#include #include #include #include "eglcurrent.h" #include "egldispatchstubs.h" #include "eglglobals.h" static const __EGLapiExports *__eglGLVNDApiExports = NULL; static const char * EGLAPIENTRY __eglGLVNDQueryString(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLenum name) { // For client extensions, return the list of non-platform extensions. The // platform extensions are returned by __eglGLVNDGetVendorString. if (dpy == EGL_NO_DISPLAY && name == EGL_EXTENSIONS) return _eglGlobal.ClientOnlyExtensionString; // For everything else, forward to the normal eglQueryString function. return eglQueryString(dpy, name); } static const char * __eglGLVNDGetVendorString(int name) { if (name == __EGL_VENDOR_STRING_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS) return _eglGlobal.PlatformExtensionString; return NULL; } static EGLDisplay __eglGLVNDGetPlatformDisplay(EGLenum platform, void *native_display, const EGLAttrib *attrib_list) { if (platform == EGL_NONE) { assert(native_display == (void *) EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); assert(attrib_list == NULL); return eglGetDisplay((EGLNativeDisplayType) native_display); } else { return eglGetPlatformDisplay(platform, native_display, attrib_list); } } static void * __eglGLVNDGetProcAddress(const char *procName) { if (strcmp(procName, "eglQueryString") == 0) return (void *) __eglGLVNDQueryString; return (void *) eglGetProcAddress(procName); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean __egl_Main(uint32_t version, const __EGLapiExports *exports, __EGLvendorInfo *vendor, __EGLapiImports *imports) { if (EGL_VENDOR_ABI_GET_MAJOR_VERSION(version) != EGL_VENDOR_ABI_MAJOR_VERSION) return EGL_FALSE; __eglGLVNDApiExports = exports; __eglInitDispatchStubs(exports); imports->getPlatformDisplay = __eglGLVNDGetPlatformDisplay; imports->getSupportsAPI = _eglIsApiValid; imports->getVendorString = __eglGLVNDGetVendorString; imports->getProcAddress = __eglGLVNDGetProcAddress; imports->getDispatchAddress = __eglDispatchFindDispatchFunction; imports->setDispatchIndex = __eglSetDispatchIndex; return EGL_TRUE; }