>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <memory>
-#include <thread>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <cppunit.h>
-#include <direct_bt/OrderedAtomic.hpp>
-using namespace direct_bt;
-static int loops = 10;
- * test_mm_sc_drf_00: Testing SC-DRF non-atomic global read and write within an atomic acquire/release critical block.
- * <p>
- * Modified non-atomic memory within the atomic acquire (load) and release (store) block,
- * must be visible for all threads according to memory model (MM) Sequentially Consistent (SC) being data-race-free (DRF).
- * <br>
- * See Herb Sutter's 2013-12-23 slides p19, first box "It must be impossible for the assertion to fail – wouldn’t be SC.".
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * This test's threads utilize a spin-lock, waiting for their turn.
- * Such busy cycles were chosen to simplify the test and are not recommended
- * as they expose poor performance on a high thread-count and hence long 'working thread pipe'.
- * </p>
- * See 'test_mm_sc_drf_01' implementing same test using mutex-lock and condition wait.
- */
-class Cppunit_tests : public Cppunit {
- private:
- enum Defaults : int {
- array_size = 10
- };
- constexpr int number(const Defaults rhs) noexcept {
- return static_cast<int>(rhs);
- }
- int value1 = 0;
- int array[array_size] = { 0 };
- sc_atomic_int sync_value;
- void reset(int v1, int array_value) {
- int _sync_value = sync_value; // SC-DRF acquire atomic
- (void) _sync_value;
- value1 = v1;
- for(int i=0; i<array_size; i++) {
- array[i] = array_value;
- }
- sync_value = v1; // SC-DRF release atomic
- }
- void putThreadType01(int _len, int startValue) {
- const int len = std::min(number(array_size), _len);
- {
- int _sync_value = sync_value; // SC-DRF acquire atomic
- _sync_value = startValue;
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- array[i] = _sync_value+i;
- }
- value1 = startValue;
- sync_value = _sync_value; // SC-DRF release atomic
- }
- }
- void getThreadType01(const std::string msg, int _len, int startValue) {
- const int len = std::min(number(array_size), _len);
- int _sync_value;
- while( startValue != ( _sync_value = sync_value ) ) ; // SC-DRF acquire atomic with spin-lock waiting for startValue
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read value1 (sync)", _sync_value, value1);
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read value1 (start)", startValue, value1);
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- int v = array[i];
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong sync value at read array #"+std::to_string(i), (_sync_value+i), v);
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong start value at read array #"+std::to_string(i), (startValue+i), v);
- }
- sync_value = _sync_value; // SC-DRF release atomic
- }
- void putThreadType11(int indexAndValue) {
- const int idx = std::min(number(array_size)-1, indexAndValue);
- {
- // idx is encoded on sync_value (v) as follows
- // v > 0: get @ idx = v -1
- // v < 0: put @ idx = abs(v) -1
- int _sync_value;
- // SC-DRF acquire atomic with spin-lock waiting for encoded idx
- do {
- _sync_value = sync_value;
- } while( idx != (_sync_value * -1) - 1 );
- // fprintf(stderr, "putThreadType11.done @ %d (has %d, exp %d)\n", idx, _sync_value, (idx+1)*-1);
- _sync_value = idx;
- value1 = idx;
- array[idx] = idx; // last written checked first, SC-DRF should handle...
- sync_value = _sync_value; // SC-DRF release atomic
- }
- }
- void getThreadType11(const std::string msg, int _idx) {
- const int idx = std::min(number(array_size)-1, _idx);
- // idx is encoded on sync_value (v) as follows
- // v > 0: get @ idx = v -1
- // v < 0: put @ idx = abs(v) -1
- int _sync_value;
- // SC-DRF acquire atomic with spin-lock waiting for idx
- do {
- _sync_value = sync_value;
- } while( idx != _sync_value );
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read array (a), idx "+std::to_string(idx), idx, array[idx]); // check last-written first
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read value1, idx "+std::to_string(idx), idx, value1);
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read sync, idx "+std::to_string(idx), idx, _sync_value);
- // next write encoded idx
- _sync_value = (idx+1)%array_size;
- _sync_value = ( _sync_value + 1 ) * -1;
- // fprintf(stderr, "getThreadType11.done for %d, next %d (v %d)\n", idx, (idx+1)%array_size, _sync_value);
- value1 = _sync_value;
- sync_value = _sync_value; // SC-DRF release atomic
- }
- public:
- Cppunit_tests()
- : value1(0), sync_value(0) {}
- void test01_Read1Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest01_Read1Write1.a\n");
- reset(0, 1010);
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get01", array_size, 3); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 3); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread01.join();
- }
- void test02_Read2Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest01_Read2Write1.a\n");
- reset(0, 1021);
- {
- std::thread getThread00(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get00", array_size, 4); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get01", array_size, 4); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 4); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread00.join();
- getThread01.join();
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest01_Read2Write1.b\n");
- reset(0, 1022);
- {
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 5); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread00(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get00", array_size, 5); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get01", array_size, 5); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread00.join();
- getThread01.join();
- }
- }
- void test03_Read4Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest02_Read4Write1\n");
- reset(0, 1030);
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get01", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread02(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get02", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread03(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get03", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread04(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get04", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread01.join();
- getThread02.join();
- getThread03.join();
- getThread04.join();
- }
- void test11_Read10Write10() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest11_Read10Write10\n");
- reset(-1, 1110); // start put idx 0
- std::thread reader[array_size];
- std::thread writer[array_size];
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType11, this, "test11.get11", i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType11, this, i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i].join();
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i].join();
- }
- }
- void test12_Read10Write10() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest12_Read10Write10\n");
- reset(-1, 1120); // start put idx 0
- std::thread reader[array_size];
- std::thread writer[array_size];
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType11, this, i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType11, this, "test12.get11", i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i].join();
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i].join();
- }
- }
- void test_list() override {
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test01_Read1Write1(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test02_Read2Write1(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test03_Read4Write1(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test11_Read10Write10(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test12_Read10Write10(); }
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
- std::string arg(argv[i]);
- if( "-loops" == arg && argc > i+1 ) {
- loops = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "Loops %d\n", loops);
- Cppunit_tests test1;
- return;
diff --git a/test/direct_bt/test_mm_sc_drf_01.cpp b/test/direct_bt/test_mm_sc_drf_01.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index faddc96d..00000000
--- a/test/direct_bt/test_mm_sc_drf_01.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cinttypes>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <memory>
-#include <thread>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <cppunit.h>
-#include <direct_bt/OrderedAtomic.hpp>
-using namespace direct_bt;
-static int loops = 10;
- * test_mm_sc_drf_01: Testing SC-DRF non-atomic global read and write within a locked mutex critical block.
- * <p>
- * Modified non-atomic memory within the locked mutex acquire and release block,
- * must be visible for all threads according to memory model (MM) Sequentially Consistent (SC) being data-race-free (DRF).
- * <br>
- * See Herb Sutter's 2013-12-23 slides p19, first box "It must be impossible for the assertion to fail – wouldn’t be SC.".
- * </p>
- * See 'test_mm_sc_drf_00' implementing same test using an atomic acquire/release critical block with spin-lock.
- */
-class Cppunit_tests : public Cppunit {
- private:
- enum Defaults : int {
- array_size = 10
- };
- constexpr int number(const Defaults rhs) noexcept {
- return static_cast<int>(rhs);
- }
- int value1 = 0;
- int array[array_size] = { 0 };
- std::mutex mtx_value;
- std::condition_variable cvRead;
- std::condition_variable cvWrite;
- void reset(int v1, int array_value) {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_value); // SC-DRF acquire and release @ scope exit
- value1 = v1;
- for(int i=0; i<array_size; i++) {
- array[i] = array_value;
- }
- }
- void putThreadType01(int _len, int startValue) {
- const int len = std::min(number(array_size), _len);
- {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_value); // SC-DRF acquire and release @ scope exit
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- array[i] = startValue+i;
- }
- value1 = startValue;
- cvRead.notify_all(); // notify waiting getter
- }
- }
- void getThreadType01(const std::string msg, int _len, int startValue) {
- const int len = std::min(number(array_size), _len);
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_value); // SC-DRF acquire and release @ scope exit
- while( startValue != value1 ) {
- cvRead.wait(lock);
- }
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read value1 (start)", startValue, value1);
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- int v = array[i];
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong start value at read array #"+std::to_string(i), (startValue+i), v);
- }
- }
- void putThreadType11(int indexAndValue) {
- const int idx = std::min(number(array_size)-1, indexAndValue);
- {
- // idx is encoded on sync_value (v) as follows
- // v > 0: get @ idx = v -1
- // v < 0: put @ idx = abs(v) -1
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_value); // SC-DRF acquire and release @ scope exit
- // SC-DRF acquire atomic with spin-lock waiting for encoded idx
- while( idx != (value1 * -1) - 1 ) {
- cvWrite.wait(lock);
- }
- // fprintf(stderr, "putThreadType11.done @ %d (has %d, exp %d)\n", idx, value1, (idx+1)*-1);
- value1 = idx;
- array[idx] = idx; // last written checked first, SC-DRF should handle...
- cvRead.notify_all();
- }
- }
- void getThreadType11(const std::string msg, int _idx) {
- const int idx = std::min(number(array_size)-1, _idx);
- // idx is encoded on sync_value (v) as follows
- // v > 0: get @ idx = v -1
- // v < 0: put @ idx = abs(v) -1
- // SC-DRF acquire atomic with spin-lock waiting for idx
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx_value);
- while( idx != value1 ) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "getThreadType11.wait for has %d == exp %d\n", value1, idx);
- cvRead.wait(lock);
- }
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read array (idx), idx "+std::to_string(idx), idx, array[idx]); // check last-written first
- CHECKM(msg+": %s: Wrong value at read value1 (idx), idx "+std::to_string(idx), idx, value1);
- // next write encoded idx
- int next_idx = (idx+1)%array_size;
- next_idx = ( next_idx + 1 ) * -1;
- // fprintf(stderr, "getThreadType11.done for %d, next %d (v %d)\n", idx, (idx+1)%array_size, next_idx);
- value1 = next_idx;
- cvWrite.notify_all();
- }
- public:
- Cppunit_tests()
- : value1(0) {}
- void test01_Read1Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest01_Read1Write1.a\n");
- reset(0, 1010);
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get01", array_size, 3); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 3); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread01.join();
- }
- void test02_Read2Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest01_Read2Write1.a\n");
- reset(0, 1021);
- {
- std::thread getThread00(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get00", array_size, 4); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get01", array_size, 4); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 4); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread00.join();
- getThread01.join();
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest01_Read2Write1.b\n");
- reset(0, 1022);
- {
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 5); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread00(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get00", array_size, 5); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test01.get01", array_size, 5); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread00.join();
- getThread01.join();
- }
- }
- void test03_Read4Write1() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest02_Read4Write1\n");
- reset(0, 1030);
- std::thread getThread01(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get01", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread02(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get02", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread putThread01(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType01, this, array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread03(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get03", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- std::thread getThread04(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType01, this, "test02.get04", array_size, 6); // @suppress("Invalid arguments")
- putThread01.join();
- getThread01.join();
- getThread02.join();
- getThread03.join();
- getThread04.join();
- }
- void test11_Read10Write10() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest11_Read10Write10\n");
- reset(-1, 1110);
- std::thread reader[array_size];
- std::thread writer[array_size];
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType11, this, "test11.get11", i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType11, this, i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i].join();
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i].join();
- }
- }
- void test12_Read10Write10() {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\ntest12_Read10Write10\n");
- reset(-1, 1120);
- std::thread reader[array_size];
- std::thread writer[array_size];
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::putThreadType11, this, i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i] = std::thread(&Cppunit_tests::getThreadType11, this, "test12.get11", i); // @suppress("Invalid arguments") // @suppress("Symbol is not resolved")
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- writer[i].join();
- }
- for(int i=0; i<number(array_size); i++) {
- reader[i].join();
- }
- }
- void test_list() override {
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test01_Read1Write1(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test02_Read2Write1(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test03_Read4Write1(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test11_Read10Write10(); }
- for(int i=loops; i>0; i--) { test12_Read10Write10(); }
- }
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
- std::string arg(argv[i]);
- if( "-loops" == arg && argc > i+1 ) {
- loops = atoi(argv[i+1]);
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "Loops %d\n", loops);
- Cppunit_tests test1;
- return;