#include #include #include #include "eglconfig.h" #include "eglcontext.h" #include "egldisplay.h" #include "egldriver.h" #include "eglglobals.h" #include "eglsurface.h" /** * Initialize the given _EGLContext object to defaults and/or the values * in the attrib_list. */ EGLBoolean _eglInitContext(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLContext *ctx, _EGLConfig *conf, const EGLint *attrib_list) { EGLint i; const EGLenum api = eglQueryAPI(); if (api == EGL_NONE) { _eglError(EGL_BAD_MATCH, "eglCreateContext(no client API)"); return EGL_FALSE; } memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(_EGLContext)); ctx->ClientVersion = 1; /* the default, per EGL spec */ for (i = 0; attrib_list && attrib_list[i] != EGL_NONE; i++) { switch (attrib_list[i]) { case EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION: i++; ctx->ClientVersion = attrib_list[i]; break; default: _eglError(EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE, "_eglInitContext"); return EGL_FALSE; } } ctx->Config = conf; ctx->DrawSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; ctx->ReadSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; ctx->ClientAPI = api; ctx->WindowRenderBuffer = EGL_NONE; return EGL_TRUE; } /** * Just a placeholder/demo function. Real driver will never use this! */ _EGLContext * _eglCreateContext(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *dpy, _EGLConfig *conf, _EGLContext *share_list, const EGLint *attrib_list) { #if 0 /* example code */ _EGLContext *context; context = (_EGLContext *) calloc(1, sizeof(_EGLContext)); if (!context) return NULL; if (!_eglInitContext(drv, context, conf, attrib_list)) { free(context); return NULL; } return context; #endif return NULL; } /** * Default fallback routine - drivers should usually override this. */ EGLBoolean _eglDestroyContext(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *dpy, _EGLContext *ctx) { if (!_eglIsContextBound(ctx)) free(ctx); return EGL_TRUE; } #ifdef EGL_VERSION_1_2 static EGLint _eglQueryContextRenderBuffer(_EGLContext *ctx) { _EGLSurface *surf = ctx->DrawSurface; EGLint rb; if (!surf) return EGL_NONE; if (surf->Type == EGL_WINDOW_BIT && ctx->WindowRenderBuffer != EGL_NONE) rb = ctx->WindowRenderBuffer; else rb = surf->RenderBuffer; return rb; } #endif /* EGL_VERSION_1_2 */ EGLBoolean _eglQueryContext(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *dpy, _EGLContext *c, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { (void) drv; (void) dpy; if (!value) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_PARAMETER, "eglQueryContext"); switch (attribute) { case EGL_CONFIG_ID: *value = GET_CONFIG_ATTRIB(c->Config, EGL_CONFIG_ID); break; case EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION: *value = c->ClientVersion; break; #ifdef EGL_VERSION_1_2 case EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_TYPE: *value = c->ClientAPI; break; case EGL_RENDER_BUFFER: *value = _eglQueryContextRenderBuffer(c); break; #endif /* EGL_VERSION_1_2 */ default: return _eglError(EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE, "eglQueryContext"); } return EGL_TRUE; } /** * Bind the context to the surfaces. Return the surfaces that are "orphaned". * That is, when the context is not NULL, return the surfaces it previously * bound to; when the context is NULL, the same surfaces are returned. */ static void _eglBindContextToSurfaces(_EGLContext *ctx, _EGLSurface **draw, _EGLSurface **read) { _EGLSurface *newDraw = *draw, *newRead = *read; if (newDraw->Binding) newDraw->Binding->DrawSurface = NULL; newDraw->Binding = ctx; if (newRead->Binding) newRead->Binding->ReadSurface = NULL; newRead->Binding = ctx; if (ctx) { *draw = ctx->DrawSurface; ctx->DrawSurface = newDraw; *read = ctx->ReadSurface; ctx->ReadSurface = newRead; } } /** * Bind the context to the thread and return the previous context. * * Note that the context may be NULL. */ static _EGLContext * _eglBindContextToThread(_EGLContext *ctx, _EGLThreadInfo *t) { EGLint apiIndex; _EGLContext *oldCtx; apiIndex = (ctx) ? _eglConvertApiToIndex(ctx->ClientAPI) : t->CurrentAPIIndex; oldCtx = t->CurrentContexts[apiIndex]; if (ctx == oldCtx) return NULL; if (oldCtx) oldCtx->Binding = NULL; if (ctx) ctx->Binding = t; t->CurrentContexts[apiIndex] = ctx; return oldCtx; } /** * Return true if the given context and surfaces can be made current. */ static EGLBoolean _eglCheckMakeCurrent(_EGLContext *ctx, _EGLSurface *draw, _EGLSurface *read) { _EGLThreadInfo *t = _eglGetCurrentThread(); EGLint conflict_api; if (_eglIsCurrentThreadDummy()) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_ALLOC, "eglMakeCurrent"); /* this is easy */ if (!ctx) { if (draw || read) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_MATCH, "eglMakeCurrent"); return EGL_TRUE; } /* ctx/draw/read must be all given */ if (draw == NULL || read == NULL) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_MATCH, "eglMakeCurrent"); /* context stealing from another thread is not allowed */ if (ctx->Binding && ctx->Binding != t) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_ACCESS, "eglMakeCurrent"); /* * The spec says * * "If ctx is current to some other thread, or if either draw or read are * bound to contexts in another thread, an EGL_BAD_ACCESS error is * generated." * * But it also says * * "at most one context may be bound to a particular surface at a given * time" * * The latter is more restrictive so we can check only the latter case. */ if ((draw->Binding && draw->Binding != ctx) || (read->Binding && read->Binding != ctx)) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_ACCESS, "eglMakeCurrent"); /* simply require the configs to be equal */ if (draw->Config != ctx->Config || read->Config != ctx->Config) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_MATCH, "eglMakeCurrent"); switch (ctx->ClientAPI) { #ifdef EGL_VERSION_1_4 /* OpenGL and OpenGL ES are conflicting */ case EGL_OPENGL_ES_API: conflict_api = EGL_OPENGL_API; break; case EGL_OPENGL_API: conflict_api = EGL_OPENGL_ES_API; break; #endif default: conflict_api = -1; break; } if (conflict_api >= 0 && _eglGetAPIContext(conflict_api)) return _eglError(EGL_BAD_ACCESS, "eglMakeCurrent"); return EGL_TRUE; } /** * Bind the context to the current thread and given surfaces. Return the * previously bound context and the surfaces it bound to. Each argument is * both input and output. */ EGLBoolean _eglBindContext(_EGLContext **ctx, _EGLSurface **draw, _EGLSurface **read) { _EGLThreadInfo *t = _eglGetCurrentThread(); _EGLContext *newCtx = *ctx, *oldCtx; if (!_eglCheckMakeCurrent(newCtx, *draw, *read)) return EGL_FALSE; /* bind the new context */ oldCtx = _eglBindContextToThread(newCtx, t); *ctx = oldCtx; if (newCtx) _eglBindContextToSurfaces(newCtx, draw, read); /* unbind the old context from its binding surfaces */ if (oldCtx) { /* * If the new context replaces some old context, the new one should not * be current before the replacement and it should not be bound to any * surface. */ if (newCtx) assert(!*draw && !*read); *draw = oldCtx->DrawSurface; *read = oldCtx->ReadSurface; assert(*draw && *read); _eglBindContextToSurfaces(NULL, draw, read); } return EGL_TRUE; } /** * Drivers will typically call this to do the error checking and * update the various flags. * Then, the driver will do its device-dependent Make-Current stuff. */ EGLBoolean _eglMakeCurrent(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *dpy, _EGLSurface *draw, _EGLSurface *read, _EGLContext *ctx) { if (!_eglBindContext(&ctx, &draw, &read)) return EGL_FALSE; /* avoid double destroy */ if (read && read == draw) read = NULL; if (ctx && !_eglIsContextLinked(ctx)) drv->API.DestroyContext(drv, dpy, ctx); if (draw && !_eglIsSurfaceLinked(draw)) drv->API.DestroySurface(drv, dpy, draw); if (read && !_eglIsSurfaceLinked(read)) drv->API.DestroySurface(drv, dpy, read); return EGL_TRUE; } /** * This is defined by the EGL_MESA_copy_context extension. */ EGLBoolean _eglCopyContextMESA(_EGLDriver *drv, EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext source, EGLContext dest, EGLint mask) { /* This function will always have to be overridden/implemented in the * device driver. If the driver is based on Mesa, use _mesa_copy_context(). */ return EGL_FALSE; }