#!/usr/bin/env python CopyRight = ''' /************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL VMWARE AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ /** * @file * Pixel format accessor functions. * * @author Jose Fonseca */ ''' import sys import os.path sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../../auxiliary/util')) from u_format_pack import * def is_format_supported(format): '''Determines whether we actually have the plumbing necessary to generate the to read/write to/from this format.''' # FIXME: Ideally we would support any format combination here. if format.layout != PLAIN: return False for i in range(4): channel = format.channels[i] if channel.type not in (VOID, UNSIGNED, SIGNED, FLOAT): return False if channel.type == FLOAT and channel.size not in (16, 32 ,64): return False if format.colorspace not in ('rgb', 'srgb'): return False return True def generate_format_read(format, dst_channel, dst_native_type, dst_suffix): '''Generate the function to read pixels from a particular format''' name = format.short_name() src_native_type = native_type(format) print 'static void' print 'lp_tile_%s_swizzle_%s(%s * restrict dst, const uint8_t * restrict src, unsigned src_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0)' % (name, dst_suffix, dst_native_type) print '{' print ' unsigned x, y;' print ' const uint8_t *src_row = src + y0*src_stride;' print ' for (y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE; ++y) {' print ' const %s *src_pixel = (const %s *)(src_row + x0*%u);' % (src_native_type, src_native_type, format.stride()) print ' for (x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE; ++x) {' names = ['']*4 if format.colorspace in ('rgb', 'srgb'): for i in range(4): swizzle = format.swizzles[i] if swizzle < 4: names[swizzle] += 'rgba'[i] elif format.colorspace == 'zs': swizzle = format.swizzles[0] if swizzle < 4: names[swizzle] = 'z' else: assert False else: assert False if format.layout == PLAIN: if not format.is_array(): print ' %s pixel = *src_pixel++;' % src_native_type shift = 0; for i in range(4): src_channel = format.channels[i] width = src_channel.size if names[i]: value = 'pixel' mask = (1 << width) - 1 if shift: value = '(%s >> %u)' % (value, shift) if shift + width < format.block_size(): value = '(%s & 0x%x)' % (value, mask) value = conversion_expr(src_channel, dst_channel, dst_native_type, value, clamp=False) print ' %s %s = %s;' % (dst_native_type, names[i], value) shift += width else: for i in range(4): if names[i]: print ' %s %s;' % (dst_native_type, names[i]) for i in range(4): src_channel = format.channels[i] if names[i]: value = '(*src_pixel++)' value = conversion_expr(src_channel, dst_channel, dst_native_type, value, clamp=False) print ' %s = %s;' % (names[i], value) elif src_channel.size: print ' ++src_pixel;' else: assert False for i in range(4): if format.colorspace in ('rgb', 'srgb'): swizzle = format.swizzles[i] if swizzle < 4: value = names[swizzle] elif swizzle == SWIZZLE_0: value = '0' elif swizzle == SWIZZLE_1: value = get_one(dst_channel) else: assert False elif format.colorspace == 'zs': if i < 3: value = 'z' else: value = get_one(dst_channel) else: assert False print ' TILE_PIXEL(dst, x, y, %u) = %s; /* %s */' % (i, value, 'rgba'[i]) print ' }' print ' src_row += src_stride;' print ' }' print '}' print def pack_rgba(format, src_channel, r, g, b, a): """Return an expression for packing r, g, b, a into a pixel of the given format. Ex: '(b << 24) | (g << 16) | (r << 8) | (a << 0)' """ assert format.colorspace in ('rgb', 'srgb') inv_swizzle = format.inv_swizzles() shift = 0 expr = None for i in range(4): # choose r, g, b, or a depending on the inverse swizzle term if inv_swizzle[i] == 0: value = r elif inv_swizzle[i] == 1: value = g elif inv_swizzle[i] == 2: value = b elif inv_swizzle[i] == 3: value = a else: value = None if value: dst_channel = format.channels[i] dst_native_type = native_type(format) value = conversion_expr(src_channel, dst_channel, dst_native_type, value, clamp=False) term = "((%s) << %d)" % (value, shift) if expr: expr = expr + " | " + term else: expr = term width = format.channels[i].size shift = shift + width return expr def emit_unrolled_unswizzle_code(format, src_channel): '''Emit code for writing a block based on unrolled loops. This is considerably faster than the TILE_PIXEL-based code below. ''' dst_native_type = 'uint%u_t' % format.block_size() print ' const unsigned dstpix_stride = dst_stride / %d;' % format.stride() print ' %s *dstpix = (%s *) dst;' % (dst_native_type, dst_native_type) print ' unsigned int qx, qy, i;' print print ' for (qy = 0; qy < TILE_SIZE; qy += TILE_VECTOR_HEIGHT) {' print ' const unsigned py = y0 + qy;' print ' for (qx = 0; qx < TILE_SIZE; qx += TILE_VECTOR_WIDTH) {' print ' const unsigned px = x0 + qx;' print ' const uint8_t *r = src + 0 * TILE_C_STRIDE;' print ' const uint8_t *g = src + 1 * TILE_C_STRIDE;' print ' const uint8_t *b = src + 2 * TILE_C_STRIDE;' print ' const uint8_t *a = src + 3 * TILE_C_STRIDE;' print ' (void) r; (void) g; (void) b; (void) a; /* silence warnings */' print ' for (i = 0; i < TILE_C_STRIDE; i += 2) {' print ' const uint32_t pixel0 = %s;' % pack_rgba(format, src_channel, "r[i+0]", "g[i+0]", "b[i+0]", "a[i+0]") print ' const uint32_t pixel1 = %s;' % pack_rgba(format, src_channel, "r[i+1]", "g[i+1]", "b[i+1]", "a[i+1]") print ' const unsigned offset = (py + tile_y_offset[i]) * dstpix_stride + (px + tile_x_offset[i]);' print ' dstpix[offset + 0] = pixel0;' print ' dstpix[offset + 1] = pixel1;' print ' }' print ' src += TILE_X_STRIDE;' print ' }' print ' }' def emit_tile_pixel_unswizzle_code(format, src_channel): '''Emit code for writing a block based on the TILE_PIXEL macro.''' dst_native_type = native_type(format) inv_swizzle = format.inv_swizzles() print ' unsigned x, y;' print ' uint8_t *dst_row = dst + y0*dst_stride;' print ' for (y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE; ++y) {' print ' %s *dst_pixel = (%s *)(dst_row + x0*%u);' % (dst_native_type, dst_native_type, format.stride()) print ' for (x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE; ++x) {' if format.layout == PLAIN: if not format.is_array(): print ' %s pixel = 0;' % dst_native_type shift = 0; for i in range(4): dst_channel = format.channels[i] width = dst_channel.size if inv_swizzle[i] is not None: value = 'TILE_PIXEL(src, x, y, %u)' % inv_swizzle[i] value = conversion_expr(src_channel, dst_channel, dst_native_type, value, clamp=False) if shift: value = '(%s << %u)' % (value, shift) print ' pixel |= %s;' % value shift += width print ' *dst_pixel++ = pixel;' else: for i in range(4): dst_channel = format.channels[i] if inv_swizzle[i] is not None: value = 'TILE_PIXEL(src, x, y, %u)' % inv_swizzle[i] value = conversion_expr(src_channel, dst_channel, dst_native_type, value, clamp=False) print ' *dst_pixel++ = %s;' % value elif dst_channel.size: print ' ++dst_pixel;' else: assert False print ' }' print ' dst_row += dst_stride;' print ' }' def generate_format_write(format, src_channel, src_native_type, src_suffix): '''Generate the function to write pixels to a particular format''' name = format.short_name() print 'static void' print 'lp_tile_%s_unswizzle_%s(const %s * restrict src, uint8_t * restrict dst, unsigned dst_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0)' % (name, src_suffix, src_native_type) print '{' if format.layout == PLAIN \ and format.colorspace == 'rgb' \ and format.block_size() <= 32 \ and format.is_pot() \ and not format.is_mixed() \ and (format.channels[0].type == UNSIGNED \ or format.channels[1].type == UNSIGNED): emit_unrolled_unswizzle_code(format, src_channel) else: emit_tile_pixel_unswizzle_code(format, src_channel) print '}' print def generate_sse2(): print ''' #if defined(PIPE_ARCH_SSE) #include "util/u_sse.h" static ALWAYS_INLINE void swz4( const __m128i * restrict x, const __m128i * restrict y, const __m128i * restrict z, const __m128i * restrict w, __m128i * restrict a, __m128i * restrict b, __m128i * restrict c, __m128i * restrict d) { __m128i i, j, k, l; __m128i m, n, o, p; __m128i e, f, g, h; m = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(*x,*y); n = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(*x,*y); o = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(*z,*w); p = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(*z,*w); i = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(m,n); j = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(m,n); k = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(o,p); l = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(o,p); e = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(i,j); f = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(i,j); g = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(k,l); h = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(k,l); *a = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(e,g); *b = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(e,g); *c = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(f,h); *d = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(f,h); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unswz4( const __m128i * restrict a, const __m128i * restrict b, const __m128i * restrict c, const __m128i * restrict d, __m128i * restrict x, __m128i * restrict y, __m128i * restrict z, __m128i * restrict w) { __m128i i, j, k, l; __m128i m, n, o, p; i = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(*a,*b); j = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(*a,*b); k = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(*c,*d); l = _mm_unpackhi_epi8(*c,*d); m = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(i,k); n = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(i,k); o = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(j,l); p = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(j,l); *x = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(m,n); *y = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(m,n); *z = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(o,p); *w = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(o,p); } static void lp_tile_b8g8r8a8_unorm_swizzle_4ub_sse2(uint8_t * restrict dst, const uint8_t * restrict src, unsigned src_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0) { __m128i *dst128 = (__m128i *) dst; unsigned x, y; src += y0 * src_stride; src += x0 * sizeof(uint32_t); for (y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE; y += 4) { const uint8_t *src_row = src; for (x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE; x += 4) { swz4((const __m128i *) (src_row + 0 * src_stride), (const __m128i *) (src_row + 1 * src_stride), (const __m128i *) (src_row + 2 * src_stride), (const __m128i *) (src_row + 3 * src_stride), dst128 + 2, /* b */ dst128 + 1, /* g */ dst128 + 0, /* r */ dst128 + 3); /* a */ dst128 += 4; src_row += sizeof(__m128i); } src += 4 * src_stride; } } static void lp_tile_b8g8r8a8_unorm_unswizzle_4ub_sse2(const uint8_t * restrict src, uint8_t * restrict dst, unsigned dst_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0) { unsigned int x, y; const __m128i *src128 = (const __m128i *) src; dst += y0 * dst_stride; dst += x0 * sizeof(uint32_t); for (y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE; y += 4) { const uint8_t *dst_row = dst; for (x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE; x += 4) { unswz4( &src128[2], /* b */ &src128[1], /* g */ &src128[0], /* r */ &src128[3], /* a */ (__m128i *) (dst_row + 0 * dst_stride), (__m128i *) (dst_row + 1 * dst_stride), (__m128i *) (dst_row + 2 * dst_stride), (__m128i *) (dst_row + 3 * dst_stride)); src128 += 4; dst_row += sizeof(__m128i);; } dst += 4 * dst_stride; } } static void lp_tile_b8g8r8x8_unorm_swizzle_4ub_sse2(uint8_t * restrict dst, const uint8_t * restrict src, unsigned src_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0) { __m128i *dst128 = (__m128i *) dst; unsigned x, y; src += y0 * src_stride; src += x0 * sizeof(uint32_t); for (y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE; y += 4) { const uint8_t *src_row = src; for (x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE; x += 4) { swz4((const __m128i *) (src_row + 0 * src_stride), (const __m128i *) (src_row + 1 * src_stride), (const __m128i *) (src_row + 2 * src_stride), (const __m128i *) (src_row + 3 * src_stride), dst128 + 2, /* b */ dst128 + 1, /* g */ dst128 + 0, /* r */ dst128 + 3); /* a */ dst128 += 4; src_row += sizeof(__m128i); } src += 4 * src_stride; } } static void lp_tile_b8g8r8x8_unorm_unswizzle_4ub_sse2(const uint8_t * restrict src, uint8_t * restrict dst, unsigned dst_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0) { unsigned int x, y; const __m128i *src128 = (const __m128i *) src; dst += y0 * dst_stride; dst += x0 * sizeof(uint32_t); for (y = 0; y < TILE_SIZE; y += 4) { const uint8_t *dst_row = dst; for (x = 0; x < TILE_SIZE; x += 4) { unswz4( &src128[2], /* b */ &src128[1], /* g */ &src128[0], /* r */ &src128[3], /* a */ (__m128i *) (dst_row + 0 * dst_stride), (__m128i *) (dst_row + 1 * dst_stride), (__m128i *) (dst_row + 2 * dst_stride), (__m128i *) (dst_row + 3 * dst_stride)); src128 += 4; dst_row += sizeof(__m128i);; } dst += 4 * dst_stride; } } #endif /* PIPE_ARCH_SSE */ ''' def generate_swizzle(formats, dst_channel, dst_native_type, dst_suffix): '''Generate the dispatch function to read pixels from any format''' for format in formats: if is_format_supported(format): generate_format_read(format, dst_channel, dst_native_type, dst_suffix) print 'void' print 'lp_tile_swizzle_%s(enum pipe_format format, %s *dst, const void *src, unsigned src_stride, unsigned x, unsigned y)' % (dst_suffix, dst_native_type) print '{' print ' void (*func)(%s * restrict dst, const uint8_t * restrict src, unsigned src_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0);' % dst_native_type print '#ifdef DEBUG' print ' lp_tile_swizzle_count += 1;' print '#endif' print ' switch(format) {' for format in formats: if is_format_supported(format): print ' case %s:' % format.name func_name = 'lp_tile_%s_swizzle_%s' % (format.short_name(), dst_suffix) if format.name == 'PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM' or format.name == 'PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM': print '#ifdef PIPE_ARCH_SSE' print ' func = util_cpu_caps.has_sse2 ? %s_sse2 : %s;' % (func_name, func_name) print '#else' print ' func = %s;' % (func_name,) print '#endif' else: print ' func = %s;' % (func_name,) print ' break;' print ' default:' print ' debug_printf("%s: unsupported format %s\\n", __FUNCTION__, util_format_name(format));' print ' return;' print ' }' print ' func(dst, (const uint8_t *)src, src_stride, x, y);' print '}' print def generate_unswizzle(formats, src_channel, src_native_type, src_suffix): '''Generate the dispatch function to write pixels to any format''' for format in formats: if is_format_supported(format): generate_format_write(format, src_channel, src_native_type, src_suffix) print 'void' print 'lp_tile_unswizzle_%s(enum pipe_format format, const %s *src, void *dst, unsigned dst_stride, unsigned x, unsigned y)' % (src_suffix, src_native_type) print '{' print ' void (*func)(const %s * restrict src, uint8_t * restrict dst, unsigned dst_stride, unsigned x0, unsigned y0);' % src_native_type print '#ifdef DEBUG' print ' lp_tile_unswizzle_count += 1;' print '#endif' print ' switch(format) {' for format in formats: if is_format_supported(format): print ' case %s:' % format.name func_name = 'lp_tile_%s_unswizzle_%s' % (format.short_name(), src_suffix) if format.name == 'PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM' or format.name == 'PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM': print '#ifdef PIPE_ARCH_SSE' print ' func = util_cpu_caps.has_sse2 ? %s_sse2 : %s;' % (func_name, func_name) print '#else' print ' func = %s;' % (func_name,) print '#endif' else: print ' func = %s;' % (func_name,) print ' break;' print ' default:' print ' debug_printf("%s: unsupported format %s\\n", __FUNCTION__, util_format_name(format));' print ' return;' print ' }' print ' func(src, (uint8_t *)dst, dst_stride, x, y);' print '}' print def main(): formats = [] for arg in sys.argv[1:]: formats.extend(parse(arg)) print '/* This file is autogenerated by lp_tile_soa.py from u_format.csv. Do not edit directly. */' print # This will print the copyright message on the top of this file print CopyRight.strip() print print '#include "pipe/p_compiler.h"' print '#include "util/u_format.h"' print '#include "util/u_math.h"' print '#include "util/u_half.h"' print '#include "util/u_cpu_detect.h"' print '#include "lp_tile_soa.h"' print print '#ifdef DEBUG' print 'unsigned lp_tile_unswizzle_count = 0;' print 'unsigned lp_tile_swizzle_count = 0;' print '#endif' print print 'const unsigned char' print 'tile_offset[TILE_VECTOR_HEIGHT][TILE_VECTOR_WIDTH] = {' print ' { 0, 1, 4, 5},' print ' { 2, 3, 6, 7},' print ' { 8, 9, 12, 13},' print ' { 10, 11, 14, 15}' print '};' print print '/* Note: these lookup tables could be replaced with some' print ' * bit-twiddling code, but this is a little faster.' print ' */' print 'static unsigned tile_x_offset[TILE_VECTOR_WIDTH * TILE_VECTOR_HEIGHT] = {' print ' 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3,' print ' 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3' print '};' print print 'static unsigned tile_y_offset[TILE_VECTOR_WIDTH * TILE_VECTOR_HEIGHT] = {' print ' 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,' print ' 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3' print '};' print generate_sse2() channel = Channel(UNSIGNED, True, 8) native_type = 'uint8_t' suffix = '4ub' generate_swizzle(formats, channel, native_type, suffix) generate_unswizzle(formats, channel, native_type, suffix) if __name__ == '__main__': main()