path: root/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
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authorSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-06-19 17:03:28 +0200
committerSven Gothel <[email protected]>2014-06-19 17:03:28 +0200
commitd9a584844a60542519d813b5dc1a62428f14a0ae (patch)
tree942c10a5ebcd0aab65e9d6facb59778468f39d3b /LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
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1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd5499c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LibOVR/Src/OVR_Stereo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+PublicHeader: OVR.h
+Filename : OVR_Stereo.h
+Content : Stereo rendering functions
+Created : November 30, 2013
+Authors : Tom Fosyth
+Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
+you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
+which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#ifndef OVR_Stereo_h
+#define OVR_Stereo_h
+#include "OVR_Device.h"
+// CAPI Forward declaration.
+typedef struct ovrFovPort_ ovrFovPort;
+typedef struct ovrRecti_ ovrRecti;
+namespace OVR {
+// ***** Stereo Enumerations
+// StereoEye specifies which eye we are rendering for; it is used to
+// retrieve StereoEyeParams.
+enum StereoEye
+ StereoEye_Center,
+ StereoEye_Left,
+ StereoEye_Right
+// ***** FovPort
+// FovPort describes Field Of View (FOV) of a viewport.
+// This class has values for up, down, left and right, stored in
+// tangent of the angle units to simplify calculations.
+// As an example, for a standard 90 degree vertical FOV, we would
+// have: { UpTan = tan(90 degrees / 2), DownTan = tan(90 degrees / 2) }.
+// CreateFromRadians/Degrees helper functions can be used to
+// access FOV in different units.
+struct FovPort
+ float UpTan;
+ float DownTan;
+ float LeftTan;
+ float RightTan;
+ FovPort ( float sideTan = 0.0f ) :
+ UpTan(sideTan), DownTan(sideTan), LeftTan(sideTan), RightTan(sideTan) { }
+ FovPort ( float u, float d, float l, float r ) :
+ UpTan(u), DownTan(d), LeftTan(l), RightTan(r) { }
+ // C-interop support: FovPort <-> ovrFovPort (implementation in OVR_CAPI.cpp).
+ FovPort(const ovrFovPort& src);
+ operator ovrFovPort () const;
+ static FovPort CreateFromRadians(float horizontalFov, float verticalFov)
+ {
+ FovPort result;
+ result.UpTan = tanf ( verticalFov * 0.5f );
+ result.DownTan = tanf ( verticalFov * 0.5f );
+ result.LeftTan = tanf ( horizontalFov * 0.5f );
+ result.RightTan = tanf ( horizontalFov * 0.5f );
+ return result;
+ }
+ static FovPort CreateFromDegrees(float horizontalFovDegrees,
+ float verticalFovDegrees)
+ {
+ return CreateFromRadians(DegreeToRad(horizontalFovDegrees),
+ DegreeToRad(verticalFovDegrees));
+ }
+ // Get Horizontal/Vertical components of Fov in radians.
+ float GetVerticalFovRadians() const { return atanf(UpTan) + atanf(DownTan); }
+ float GetHorizontalFovRadians() const { return atanf(LeftTan) + atanf(RightTan); }
+ // Get Horizontal/Vertical components of Fov in degrees.
+ float GetVerticalFovDegrees() const { return RadToDegree(GetVerticalFovRadians()); }
+ float GetHorizontalFovDegrees() const { return RadToDegree(GetHorizontalFovRadians()); }
+ // Compute maximum tangent value among all four sides.
+ float GetMaxSideTan() const
+ {
+ return Alg::Max(Alg::Max(UpTan, DownTan), Alg::Max(LeftTan, RightTan));
+ }
+ // Converts Fov Tan angle units to [-1,1] render target NDC space
+ Vector2f TanAngleToRendertargetNDC(Vector2f const &tanEyeAngle);
+ // Compute per-channel minimum and maximum of Fov.
+ static FovPort Min(const FovPort& a, const FovPort& b)
+ {
+ FovPort fov( Alg::Min( a.UpTan , b.UpTan ),
+ Alg::Min( a.DownTan , b.DownTan ),
+ Alg::Min( a.LeftTan , b.LeftTan ),
+ Alg::Min( a.RightTan, b.RightTan ) );
+ return fov;
+ }
+ static FovPort Max(const FovPort& a, const FovPort& b)
+ {
+ FovPort fov( Alg::Max( a.UpTan , b.UpTan ),
+ Alg::Max( a.DownTan , b.DownTan ),
+ Alg::Max( a.LeftTan , b.LeftTan ),
+ Alg::Max( a.RightTan, b.RightTan ) );
+ return fov;
+ }
+// ***** ScaleAndOffset
+struct ScaleAndOffset2D
+ Vector2f Scale;
+ Vector2f Offset;
+ ScaleAndOffset2D(float sx = 0.0f, float sy = 0.0f, float ox = 0.0f, float oy = 0.0f)
+ : Scale(sx, sy), Offset(ox, oy)
+ { }
+// ***** Misc. utility functions.
+// Inputs are 4 points (pFitX[0],pFitY[0]) through (pFitX[3],pFitY[3])
+// Result is four coefficients in pResults[0] through pResults[3] such that
+// y = pResult[0] + x * ( pResult[1] + x * ( pResult[2] + x * ( pResult[3] ) ) );
+// passes through all four input points.
+// Return is true if it succeeded, false if it failed (because two control points
+// have the same pFitX value).
+bool FitCubicPolynomial ( float *pResult, const float *pFitX, const float *pFitY );
+// ***** LensConfig
+// LensConfig describes the configuration of a single lens in an HMD.
+// - Eqn and K[] describe a distortion function.
+// - MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter is the relationship between distance on a
+// screen (at the center of the lens), and the angle variance of the light after it
+// has passed through the lens.
+// - ChromaticAberration is an array of parameters for controlling
+// additional Red and Blue scaling in order to reduce chromatic aberration
+// caused by the Rift lenses.
+struct LensConfig
+ // The result is a scaling applied to the distance from the center of the lens.
+ float DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared (float rsq) const;
+ // x,y,z components map to r,g,b scales.
+ Vector3f DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquaredChroma (float rsq) const;
+ // DistortionFn applies distortion to the argument.
+ // Input: the distance in TanAngle/NIC space from the optical center to the input pixel.
+ // Output: the resulting distance after distortion.
+ float DistortionFn(float r) const
+ {
+ return r * DistortionFnScaleRadiusSquared ( r * r );
+ }
+ // DistortionFnInverse computes the inverse of the distortion function on an argument.
+ float DistortionFnInverse(float r) const;
+ // Also computes the inverse, but using a polynomial approximation. Warning - it's just an approximation!
+ float DistortionFnInverseApprox(float r) const;
+ // Sets up InvK[].
+ void SetUpInverseApprox();
+ // Sets a bunch of sensible defaults.
+ void SetToIdentity();
+ enum { NumCoefficients = 11 };
+ DistortionEqnType Eqn;
+ float K[NumCoefficients];
+ float MaxR; // The highest R you're going to query for - the curve is unpredictable beyond it.
+ float MetersPerTanAngleAtCenter;
+ // Additional per-channel scaling is applied after distortion:
+ // Index [0] - Red channel constant coefficient.
+ // Index [1] - Red channel r^2 coefficient.
+ // Index [2] - Blue channel constant coefficient.
+ // Index [3] - Blue channel r^2 coefficient.
+ float ChromaticAberration[4];
+ float InvK[NumCoefficients];
+ float MaxInvR;
+// For internal use - storing and loading lens config data
+// Returns true on success.
+bool LoadLensConfig ( LensConfig *presult, UByte const *pbuffer, int bufferSizeInBytes );
+// Returns number of bytes needed.
+int SaveLensConfigSizeInBytes ( LensConfig const &config );
+// Returns true on success.
+bool SaveLensConfig ( UByte *pbuffer, int bufferSizeInBytes, LensConfig const &config );
+// ***** DistortionRenderDesc
+// This describes distortion for a single eye in an HMD with a display, not just the lens by itself.
+struct DistortionRenderDesc
+ // The raw lens values.
+ LensConfig Lens;
+ // These map from [-1,1] across the eye being rendered into TanEyeAngle space (but still distorted)
+ Vector2f LensCenter;
+ Vector2f TanEyeAngleScale;
+ // Computed from device characteristics, IPD and eye-relief.
+ // (not directly used for rendering, but very useful)
+ Vector2f PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter;
+// ***** HmdRenderInfo
+// All the parts of the HMD info that are needed to set up the rendering system.
+struct HmdRenderInfo
+ // The start of this sturucture is intentionally very similar to HMDInfo in OVER_Device.h
+ // However to reduce interdependencies, one does not simply #include the other.
+ HmdTypeEnum HmdType;
+ // Size of the entire screen
+ Size<int> ResolutionInPixels;
+ Size<float> ScreenSizeInMeters;
+ float ScreenGapSizeInMeters;
+ // Characteristics of the lenses.
+ float CenterFromTopInMeters;
+ float LensSeparationInMeters;
+ float LensDiameterInMeters;
+ float LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters;
+ EyeCupType EyeCups;
+ // Timing & shutter data. All values in seconds.
+ struct ShutterInfo
+ {
+ HmdShutterTypeEnum Type;
+ float VsyncToNextVsync; // 1/framerate
+ float VsyncToFirstScanline; // for global shutter, vsync->shutter open.
+ float FirstScanlineToLastScanline; // for global shutter, will be zero.
+ float PixelSettleTime; // estimated.
+ float PixelPersistence; // Full persistence = 1/framerate.
+ } Shutter;
+ // These are all set from the user's profile.
+ struct EyeConfig
+ {
+ // Distance from center of eyeball to front plane of lens.
+ float ReliefInMeters;
+ // Distance from nose (technically, center of Rift) to the middle of the eye.
+ float NoseToPupilInMeters;
+ LensConfig Distortion;
+ } EyeLeft, EyeRight;
+ HmdRenderInfo()
+ {
+ HmdType = HmdType_None;
+ ResolutionInPixels.w = 0;
+ ResolutionInPixels.h = 0;
+ ScreenSizeInMeters.w = 0.0f;
+ ScreenSizeInMeters.h = 0.0f;
+ ScreenGapSizeInMeters = 0.0f;
+ CenterFromTopInMeters = 0.0f;
+ LensSeparationInMeters = 0.0f;
+ LensDiameterInMeters = 0.0f;
+ LensSurfaceToMidplateInMeters = 0.0f;
+ Shutter.Type = HmdShutter_LAST;
+ Shutter.VsyncToNextVsync = 0.0f;
+ Shutter.VsyncToFirstScanline = 0.0f;
+ Shutter.FirstScanlineToLastScanline = 0.0f;
+ Shutter.PixelSettleTime = 0.0f;
+ Shutter.PixelPersistence = 0.0f;
+ EyeCups = EyeCup_DK1A;
+ EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters = 0.0f;
+ EyeLeft.NoseToPupilInMeters = 0.0f;
+ EyeLeft.Distortion.SetToIdentity();
+ EyeRight = EyeLeft;
+ }
+ // The "center eye" is the position the HMD tracking returns,
+ // and games will also usually use it for audio, aiming reticles, some line-of-sight tests, etc.
+ EyeConfig GetEyeCenter() const
+ {
+ EyeConfig result;
+ result.ReliefInMeters = 0.5f * ( EyeLeft.ReliefInMeters + EyeRight.ReliefInMeters );
+ result.NoseToPupilInMeters = 0.0f;
+ result.Distortion.SetToIdentity();
+ return result;
+ }
+// Stateless computation functions, in somewhat recommended execution order.
+// For examples on how to use many of them, see the StereoConfig::UpdateComputedState function.
+const float OVR_DEFAULT_EXTRA_EYE_ROTATION = 30.0f * Math<float>::DegreeToRadFactor;
+// Creates a dummy debug HMDInfo matching a particular HMD model.
+// Useful for development without an actual HMD attached.
+HMDInfo CreateDebugHMDInfo(HmdTypeEnum hmdType);
+// profile may be NULL, in which case it uses the hard-coded defaults.
+// distortionType should be left at the default unless you require something specific for your distortion shaders.
+// eyeCupOverride can be EyeCup_LAST, in which case it uses the one in the profile.
+HmdRenderInfo GenerateHmdRenderInfoFromHmdInfo ( HMDInfo const &hmdInfo,
+ Profile const *profile = NULL,
+ DistortionEqnType distortionType = Distortion_CatmullRom10,
+ EyeCupType eyeCupOverride = EyeCup_LAST );
+LensConfig GenerateLensConfigFromEyeRelief ( float eyeReliefInMeters, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd,
+ DistortionEqnType distortionType = Distortion_CatmullRom10 );
+DistortionRenderDesc CalculateDistortionRenderDesc ( StereoEye eyeType, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd,
+ LensConfig const *pLensOverride = NULL );
+FovPort CalculateFovFromEyePosition ( float eyeReliefInMeters,
+ float offsetToRightInMeters,
+ float offsetDownwardsInMeters,
+ float lensDiameterInMeters,
+ float extraEyeRotationInRadians = OVR_DEFAULT_EXTRA_EYE_ROTATION);
+FovPort CalculateFovFromHmdInfo ( StereoEye eyeType,
+ DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ HmdRenderInfo const &hmd,
+ float extraEyeRotationInRadians = OVR_DEFAULT_EXTRA_EYE_ROTATION );
+FovPort GetPhysicalScreenFov ( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion );
+FovPort ClampToPhysicalScreenFov ( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ FovPort inputFovPort );
+Sizei CalculateIdealPixelSize ( StereoEye eyeType, DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ FovPort fov, float pixelsPerDisplayPixel );
+Recti GetFramebufferViewport ( StereoEye eyeType, HmdRenderInfo const &hmd );
+Matrix4f CreateProjection ( bool rightHanded, FovPort fov,
+ float zNear = 0.01f, float zFar = 10000.0f );
+Matrix4f CreateOrthoSubProjection ( bool rightHanded, StereoEye eyeType,
+ float tanHalfFovX, float tanHalfFovY,
+ float unitsX, float unitsY, float distanceFromCamera,
+ float interpupillaryDistance, Matrix4f const &projection,
+ float zNear = 0.0f, float zFar = 0.0f );
+ScaleAndOffset2D CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov ( FovPort fov );
+ScaleAndOffset2D CreateUVScaleAndOffsetfromNDCScaleandOffset ( ScaleAndOffset2D scaleAndOffsetNDC,
+ Recti renderedViewport,
+ Sizei renderTargetSize );
+// ***** StereoEyeParams
+// StereoEyeParams describes RenderDevice configuration needed to render
+// the scene for one eye.
+struct StereoEyeParams
+ StereoEye Eye;
+ Matrix4f ViewAdjust; // Translation to be applied to view matrix.
+ // Distortion and the VP on the physical display - the thing to run the distortion shader on.
+ DistortionRenderDesc Distortion;
+ Recti DistortionViewport;
+ // Projection and VP of a particular view (you could have multiple of these).
+ Recti RenderedViewport; // Viewport that we render the standard scene to.
+ FovPort Fov; // The FOVs of this scene.
+ Matrix4f RenderedProjection; // Projection matrix used with this eye.
+ ScaleAndOffset2D EyeToSourceNDC; // Mapping from TanEyeAngle space to [-1,+1] on the rendered image.
+ ScaleAndOffset2D EyeToSourceUV; // Mapping from TanEyeAngle space to actual texture UV coords.
+// A set of "forward-mapping" functions, mapping from framebuffer space to real-world and/or texture space.
+Vector2f TransformScreenNDCToTanFovSpace ( DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ const Vector2f &framebufferNDC );
+void TransformScreenNDCToTanFovSpaceChroma ( Vector2f *resultR, Vector2f *resultG, Vector2f *resultB,
+ DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ const Vector2f &framebufferNDC );
+Vector2f TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetTexUV ( StereoEyeParams const &eyeParams,
+ Vector2f const &tanEyeAngle );
+Vector2f TransformTanFovSpaceToRendertargetNDC ( StereoEyeParams const &eyeParams,
+ Vector2f const &tanEyeAngle );
+Vector2f TransformScreenPixelToScreenNDC( Recti const &distortionViewport,
+ Vector2f const &pixel );
+Vector2f TransformScreenPixelToTanFovSpace ( Recti const &distortionViewport,
+ DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ Vector2f const &pixel );
+Vector2f TransformScreenNDCToRendertargetTexUV( DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ StereoEyeParams const &eyeParams,
+ Vector2f const &pixel );
+Vector2f TransformScreenPixelToRendertargetTexUV( Recti const &distortionViewport,
+ DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ StereoEyeParams const &eyeParams,
+ Vector2f const &pixel );
+// A set of "reverse-mapping" functions, mapping from real-world and/or texture space back to the framebuffer.
+// Be aware that many of these are significantly slower than their forward-mapping counterparts.
+Vector2f TransformTanFovSpaceToScreenNDC( DistortionRenderDesc const &distortion,
+ const Vector2f &tanEyeAngle, bool usePolyApprox = false );
+Vector2f TransformRendertargetNDCToTanFovSpace( const ScaleAndOffset2D &eyeToSourceNDC,
+ const Vector2f &textureNDC );
+} //namespace OVR
+#endif // OVR_Stereo_h \ No newline at end of file