# Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import contextlib import getopt import gl_XML import license import marshal_XML import sys header = """ #include "api_exec.h" #include "context.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "glthread.h" #include "marshal.h" #include "marshal_generated.h" """ current_indent = 0 def out(str): if str: print ' '*current_indent + str else: print '' @contextlib.contextmanager def indent(delta = 3): global current_indent current_indent += delta yield current_indent -= delta class PrintCode(gl_XML.gl_print_base): def __init__(self): super(PrintCode, self).__init__() self.name = 'gl_marshal.py' self.license = license.bsd_license_template % ( 'Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation', 'INTEL CORPORATION') def printRealHeader(self): print header print 'static inline int safe_mul(int a, int b)' print '{' print ' if (a < 0 || b < 0) return -1;' print ' if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0;' print ' if (a > INT_MAX / b) return -1;' print ' return a * b;' print '}' print def printRealFooter(self): pass def print_sync_call(self, func): call = 'CALL_{0}(ctx->CurrentServerDispatch, ({1}))'.format( func.name, func.get_called_parameter_string()) if func.return_type == 'void': out('{0};'.format(call)) else: out('return {0};'.format(call)) def print_sync_dispatch(self, func): out('debug_print_sync_fallback("{0}");'.format(func.name)) self.print_sync_call(func) def print_sync_body(self, func): out('/* {0}: marshalled synchronously */'.format(func.name)) out('static {0} GLAPIENTRY'.format(func.return_type)) out('_mesa_marshal_{0}({1})'.format(func.name, func.get_parameter_string())) out('{') with indent(): out('GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(ctx);') out('_mesa_glthread_finish(ctx);') out('debug_print_sync("{0}");'.format(func.name)) self.print_sync_call(func) out('}') out('') out('') def print_async_dispatch(self, func): out('cmd = _mesa_glthread_allocate_command(ctx, ' 'DISPATCH_CMD_{0}, cmd_size);'.format(func.name)) for p in func.fixed_params: if p.count: out('memcpy(cmd->{0}, {0}, {1});'.format( p.name, p.size_string())) else: out('cmd->{0} = {0};'.format(p.name)) if func.variable_params: out('char *variable_data = (char *) (cmd + 1);') for p in func.variable_params: if p.img_null_flag: out('cmd->{0}_null = !{0};'.format(p.name)) out('if (!cmd->{0}_null) {{'.format(p.name)) with indent(): out(('memcpy(variable_data, {0}, {1});').format( p.name, p.size_string(False))) out('variable_data += {0};'.format( p.size_string(False))) out('}') else: out(('memcpy(variable_data, {0}, {1});').format( p.name, p.size_string(False))) out('variable_data += {0};'.format( p.size_string(False))) if not func.fixed_params and not func.variable_params: out('(void) cmd;\n') out('_mesa_post_marshal_hook(ctx);') def print_async_struct(self, func): out('struct marshal_cmd_{0}'.format(func.name)) out('{') with indent(): out('struct marshal_cmd_base cmd_base;') for p in func.fixed_params: if p.count: out('{0} {1}[{2}];'.format( p.get_base_type_string(), p.name, p.count)) else: out('{0} {1};'.format(p.type_string(), p.name)) for p in func.variable_params: if p.img_null_flag: out('bool {0}_null; /* If set, no data follows ' 'for "{0}" */'.format(p.name)) for p in func.variable_params: if p.count_scale != 1: out(('/* Next {0} bytes are ' '{1} {2}[{3}][{4}] */').format( p.size_string(), p.get_base_type_string(), p.name, p.counter, p.count_scale)) else: out(('/* Next {0} bytes are ' '{1} {2}[{3}] */').format( p.size_string(), p.get_base_type_string(), p.name, p.counter)) out('};') def print_async_unmarshal(self, func): out('static inline void') out(('_mesa_unmarshal_{0}(struct gl_context *ctx, ' 'const struct marshal_cmd_{0} *cmd)').format(func.name)) out('{') with indent(): for p in func.fixed_params: if p.count: p_decl = '{0} * {1} = cmd->{1};'.format( p.get_base_type_string(), p.name) else: p_decl = '{0} {1} = cmd->{1};'.format( p.type_string(), p.name) if not p_decl.startswith('const '): # Declare all local function variables as const, even if # the original parameter is not const. p_decl = 'const ' + p_decl out(p_decl) if func.variable_params: for p in func.variable_params: out('const {0} * {1};'.format( p.get_base_type_string(), p.name)) out('const char *variable_data = (const char *) (cmd + 1);') for p in func.variable_params: out('{0} = (const {1} *) variable_data;'.format( p.name, p.get_base_type_string())) if p.img_null_flag: out('if (cmd->{0}_null)'.format(p.name)) with indent(): out('{0} = NULL;'.format(p.name)) out('else') with indent(): out('variable_data += {0};'.format(p.size_string(False))) else: out('variable_data += {0};'.format(p.size_string(False))) self.print_sync_call(func) out('}') def validate_count_or_fallback(self, func): # Check that any counts for variable-length arguments might be < 0, in # which case the command alloc or the memcpy would blow up before we # get to the validation in Mesa core. for p in func.parameters: if p.is_variable_length(): out('if (unlikely({0} < 0)) {{'.format(p.size_string())) with indent(): out('goto fallback_to_sync;') out('}') return True return False def print_async_marshal(self, func): need_fallback_sync = False out('static void GLAPIENTRY') out('_mesa_marshal_{0}({1})'.format( func.name, func.get_parameter_string())) out('{') with indent(): out('GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(ctx);') struct = 'struct marshal_cmd_{0}'.format(func.name) size_terms = ['sizeof({0})'.format(struct)] for p in func.variable_params: size = p.size_string() if p.img_null_flag: size = '({0} ? {1} : 0)'.format(p.name, size) size_terms.append(size) out('size_t cmd_size = {0};'.format(' + '.join(size_terms))) out('{0} *cmd;'.format(struct)) out('debug_print_marshal("{0}");'.format(func.name)) need_fallback_sync = self.validate_count_or_fallback(func) if func.marshal_fail: out('if ({0}) {{'.format(func.marshal_fail)) with indent(): out('_mesa_glthread_finish(ctx);') out('_mesa_glthread_restore_dispatch(ctx);') self.print_sync_dispatch(func) out('return;') out('}') out('if (cmd_size <= MARSHAL_MAX_CMD_SIZE) {') with indent(): self.print_async_dispatch(func) out('return;') out('}') out('') if need_fallback_sync: out('fallback_to_sync:') with indent(): out('_mesa_glthread_finish(ctx);') self.print_sync_dispatch(func) out('}') def print_async_body(self, func): out('/* {0}: marshalled asynchronously */'.format(func.name)) self.print_async_struct(func) self.print_async_unmarshal(func) self.print_async_marshal(func) out('') out('') def print_unmarshal_dispatch_cmd(self, api): out('size_t') out('_mesa_unmarshal_dispatch_cmd(struct gl_context *ctx, ' 'const void *cmd)') out('{') with indent(): out('const struct marshal_cmd_base *cmd_base = cmd;') out('switch (cmd_base->cmd_id) {') for func in api.functionIterateAll(): flavor = func.marshal_flavor() if flavor in ('skip', 'sync'): continue out('case DISPATCH_CMD_{0}:'.format(func.name)) with indent(): out('debug_print_unmarshal("{0}");'.format(func.name)) out(('_mesa_unmarshal_{0}(ctx, (const struct marshal_cmd_{0} *)' ' cmd);').format(func.name)) out('break;') out('default:') with indent(): out('assert(!"Unrecognized command ID");') out('break;') out('}') out('') out('return cmd_base->cmd_size;') out('}') out('') out('') def print_create_marshal_table(self, api): out('struct _glapi_table *') out('_mesa_create_marshal_table(const struct gl_context *ctx)') out('{') with indent(): out('struct _glapi_table *table;') out('') out('table = _mesa_alloc_dispatch_table();') out('if (table == NULL)') with indent(): out('return NULL;') out('') for func in api.functionIterateAll(): if func.marshal_flavor() == 'skip': continue out('SET_{0}(table, _mesa_marshal_{0});'.format(func.name)) out('') out('return table;') out('}') out('') out('') def printBody(self, api): async_funcs = [] for func in api.functionIterateAll(): flavor = func.marshal_flavor() if flavor in ('skip', 'custom'): continue elif flavor == 'async': self.print_async_body(func) async_funcs.append(func) elif flavor == 'sync': self.print_sync_body(func) self.print_unmarshal_dispatch_cmd(api) self.print_create_marshal_table(api) def show_usage(): print 'Usage: %s [-f input_file_name]' % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': file_name = 'gl_API.xml' try: (args, trail) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'm:f:') except Exception,e: show_usage() for (arg,val) in args: if arg == '-f': file_name = val printer = PrintCode() api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API(file_name, marshal_XML.marshal_item_factory()) printer.Print(api)