Welcome to Göthel Software
Our decades long experience allows us to provide support for the entire gate io, Process & Lifecycle, as well as in C, C++ and Java, including their cross platform application. Custom fields & languages are studied and applied on demand.
We have served a broad range of clients, such as Sun Microsystems (now Oracle), ATI & AMD - Zafena, Mathworks, Google, Harman/Becker, Siemens AG and IBM.
Besides working on proprietary products, open source artifacts are released as well.
The most prominent project is JogAmp,
where we help clients adopting JogAmp and implement commissioned features.
Within JogAmp we also work on GraphUI,
a cross-platform UI utilizing our own resolution-independent GPU curve renderer, suitable for desktop and embedded devices.
Presentations: Latest Blogs, JavaOne 2008, Tegra-1 Video Demo,
Siggraph[2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014],
Fosdem[2013, 2014].
A few notes on some of our other latest projects:
- Direct-BT
provides direct Bluetooth LE and BREDR
programming, offering robust high-performance support for embedded & desktop with zero overhead via C++17 and Java.
It has been used successfully in a medical trial,
as well as in a connected medical device terminal.
Presentations: Latest Blogs, BLE Programming with C++ & Java. - Cipherpack provides encrypted & authenticated (OTA) streaming and atomic file operations used to implement a secure system and application upgrade across a wide range of media for devices in the medical space.
Further we run a little computer-science class, currently covering C++ basics, gfxbox2, hanoi, pacman and gentech.
Qun & Sven Göthel