

Pacman, a naive implementation of the classic game in C++

Original document location.

Git Repository

This project's canonical repositories is hosted on Gothel Software.


This project demonstrates a complex system written in modern C++ for our computer science class.

We have chosen the classic game for our project to pay homage to Toru Iwatani's original Puckman.

Besides management of animated sprite graphics, maze environment and tile positioning, animation speed synchronization, the interesting part might be the ghost's state machine and their movements.

Potential code sections of interest


Chase, Scatter and Phantoms – Sisyphus alike Ghost Fate is a little article of ours describing details and includes screenshots and a short video recording.

Previous Work

To implement the original Puckman game behavior like weighted tile collision, ghost algorithm, etc. - we have used the following documents for reference

We have followed the references closely to achieve a most accurate default mode to match the original, see Deviations from the Original below.

Other Implementations

There exist other free software implementations of this classic game, which we have not analyzed yet (2022-04-03):

License and Copyrights

This project is for educational purposes, intended to be distributed in source form only and is licensed under the MIT license.

This project is authored by Sven Gothel and his son Svenson Han Gothel. Its copyright is held by Gothel Software e.K since 2022.

Namco holds the copyright on the original Puckman since 1980.

Supported Platforms

C++17 and better where the SDL2 library is supported.

Building Binaries

The project requires make, g++ >= 8.3 and the libsdl2 for building.

Installing build dependencies on Debian (11 or better):

apt install git build-essential g++ gcc libc-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev make
apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev

For a generic build use:

git clone https://jausoft.com/cgit/cs_class/pacman.git
cd pacman

The binary shall be build to bin/pacman.


Commandline Arguments

Following commandline arguments are supported

bin/pacman [-2p] [-audio] [-pixqual <int>] [-no_vsync] [-fps <int>] [-speed <int>] [-wwidth <int>] [-wheight <int>] [-show_fps] [-show_modes] [-show_moves] [-show_targets] [-show_debug_gfx] [-show_all] [-no_ghosts] [-bugfix] [-decision_on_spot] [-dist_manhatten] [-level <int>] [-record <basename-of-bmp-files>]

Keyboard Input

Video Recording Example

The basename for the resulting bmp files is passed after the -record option tag and may contain folder names.

The resulting bmp files may be converted to video using scripts/bmps_to_mp4.sh.

We assume we are in the project folder having bin/pacman build and created a video folder.

bin/pacman -record video/puckman-01 -wwidth 1044 -wheight 1080 -show_targets -show_debug_gfx
scripts/bmps_to_mp4.sh video/puckman-01
rm video/puckman-01*bmp
mpv video/puckman-01.mp4

Deviations from the Original

While we have focused on implementing the original behavior most accurately, some aspects are not fully in our control and are discussed here.

PRNG Scared Mode

The original uses a known seeding iteration, used as a memory address within the game rom. The last bits of the addressed rom byte represents the PRNG value for the ghost's direction in scared mode.

Since the roms can't be used, we use the PRNG value of another algorithm with same seeding sequence to preserver the periodic attrbutes at least.

Frame Sync Timing

This implementation uses the monitor's frames per second number to approximate the sub-tile step-width for the desired tiles per frame pace.

This is achieved via Keyframe interval for animation, see keyframei_t.

Below we added measurements from pacman via commandline argument -show_fps running along the bottom longest line from collision to collision.

For each level we measured the slower first walk eating pellets and the second walk faster without pellets.

Level 1: Fields/s deviation on longest line measured 7.955 f/s to 8.000 f/s or 0.5635%

bin/pacman -no_ghosts -show_fps -level 1

[    8,471] pacman stats: speed 0.71%, td 3515ms, fields[25.00 walked, actual 7.112/s, requested 7.100/s, diff 0.1743%], fps[draw 60.03/s, tick 56.90/s], frames[draw 211, synced 11], [fps 60, frames/field 8, fields/s 7.500000/7.100000 (diff 0.400000, 3.200001f/s, 0.938969 ms, sync 19/f), center 0.500000], [26.500000/32.500000 26/32, last[dir R, collided 1], [walked[25.000000, 25], center 25, entered 25]]

[   11,872] pacman stats: speed 0.80%, td 3017ms, fields[24.00 walked, actual 7.955/s, requested 8.000/s, diff 0.5635%], fps[draw 59.99/s, tick 56.02/s], frames[draw 181, synced 12], [fps 60, frames/field 7, fields/s 8.571428/8.000000 (diff 0.571428, 3.999998f/s, 1.190477 ms, sync 15/f), center 0.428571], [1.428571/32.428570 1/32, last[dir L, collided 1], [walked[23.999989, 23], center 24, entered 24]]

Level 5: Fields/s deviation on longest line measured 8.772 f/s to 8.700 f/s or 0.8267%

bin/pacman -no_ghosts -show_fps -level 5

[    8,270] pacman stats: speed 0.87%, td 2850ms, fields[25.00 walked, actual 8.772/s, requested 8.700/s, diff 0.8267%], fps[draw 60.00/s, tick 52.63/s], frames[draw 171, synced 21], [fps 60, frames/field 6, fields/s 10.000000/8.700000 (diff 1.300000, 7.800001f/s, 2.490423 ms, sync 8/f), center 0.500000], [26.500000/32.500000 26/32, last[dir R, collided 1], [walked[24.999977, 25], center 25, entered 25]]

[   11,004] pacman stats: speed 1.00%, td 2400ms, fields[23.83 walked, actual 9.931/s, requested 10.000/s, diff 0.6945%], fps[draw 60.00/s, tick 60.00/s], frames[draw 144, synced 0], [fps 60, frames/field 6, fields/s 10.000000/10.000000 (diff 0.000000, 0.000000f/s, 0.000000 ms, sync -1/f), center 0.500000], [1.500000/32.500000 1/32, last[dir L, collided 1], [walked[23.833315, 23], center 24, entered 23]]

Below 3% deviation should be good enough for this game using >= 10% speed differences in modes.

Below 1% deviation is a great match.


This software may have bugs :)

Optional Deviations from the Original

Decision on the Spot

As stated in The Pac-Man Dossier, the ghosts select their next direction one tile ahead of an intersection.

With the -decision_on_spot mode enabled, see Commandline Arguments above, the ghosts decide their next direction for each field using a more current pacman position.

The default setting is to use the original one tile ahead of an intersection.

Bugfix Mode

With the -bugfix mode enabled, see Commandline Arguments above, the original puckman behavior (bugs) are disabled.

The list below shall be updated in case we further the implementation and kept in sync with include/pacman/globals.hpp.

By default the original pacman behavior is being implemented:

If false, a more accurate implementation, the pacman bugfix, is used:

Manhatten Distance

With the -dist_manhatten mode enabled, see Commandline Arguments above, the Manhatten distance function is used instead of the Euclidean default.

Second Player Mode

With the '-2p' mode enabled, see Commandline Arguments above, a 2nd player can control Blinky when chasing, scattering or scared.

Testing Options

The following testing options are available

Implementation Status


To Do

Media Data

The pixel data in media/playfield_pacman.png and media/tiles_all.png are copied from Arcade - Pac-Man - General Sprites.png, which were submitted and created by Superjustinbros and assumed to be in the public domain.

Audio samples have been edited using any of the following sources

The included audio samples are incomplete by design, only demonstrating utilizing sound from a coding perspective using loops and concurrently mixed channels.




