from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals COPYRIGHT = ''' /* * Copyright 2015-2019 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ ''' """ Create the (combined) register header from register JSON. Use --help for usage. """ import argparse from collections import defaultdict import itertools import json import re import sys from regdb import Object, RegisterDatabase, deduplicate_enums, deduplicate_register_types ######### BEGIN HARDCODED CONFIGURATION # Chips are sorted chronologically CHIPS = [ Object(name='gfx6', disambiguation='GFX6'), Object(name='gfx7', disambiguation='GFX7'), Object(name='gfx8', disambiguation='GFX8'), Object(name='fiji', disambiguation='GFX8'), Object(name='stoney', disambiguation='GFX8'), Object(name='gfx9', disambiguation='GFX9'), Object(name='gfx10', disambiguation='GFX10'), ] ######### END HARDCODED CONFIGURATION def get_chip_index(chip): """ Given a chip name, return its index in the global CHIPS list. """ return next(idx for idx, obj in enumerate(CHIPS) if == chip) def get_disambiguation_suffix(chips): """ Disambiguation suffix to be used for an enum entry or field name that is supported in the given set of chips. """ oldest_chip_index = min([get_chip_index(chip) for chip in chips]) return CHIPS[oldest_chip_index].disambiguation def get_chips_comment(chips, parent=None): """ Generate a user-friendly comment describing the given set of chips. The return value may be None, if such a comment is deemed unnecessary. parent is an optional set of chips supporting a parent structure, e.g. where chips may be the set of chips supporting a specific enum value, parent would be the set of chips supporting the field containing the enum, the idea being that no comment is necessary if all chips that support the parent also support the child. """ chipflags = [ in chips for chip in CHIPS] if all(chipflags): return None if parent is not None: parentflags = [ in parent for chip in CHIPS] if all(childflag or not parentflag for childflag, parentflag in zip(chipflags, parentflags)): return None prefix = 0 for idx, chip, flag in zip(itertools.count(), CHIPS, chipflags): if not flag: break prefix = idx + 1 suffix = len(CHIPS) for idx, chip, flag in zip(itertools.count(), reversed(CHIPS), reversed(chipflags)): if not flag: break suffix = len(CHIPS) - idx - 1 comment = [] if prefix > 0: comment.append('<= {0}'.format(CHIPS[prefix - 1].name)) for chip, flag in zip(CHIPS[prefix:suffix], chipflags[prefix:suffix]): if flag: comment.append( if suffix < len(CHIPS): comment.append('>= {0}'.format(CHIPS[suffix].name)) return ', '.join(comment) class HeaderWriter(object): def __init__(self, regdb, guard=None): self.guard = guard # The following contain: Object(address, chips, name, regmap/field/enumentry) self.register_lines = [] self.field_lines = [] self.value_lines = [] regtype_emit = defaultdict(set) enum_emit = defaultdict(set) for regmap in regdb.register_mappings(): type_ref = getattr(regmap, 'type_ref', None) self.register_lines.append(Object(, chips=set(regmap.chips),, regmap=regmap, type_refs=set([type_ref]) if type_ref else set(), )) basename = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', '', key = '{type_ref}::{basename}'.format(**locals()) if type_ref is not None and regtype_emit[key].isdisjoint(regmap.chips): regtype_emit[key].update(regmap.chips) regtype = regdb.register_type(type_ref) for field in regtype.fields: if == 'RESERVED': continue enum_ref = getattr(field, 'enum_ref', None) self.field_lines.append(Object(, chips=set(regmap.chips),, field=field, bits=field.bits[:], type_refs=set([type_ref]) if type_ref else set(), enum_refs=set([enum_ref]) if enum_ref else set(), )) key = '{type_ref}::{basename}::{enum_ref}'.format(**locals()) if enum_ref is not None and enum_emit[key].isdisjoint(regmap.chips): enum_emit[key].update(regmap.chips) enum = regdb.enum(enum_ref) for entry in enum.entries: self.value_lines.append(Object(, chips=set(regmap.chips),, enumentry=entry, enum_refs=set([enum_ref]) if enum_ref else set(), )) # Merge register lines lines = self.register_lines lines.sort(key=lambda line: (line.address, self.register_lines = [] for line in lines: prev = self.register_lines[-1] if self.register_lines else None if prev and prev.address == line.address and == prev.chips.update(line.chips) prev.type_refs.update(line.type_refs) continue self.register_lines.append(line) # Merge field lines lines = self.field_lines lines.sort(key=lambda line: (line.address, self.field_lines = [] for line in lines: merged = False for prev in reversed(self.field_lines): if prev.address != line.address or != break # Can merge fields if they have the same starting bit and the # range of the field as intended by the current line does not # conflict with any of the regtypes covered by prev. if prev.bits[0] != line.bits[0]: continue if prev.bits[1] < line.bits[1]: # Current line's field extends beyond the range of prev. # Need to check for conflicts conflict = False for type_ref in prev.type_refs: for field in regdb.register_type(type_ref).fields: # The only possible conflict is for a prev field # that starts at a higher bit. if (field.bits[0] > line.bits[0] and field.bits[0] <= line.bits[1]): conflict = True break if conflict: break if conflict: continue prev.bits[1] = max(prev.bits[1], line.bits[1]) prev.chips.update(line.chips) prev.type_refs.update(line.type_refs) prev.enum_refs.update(line.enum_refs) merged = True break if not merged: self.field_lines.append(line) # Merge value lines lines = self.value_lines lines.sort(key=lambda line: (line.address, self.value_lines = [] for line in lines: for prev in reversed(self.value_lines): if prev.address == line.address and == and\ prev.enumentry.value == line.enumentry.value: prev.chips.update(line.chips) prev.enum_refs.update(line.enum_refs) break else: self.value_lines.append(line) # Disambiguate field and value lines for idx, line in enumerate(self.field_lines): prev = self.field_lines[idx - 1] if idx > 0 else None next = self.field_lines[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < len(self.field_lines) else None if (prev and prev.address == line.address and == or\ (next and next.address == line.address and == += '_' + get_disambiguation_suffix(line.chips) for idx, line in enumerate(self.value_lines): prev = self.value_lines[idx - 1] if idx > 0 else None next = self.value_lines[idx + 1] if idx + 1 < len(self.value_lines) else None if (prev and prev.address == line.address and == or\ (next and next.address == line.address and == += '_' + get_disambiguation_suffix(line.chips) def print(self, filp, sort='address'): """ Print out the entire register header. """ if sort == 'address': self.register_lines.sort(key=lambda line: (line.address, else: assert sort == 'name' self.register_lines.sort(key=lambda line: (, line.address)) # Collect and sort field lines by address field_lines_by_address = defaultdict(list) for line in self.field_lines: field_lines_by_address[line.address].append(line) for field_lines in field_lines_by_address.values(): if sort == 'address': field_lines.sort(key=lambda line: (line.bits[0], else: field_lines.sort(key=lambda line: (, line.bits[0])) # Collect and sort value lines by address value_lines_by_address = defaultdict(list) for line in self.value_lines: value_lines_by_address[line.address].append(line) for value_lines in value_lines_by_address.values(): if sort == 'address': value_lines.sort(key=lambda line: (line.enumentry.value, else: value_lines.sort(key=lambda line: (, line.enumentry.value)) print('/* Automatically generated by amd/registers/ */\n', file=filp) print(file=filp) print(COPYRIGHT.strip(), file=filp) print(file=filp) if self.guard: print('#ifndef {self.guard}'.format(**locals()), file=filp) print('#define {self.guard}\n'.format(**locals()), file=filp) for register_line in self.register_lines: comment = get_chips_comment(register_line.chips) address = '{0:X}'.format(register_line.address) address = address.rjust(3 if == 'pkt3' else 6, '0') define_name = 'R_{address}_{}'.format(**locals()).ljust(63) comment = ' /* {0} */'.format(comment) if comment else '' print('#define {define_name} 0x{address}{comment}'.format(**locals()), file=filp) field_lines = field_lines_by_address[register_line.address] field_idx = 0 while field_idx < len(field_lines): field_line = field_lines[field_idx] if field_line.type_refs.isdisjoint(register_line.type_refs): field_idx += 1 continue del field_lines[field_idx] comment = get_chips_comment(field_line.chips, register_line.chips) mask = (1 << (field_line.bits[1] - field_line.bits[0] + 1)) - 1 define_name = '_{address}_{}(x)'.format(**locals()).ljust(58) comment = ' /* {0} */'.format(comment) if comment else '' print( '#define S{define_name} (((unsigned)(x) & 0x{mask:X}) << {field_line.bits[0]}){comment}' .format(**locals()), file=filp) print('#define G{define_name} (((x) >> {field_line.bits[0]}) & 0x{mask:X})' .format(**locals()), file=filp) complement = ((1 << 32) - 1) ^ (mask << field_line.bits[0]) define_name = '_{address}_{}'.format(**locals()).ljust(58) print('#define C{define_name} 0x{complement:08X}' .format(**locals()), file=filp) value_lines = value_lines_by_address[register_line.address] value_idx = 0 while value_idx < len(value_lines): value_line = value_lines[value_idx] if value_line.enum_refs.isdisjoint(field_line.enum_refs): value_idx += 1 continue del value_lines[value_idx] comment = get_chips_comment(value_line.chips, field_line.chips) define_name = 'V_{address}_{}'.format(**locals()).ljust(55) comment = ' /* {0} */'.format(comment) if comment else '' print('#define {define_name} {value_line.enumentry.value}{comment}' .format(**locals()), file=filp) if self.guard: print('\n#endif // {self.guard}'.format(**locals()), file=filp) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--chip', dest='chips', type=str, nargs='*', help='Chip for which to generate the header (all chips if unspecified)') parser.add_argument('--sort', choices=['name', 'address'], default='address', help='Sort key for registers, fields, and enum values') parser.add_argument('--guard', type=str, help='Name of the #include guard') parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILE', type=str, nargs='+', help='Register database file') args = parser.parse_args() regdb = None for filename in args.files: with open(filename, 'r') as filp: db = RegisterDatabase.from_json(json.load(filp)) if regdb is None: regdb = db else: regdb.update(db) deduplicate_enums(regdb) deduplicate_register_types(regdb) w = HeaderWriter(regdb, guard=args.guard) w.print(sys.stdout, sort=args.sort) if __name__ == '__main__': main() # kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; replace-tabs on;