include $(top_srcdir)/config/ ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I config SUBDIRS = include if BUILD_LINUX SUBDIRS += rpm endif if CONFIG_USER SUBDIRS += man scripts lib tests cmd etc contrib if BUILD_LINUX SUBDIRS += udev endif endif if CONFIG_KERNEL SUBDIRS += module extradir = $(prefix)/src/zfs-$(VERSION) extra_HEADERS = if BUILD_LINUX kerneldir = $(prefix)/src/zfs-$(VERSION)/$(LINUX_VERSION) nodist_kernel_HEADERS = zfs.release zfs_config.h module/$(LINUX_SYMBOLS) endif endif AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign EXTRA_DIST = copy-builtin EXTRA_DIST += config/config.awk config/ config/ config/ EXTRA_DIST += AUTHORS COPYRIGHT LICENSE META NEWS NOTICE EXTRA_DIST += EXTRA_DIST += module/lua/README.zfs module/os/linux/spl/ # Include all the extra licensing information for modules EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/algs/skein/THIRDPARTYLICENSE EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/algs/skein/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.descrip EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/aes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.gladman EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/aes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.gladman.descrip EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/aes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.openssl EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/aes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.openssl.descrip EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/modes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.cryptogams EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/modes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.cryptogams.descrip EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/modes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.openssl EXTRA_DIST += module/icp/asm-x86_64/modes/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.openssl.descrip EXTRA_DIST += module/os/linux/spl/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.gplv2 EXTRA_DIST += module/os/linux/spl/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.gplv2.descrip EXTRA_DIST += module/zfs/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.cityhash EXTRA_DIST += module/zfs/THIRDPARTYLICENSE.cityhash.descrip @CODE_COVERAGE_RULES@ GITREV = include/zfs_gitrev.h PHONY = gitrev gitrev: $(AM_V_GEN)$(top_srcdir)/scripts/ $(GITREV) all: gitrev # Double-colon rules are allowed; there are multiple independent definitions. maintainer-clean-local:: -$(RM) $(GITREV) distclean-local:: -$(RM) -R autom4te*.cache build -find . \( -name SCCS -o -name BitKeeper -o -name .svn -o -name CVS \ -o -name .pc -o -name .hg -o -name .git \) -prune -o \ \( -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.rej' -o -name '*~' \ -o -name '*.bak' -o -name '#*#' -o -name '.*.orig' \ -o -name '.*.rej' -o -size 0 -o -name '*%' -o -name '.*.cmd' \ -o -name 'core' -o -name 'Makefile' -o -name 'Module.symvers' \ -o -name '*.order' -o -name '*.markers' -o -name '*.gcda' \ -o -name '*.gcno' \) \ -type f -delete all-local: -[ -x ${top_builddir}/scripts/ ] && \ ${top_builddir}/scripts/ -c dist-hook: $(AM_V_GEN)$(top_srcdir)/scripts/ -D $(distdir) $(GITREV) $(SED) ${ac_inplace} -e 's/Release:[[:print:]]*/Release: $(RELEASE)/' \ $(distdir)/META if BUILD_LINUX # For compatibility, create a matching spl-x.y.z directly which contains # symlinks to the updated header and object file locations. These # compatibility links will be removed in the next major release. if CONFIG_KERNEL install-data-hook: rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/src/spl-$(VERSION) && \ mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/src/spl-$(VERSION) && \ cd $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/src/spl-$(VERSION) && \ ln -s ../zfs-$(VERSION)/include/spl include && \ ln -s ../zfs-$(VERSION)/$(LINUX_VERSION) $(LINUX_VERSION) && \ ln -s ../zfs-$(VERSION)/ && \ ln -s ../zfs-$(VERSION)/ && \ cd $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/src/zfs-$(VERSION)/$(LINUX_VERSION) && \ ln -fs zfs_config.h spl_config.h && \ ln -fs zfs.release spl.release endif endif PHONY += codecheck codecheck: cstyle shellcheck checkbashisms flake8 mancheck testscheck vcscheck zstdcheck PHONY += checkstyle checkstyle: codecheck commitcheck PHONY += commitcheck commitcheck: @if git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ ${top_srcdir}/scripts/; \ fi if HAVE_PARALLEL cstyle_line = -print0 | parallel -X0 ${top_srcdir}/scripts/ -cpP {} else cstyle_line = -exec ${top_srcdir}/scripts/ -cpP {} + endif PHONY += cstyle cstyle: @find ${top_srcdir} -name build -prune \ -o -type f -name '*.[hc]' \ ! -name 'zfs_config.*' ! -name '*.mod.c' \ ! -name 'opt_global.h' ! -name '*_if*.h' \ ! -name 'zstd_compat_wrapper.h' \ ! -path './module/zstd/lib/*' \ ! -path './include/sys/lua/*' \ ! -path './module/lua/l*.[ch]' \ ! -path './module/zfs/lz4.c' \ $(cstyle_line) filter_executable = -exec test -x '{}' \; -print SHELLCHECKDIRS = cmd contrib etc scripts tests SHELLCHECKSCRIPTS = PHONY += checkabi storeabi checkabi: lib $(MAKE) -C lib checkabi storeabi: lib $(MAKE) -C lib storeabi PHONY += mancheck mancheck: ${top_srcdir}/scripts/ ${top_srcdir}/man ${top_srcdir}/tests/test-runner/man PHONY += testscheck testscheck: @[ $$(find ${top_srcdir}/tests/zfs-tests -type f \ \( -name '*.ksh' -not ${filter_executable} \) -o \ \( -name '*.kshlib' ${filter_executable} \) -o \ \( -name '*.shlib' ${filter_executable} \) -o \ \( -name '*.cfg' ${filter_executable} \) | \ tee /dev/stderr | wc -l) -eq 0 ] PHONY += vcscheck vcscheck: @if git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others | \ awk '{c++; print} END {if(c>0) exit 1}' ; \ fi PHONY += zstdcheck zstdcheck: @$(MAKE) -C module check-zstd-symbols PHONY += lint lint: cppcheck paxcheck CPPCHECKDIRS = cmd lib module PHONY += cppcheck cppcheck: $(CPPCHECKDIRS) @if test -n "$(CPPCHECK)"; then \ set -e ; for dir in $(CPPCHECKDIRS) ; do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir cppcheck ; \ done \ else \ echo "skipping cppcheck because cppcheck is not installed"; \ fi PHONY += paxcheck paxcheck: @if type scanelf > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ ${top_srcdir}/scripts/ ${top_builddir}; \ else \ echo "skipping paxcheck because scanelf is not installed"; \ fi PHONY += flake8 flake8: @if type flake8 > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ flake8 ${top_srcdir}; \ else \ echo "skipping flake8 because flake8 is not installed"; \ fi PHONY += ctags ctags: $(RM) tags find $(top_srcdir) -name '.?*' -prune \ -o -type f -name '*.[hcS]' -exec ctags -a {} + PHONY += etags etags: $(RM) TAGS find $(top_srcdir) -name '.?*' -prune \ -o -type f -name '*.[hcS]' -exec etags -a {} + PHONY += cscopelist cscopelist: find $(top_srcdir) -name '.?*' -prune \ -o -type f -name '*.[hc]' -print >cscope.files PHONY += tags tags: ctags etags PHONY += pkg pkg-dkms pkg-kmod pkg-utils pkg: @DEFAULT_PACKAGE@ pkg-dkms: @DEFAULT_PACKAGE@-dkms pkg-kmod: @DEFAULT_PACKAGE@-kmod pkg-utils: @DEFAULT_PACKAGE@-utils include config/ include config/ include config/ .PHONY: $(PHONY)