/* * Copyright 2011 Joakim Sindholt * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "c99_alloca.h" #include "device9.h" #include "cubetexture9.h" #include "nine_helpers.h" #include "nine_pipe.h" #define DBG_CHANNEL DBG_CUBETEXTURE static HRESULT NineCubeTexture9_ctor( struct NineCubeTexture9 *This, struct NineUnknownParams *pParams, UINT EdgeLength, UINT Levels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ) { struct pipe_resource *info = &This->base.base.info; struct pipe_screen *screen = pParams->device->screen; enum pipe_format pf; unsigned i, l, f, offset, face_size = 0; unsigned *level_offsets = NULL; D3DSURFACE_DESC sfdesc; void *p; HRESULT hr; DBG("This=%p pParams=%p EdgeLength=%u Levels=%u Usage=%d " "Format=%d Pool=%d pSharedHandle=%p\n", This, pParams, EdgeLength, Levels, Usage, Format, Pool, pSharedHandle); user_assert(EdgeLength, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); /* user_assert(!pSharedHandle || Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); */ user_assert(!pSharedHandle, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); /* TODO */ user_assert(!(Usage & D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP) || (Pool != D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM && Levels <= 1), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); if (Usage & D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP) Levels = 0; pf = d3d9_to_pipe_format_checked(screen, Format, PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE, 0, PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW, FALSE, Pool == D3DPOOL_SCRATCH); if (pf == PIPE_FORMAT_NONE) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if (compressed_format(Format)) { const unsigned w = util_format_get_blockwidth(pf); const unsigned h = util_format_get_blockheight(pf); user_assert(!(EdgeLength % w) && !(EdgeLength % h), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); } info->screen = pParams->device->screen; info->target = PIPE_TEXTURE_CUBE; info->format = pf; info->width0 = EdgeLength; info->height0 = EdgeLength; info->depth0 = 1; if (Levels) info->last_level = Levels - 1; else info->last_level = util_logbase2(EdgeLength); info->array_size = 6; info->nr_samples = 0; info->bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW; info->usage = PIPE_USAGE_DEFAULT; info->flags = 0; if (Usage & D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET) info->bind |= PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET; if (Usage & D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL) info->bind |= PIPE_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL; if (Usage & D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC) { info->usage = PIPE_USAGE_DYNAMIC; } if (Usage & D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING) DBG("Application asked for Software Vertex Processing, " "but this is unimplemented\n"); if (Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) { level_offsets = alloca(sizeof(unsigned) * (info->last_level + 1)); face_size = nine_format_get_size_and_offsets(pf, level_offsets, EdgeLength, EdgeLength, info->last_level); This->managed_buffer = align_calloc(6 * face_size, 32); if (!This->managed_buffer) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } This->surfaces = CALLOC(6 * (info->last_level + 1), sizeof(*This->surfaces)); if (!This->surfaces) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = NineBaseTexture9_ctor(&This->base, pParams, NULL, D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE, Format, Pool, Usage); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; This->base.pstype = 2; /* Create all the surfaces right away. * They manage backing storage, and transfers (LockRect) are deferred * to them. */ sfdesc.Format = Format; sfdesc.Type = D3DRTYPE_SURFACE; sfdesc.Usage = Usage; sfdesc.Pool = Pool; sfdesc.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE; sfdesc.MultiSampleQuality = 0; /* We allocate the memory for the surfaces as continous blocks. * This is the expected behaviour, however we haven't tested for * cube textures in which order the faces/levels should be in memory */ for (f = 0; f < 6; f++) { offset = f * face_size; for (l = 0; l <= info->last_level; l++) { sfdesc.Width = sfdesc.Height = u_minify(EdgeLength, l); p = This->managed_buffer ? This->managed_buffer + offset + level_offsets[l] : NULL; hr = NineSurface9_new(This->base.base.base.device, NineUnknown(This), This->base.base.resource, p, D3DRTYPE_CUBETEXTURE, l, f, &sfdesc, &This->surfaces[f + 6 * l]); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } } for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { /* Textures start initially dirty */ This->dirty_rect[i].width = EdgeLength; This->dirty_rect[i].height = EdgeLength; This->dirty_rect[i].depth = 1; } return D3D_OK; } static void NineCubeTexture9_dtor( struct NineCubeTexture9 *This ) { unsigned i; DBG("This=%p\n", This); if (This->surfaces) { for (i = 0; i < (This->base.base.info.last_level + 1) * 6; ++i) NineUnknown_Destroy(&This->surfaces[i]->base.base); FREE(This->surfaces); } if (This->managed_buffer) align_free(This->managed_buffer); NineBaseTexture9_dtor(&This->base); } HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineCubeTexture9_GetLevelDesc( struct NineCubeTexture9 *This, UINT Level, D3DSURFACE_DESC *pDesc ) { DBG("This=%p Level=%u pDesc=%p\n", This, Level, pDesc); user_assert(Level <= This->base.base.info.last_level, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(Level == 0 || !(This->base.base.usage & D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); *pDesc = This->surfaces[Level * 6]->desc; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineCubeTexture9_GetCubeMapSurface( struct NineCubeTexture9 *This, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES FaceType, UINT Level, IDirect3DSurface9 **ppCubeMapSurface ) { const unsigned s = Level * 6 + FaceType; DBG("This=%p FaceType=%d Level=%u ppCubeMapSurface=%p\n", This, FaceType, Level, ppCubeMapSurface); user_assert(Level <= This->base.base.info.last_level, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(Level == 0 || !(This->base.base.usage & D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(FaceType < 6, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); NineUnknown_AddRef(NineUnknown(This->surfaces[s])); *ppCubeMapSurface = (IDirect3DSurface9 *)This->surfaces[s]; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineCubeTexture9_LockRect( struct NineCubeTexture9 *This, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES FaceType, UINT Level, D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRect, const RECT *pRect, DWORD Flags ) { const unsigned s = Level * 6 + FaceType; DBG("This=%p FaceType=%d Level=%u pLockedRect=%p pRect=%p Flags=%d\n", This, FaceType, Level, pLockedRect, pRect, Flags); user_assert(Level <= This->base.base.info.last_level, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(Level == 0 || !(This->base.base.usage & D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(FaceType < 6, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); return NineSurface9_LockRect(This->surfaces[s], pLockedRect, pRect, Flags); } HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineCubeTexture9_UnlockRect( struct NineCubeTexture9 *This, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES FaceType, UINT Level ) { const unsigned s = Level * 6 + FaceType; DBG("This=%p FaceType=%d Level=%u\n", This, FaceType, Level); user_assert(Level <= This->base.base.info.last_level, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); user_assert(FaceType < 6, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); return NineSurface9_UnlockRect(This->surfaces[s]); } HRESULT NINE_WINAPI NineCubeTexture9_AddDirtyRect( struct NineCubeTexture9 *This, D3DCUBEMAP_FACES FaceType, const RECT *pDirtyRect ) { DBG("This=%p FaceType=%d pDirtyRect=%p\n", This, FaceType, pDirtyRect); user_assert(FaceType < 6, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL); if (This->base.base.pool != D3DPOOL_MANAGED) { if (This->base.base.usage & D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP) { This->base.dirty_mip = TRUE; BASETEX_REGISTER_UPDATE(&This->base); } return D3D_OK; } if (This->base.base.pool == D3DPOOL_MANAGED) { This->base.managed.dirty = TRUE; BASETEX_REGISTER_UPDATE(&This->base); } if (!pDirtyRect) { u_box_origin_2d(This->base.base.info.width0, This->base.base.info.height0, &This->dirty_rect[FaceType]); } else { if (This->dirty_rect[FaceType].width == 0) { rect_to_pipe_box_clamp(&This->dirty_rect[FaceType], pDirtyRect); } else { struct pipe_box box; rect_to_pipe_box_clamp(&box, pDirtyRect); u_box_union_2d(&This->dirty_rect[FaceType], &This->dirty_rect[FaceType], &box); } (void) u_box_clip_2d(&This->dirty_rect[FaceType], &This->dirty_rect[FaceType], This->base.base.info.width0, This->base.base.info.height0); } return D3D_OK; } IDirect3DCubeTexture9Vtbl NineCubeTexture9_vtable = { (void *)NineUnknown_QueryInterface, (void *)NineUnknown_AddRef, (void *)NineUnknown_Release, (void *)NineUnknown_GetDevice, /* actually part of Resource9 iface */ (void *)NineUnknown_SetPrivateData, (void *)NineUnknown_GetPrivateData, (void *)NineUnknown_FreePrivateData, (void *)NineResource9_SetPriority, (void *)NineResource9_GetPriority, (void *)NineBaseTexture9_PreLoad, (void *)NineResource9_GetType, (void *)NineBaseTexture9_SetLOD, (void *)NineBaseTexture9_GetLOD, (void *)NineBaseTexture9_GetLevelCount, (void *)NineBaseTexture9_SetAutoGenFilterType, (void *)NineBaseTexture9_GetAutoGenFilterType, (void *)NineBaseTexture9_GenerateMipSubLevels, (void *)NineCubeTexture9_GetLevelDesc, (void *)NineCubeTexture9_GetCubeMapSurface, (void *)NineCubeTexture9_LockRect, (void *)NineCubeTexture9_UnlockRect, (void *)NineCubeTexture9_AddDirtyRect }; static const GUID *NineCubeTexture9_IIDs[] = { &IID_IDirect3DCubeTexture9, &IID_IDirect3DBaseTexture9, &IID_IDirect3DResource9, &IID_IUnknown, NULL }; HRESULT NineCubeTexture9_new( struct NineDevice9 *pDevice, UINT EdgeLength, UINT Levels, DWORD Usage, D3DFORMAT Format, D3DPOOL Pool, struct NineCubeTexture9 **ppOut, HANDLE *pSharedHandle ) { NINE_DEVICE_CHILD_NEW(CubeTexture9, ppOut, pDevice, EdgeLength, Levels, Usage, Format, Pool, pSharedHandle); }