The Mesa 3D Graphics Library

Release Calendar


Mesa provides feature/development and stable releases.

The table below lists the date and release manager that is expected to do the specific release.

Regular updates will ensure that the schedule for the current and the next two feature releases are shown in the table.

In order to keep the whole releasing team up to date with the tools used, best practices and other details, the member in charge of the next feature release will be in constant rotation.

The way the release schedule works is explained here.

Take a look here if you'd like to nominate a patch in the next stable release.


Branch Expected date Release Release manager Notes
20.0 2020-05-27 20.0.8 Dylan Baker Last planned release of the 20.0 series
20.1 2020-06-10 20.1.1 Eric Engestrom
2020-06-24 20.1.2 Eric Engestrom
2020-07-08 20.1.3 Eric Engestrom
2020-07-22 20.1.4 Eric Engestrom
2020-08-05 20.1.5 Eric Engestrom
2020-08-19 20.1.6 Eric Engestrom
2020-09-02 20.1.7 Eric Engestrom
2020-09-16 20.1.8 Eric Engestrom Last planned release of the 20.1 series