/************************************************************************************ Filename : Tracking_SensorStateReader.cpp Content : Separate reader component that is able to recover sensor pose Created : June 4, 2014 Authors : Chris Taylor Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.oculusvr.com/licenses/LICENSE-3.1 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *************************************************************************************/ #include "Tracking_SensorStateReader.h" #include "Tracking_PoseState.h" namespace OVR { namespace Tracking { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is a "perceptually tuned predictive filter", which means that it is optimized // for improvements in the VR experience, rather than pure error. In particular, // jitter is more perceptible at lower speeds whereas latency is more perceptible // after a high-speed motion. Therefore, the prediction interval is dynamically // adjusted based on speed. Significant more research is needed to further improve // this family of filters. static Pose calcPredictedPose(const PoseState& poseState, double predictionDt) { Pose pose = poseState.ThePose; const double linearCoef = 1.0; Vector3d angularVelocity = poseState.AngularVelocity; double angularSpeed = angularVelocity.Length(); // This could be tuned so that linear and angular are combined with different coefficients double speed = angularSpeed + linearCoef * poseState.LinearVelocity.Length(); const double slope = 0.2; // The rate at which the dynamic prediction interval varies double candidateDt = slope * speed; // TODO: Replace with smoothstep function double dynamicDt = predictionDt; // Choose the candidate if it is shorter, to improve stability if (candidateDt < predictionDt) { dynamicDt = candidateDt; } if (angularSpeed > 0.001) { pose.Rotation = pose.Rotation * Quatd(angularVelocity, angularSpeed * dynamicDt); } pose.Translation += poseState.LinearVelocity * dynamicDt; return pose; } //// SensorStateReader SensorStateReader::SensorStateReader() : Updater(NULL), LastLatWarnTime(0.) { } void SensorStateReader::SetUpdater(const CombinedSharedStateUpdater* updater) { Updater = updater; } void SensorStateReader::RecenterPose() { if (!Updater) { return; } /* This resets position to center in x, y, z, and resets yaw to center. Other rotation components are not affected. */ const LocklessSensorState lstate = Updater->SharedSensorState.GetState(); Posed worldFromCpf = lstate.WorldFromImu.ThePose * lstate.ImuFromCpf; double hmdYaw, hmdPitch, hmdRoll; worldFromCpf.Rotation.GetEulerAngles(&hmdYaw, &hmdPitch, &hmdRoll); Posed worldFromCentered(Quatd(Axis_Y, hmdYaw), worldFromCpf.Translation); CenteredFromWorld = worldFromCentered.Inverted(); } bool SensorStateReader::GetSensorStateAtTime(double absoluteTime, TrackingState& ss) const { if (!Updater) { ss.StatusFlags = 0; return false; } const LocklessSensorState lstate = Updater->SharedSensorState.GetState(); // Update time ss.HeadPose.TimeInSeconds = absoluteTime; // Update the status flags ss.StatusFlags = lstate.StatusFlags; // If no hardware is connected, override the tracking flags if (0 == (ss.StatusFlags & Status_HMDConnected)) { ss.StatusFlags &= ~Status_TrackingMask; } if (0 == (ss.StatusFlags & Status_PositionConnected)) { ss.StatusFlags &= ~(Status_PositionTracked | Status_CameraPoseTracked); } // If tracking info is invalid, if (0 == (ss.StatusFlags & Status_TrackingMask)) { return false; } // Delta time from the last available data double pdt = absoluteTime - lstate.WorldFromImu.TimeInSeconds; static const double maxPdt = 0.1; // If delta went negative due to synchronization problems between processes or just a lag spike, if (pdt < 0.) { pdt = 0.; } else if (pdt > maxPdt) { if (LastLatWarnTime != lstate.WorldFromImu.TimeInSeconds) { LastLatWarnTime = lstate.WorldFromImu.TimeInSeconds; LogText("[SensorStateReader] Prediction interval too high: %f s, clamping at %f s\n", pdt, maxPdt); } pdt = maxPdt; } ss.HeadPose = PoseStatef(lstate.WorldFromImu); // Do prediction logic and ImuFromCpf transformation ss.HeadPose.ThePose = Posef(CenteredFromWorld * calcPredictedPose(lstate.WorldFromImu, pdt) * lstate.ImuFromCpf); ss.CameraPose = Posef(CenteredFromWorld * lstate.WorldFromCamera); Posed worldFromLeveledCamera = Posed(Quatd(), lstate.WorldFromCamera.Translation); ss.LeveledCameraPose = Posef(CenteredFromWorld * worldFromLeveledCamera); ss.RawSensorData = lstate.RawSensorData; return true; } bool SensorStateReader::GetPoseAtTime(double absoluteTime, Posef& transform) const { TrackingState ss; if (!GetSensorStateAtTime(absoluteTime, ss)) { return false; } transform = ss.HeadPose.ThePose; return true; } uint32_t SensorStateReader::GetStatus() const { if (!Updater) { return 0; } const LocklessSensorState lstate = Updater->SharedSensorState.GetState(); // If invalid, if (0 == (lstate.StatusFlags & Status_TrackingMask)) { // Return 0 indicating no orientation nor position tracking return 0; } return lstate.StatusFlags; } }} // namespace OVR::Tracking