/* * Copyright © 2017 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS, AUTHORS * AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. */ // Class used to define a coordinate bit #ifndef __COORD_H #define __COORD_H class Coordinate { public: Coordinate(); Coordinate(INT_8 c, UINT_32 n); VOID set(INT_8 c, UINT_32 n); UINT_32 ison(UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 z = 0, UINT_32 s = 0, UINT_32 m = 0); INT_8 getdim(); INT_8 getord(); BOOL_32 operator==(const Coordinate& b); BOOL_32 operator<(const Coordinate& b); BOOL_32 operator>(const Coordinate& b); BOOL_32 operator<=(const Coordinate& b); BOOL_32 operator>=(const Coordinate& b); BOOL_32 operator!=(const Coordinate& b); Coordinate& operator++(INT_32); private: INT_8 dim; INT_8 ord; }; class CoordTerm { public: CoordTerm(); VOID Clear(); VOID add(Coordinate& co); VOID add(CoordTerm& cl); BOOL_32 remove(Coordinate& co); BOOL_32 Exists(Coordinate& co); VOID copyto(CoordTerm& cl); UINT_32 getsize(); UINT_32 getxor(UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 z = 0, UINT_32 s = 0, UINT_32 m = 0); VOID getsmallest(Coordinate& co); UINT_32 Filter(INT_8 f, Coordinate& co, UINT_32 start = 0, INT_8 axis = '\0'); Coordinate& operator[](UINT_32 i); BOOL_32 operator==(const CoordTerm& b); BOOL_32 operator!=(const CoordTerm& b); BOOL_32 exceedRange(UINT_32 xRange, UINT_32 yRange = 0, UINT_32 zRange = 0, UINT_32 sRange = 0); private: static const UINT_32 MaxCoords = 8; UINT_32 num_coords; Coordinate m_coord[MaxCoords]; }; class CoordEq { public: CoordEq(); VOID remove(Coordinate& co); BOOL_32 Exists(Coordinate& co); VOID resize(UINT_32 n); UINT_32 getsize(); virtual UINT_64 solve(UINT_32 x, UINT_32 y, UINT_32 z = 0, UINT_32 s = 0, UINT_32 m = 0); virtual VOID solveAddr(UINT_64 addr, UINT_32 sliceInM, UINT_32& x, UINT_32& y, UINT_32& z, UINT_32& s, UINT_32& m); VOID copy(CoordEq& o, UINT_32 start = 0, UINT_32 num = 0xFFFFFFFF); VOID reverse(UINT_32 start = 0, UINT_32 num = 0xFFFFFFFF); VOID xorin(CoordEq& x, UINT_32 start = 0); UINT_32 Filter(INT_8 f, Coordinate& co, UINT_32 start = 0, INT_8 axis = '\0'); VOID shift(INT_32 amount, INT_32 start = 0); virtual CoordTerm& operator[](UINT_32 i); VOID mort2d(Coordinate& c0, Coordinate& c1, UINT_32 start = 0, UINT_32 end = 0); VOID mort3d(Coordinate& c0, Coordinate& c1, Coordinate& c2, UINT_32 start = 0, UINT_32 end = 0); BOOL_32 operator==(const CoordEq& b); BOOL_32 operator!=(const CoordEq& b); private: static const UINT_32 MaxEqBits = 64; UINT_32 m_numBits; CoordTerm m_eq[MaxEqBits]; }; #endif