path: root/src/intel
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authorNanley Chery <[email protected]>2016-02-29 14:28:25 -0800
committerNanley Chery <[email protected]>2016-03-03 11:25:15 -0800
commit91640c34c6b474903fa5634f86f87c774d16db88 (patch)
tree52b2ebe1235ccf1f1eca4e3d82bac7786a7a2eac /src/intel
parent61ad78d0d1ffafc89cdc9da9d5ae710be36e3089 (diff)
anv/meta: Add function which copies between Buffers and Images
v2: Keep pitch in units of bytes (Jason) Signed-off-by: Nanley Chery <[email protected]> Reviewed-by: Jason Ekstrand <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/intel')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit.c b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit.c
index 044998d0f56..8cda3d587fa 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit.c
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_blit.c
@@ -1040,6 +1040,98 @@ void anv_CmdBlitImage(
meta_finish_blit(cmd_buffer, &saved_state);
+static void
+meta_copy_buffer_to_image(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ struct anv_buffer* buffer,
+ struct anv_image* image,
+ uint32_t regionCount,
+ const VkBufferImageCopy* pRegions,
+ bool forward)
+ struct anv_meta_saved_state saved_state;
+ /* The Vulkan 1.0 spec says "dstImage must have a sample count equal to
+ */
+ assert(image->samples == 1);
+ anv_meta_begin_blit2d(cmd_buffer, &saved_state);
+ for (unsigned r = 0; r < regionCount; r++) {
+ /* Start creating blit rect */
+ const VkOffset3D img_offset_el = meta_region_offset_el(image, &pRegions[r].imageOffset);
+ const VkExtent3D bufferExtent = {
+ .width = pRegions[r].bufferRowLength,
+ .height = pRegions[r].bufferImageHeight,
+ };
+ const VkExtent3D buf_extent_el = meta_region_extent_el(image->vk_format, &bufferExtent);
+ const VkExtent3D img_extent_el = meta_region_extent_el(image->vk_format,
+ &pRegions[r].imageExtent);
+ struct anv_meta_blit2d_rect rect = {
+ .width = MAX2(buf_extent_el.width, img_extent_el.width),
+ .height = MAX2(buf_extent_el.height, img_extent_el.height),
+ };
+ /* Create blit surfaces */
+ VkImageAspectFlags aspect = pRegions[r].imageSubresource.aspectMask;
+ const struct isl_surf *img_isl_surf =
+ &anv_image_get_surface_for_aspect_mask(image, aspect)->isl;
+ struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf img_bsurf = blit_surf_for_image(image, img_isl_surf);
+ struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf buf_bsurf = {
+ .bo = buffer->bo,
+ .tiling = ISL_TILING_LINEAR,
+ .base_offset = buffer->offset + pRegions[r].bufferOffset,
+ .bs = forward ? image->format->isl_layout->bs :,
+ .pitch = rect.width *,
+ };
+ /* Set direction-dependent variables */
+ struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf *dst_bsurf = forward ? &img_bsurf : &buf_bsurf;
+ struct anv_meta_blit2d_surf *src_bsurf = forward ? &buf_bsurf : &img_bsurf;
+ uint32_t *x_offset = forward ? &rect.dst_x : &rect.src_x;
+ uint32_t *y_offset = forward ? &rect.dst_y : &rect.src_y;
+ /* Loop through each 3D or array slice */
+ unsigned num_slices_3d = pRegions[r].imageExtent.depth;
+ unsigned num_slices_array = pRegions[r].imageSubresource.layerCount;
+ unsigned slice_3d = 0;
+ unsigned slice_array = 0;
+ while (slice_3d < num_slices_3d && slice_array < num_slices_array) {
+ /* Finish creating blit rect */
+ isl_surf_get_image_offset_el(img_isl_surf,
+ pRegions[r].imageSubresource.mipLevel,
+ pRegions[r].imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer + slice_array,
+ pRegions[r].imageOffset.z + slice_3d,
+ x_offset,
+ y_offset);
+ *x_offset += img_offset_el.x;
+ *y_offset += img_offset_el.y;
+ /* Perform Blit */
+ anv_meta_blit2d(cmd_buffer,
+ src_bsurf,
+ dst_bsurf,
+ 1,
+ &rect);
+ /* Once we've done the blit, all of the actual information about
+ * the image is embedded in the command buffer so we can just
+ * increment the offset directly in the image effectively
+ * re-binding it to different backing memory.
+ */
+ buf_bsurf.base_offset += rect.width * rect.height *;
+ if (image->type == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D)
+ slice_3d++;
+ else
+ slice_array++;
+ }
+ }
+ anv_meta_end_blit2d(cmd_buffer, &saved_state);
static struct anv_image *
make_image_for_buffer(VkDevice vk_device, VkBuffer vk_buffer, VkFormat format,
VkImageUsageFlags usage,