path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 287 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 91c228fb0..24ba72913 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
-INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include
+AM_CFLAGS = -g -O2 -W -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wshadow
libcommon_la_SOURCES = list.c
+EXTRA_DIST = list.h
diff --git a/lib/list.c b/lib/list.c
index 6548cacbc..88af47c40 100644
--- a/lib/list.c
+++ b/lib/list.c
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ list_alloc_aux (int size, void *pfreelist)
void **plast;
assert(sizeof(char) == 1);
- assert(size >= sizeof(void *));
+ assert(size >= (int)sizeof(void *));
assert(pfreelist != NULL);
assert(LIST_ALLOC > 0);
diff --git a/lib/list.h b/lib/list.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe3fd006b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ * $Id: list.h 2899 2002-12-11 19:00:36Z dun $
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 The Regents of the University of California.
+ * Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
+ * Written by Chris Dunlap <[email protected]>.
+ *
+ * This file is from LSD-Tools, the LLNL Software Development Toolbox.
+ *
+ * LSD-Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * LSD-Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with LSD-Tools; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef LSD_LIST_H
+#define LSD_LIST_H
+ * Notes *
+ ***********/
+ * If NDEBUG is not defined, internal debug code will be enabled. This is
+ * intended for development use only and production code should define NDEBUG.
+ *
+ * If WITH_LSD_FATAL_ERROR_FUNC is defined, the linker will expect to
+ * find an external lsd_fatal_error(file,line,mesg) function. By default,
+ * lsd_fatal_error(file,line,mesg) is a macro definition that outputs an
+ * error message to stderr. This macro may be redefined to invoke another
+ * routine instead.
+ *
+ * If WITH_LSD_NOMEM_ERROR_FUNC is defined, the linker will expect to
+ * find an external lsd_nomem_error(file,line,mesg) function. By default,
+ * lsd_nomem_error(file,line,mesg) is a macro definition that returns NULL.
+ * This macro may be redefined to invoke another routine instead.
+ *
+ * If WITH_PTHREADS is defined, these routines will be thread-safe.
+ */
+ * Data Types *
+ ****************/
+typedef struct list * List;
+ * List opaque data type.
+ */
+typedef struct listIterator * ListIterator;
+ * List Iterator opaque data type.
+ */
+typedef void (*ListDelF) (void *x);
+ * Function prototype to deallocate data stored in a list.
+ * This function is responsible for freeing all memory associated
+ * with an item, including all subordinate items (if applicable).
+ */
+typedef int (*ListCmpF) (void *x, void *y);
+ * Function prototype for comparing two items in a list.
+ * Returns less-than-zero if (x<y), zero if (x==y), and
+ * greather-than-zero if (x>y).
+ */
+typedef int (*ListFindF) (void *x, void *key);
+ * Function prototype for matching items in a list.
+ * Returns non-zero if (x==key); o/w returns zero.
+ */
+typedef int (*ListForF) (void *x, void *arg);
+ * Function prototype for operating on each item in a list.
+ * Returns less-than-zero on error.
+ */
+ * General-Purpose Functions *
+ *******************************/
+List list_create (ListDelF f);
+ * Creates and returns a new empty list, or lsd_nomem_error() on failure.
+ * The deletion function [f] is used to deallocate memory used by items
+ * in the list; if this is NULL, memory associated with these items
+ * will not be freed when the list is destroyed.
+ * Note: Abandoning a list without calling list_destroy() will result
+ * in a memory leak.
+ */
+void list_destroy (List l);
+ * Destroys list [l], freeing memory used for list iterators and the
+ * list itself; if a deletion function was specified when the list
+ * was created, it will be called for each item in the list.
+ */
+int list_is_empty (List l);
+ * Returns non-zero if list [l] is empty; o/w returns zero.
+ */
+int list_count (List l);
+ * Returns the number of items in list [l].
+ */
+ * List Access Functions *
+ ***************************/
+void * list_append (List l, void *x);
+ * Inserts data [x] at the end of list [l].
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or lsd_nomem_error() if insertion failed.
+ */
+void * list_prepend (List l, void *x);
+ * Inserts data [x] at the beginning of list [l].
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or lsd_nomem_error() if insertion failed.
+ */
+void * list_find_first (List l, ListFindF f, void *key);
+ * Traverses list [l] using [f] to match each item with [key].
+ * Returns a ptr to the first item for which the function [f]
+ * returns non-zero, or NULL if no such item is found.
+ * Note: This function differs from list_find() in that it does not require
+ * a list iterator; it should only be used when all list items are known
+ * to be unique (according to the function [f]).
+ */
+int list_delete_all (List l, ListFindF f, void *key);
+ * Traverses list [l] using [f] to match each item with [key].
+ * Removes all items from the list for which the function [f] returns
+ * non-zero; if a deletion function was specified when the list was
+ * created, it will be called to deallocate each item being removed.
+ * Returns a count of the number of items removed from the list.
+ */
+int list_for_each (List l, ListForF f, void *arg);
+ * For each item in list [l], invokes the function [f] with [arg].
+ * Returns a count of the number of items on which [f] was invoked.
+ * If [f] returns <0 for a given item, the iteration is aborted and the
+ * function returns the negative of that item's position in the list.
+ */
+void list_sort (List l, ListCmpF f);
+ * Sorts list [l] into ascending order according to the function [f].
+ * Note: Sorting a list resets all iterators associated with the list.
+ * Note: The sort algorithm is stable.
+ */
+ * Stack Access Functions *
+ ****************************/
+void * list_push (List l, void *x);
+ * Pushes data [x] onto the top of stack [l].
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or lsd_nomem_error() if insertion failed.
+ */
+void * list_pop (List l);
+ * Pops the data item at the top of the stack [l].
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or NULL if the stack is empty.
+ */
+void * list_peek (List l);
+ * Peeks at the data item at the top of the stack (or head of the queue) [l].
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or NULL if the stack (or queue) is empty.
+ * Note: The item is not removed from the list.
+ */
+ * Queue Access Functions *
+ ****************************/
+void * list_enqueue (List l, void *x);
+ * Enqueues data [x] at the tail of queue [l].
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or lsd_nomem_error() if insertion failed.
+ */
+void * list_dequeue (List l);
+ * Dequeues the data item at the head of the queue [l].
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or NULL if the queue is empty.
+ */
+ * List Iterator Functions *
+ *****************************/
+ListIterator list_iterator_create (List l);
+ * Creates and returns a list iterator for non-destructively traversing
+ * list [l], or lsd_nomem_error() on failure.
+ */
+void list_iterator_reset (ListIterator i);
+ * Resets the list iterator [i] to start traversal at the beginning
+ * of the list.
+ */
+void list_iterator_destroy (ListIterator i);
+ * Destroys the list iterator [i]; list iterators not explicitly destroyed
+ * in this manner will be destroyed when the list is deallocated via
+ * list_destroy().
+ */
+void * list_next (ListIterator i);
+ * Returns a ptr to the next item's data,
+ * or NULL once the end of the list is reached.
+ * Example: i=list_iterator_create(i); while ((x=list_next(i))) {...}
+ */
+void * list_insert (ListIterator i, void *x);
+ * Inserts data [x] immediately before the last item returned via list
+ * iterator [i]; once the list iterator reaches the end of the list,
+ * insertion is made at the list's end.
+ * Returns the data's ptr, or lsd_nomem_error() if insertion failed.
+ */
+void * list_find (ListIterator i, ListFindF f, void *key);
+ * Traverses the list from the point of the list iterator [i]
+ * using [f] to match each item with [key].
+ * Returns a ptr to the next item for which the function [f]
+ * returns non-zero, or NULL once the end of the list is reached.
+ * Example: i=list_iterator_reset(i); while ((x=list_find(i,f,k))) {...}
+ */
+void * list_remove (ListIterator i);
+ * Removes from the list the last item returned via list iterator [i]
+ * and returns the data's ptr.
+ * Note: The client is responsible for freeing the returned data.
+ */
+int list_delete (ListIterator i);
+ * Removes from the list the last item returned via list iterator [i];
+ * if a deletion function was specified when the list was created,
+ * it will be called to deallocate the item being removed.
+ * Returns a count of the number of items removed from the list
+ * (ie, '1' if the item was removed, and '0' otherwise).
+ */
+#endif /* !LSD_LIST_H */