/* * Copyright 2011 Joakim Sindholt * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "device9.h" #include "volume9.h" #include "basetexture9.h" /* for marking dirty */ #include "volumetexture9.h" #include "nine_helpers.h" #include "nine_pipe.h" #include "nine_dump.h" #include "util/u_hash_table.h" #include "util/u_format.h" #include "util/u_surface.h" #include "nine_pdata.h" #define DBG_CHANNEL DBG_VOLUME static HRESULT NineVolume9_AllocateData( struct NineVolume9 *This ) { unsigned size = This->layer_stride * This->desc.Depth; DBG("(%p(This=%p),level=%u) Allocating 0x%x bytes of system memory.\n", This->base.container, This, This->level, size); This->data = (uint8_t *)align_malloc(size, 32); if (!This->data) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return D3D_OK; } static HRESULT NineVolume9_ctor( struct NineVolume9 *This, struct NineUnknownParams *pParams, struct NineUnknown *pContainer, struct pipe_resource *pResource, unsigned Level, D3DVOLUME_DESC *pDesc ) { HRESULT hr; assert(pContainer); /* stand-alone volumes can't be created */ DBG("This=%p pContainer=%p pDevice=%p pResource=%p Level=%u pDesc=%p\n", This, pContainer, pParams->device, pResource, Level, pDesc); /* Mark this as a special surface held by another internal resource. */ pParams->container = pContainer; user_assert(!(pDesc->Usage & D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC) || (pDesc->Pool != D3DPOOL_MANAGED), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); assert(pResource || pDesc->Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT); hr = NineUnknown_ctor(&This->base, pParams); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; This->pdata = util_hash_table_create(ht_guid_hash, ht_guid_compare); if (!This->pdata) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; pipe_resource_reference(&This->resource, pResource); This->pipe = pParams->device->pipe; This->transfer = NULL; This->lock_count = 0; This->level = Level; This->level_actual = Level; This->desc = *pDesc; This->info.screen = pParams->device->screen; This->info.target = PIPE_TEXTURE_3D; This->info.width0 = pDesc->Width; This->info.height0 = pDesc->Height; This->info.depth0 = pDesc->Depth; This->info.last_level = 0; This->info.array_size = 1; This->info.nr_samples = 0; This->info.usage = PIPE_USAGE_DEFAULT; This->info.bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW; This->info.flags = 0; This->info.format = d3d9_to_pipe_format_checked(This->info.screen, pDesc->Format, This->info.target, This->info.nr_samples, This->info.bind, FALSE); if (This->info.format == PIPE_FORMAT_NONE) return D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR; This->stride = util_format_get_stride(This->info.format, pDesc->Width); This->stride = align(This->stride, 4); This->layer_stride = util_format_get_2d_size(This->info.format, This->stride, pDesc->Height); if (pDesc->Pool == D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM) This->info.usage = PIPE_USAGE_STAGING; if (!This->resource) { hr = NineVolume9_AllocateData(This); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } return D3D_OK; } static void NineVolume9_dtor( struct NineVolume9 *This ) { DBG("This=%p\n", This); if (This->transfer) NineVolume9_UnlockBox(This); if (This->data) FREE(This->data); pipe_resource_reference(&This->resource, NULL); NineUnknown_dtor(&This->base); } HRESULT WINAPI NineVolume9_GetContainer( struct NineVolume9 *This, REFIID riid, void **ppContainer ) { if (!NineUnknown(This)->container) return E_NOINTERFACE; return NineUnknown_QueryInterface(NineUnknown(This)->container, riid, ppContainer); } static inline void NineVolume9_MarkContainerDirty( struct NineVolume9 *This ) { struct NineBaseTexture9 *tex; #ifdef DEBUG /* This is always contained by a NineVolumeTexture9. */ GUID id = IID_IDirect3DVolumeTexture9; REFIID ref = &id; assert(NineUnknown_QueryInterface(This->base.container, ref, (void **)&tex) == S_OK); assert(NineUnknown_Release(NineUnknown(tex)) != 0); #endif tex = NineBaseTexture9(This->base.container); assert(tex); if (This->desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_MANAGED) tex->managed.dirty = TRUE; BASETEX_REGISTER_UPDATE(tex); } HRESULT WINAPI NineVolume9_GetDesc( struct NineVolume9 *This, D3DVOLUME_DESC *pDesc ) { user_assert(pDesc != NULL, E_POINTER); *pDesc = This->desc; return D3D_OK; } inline void NineVolume9_AddDirtyRegion( struct NineVolume9 *This, const struct pipe_box *box ) { D3DBOX dirty_region; struct NineVolumeTexture9 *tex = NineVolumeTexture9(This->base.container); if (!box) { NineVolumeTexture9_AddDirtyBox(tex, NULL); } else { dirty_region.Left = box->x << This->level_actual; dirty_region.Top = box->y << This->level_actual; dirty_region.Front = box->z << This->level_actual; dirty_region.Right = dirty_region.Left + (box->width << This->level_actual); dirty_region.Bottom = dirty_region.Top + (box->height << This->level_actual); dirty_region.Back = dirty_region.Front + (box->depth << This->level_actual); NineVolumeTexture9_AddDirtyBox(tex, &dirty_region); } } static inline uint8_t * NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(struct NineVolume9 *This, int x, int y, int z) { unsigned x_offset = util_format_get_stride(This->info.format, x); y = util_format_get_nblocksy(This->info.format, y); assert(This->data); return This->data + (z * This->layer_stride + y * This->stride + x_offset); } HRESULT WINAPI NineVolume9_LockBox( struct NineVolume9 *This, D3DLOCKED_BOX *pLockedVolume, const D3DBOX *pBox, DWORD Flags ) { struct pipe_resource *resource = This->resource; struct pipe_box box; unsigned usage; DBG("This=%p(%p) pLockedVolume=%p pBox=%p[%u..%u,%u..%u,%u..%u] Flags=%s\n", This, This->base.container, pLockedVolume, pBox, pBox ? pBox->Left : 0, pBox ? pBox->Right : 0, pBox ? pBox->Top : 0, pBox ? pBox->Bottom : 0, pBox ? pBox->Front : 0, pBox ? pBox->Back : 0, nine_D3DLOCK_to_str(Flags)); user_assert(This->desc.Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT || (This->desc.Usage & D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(!((Flags & D3DLOCK_DISCARD) && (Flags & D3DLOCK_READONLY)), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(This->lock_count == 0, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(pLockedVolume, E_POINTER); if (pBox && This->desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT && util_format_is_compressed(This->info.format)) { const unsigned w = util_format_get_blockwidth(This->info.format); const unsigned h = util_format_get_blockheight(This->info.format); user_assert(!(pBox->Left % w) && !(pBox->Right % w) && !(pBox->Top % h) && !(pBox->Bottom % h), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); } if (Flags & D3DLOCK_DISCARD) { usage = PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_DISCARD_RANGE; } else { usage = (Flags & D3DLOCK_READONLY) ? PIPE_TRANSFER_READ : PIPE_TRANSFER_READ_WRITE; } if (Flags & D3DLOCK_DONOTWAIT) usage |= PIPE_TRANSFER_DONTBLOCK; if (pBox) { d3dbox_to_pipe_box(&box, pBox); if (u_box_clip_2d(&box, &box, This->desc.Width, This->desc.Height) < 0) { DBG("Locked volume intersection empty.\n"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } } else { u_box_3d(0, 0, 0, This->desc.Width, This->desc.Height, This->desc.Depth, &box); } if (This->data) { pLockedVolume->RowPitch = This->stride; pLockedVolume->SlicePitch = This->layer_stride; pLockedVolume->pBits = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(This, box.x, box.y, box.z); } else { pLockedVolume->pBits = This->pipe->transfer_map(This->pipe, resource, This->level, usage, &box, &This->transfer); if (!This->transfer) { if (Flags & D3DLOCK_DONOTWAIT) return D3DERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; return D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR; } pLockedVolume->RowPitch = This->transfer->stride; pLockedVolume->SlicePitch = This->transfer->layer_stride; } if (!(Flags & (D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE | D3DLOCK_READONLY))) { NineVolume9_MarkContainerDirty(This); NineVolume9_AddDirtyRegion(This, &box); } ++This->lock_count; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI NineVolume9_UnlockBox( struct NineVolume9 *This ) { DBG("This=%p lock_count=%u\n", This, This->lock_count); user_assert(This->lock_count, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); if (This->transfer) { This->pipe->transfer_unmap(This->pipe, This->transfer); This->transfer = NULL; } --This->lock_count; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT NineVolume9_CopyVolume( struct NineVolume9 *This, struct NineVolume9 *From, unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz, struct pipe_box *pSrcBox ) { struct pipe_context *pipe = This->pipe; struct pipe_resource *r_dst = This->resource; struct pipe_resource *r_src = From->resource; struct pipe_transfer *transfer; struct pipe_box src_box; struct pipe_box dst_box; uint8_t *p_dst; const uint8_t *p_src; DBG("This=%p From=%p dstx=%u dsty=%u dstz=%u pSrcBox=%p\n", This, From, dstx, dsty, dstz, pSrcBox); assert(This->desc.Pool != D3DPOOL_MANAGED && From->desc.Pool != D3DPOOL_MANAGED); user_assert(This->desc.Format == From->desc.Format, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); dst_box.x = dstx; dst_box.y = dsty; dst_box.z = dstz; if (pSrcBox) { /* make sure it doesn't range outside the source volume */ user_assert(pSrcBox->x >= 0 && (pSrcBox->width - pSrcBox->x) <= From->desc.Width && pSrcBox->y >= 0 && (pSrcBox->height - pSrcBox->y) <= From->desc.Height && pSrcBox->z >= 0 && (pSrcBox->depth - pSrcBox->z) <= From->desc.Depth, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); src_box = *pSrcBox; } else { src_box.x = 0; src_box.y = 0; src_box.z = 0; src_box.width = From->desc.Width; src_box.height = From->desc.Height; src_box.depth = From->desc.Depth; } /* limits */ dst_box.width = This->desc.Width - dst_box.x; dst_box.height = This->desc.Height - dst_box.y; dst_box.depth = This->desc.Depth - dst_box.z; user_assert(src_box.width <= dst_box.width && src_box.height <= dst_box.height && src_box.depth <= dst_box.depth, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); dst_box.width = src_box.width; dst_box.height = src_box.height; dst_box.depth = src_box.depth; if (r_dst && r_src) { pipe->resource_copy_region(pipe, r_dst, This->level, dst_box.x, dst_box.y, dst_box.z, r_src, From->level, &src_box); } else if (r_dst) { p_src = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(From, src_box.x, src_box.y, src_box.z); pipe->transfer_inline_write(pipe, r_dst, This->level, 0, /* WRITE|DISCARD are implicit */ &dst_box, p_src, From->stride, From->layer_stride); } else if (r_src) { p_dst = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(This, 0, 0, 0); p_src = pipe->transfer_map(pipe, r_src, From->level, PIPE_TRANSFER_READ, &src_box, &transfer); if (!p_src) return D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR; util_copy_box(p_dst, This->info.format, This->stride, This->layer_stride, dst_box.x, dst_box.y, dst_box.z, dst_box.width, dst_box.height, dst_box.depth, p_src, transfer->stride, transfer->layer_stride, src_box.x, src_box.y, src_box.z); pipe->transfer_unmap(pipe, transfer); } else { p_dst = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(This, 0, 0, 0); p_src = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(From, 0, 0, 0); util_copy_box(p_dst, This->info.format, This->stride, This->layer_stride, dst_box.x, dst_box.y, dst_box.z, dst_box.width, dst_box.height, dst_box.depth, p_src, From->stride, From->layer_stride, src_box.x, src_box.y, src_box.z); } if (This->desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) NineVolume9_MarkContainerDirty(This); if (!r_dst && This->resource) NineVolume9_AddDirtyRegion(This, &dst_box); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT NineVolume9_UploadSelf( struct NineVolume9 *This, const struct pipe_box *damaged ) { struct pipe_context *pipe = This->pipe; struct pipe_resource *res = This->resource; struct pipe_box box; uint8_t *ptr; DBG("This=%p damaged=%p data=%p res=%p\n", This, damaged, This->data, res); assert(This->desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_MANAGED); assert(res); if (damaged) { box = *damaged; } else { box.x = 0; box.y = 0; box.z = 0; box.width = This->desc.Width; box.height = This->desc.Height; box.depth = This->desc.Depth; } ptr = NineVolume9_GetSystemMemPointer(This, box.x, box.y, box.z); pipe->transfer_inline_write(pipe, res, This->level, 0, &box, ptr, This->stride, This->layer_stride); return D3D_OK; } IDirect3DVolume9Vtbl NineVolume9_vtable = { (void *)NineUnknown_QueryInterface, (void *)NineUnknown_AddRef, (void *)NineUnknown_Release, (void *)NineUnknown_GetDevice, /* actually part of Volume9 iface */ (void *)NineVolume9_SetPrivateData, (void *)NineVolume9_GetPrivateData, (void *)NineVolume9_FreePrivateData, (void *)NineVolume9_GetContainer, (void *)NineVolume9_GetDesc, (void *)NineVolume9_LockBox, (void *)NineVolume9_UnlockBox }; static const GUID *NineVolume9_IIDs[] = { &IID_IDirect3DVolume9, &IID_IUnknown, NULL }; HRESULT NineVolume9_new( struct NineDevice9 *pDevice, struct NineUnknown *pContainer, struct pipe_resource *pResource, unsigned Level, D3DVOLUME_DESC *pDesc, struct NineVolume9 **ppOut ) { NINE_DEVICE_CHILD_NEW(Volume9, ppOut, pDevice, /* args */ pContainer, pResource, Level, pDesc); } /*** The boring stuff. TODO: Unify with Resource. ***/ HRESULT WINAPI NineVolume9_SetPrivateData( struct NineVolume9 *This, REFGUID refguid, const void *pData, DWORD SizeOfData, DWORD Flags ) { enum pipe_error err; struct pheader *header; const void *user_data = pData; DBG("This=%p refguid=%p pData=%p SizeOfData=%d Flags=%d\n", This, refguid, pData, SizeOfData, Flags); if (Flags & D3DSPD_IUNKNOWN) user_assert(SizeOfData == sizeof(IUnknown *), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); /* data consists of a header and the actual data. avoiding 2 mallocs */ header = CALLOC_VARIANT_LENGTH_STRUCT(pheader, SizeOfData-1); if (!header) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } header->unknown = (Flags & D3DSPD_IUNKNOWN) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* if the refguid already exists, delete it */ NineVolume9_FreePrivateData(This, refguid); /* IUnknown special case */ if (header->unknown) { /* here the pointer doesn't point to the data we want, so point at the * pointer making what we eventually copy is the pointer itself */ user_data = &pData; } header->size = SizeOfData; memcpy(header->data, user_data, header->size); err = util_hash_table_set(This->pdata, refguid, header); if (err == PIPE_OK) { if (header->unknown) { IUnknown_AddRef(*(IUnknown **)header->data); } return D3D_OK; } FREE(header); if (err == PIPE_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR; } HRESULT WINAPI NineVolume9_GetPrivateData( struct NineVolume9 *This, REFGUID refguid, void *pData, DWORD *pSizeOfData ) { struct pheader *header; user_assert(pSizeOfData, E_POINTER); header = util_hash_table_get(This->pdata, refguid); if (!header) { return D3DERR_NOTFOUND; } if (!pData) { *pSizeOfData = header->size; return D3D_OK; } if (*pSizeOfData < header->size) { return D3DERR_MOREDATA; } if (header->unknown) { IUnknown_AddRef(*(IUnknown **)header->data); } memcpy(pData, header->data, header->size); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT WINAPI NineVolume9_FreePrivateData( struct NineVolume9 *This, REFGUID refguid ) { struct pheader *header; DBG("This=%p refguid=%p\n", This, refguid); header = util_hash_table_get(This->pdata, refguid); if (!header) { return D3DERR_NOTFOUND; } ht_guid_delete(NULL, header, NULL); util_hash_table_remove(This->pdata, refguid); return D3D_OK; }