path: root/src/mesa/glapi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mesa/glapi/')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesa/glapi/ b/src/mesa/glapi/
index aaee2f605d8..f8153e4c2e2 100644
--- a/src/mesa/glapi/
+++ b/src/mesa/glapi/
@@ -884,87 +884,18 @@ __GLapi * __glXNewIndirectAPI( void )
- def printCategory(self, category_group, show_num):
- cat_keys = category_group.keys()
- cat_keys.sort()
- for cat_num in cat_keys:
- first = 1
- for offset in category_group[ cat_num ]:
- [cat_name, func_name] = category_group[ cat_num ][ offset ]
- if first:
- print ''
- if show_num:
- print ' /* %3u. %s */' % (cat_num, cat_name)
- else:
- print ' /* %s */' % (cat_name)
- print ''
- first = 0
- print ' glAPI->%s = __indirect_gl%s;' % (func_name, func_name)
def printBody(self, api):
- core_categories = {}
- arb_categories = {}
- other_categories = {}
- next_unnum = 1000
- for func in api.functionIterateGlx():
- [cat, num] = api.get_category_for_name( )
- # There are three groups of "categories" that we
- # care about here. We want to separate the core GL
- # version categories from extensions. We also want to
- # separate the ARB extensions from the non-ARB
- # extensions.
- #
- # This is done by first trying to convert the category
- # name to a floating point number. All core GL
- # versions are of the form "N.M" where both N and M
- # are integers. If the cast to float fails, an
- # exception will be thrown. Once down that path,
- # we can look at the start of the extension string.
- # If it begins with "GL_ARB_", it's an ARB extension.
- #
- # Once the categories are separated, the are ordered
- # by number. The un-numbered non-ARB extensions
- # (e.g., GL_INGR_blend_func_separate) are assigned
- # arbitrary numbers starting at 1000.
- #
- # FIXME In order to maintain repeatability, the
- # FIXME unnumbered extensions should be put in their
- # FIXME own dictionary and ordered by name (since they
- # FIXME have no number).
- try:
- num = float(cat)
- if not core_categories.has_key( num ):
- core_categories[ num ] = {}
- core_categories[ num ][ func.offset ] = [cat,]
- except Exception, e:
- if not num:
- num = next_unnum
- next_unnum += 1
- else:
- num = int(num)
- if cat.startswith( "GL_ARB_" ):
- if not arb_categories.has_key( num ):
- arb_categories[ num ] = {}
- arb_categories[ num ][ func.offset ] = [cat,]
- else:
- if not other_categories.has_key( num ):
- other_categories[ num ] = {}
+ for [name, number] in api.categoryIterate():
+ if number != None:
+ preamble = '\n /* %3u. %s */\n\n' % (int(number), name)
+ else:
+ preamble = '\n /* %s */\n\n' % (name)
- other_categories[ num ][ func.offset ] = [cat,]
+ for func in api.functionIterateByCategory(name):
+ if func.client_supported_for_indirect():
+ print '%s glAPI->%s = __indirect_gl%s;' % (preamble,,
+ preamble = ''
- self.printCategory( core_categories, 0 )
- self.printCategory( arb_categories, 1 )
- self.printCategory( other_categories, 1 )