/** * gltool.c * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sven Goethel * * GNU Library General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html * General dynamical loading OpenGL (GL/GLU) support for: * * * <#define> commentary * ----------------------------------------------- * GNU/Linux, Unices/X11 _X11_ (loads glx also) * Macinstosh OS9 _MAC_OS9_ * Macinstosh OSX _MAC_OSX_ * Win32 _WIN32_ * */ #include "gltool.h" #include "gl-disp-var.hc" #include "glu-disp-var.hc" #ifdef _X11_ #include "glxtool.h" #endif #ifdef _WIN32_ #include "wgltool.h" #endif static int _glLibsLoaded = 0; #ifdef _WIN32_ static HMODULE hDLL_OPENGL32 = 0; static HMODULE hDLL_OPENGLU32 = 0; #endif #ifdef _X11_ static void *libHandleGLX=0; static void *libHandleGL=0; static void *libHandleGLU=0; #endif #ifdef _MAC_OS9_ Ptr glLibMainAddr = 0; CFragConnectionID glLibConnectId = 0; #endif static int gl_begin_ctr; const char * GLTOOL_USE_GLLIB = "GLTOOL_USE_GLLIB"; const char * GLTOOL_USE_GLULIB = "GLTOOL_USE_GLULIB"; void LIBAPIENTRY print_gl_error (const char *msg, const char *file, int line, GLenum errorcode) { if (errorcode != GL_NO_ERROR) { const char *errstr = (const char *) disp__gluErrorString (errorcode); if (errstr != 0) fprintf (stderr, "\n\n****\n**%s %s:%d>0x%X %s\n****\n", msg, file, line, errorcode, errstr); else fprintf (stderr, "\n\n****\n**%s %s:%d>0x%X \n****\n", msg, file, line, errorcode); } } #ifdef _WIN32_ void LIBAPIENTRY check_wgl_error (HWND wnd, const char *file, int line) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, GetLastError (), MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, 0); // Display the string. fprintf (stderr, "\n\n****\n** %s:%d>%s\n****\n", file, line, lpMsgBuf); // Free the buffer. LocalFree (lpMsgBuf); } #endif void LIBAPIENTRY check_gl_error (const char *file, int line) { print_gl_error("GLCHECK", file, line, disp__glGetError()); } void LIBAPIENTRY __sglBegin(const char * file, int line, GLenum mode) { print_gl_error("GL-PreBEGIN-CHECK", file, line, disp__glGetError()); if(gl_begin_ctr!=0) { printf("\n\n****\n** GL-BEGIN-ERROR %s:%d> glBegin was called %d times (reset now)\n****\n", file, line, gl_begin_ctr); gl_begin_ctr=0; } else gl_begin_ctr++; disp__glBegin(mode); } void LIBAPIENTRY __sglEnd(const char * file, int line) { if(gl_begin_ctr!=1) { printf("\n\n****\n** GL-END-ERROR %s:%d> glBegin was called %d times (reset now)\n****\n", file, line, gl_begin_ctr); gl_begin_ctr=1; } else gl_begin_ctr--; disp__glEnd(); print_gl_error("GL-PostEND-CHECK", file, line, disp__glGetError()); } /** * call this function only if you * are not within a glBegin/glEnd block, * or you think your are not ;-) */ void LIBAPIENTRY checkGlBeginEndBalance(const char *file, int line) { if(gl_begin_ctr!=0) { printf("\n****\n** GL-BeginEnd-ERROR %s:%d> glBegin was called %d times\n****\n", file, line, gl_begin_ctr); } print_gl_error("GL-BeginEnd-CHECK", file, line, disp__glGetError()); } void LIBAPIENTRY showGlBeginEndBalance(const char *file, int line) { printf("\n****\n** GL-BeginEnd %s:%d> glBegin was called %d times\n****\n", file, line, gl_begin_ctr); } int LIBAPIENTRY unloadGLLibrary () { #ifdef _WIN32_ if(hDLL_OPENGL32!=NULL) { FreeLibrary(hDLL_OPENGL32); hDLL_OPENGL32=NULL; } if(hDLL_OPENGLU32!=NULL) { FreeLibrary(hDLL_OPENGLU32); hDLL_OPENGLU32=NULL; } #endif #ifdef _X11_ if(libHandleGL!=NULL) { dlclose (libHandleGL); libHandleGL = NULL; } if(libHandleGLU!=NULL) { dlclose (libHandleGLU); libHandleGLU = NULL; } if(libHandleGLX!=NULL) { dlclose (libHandleGLX); libHandleGLX = NULL; } #endif #ifdef _MAC_OS9_ if (glLibConnectId!=NULL) { (void) CloseConnection(&glLibConnectId); glLibConnectId=0; } glLibMainAddr = 0; #endif _glLibsLoaded = 0; return 1; } int LIBAPIENTRY loadGLLibrary (const char * libGLName, const char * libGLUName) { const char *envGLName = NULL; const char *envGLUName = NULL; #ifdef _MAC_OS9_ Str255 errName; OSErr returnError=fragNoErr; #endif if(_glLibsLoaded) return 1; envGLName = getenv(GLTOOL_USE_GLLIB); envGLUName = getenv(GLTOOL_USE_GLULIB); if(envGLName!=NULL) { libGLName = envGLName; printf("GLTOOL: using env's GLTOOL_USE_GLLIB = %s\n", libGLName); } if(envGLUName!=NULL) { libGLUName = envGLUName; printf("GLTOOL: using env's GLTOOL_USE_GLULIB = %s\n", libGLUName); } #ifdef _WIN32_ if(hDLL_OPENGL32!=NULL) return 1; hDLL_OPENGL32 = LoadLibrary (libGLName); hDLL_OPENGLU32 = LoadLibrary (libGLUName); if (hDLL_OPENGL32 == NULL) { printf ("GLERROR: cannot access OpenGL library %s\n", libGLName); fflush (NULL); return 0; } if (hDLL_OPENGLU32 == NULL) { printf ("GLERROR: cannot access GLU library %s\n", libGLUName); fflush (NULL); return 0; } #endif #ifdef _X11_ if(libHandleGL!=NULL) return 1; libHandleGL = dlopen (libGLName, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (libHandleGL == NULL) { printf ("GLERROR: cannot access OpenGL library %s\n", libGLName); fflush (NULL); return 0; } libHandleGLU = dlopen (libGLUName, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (libHandleGLU == NULL) { printf ("GLERROR: cannot access GLU library %s\n", libGLUName); fflush (NULL); return 0; } libHandleGLX = dlopen ("libglx.so", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (libHandleGLX == NULL) { printf ("GLINFO: cannot access GLX library libglx.so directly ...\n"); fflush (NULL); } #endif #ifdef _MAC_OS9_ returnError = GetSharedLibrary("\pOpenGLLibrary", kPowerPCCFragArch, kReferenceCFrag, &glLibConnectId, &glLibMainAddr, errName); if (returnError != fragNoErr) { printf ("GetSharedLibrary Err(%d): Ahhh! Didn't find LIBRARY !\n", returnError); return 0; } #endif #ifdef _MAC_OSX_ printf ("GLINFO: loadGLLibrary - no special code implemented !\n"); #else printf ("GLINFO: loaded OpenGL library %s!\n", libGLName); printf ("GLINFO: loaded GLU library %s!\n", libGLUName); #endif fflush (NULL); _glLibsLoaded = 1; return 1; } void * LIBAPIENTRY getGLProcAddressHelper (const char * libGLName, const char * libGLUName, const char *func, int *method, int debug, int verbose) { void * funcPtr = NULL; int lmethod; #ifdef _WIN32_ static int __firstAccess = 1; if(!loadGLLibrary (libGLName, libGLUName)) return NULL; if (disp__wglGetProcAddress == NULL && __firstAccess) { disp__wglGetProcAddress = ( PROC (CALLBACK *)(LPCSTR) ) GetProcAddress (hDLL_OPENGL32, "wglGetProcAddress"); if (disp__wglGetProcAddress != NULL /* && verbose */) { printf ("GLINFO: found wglGetProcAddress in %s\n", libGLName); fflush (NULL); } if (disp__wglGetProcAddress == NULL) { printf ("GLINFO: can't find wglGetProcAddress in %s\n", libGLName); } } __firstAccess = 0; if (disp__wglGetProcAddress != NULL) funcPtr = disp__wglGetProcAddress (func); if (funcPtr == NULL) { lmethod = 2; funcPtr = GetProcAddress (hDLL_OPENGL32, func); } else lmethod = 1; if (funcPtr == NULL) { lmethod = 3; funcPtr = GetProcAddress (hDLL_OPENGLU32, func); } #endif #ifdef _X11_ /* * void (*glXGetProcAddressARB(const GLubyte *procName)) */ static int __firstAccess = 1; if(!loadGLLibrary (libGLName, libGLUName)) return NULL; if (disp__glXGetProcAddress == NULL && __firstAccess) { disp__glXGetProcAddress = dlsym (libHandleGL, "glXGetProcAddressARB"); if (disp__glXGetProcAddress != NULL && verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: found glXGetProcAddressARB in %s\n", libGLName); fflush (NULL); } if (disp__glXGetProcAddress == NULL) { disp__glXGetProcAddress = dlsym (libHandleGL, "glXGetProcAddressEXT"); if (disp__glXGetProcAddress != NULL && verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: found glXGetProcAddressEXT in %s\n", libGLName); fflush (NULL); } } if (disp__glXGetProcAddress == NULL) { disp__glXGetProcAddress = dlsym (libHandleGL, "glXGetProcAddress"); if (disp__glXGetProcAddress != NULL && verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: found glXGetProcAddress in %s\n", libGLName); fflush (NULL); } } if (disp__glXGetProcAddress == NULL) { printf ("GLINFO: cannot find glXGetProcAddress* in OpenGL library %s\n", libGLName); fflush (NULL); if (libHandleGLX != NULL) { disp__glXGetProcAddress = dlsym (libHandleGLX, "glXGetProcAddressARB"); if (disp__glXGetProcAddress != NULL && verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: found glXGetProcAddressARB in libglx.so\n"); fflush (NULL); } if (disp__glXGetProcAddress == NULL) { disp__glXGetProcAddress = dlsym (libHandleGLX, "glXGetProcAddressEXT"); if (disp__glXGetProcAddress != NULL && verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: found glXGetProcAddressEXT in libglx.so\n"); fflush (NULL); } } if (disp__glXGetProcAddress == NULL) { disp__glXGetProcAddress = dlsym (libHandleGLX, "glXGetProcAddress"); if (disp__glXGetProcAddress != NULL && verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: found glXGetProcAddress in libglx.so\n"); fflush (NULL); } } if (disp__glXGetProcAddress == NULL) { printf ("GLINFO: cannot find glXGetProcAddress* in GLX library libglx.so\n"); fflush (NULL); } } } } __firstAccess = 0; if (disp__glXGetProcAddress != NULL) funcPtr = disp__glXGetProcAddress (func); if (funcPtr == NULL) { lmethod = 2; funcPtr = dlsym (libHandleGL, func); } else lmethod = 1; if (funcPtr == NULL) { lmethod = 3; funcPtr = dlsym (libHandleGLU, func); } #endif #ifdef _MAC_OS9_ Str255 errName; Str255 funcName; CFragSymbolClass glLibSymClass = 0; OSErr returnError=fragNoErr; #ifndef NDEBUG static int firstTime = 1; #endif if(!loadGLLibrary (libGLName, libGLUName)) return NULL; c2pstrcpy ( funcName, func ); #ifndef NDEBUG if(firstTime) { PrintSymbolNamesByConnection (glLibConnectId); firstTime=0; } funcPtr = (void *) SeekSymbolNamesByConnection (glLibConnectId, funcName); #endif if(funcPtr==NULL) { returnError = FindSymbol (glLibConnectId, funcName, &funcPtr, & glLibSymClass ); lmethod=2; } #ifndef NDEBUG else lmethod=3; #endif if (returnError != fragNoErr) { printf ("GetSharedLibrary Err(%d): Ahhh! Didn't find SYMBOL: %s !\n", returnError, func); } #endif #ifdef _MAC_OSX_ char underscoreName[256]; strcpy(underscoreName, "_"); strcat(underscoreName, func); if ( NSIsSymbolNameDefined(underscoreName) ) { NSSymbol sym = NSLookupAndBindSymbol(underscoreName); funcPtr = (void *)NSAddressOfSymbol(sym); } #endif if (funcPtr == NULL) { if (debug || verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: %s (%d): not implemented !\n", func, lmethod); fflush (NULL); } } else if (verbose) { printf ("GLINFO: %s (%d): loaded !\n", func, lmethod); fflush (NULL); } if (method != NULL) *method = lmethod; return funcPtr; } void LIBAPIENTRY fetch_GL_FUNCS (const char * libGLName, const char * libGLUName, int force) { static int _firstRun = 1; if(force) { unloadGLLibrary(); _firstRun = 1; } if(!_firstRun) return; if(!loadGLLibrary (libGLName, libGLUName)) return; #define GET_GL_PROCADDRESS(a) getGLProcAddressHelper (libGLName, libGLUName, (a), NULL, 1, 0); #include "gl-disp-fetch.hc" #include "glu-disp-fetch.hc" _firstRun=0; #ifdef _X11_ fetch_GLX_FUNCS (libGLName, libGLUName, force); #endif #ifdef _WIN32_ fetch_WGL_FUNCS (libGLName, libGLUName, force); #endif } #ifdef _MAC_OS9_ #ifndef NDEBUG static void PrintSymbolNamesByConnection (CFragConnectionID myConnID) { long myIndex; long myCount; /*number of exported symbols in fragment*/ OSErr myErr; Str255 myName; /*symbol name*/ Ptr myAddr; /*symbol address*/ CFragSymbolClass myClass; /*symbol class*/ static char buffer[256]; myErr = CountSymbols(myConnID, &myCount); if (!myErr) for (myIndex = 1; myIndex <= myCount; myIndex++) { myErr = GetIndSymbol(myConnID, myIndex, myName, &myAddr, &myClass); if (!myErr) { p2cstrcpy (buffer, myName); printf("%d/%d: class %d - name %s\n", myIndex, myCount, myClass, buffer); } } } static Ptr SeekSymbolNamesByConnection (CFragConnectionID myConnID, Str255 name) { long myIndex; long myCount; /*number of exported symbols in fragment*/ OSErr myErr; Str255 myName; /*symbol name*/ Ptr myAddr; /*symbol address*/ CFragSymbolClass myClass; /*symbol class*/ myErr = CountSymbols(myConnID, &myCount); if (!myErr) for (myIndex = 1; myIndex <= myCount; myIndex++) { myErr = GetIndSymbol(myConnID, myIndex, myName, &myAddr, &myClass); if (!myErr && EqualString (myName, name, true, true) == true ) return myAddr; } } #endif /* ifndef NDEBUG */ #endif /* ifdef _MAC_OS9_ */