path: root/src/xvmc/surface.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/xvmc/surface.c')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/xvmc/surface.c b/src/xvmc/surface.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c5f45bd346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xvmc/surface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/XvMC.h>
+#include <vl_display.h>
+#include <vl_screen.h>
+#include <vl_context.h>
+#include <vl_surface.h>
+#include <vl_types.h>
+static enum vlMacroBlockType TypeToVL(int xvmc_mb_type)
+ if (xvmc_mb_type & XVMC_MB_TYPE_INTRA)
+ return vlMacroBlockTypeIntra;
+ return vlMacroBlockTypeFwdPredicted;
+ return vlMacroBlockTypeBkwdPredicted;
+ return vlMacroBlockTypeBiPredicted;
+ assert(0);
+ return -1;
+static enum vlPictureType PictureToVL(int xvmc_pic)
+ switch (xvmc_pic)
+ {
+ return vlPictureTypeTopField;
+ return vlPictureTypeBottomField;
+ return vlPictureTypeFrame;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return -1;
+static enum vlMotionType MotionToVL(int xvmc_motion_type, int xvmc_dct_type)
+ switch (xvmc_motion_type)
+ {
+ return xvmc_dct_type == XVMC_DCT_TYPE_FIELD ? vlMotionType16x8 : vlMotionTypeFrame;
+ return vlMotionTypeField;
+ return vlMotionTypeDualPrime;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return -1;
+Status XvMCCreateSurface(Display *display, XvMCContext *context, XvMCSurface *surface)
+ struct vlContext *vl_ctx;
+ struct vlSurface *vl_sfc;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!context)
+ return XvMCBadContext;
+ if (!surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ vl_ctx = context->privData;
+ assert(display == vlGetNativeDisplay(vlGetDisplay(vlContextGetScreen(vl_ctx))));
+ if (vlCreateSurface(vlContextGetScreen(vl_ctx),
+ context->width, context->height,
+ vlGetPictureFormat(vl_ctx),
+ &vl_sfc))
+ {
+ return BadAlloc;
+ }
+ vlBindToContext(vl_sfc, vl_ctx);
+ surface->surface_id = XAllocID(display);
+ surface->context_id = context->context_id;
+ surface->surface_type_id = context->surface_type_id;
+ surface->width = context->width;
+ surface->height = context->height;
+ surface->privData = vl_sfc;
+ return Success;
+Status XvMCRenderSurface
+ Display *display,
+ XvMCContext *context,
+ unsigned int picture_structure,
+ XvMCSurface *target_surface,
+ XvMCSurface *past_surface,
+ XvMCSurface *future_surface,
+ unsigned int flags,
+ unsigned int num_macroblocks,
+ unsigned int first_macroblock,
+ XvMCMacroBlockArray *macroblocks,
+ XvMCBlockArray *blocks
+ struct vlContext *vl_ctx;
+ struct vlSurface *target_vl_surface;
+ struct vlSurface *past_vl_surface;
+ struct vlSurface *future_vl_surface;
+ struct vlMpeg2MacroBlockBatch batch;
+ struct vlMpeg2MacroBlock vl_macroblocks[num_macroblocks];
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!context)
+ return XvMCBadContext;
+ if (!target_surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ if
+ (
+ picture_structure != XVMC_TOP_FIELD &&
+ picture_structure != XVMC_BOTTOM_FIELD &&
+ picture_structure != XVMC_FRAME_PICTURE
+ )
+ return BadValue;
+ if (future_surface && !past_surface)
+ return BadMatch;
+ vl_ctx = context->privData;
+ assert(display == vlGetNativeDisplay(vlGetDisplay(vlContextGetScreen(vl_ctx))));
+ target_vl_surface = target_surface->privData;
+ past_vl_surface = past_surface ? past_surface->privData : NULL;
+ future_vl_surface = future_surface ? future_surface->privData : NULL;
+ assert(context->context_id == target_surface->context_id);
+ assert(!past_surface || context->context_id == past_surface->context_id);
+ assert(!future_surface || context->context_id == future_surface->context_id);
+ assert(macroblocks);
+ assert(blocks);
+ assert(macroblocks->context_id == context->context_id);
+ assert(blocks->context_id == context->context_id);
+ assert(flags == 0 || flags == XVMC_SECOND_FIELD);
+ batch.past_surface = past_vl_surface;
+ batch.future_surface = future_vl_surface;
+ batch.picture_type = PictureToVL(picture_structure);
+ batch.field_order = flags & XVMC_SECOND_FIELD ? vlFieldOrderSecond : vlFieldOrderFirst;
+ batch.num_macroblocks = num_macroblocks;
+ batch.macroblocks = vl_macroblocks;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_macroblocks; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int j = first_macroblock + i;
+ unsigned int k, l, m;
+ batch.macroblocks[i].mbx = macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].x;
+ batch.macroblocks[i].mby = macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].y;
+ batch.macroblocks[i].mb_type = TypeToVL(macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].macroblock_type);
+ if (batch.macroblocks[i].mb_type != vlMacroBlockTypeIntra)
+ batch.macroblocks[i].mo_type = MotionToVL(macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].motion_type, macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].dct_type);
+ batch.macroblocks[i].dct_type = macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].dct_type == XVMC_DCT_TYPE_FIELD ? vlDCTTypeFieldCoded : vlDCTTypeFrameCoded;
+ for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
+ for (l = 0; l < 2; ++l)
+ for (m = 0; m < 2; ++m)
+ batch.macroblocks[i].PMV[k][l][m] = macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].PMV[k][l][m];
+ batch.macroblocks[i].cbp = macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].coded_block_pattern;
+ batch.macroblocks[i].blocks = blocks->blocks + (macroblocks->macro_blocks[j].index * 64);
+ }
+ vlRenderMacroBlocksMpeg2(&batch, target_vl_surface);
+ return Success;
+Status XvMCFlushSurface(Display *display, XvMCSurface *surface)
+ struct vlSurface *vl_sfc;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ vl_sfc = surface->privData;
+ assert(display == vlGetNativeDisplay(vlGetDisplay(vlSurfaceGetScreen(vl_sfc))));
+ vlSurfaceFlush(vl_sfc);
+ return Success;
+Status XvMCSyncSurface(Display *display, XvMCSurface *surface)
+ struct vlSurface *vl_sfc;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ vl_sfc = surface->privData;
+ assert(display == vlGetNativeDisplay(vlGetDisplay(vlSurfaceGetScreen(vl_sfc))));
+ vlSurfaceSync(vl_sfc);
+ return Success;
+Status XvMCPutSurface
+ Display *display,
+ XvMCSurface *surface,
+ Drawable drawable,
+ short srcx,
+ short srcy,
+ unsigned short srcw,
+ unsigned short srch,
+ short destx,
+ short desty,
+ unsigned short destw,
+ unsigned short desth,
+ int flags
+ Window root;
+ int x, y;
+ unsigned int width, height;
+ unsigned int border_width;
+ unsigned int depth;
+ struct vlSurface *vl_sfc;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ if (XGetGeometry(display, drawable, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &border_width, &depth) == BadDrawable)
+ return BadDrawable;
+ assert(flags == XVMC_TOP_FIELD || flags == XVMC_BOTTOM_FIELD || flags == XVMC_FRAME_PICTURE);
+ /* TODO: Correct for negative srcx,srcy & destx,desty by clipping */
+ assert(srcx + srcw - 1 < surface->width);
+ assert(srcy + srch - 1 < surface->height);
+ /* XXX: Some apps (mplayer) hit these asserts because they call
+ * this function after the window has been resized by the WM
+ * but before they've handled the corresponding XEvent and
+ * know about the new dimensions. The output will be clipped
+ * for a few frames until the app updates destw and desth.
+ */
+ /*assert(destx + destw - 1 < width);
+ assert(desty + desth - 1 < height);*/
+ vl_sfc = surface->privData;
+ vlPutPicture(vl_sfc, drawable, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, width, height, PictureToVL(flags));
+ return Success;
+Status XvMCGetSurfaceStatus(Display *display, XvMCSurface *surface, int *status)
+ struct vlSurface *vl_sfc;
+ enum vlResourceStatus res_status;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ assert(status);
+ vl_sfc = surface->privData;
+ assert(display == vlGetNativeDisplay(vlGetDisplay(vlSurfaceGetScreen(vl_sfc))));
+ vlSurfaceGetStatus(vl_sfc, &res_status);
+ switch (res_status)
+ {
+ case vlResourceStatusFree:
+ {
+ *status = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case vlResourceStatusRendering:
+ {
+ *status = XVMC_RENDERING;
+ break;
+ }
+ case vlResourceStatusDisplaying:
+ {
+ *status = XVMC_DISPLAYING;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ return Success;
+Status XvMCDestroySurface(Display *display, XvMCSurface *surface)
+ struct vlSurface *vl_sfc;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ vl_sfc = surface->privData;
+ assert(display == vlGetNativeDisplay(vlGetDisplay(vlSurfaceGetScreen(vl_sfc))));
+ vlDestroySurface(vl_sfc);
+ return Success;
+Status XvMCHideSurface(Display *display, XvMCSurface *surface)
+ struct vlSurface *vl_sfc;
+ assert(display);
+ if (!surface)
+ return XvMCBadSurface;
+ vl_sfc = surface->privData;
+ assert(display == vlGetNativeDisplay(vlGetDisplay(vlSurfaceGetScreen(vl_sfc))));
+ /* No op, only for overlaid rendering */
+ return Success;