/* * Copyright © 2013 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "main/compiler.h" #include "main/mtypes.h" #include "main/macros.h" #include "ralloc.h" #include "ir.h" #include "program/hash_table.h" /** * \file varyings_test.cpp * * Test various aspects of linking shader stage inputs and outputs. */ namespace linker { bool populate_consumer_input_sets(void *mem_ctx, exec_list *ir, hash_table *consumer_inputs, hash_table *consumer_interface_inputs); ir_variable * get_matching_input(void *mem_ctx, const ir_variable *output_var, hash_table *consumer_inputs, hash_table *consumer_interface_inputs); } class link_varyings : public ::testing::Test { public: link_varyings(); virtual void SetUp(); virtual void TearDown(); char *interface_field_name(const glsl_type *iface, unsigned field = 0) { return ralloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, "%s.%s", iface->name, iface->fields.structure[field].name); } void *mem_ctx; exec_list ir; hash_table *consumer_inputs; hash_table *consumer_interface_inputs; const glsl_type *simple_interface; }; link_varyings::link_varyings() { static const glsl_struct_field f[] = { { glsl_type::vec(4), "v", false, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; this->simple_interface = glsl_type::get_interface_instance(f, ARRAY_SIZE(f), GLSL_INTERFACE_PACKING_STD140, "simple_interface"); } void link_varyings::SetUp() { this->mem_ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); this->ir.make_empty(); this->consumer_inputs = hash_table_ctor(0, hash_table_string_hash, hash_table_string_compare); this->consumer_interface_inputs = hash_table_ctor(0, hash_table_string_hash, hash_table_string_compare); } void link_varyings::TearDown() { ralloc_free(this->mem_ctx); this->mem_ctx = NULL; hash_table_dtor(this->consumer_inputs); this->consumer_inputs = NULL; hash_table_dtor(this->consumer_interface_inputs); this->consumer_interface_inputs = NULL; } /** * Hash table callback function that counts the elements in the table * * \sa num_elements */ static void ht_count_callback(const void *, void *, void *closure) { unsigned int *counter = (unsigned int *) closure; (*counter)++; } /** * Helper function to count the number of elements in a hash table. */ static unsigned num_elements(hash_table *ht) { unsigned int counter = 0; hash_table_call_foreach(ht, ht_count_callback, (void *) &counter); return counter; } /** * Helper function to determine whether a hash table is empty. */ static bool is_empty(hash_table *ht) { return num_elements(ht) == 0; } TEST_F(link_varyings, single_simple_input) { ir_variable *const v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(glsl_type::vec(4), "a", ir_var_shader_in); ir.push_tail(v); ASSERT_TRUE(linker::populate_consumer_input_sets(mem_ctx, &ir, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs)); EXPECT_EQ((void *) v, hash_table_find(consumer_inputs, "a")); EXPECT_EQ(1u, num_elements(consumer_inputs)); EXPECT_TRUE(is_empty(consumer_interface_inputs)); } TEST_F(link_varyings, gl_ClipDistance) { const glsl_type *const array_8_of_float = glsl_type::get_array_instance(glsl_type::vec(1), 8); ir_variable *const clipdistance = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(array_8_of_float, "gl_ClipDistance", ir_var_shader_in); clipdistance->data.explicit_location = true; clipdistance->data.location = VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0; clipdistance->data.explicit_index = 0; ir.push_tail(clipdistance); ASSERT_TRUE(linker::populate_consumer_input_sets(mem_ctx, &ir, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs)); EXPECT_EQ((void *) clipdistance, hash_table_find(consumer_inputs, "gl_ClipDistance")); EXPECT_EQ(1u, num_elements(consumer_inputs)); EXPECT_TRUE(is_empty(consumer_interface_inputs)); } TEST_F(link_varyings, single_interface_input) { ir_variable *const v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(simple_interface->fields.structure[0].type, simple_interface->fields.structure[0].name, ir_var_shader_in); v->init_interface_type(simple_interface); ir.push_tail(v); ASSERT_TRUE(linker::populate_consumer_input_sets(mem_ctx, &ir, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs)); char *const full_name = interface_field_name(simple_interface); EXPECT_EQ((void *) v, hash_table_find(consumer_interface_inputs, full_name)); EXPECT_EQ(1u, num_elements(consumer_interface_inputs)); EXPECT_TRUE(is_empty(consumer_inputs)); } TEST_F(link_varyings, one_interface_and_one_simple_input) { ir_variable *const v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(glsl_type::vec(4), "a", ir_var_shader_in); ir.push_tail(v); ir_variable *const iface = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(simple_interface->fields.structure[0].type, simple_interface->fields.structure[0].name, ir_var_shader_in); iface->init_interface_type(simple_interface); ir.push_tail(iface); ASSERT_TRUE(linker::populate_consumer_input_sets(mem_ctx, &ir, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs)); char *const iface_field_name = interface_field_name(simple_interface); EXPECT_EQ((void *) iface, hash_table_find(consumer_interface_inputs, iface_field_name)); EXPECT_EQ(1u, num_elements(consumer_interface_inputs)); EXPECT_EQ((void *) v, hash_table_find(consumer_inputs, "a")); EXPECT_EQ(1u, num_elements(consumer_inputs)); } TEST_F(link_varyings, invalid_interface_input) { ir_variable *const v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(simple_interface, "named_interface", ir_var_shader_in); ASSERT_EQ(simple_interface, v->get_interface_type()); ir.push_tail(v); EXPECT_FALSE(linker::populate_consumer_input_sets(mem_ctx, &ir, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs)); } TEST_F(link_varyings, interface_field_doesnt_match_noninterface) { char *const iface_field_name = interface_field_name(simple_interface); /* The input shader has a single input variable name "a.v" */ ir_variable *const in_v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(glsl_type::vec(4), iface_field_name, ir_var_shader_in); ir.push_tail(in_v); ASSERT_TRUE(linker::populate_consumer_input_sets(mem_ctx, &ir, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs)); /* Create an output variable, "v", that is part of an interface block named * "a". They should not match. */ ir_variable *const out_v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(simple_interface->fields.structure[0].type, simple_interface->fields.structure[0].name, ir_var_shader_in); out_v->init_interface_type(simple_interface); ir_variable *const match = linker::get_matching_input(mem_ctx, out_v, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, match); } TEST_F(link_varyings, interface_field_doesnt_match_noninterface_vice_versa) { char *const iface_field_name = interface_field_name(simple_interface); /* In input shader has a single variable, "v", that is part of an interface * block named "a". */ ir_variable *const in_v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(simple_interface->fields.structure[0].type, simple_interface->fields.structure[0].name, ir_var_shader_in); in_v->init_interface_type(simple_interface); ir.push_tail(in_v); ASSERT_TRUE(linker::populate_consumer_input_sets(mem_ctx, &ir, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs)); /* Create an output variable "a.v". They should not match. */ ir_variable *const out_v = new(mem_ctx) ir_variable(glsl_type::vec(4), iface_field_name, ir_var_shader_out); ir_variable *const match = linker::get_matching_input(mem_ctx, out_v, consumer_inputs, consumer_interface_inputs); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, match); }