path: root/src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxglidew.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* silenced warnings in FX_grSstPerfStats()Brian Paul2000-04-111-1/+1
* added Daryll's patches for texture alignmentBrian Paul2000-03-221-0/+4
* implemented FX_grSstPerfStats()Brian Paul2000-03-071-6/+6
* disabled an fprintf in FX_grSstQueryHardware()Brian Paul2000-02-221-0/+2
* updated with changes from DRI project CVSBrian Paul2000-02-161-1/+8
* udpated version/copyright infoBrian Paul2000-02-091-2/+2
* applied Daryll's patchesBrian Paul1999-12-101-54/+56
* fixed FX_grSstControl(), now returns FxBoolBrian Paul1999-11-181-5/+15
* update/merge with Daryll's X server changesBrian Paul1999-11-151-41/+189
* Packed RGBA support.Miklos Fazekas1999-10-051-2/+20
* Win32 build req't updatesTed Jump1999-09-171-3/+3
* Initial revisionjtg1999-08-191-0/+247