Left channel has more noise than right channel. 1) mp4: extract to wav file [A] Audacity: 2) [A] -> [B] - AudioTrack: Split Stereo to Mono, drop right channel 'mono' - Effect.Inverter 3) [A] -> [C] - Tracks: Stereo Track to Mono - Audio Track: Amplify +2dB (simply use slider) 4) [B] + [C] -> [D] - Tracks: Mix and Render 5) [D] -> [E] - Effect.Noise_Removal.. - Pick short noise sample - Remove noise: - Noise reduction -10 dB, Sensitivity 0dB, Frequency smoothing 300Hz, Attack/decay time 0.15s 6) [E] -> [F] - Effect.Compressor - Threshold -16 dB Noise Floor -30 dB Ratio 2:1 Attack Time 0.2s Decay Time 1.0s Gain for 0dB: ON Compress based on Peaks: ON