# # Copyright (c) 2016, 2019 by Delphix. All rights reserved. # These variables are used by zfs-tests.sh to constrain which utilities # may be used by the suite. The suite will create a directory which is # the only element of $PATH and create symlinks from that dir to the # binaries listed below. # # Please keep the contents of each variable sorted for ease of reading # and maintenance. # export SYSTEM_FILES_COMMON='arp awk base64 basename bc bunzip2 bzcat cat chgrp chmod chown cmp cp cpio cut date dd df diff dirname dmesg du echo egrep expr false file find fio free getconf getent getfacl grep gunzip gzip head hostname id iostat kill ksh ln logname ls mkdir mknod mktemp mount mv net od openssl pax pgrep ping pkill printenv printf ps pwd python python2 python3 quotaon readlink rm rmdir scp script sed seq setfacl sh sleep sort ssh stat strings su sudo sum swapoff swapon sync tail tar tee timeout touch tr true truncate umask umount uname uuidgen vmstat wait wc which xargs' export SYSTEM_FILES_FREEBSD='chflags compress dumpon fsck getextattr gpart lsextattr md5 mdconfig mkfifo newfs pw rmextattr setextattr sha256 swapctl sysctl uncompress' export SYSTEM_FILES_LINUX='attr bash blkid blockdev chattr cksum dmidecode exportfs fallocate fdisk getfattr groupadd groupdel groupmod hostid losetup lsattr lsblk lscpu lsmod lsscsi md5sum mkswap modprobe mpstat nproc parted perf setenforce setfattr sha256sum udevadm useradd userdel usermod' export ZFS_FILES='zdb zfs zhack zinject zpool ztest raidz_test arc_summary arc_summary3 arcstat dbufstat zed zgenhostid zstreamdump' export ZFSTEST_FILES='btree_test chg_usr_exec devname2devid dir_rd_update file_check file_trunc file_write get_diff largest_file libzfs_input_check mkbusy mkfile mkfiles mktree mmap_exec mmap_libaio mmapwrite nvlist_to_lua randfree_file randwritecomp readmmap rename_dir rm_lnkcnt_zero_file threadsappend user_ns_exec xattrtest stride_dd'