/* * Copyright © 2014 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS, AUTHORS * AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. */ /** *************************************************************************************************** * @file egbaddrlib.h * @brief Contains the EgBasedAddrLib class definition. *************************************************************************************************** */ #ifndef __EG_BASED_ADDR_LIB_H__ #define __EG_BASED_ADDR_LIB_H__ #include "addrlib.h" /// Structures for functions struct CoordFromBankPipe { UINT_32 xBits : 3; UINT_32 yBits : 4; UINT_32 xBit3 : 1; UINT_32 xBit4 : 1; UINT_32 xBit5 : 1; UINT_32 yBit3 : 1; UINT_32 yBit4 : 1; UINT_32 yBit5 : 1; UINT_32 yBit6 : 1; }; /** *************************************************************************************************** * @brief This class is the Evergreen based address library * @note Abstract class *************************************************************************************************** */ class EgBasedAddrLib : public AddrLib { protected: EgBasedAddrLib(const AddrClient* pClient); virtual ~EgBasedAddrLib(); public: /// Surface info functions // NOTE: DispatchComputeSurfaceInfo using TileInfo takes both an input and an output. // On input: // One or more fields may be 0 to be calculated/defaulted - pre-SI h/w. // H/W using tile mode index only accepts none or all 0's - SI and newer h/w. // It then returns the actual tiling configuration used. // Other methods' TileInfo must be valid on entry BOOL_32 DispatchComputeSurfaceInfo( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut) const; ADDR_E_RETURNCODE DispatchComputeFmaskInfo( const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut); protected: // Hwl interface virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeSurfaceInfo( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeSurfaceAddrFromCoord( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_ADDRFROMCOORD_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_ADDRFROMCOORD_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeSurfaceCoordFromAddr( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_COORDFROMADDR_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_COORDFROMADDR_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeSliceTileSwizzle( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SLICESWIZZLE_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SLICESWIZZLE_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlExtractBankPipeSwizzle( const ADDR_EXTRACT_BANKPIPE_SWIZZLE_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_EXTRACT_BANKPIPE_SWIZZLE_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlCombineBankPipeSwizzle( UINT_32 bankSwizzle, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, UINT_64 baseAddr, UINT_32* pTileSwizzle) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeBaseSwizzle( const ADDR_COMPUTE_BASE_SWIZZLE_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_BASE_SWIZZLE_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlConvertTileInfoToHW( const ADDR_CONVERT_TILEINFOTOHW_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_CONVERT_TILEINFOTOHW_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual UINT_32 HwlComputeHtileBpp( BOOL_32 isWidth8, BOOL_32 isHeight8) const; virtual UINT_32 HwlComputeHtileBaseAlign( BOOL_32 isTcCompatible, BOOL_32 isLinear, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeFmaskInfo( const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut); virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeFmaskAddrFromCoord( const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_ADDRFROMCOORD_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_ADDRFROMCOORD_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual ADDR_E_RETURNCODE HwlComputeFmaskCoordFromAddr( const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_COORDFROMADDR_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_COORDFROMADDR_OUTPUT* pOut) const; virtual BOOL_32 HwlDegradeBaseLevel( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pIn) const; virtual UINT_32 HwlComputeQbStereoRightSwizzle( ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pInfo) const; virtual VOID HwlComputePixelCoordFromOffset( UINT_32 offset, UINT_32 bpp, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 tileBase, UINT_32 compBits, UINT_32* pX, UINT_32* pY, UINT_32* pSlice, UINT_32* pSample, AddrTileType microTileType, BOOL_32 isDepthSampleOrder) const; /// Return Cmask block max virtual BOOL_32 HwlGetMaxCmaskBlockMax() const { return 16383; // 14 bits } // Sub-hwl interface /// Pure virtual function to setup tile info (indices) if client requests to do so virtual VOID HwlSetupTileInfo( AddrTileMode tileMode, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags, UINT_32 bpp, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, ADDR_TILEINFO* inputTileInfo, ADDR_TILEINFO* outputTileInfo, AddrTileType inTileType, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut) const = 0; /// Pure virtual function to get pitch alignment for linear modes virtual UINT_32 HwlGetPitchAlignmentLinear(UINT_32 bpp, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags) const = 0; /// Pure virtual function to get size adjustment for linear modes virtual UINT_64 HwlGetSizeAdjustmentLinear( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 bpp, UINT_32 numSamples, UINT_32 baseAlign, UINT_32 pitchAlign, UINT_32 *pPitch, UINT_32 *pHeight, UINT_32 *pHeightAlign) const = 0; virtual UINT_32 HwlGetPitchAlignmentMicroTiled( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 bpp, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags, UINT_32 numSamples) const; virtual UINT_64 HwlGetSizeAdjustmentMicroTiled( UINT_32 thickness, UINT_32 bpp, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags, UINT_32 numSamples, UINT_32 baseAlign, UINT_32 pitchAlign, UINT_32 *pPitch, UINT_32 *pHeight) const; /// Pure virtual function to do extra sanity check virtual BOOL_32 HwlSanityCheckMacroTiled( ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const = 0; /// Pure virtual function to check current level to be the last macro tiled one virtual VOID HwlCheckLastMacroTiledLvl( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut) const = 0; /// Adjusts bank before bank is modified by rotation virtual UINT_32 HwlPreAdjustBank( UINT_32 tileX, UINT_32 bank, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const = 0; virtual VOID HwlComputeSurfaceCoord2DFromBankPipe( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32* pX, UINT_32* pY, UINT_32 slice, UINT_32 bank, UINT_32 pipe, UINT_32 bankSwizzle, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, UINT_32 tileSlices, BOOL_32 ignoreSE, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const = 0; virtual BOOL_32 HwlTileInfoEqual( const ADDR_TILEINFO* pLeft, const ADDR_TILEINFO* pRight) const; virtual AddrTileMode HwlDegradeThickTileMode( AddrTileMode baseTileMode, UINT_32 numSlices, UINT_32* pBytesPerTile) const; virtual INT_32 HwlPostCheckTileIndex( const ADDR_TILEINFO* pInfo, AddrTileMode mode, AddrTileType type, INT curIndex = TileIndexInvalid) const { return TileIndexInvalid; } virtual VOID HwlFmaskPreThunkSurfInfo( const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_INFO_INPUT* pFmaskIn, const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_INFO_OUTPUT* pFmaskOut, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pSurfIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pSurfOut) const { } virtual VOID HwlFmaskPostThunkSurfInfo( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pSurfOut, ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_INFO_OUTPUT* pFmaskOut) const { } virtual UINT_32 HwlStereoCheckRightOffsetPadding(ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; virtual BOOL_32 HwlReduceBankWidthHeight( UINT_32 tileSize, UINT_32 bpp, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags, UINT_32 numSamples, UINT_32 bankHeightAlign, UINT_32 pipes, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; // Protected non-virtual functions /// Mip level functions AddrTileMode ComputeSurfaceMipLevelTileMode( AddrTileMode baseTileMode, UINT_32 bpp, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSlices, UINT_32 numSamples, UINT_32 pitchAlign, UINT_32 heightAlign, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; /// Swizzle functions VOID ExtractBankPipeSwizzle( UINT_32 base256b, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, UINT_32* pBankSwizzle, UINT_32* pPipeSwizzle) const; UINT_32 GetBankPipeSwizzle( UINT_32 bankSwizzle, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, UINT_64 baseAddr, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; UINT_32 ComputeSliceTileSwizzle( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 baseSwizzle, UINT_32 slice, UINT_64 baseAddr, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; /// Addressing functions UINT_32 ComputeBankFromCoord( UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 slice, AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 bankSwizzle, UINT_32 tileSpitSlice, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; UINT_32 ComputeBankFromAddr( UINT_64 addr, UINT_32 numBanks, UINT_32 numPipes) const; UINT_32 ComputePipeRotation( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 numPipes) const; UINT_32 ComputeBankRotation( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 numBanks, UINT_32 numPipes) const; VOID ComputeSurfaceCoord2DFromBankPipe( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 slice, UINT_32 bank, UINT_32 pipe, UINT_32 bankSwizzle, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, UINT_32 tileSlices, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, CoordFromBankPipe *pOutput) const; /// Htile/Cmask functions UINT_64 ComputeHtileBytes( UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 bpp, BOOL_32 isLinear, UINT_32 numSlices, UINT_64* sliceBytes, UINT_32 baseAlign) const; // Static functions static BOOL_32 IsTileInfoAllZero(ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo); static UINT_32 ComputeFmaskNumPlanesFromNumSamples(UINT_32 numSamples); static UINT_32 ComputeFmaskResolvedBppFromNumSamples(UINT_32 numSamples); private: BOOL_32 ComputeSurfaceInfoLinear( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut, UINT_32 padDims) const; BOOL_32 ComputeSurfaceInfoMicroTiled( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut, UINT_32 padDims, AddrTileMode expTileMode) const; BOOL_32 ComputeSurfaceInfoMacroTiled( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_INFO_OUTPUT* pOut, UINT_32 padDims, AddrTileMode expTileMode) const; BOOL_32 ComputeSurfaceAlignmentsLinear( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 bpp, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags, UINT_32* pBaseAlign, UINT_32* pPitchAlign, UINT_32* pHeightAlign) const; BOOL_32 ComputeSurfaceAlignmentsMicroTiled( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 bpp, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags, UINT_32 mipLevel, UINT_32 numSamples, UINT_32* pBaseAlign, UINT_32* pPitchAlign, UINT_32* pHeightAlign) const; BOOL_32 ComputeSurfaceAlignmentsMacroTiled( AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 bpp, ADDR_SURFACE_FLAGS flags, UINT_32 mipLevel, UINT_32 numSamples, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, UINT_32* pBaseAlign, UINT_32* pPitchAlign, UINT_32* pHeightAlign) const; /// Surface addressing functions UINT_64 DispatchComputeSurfaceAddrFromCoord( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_ADDRFROMCOORD_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_ADDRFROMCOORD_OUTPUT* pOut) const; VOID DispatchComputeSurfaceCoordFromAddr( const ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_COORDFROMADDR_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_SURFACE_COORDFROMADDR_OUTPUT* pOut) const; UINT_64 ComputeSurfaceAddrFromCoordMicroTiled( UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 slice, UINT_32 sample, UINT_32 bpp, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, AddrTileType microTileType, BOOL_32 isDepthSampleOrder, UINT_32* pBitPosition) const; UINT_64 ComputeSurfaceAddrFromCoordMacroTiled( UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 slice, UINT_32 sample, UINT_32 bpp, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, AddrTileType microTileType, BOOL_32 ignoreSE, BOOL_32 isDepthSampleOrder, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, UINT_32 bankSwizzle, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, UINT_32* pBitPosition) const; VOID ComputeSurfaceCoordFromAddrMacroTiled( UINT_64 addr, UINT_32 bitPosition, UINT_32 bpp, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 tileBase, UINT_32 compBits, AddrTileType microTileType, BOOL_32 ignoreSE, BOOL_32 isDepthSampleOrder, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, UINT_32 bankSwizzle, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, UINT_32* pX, UINT_32* pY, UINT_32* pSlice, UINT_32* pSample) const; /// Fmask functions UINT_64 DispatchComputeFmaskAddrFromCoord( const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_ADDRFROMCOORD_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_ADDRFROMCOORD_OUTPUT* pOut) const; VOID DispatchComputeFmaskCoordFromAddr( const ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_COORDFROMADDR_INPUT* pIn, ADDR_COMPUTE_FMASK_COORDFROMADDR_OUTPUT* pOut) const; // FMASK related methods - private UINT_64 ComputeFmaskAddrFromCoordMicroTiled( UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 slice, UINT_32 sample, UINT_32 plane, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, BOOL_32 resolved, UINT_32* pBitPosition) const; VOID ComputeFmaskCoordFromAddrMicroTiled( UINT_64 addr, UINT_32 bitPosition, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, BOOL_32 resolved, UINT_32* pX, UINT_32* pY, UINT_32* pSlice, UINT_32* pSample, UINT_32* pPlane) const; VOID ComputeFmaskCoordFromAddrMacroTiled( UINT_64 addr, UINT_32 bitPosition, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, UINT_32 bankSwizzle, BOOL_32 ignoreSE, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, BOOL_32 resolved, UINT_32* pX, UINT_32* pY, UINT_32* pSlice, UINT_32* pSample, UINT_32* pPlane) const; UINT_64 ComputeFmaskAddrFromCoordMacroTiled( UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 slice, UINT_32 sample, UINT_32 plane, UINT_32 pitch, UINT_32 height, UINT_32 numSamples, AddrTileMode tileMode, UINT_32 pipeSwizzle, UINT_32 bankSwizzle, BOOL_32 ignoreSE, ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo, BOOL_32 resolved, UINT_32* pBitPosition) const; /// Sanity check functions BOOL_32 SanityCheckMacroTiled( ADDR_TILEINFO* pTileInfo) const; protected: UINT_32 m_ranks; ///< Number of ranks - MC_ARB_RAMCFG.NOOFRANK UINT_32 m_logicalBanks; ///< Logical banks = m_banks * m_ranks if m_banks != 16 UINT_32 m_bankInterleave; ///< Bank interleave, as a multiple of pipe interleave size }; #endif