/* * Author: Sven Gothel * Copyright (c) 2022 Gothel Software e.K. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include } #include #include #include "L2CAPIoctl.hpp" #include "GattNumbers.hpp" #include "BTGattHandler.hpp" #include "BTDevice.hpp" #include "BTManager.hpp" #include "BTAdapter.hpp" #include "BTManager.hpp" #include "DBTConst.hpp" using namespace direct_bt; class NopGattServerHandler : public BTGattHandler::GattServerHandler { public: NopGattServerHandler() noexcept {} void close() noexcept override {} DBGattServer::Mode getMode() noexcept override { return DBGattServer::Mode::NOP; } bool replyExchangeMTUReq(const AttExchangeMTU * pdu) noexcept override { (void)pdu; return true; } bool replyReadReq(const AttPDUMsg * pdu) noexcept override { (void)pdu; return true; } bool replyWriteReq(const AttPDUMsg * pdu) noexcept override { (void)pdu; return true; } bool replyFindInfoReq(const AttFindInfoReq * pdu) noexcept override { (void)pdu; return true; } bool replyFindByTypeValueReq(const AttFindByTypeValueReq * pdu) noexcept override { (void)pdu; return true; } bool replyReadByTypeReq(const AttReadByNTypeReq * pdu) noexcept override { (void)pdu; return true; } bool replyReadByGroupTypeReq(const AttReadByNTypeReq * pdu) noexcept override { (void)pdu; return true; } }; class DBGattServerHandler : public BTGattHandler::GattServerHandler { private: BTGattHandler& gh; DBGattServerRef gattServerData; jau::darray writeDataQueue; jau::darray writeDataQueueHandles; public: DBGattServerHandler(BTGattHandler& gh_, DBGattServerRef gsd) noexcept : gh(gh_), gattServerData(gsd) {} private: bool hasServerHandle(const uint16_t handle) noexcept { for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { if( s->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= s->getEndHandle() ) { for(DBGattCharRef& c : s->getCharacteristics()) { if( c->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= c->getEndHandle() ) { if( handle == c->getValueHandle() ) { return true; } for(DBGattDescRef& d : c->getDescriptors()) { if( handle == d->getHandle() ) { return true; } } } // if characteristics-range } // for characteristics } // if service-range } // for services return false; } DBGattCharRef findServerGattCharByValueHandle(const uint16_t char_value_handle) noexcept { return gattServerData->findGattCharByValueHandle(char_value_handle); } AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode applyWrite(BTDeviceRef device, const uint16_t handle, const jau::TROOctets & value, const uint16_t value_offset) noexcept { for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { if( s->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= s->getEndHandle() ) { for(DBGattCharRef& c : s->getCharacteristics()) { if( c->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= c->getEndHandle() ) { if( handle == c->getValueHandle() ) { if( c->getValue().size() < value_offset) { // offset at value-end + 1 OK to append return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_OFFSET; } if( c->hasVariableLength() ) { if( c->getValue().capacity() < value_offset + value.size() ) { return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN; } } else { if( c->getValue().size() < value_offset + value.size() ) { return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN; } } { bool allowed = true; int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { allowed = l->writeCharValue(device, s, c, value, value_offset) && allowed; } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("GATT-REQ: WRITE: (%s) %d/%zd: %s of %s: Caught exception %s", c->toString().c_str(), i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), device->toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); if( !allowed ) { return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_WRITE_PERM; } } if( c->hasVariableLength() ) { if( c->getValue().size() != value_offset + value.size() ) { c->getValue().resize( value_offset + value.size() ); } } c->getValue().put_octets_nc(value_offset, value); return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; } for(DBGattDescRef& d : c->getDescriptors()) { if( handle == d->getHandle() ) { if( d->getValue().size() < value_offset) { // offset at value-end + 1 OK to append return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_OFFSET; } if( d->hasVariableLength() ) { if( d->getValue().capacity() < value_offset + value.size() ) { return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN; } } else { if( d->getValue().size() < value_offset + value.size() ) { return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN; } } if( d->isUserDescription() ) { return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_WRITE_PERM; } const bool isCCCD = d->isClientCharConfig(); if( !isCCCD ) { bool allowed = true; int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { allowed = l->writeDescValue(device, s, c, d, value, value_offset) && allowed; } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("GATT-REQ: WRITE: (%s) %d/%zd: %s of %s: Caught exception %s", d->toString().c_str(), i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), device->toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); if( !allowed ) { return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_WRITE_PERM; } } if( d->hasVariableLength() ) { if( d->getValue().size() != value_offset + value.size() ) { d->getValue().resize( value_offset + value.size() ); } } if( isCCCD ) { if( value.size() == 0 ) { // no change, exit return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; } const uint8_t old_v = d->getValue().get_uint8_nc(0); const bool oldEnableNotification = old_v & 0b001; const bool oldEnableIndication = old_v & 0b010; const uint8_t req_v = value.get_uint8_nc(0); const bool reqEnableNotification = req_v & 0b001; const bool reqEnableIndication = req_v & 0b010; const bool hasNotification = c->hasProperties(BTGattChar::PropertyBitVal::Notify); const bool hasIndication = c->hasProperties(BTGattChar::PropertyBitVal::Indicate); const bool enableNotification = reqEnableNotification && hasNotification; const bool enableIndication = reqEnableIndication && hasIndication; if( oldEnableNotification == enableNotification && oldEnableIndication == enableIndication ) { // no change, exit return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; } const uint16_t new_v = enableNotification | ( enableIndication << 1 ); d->getValue().put_uint8_nc(0, new_v); { int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { l->clientCharConfigChanged(device, s, c, d, enableNotification, enableIndication); } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("GATT-REQ: WRITE CCCD: (%s) %d/%zd: %s of %s: Caught exception %s", d->toString().c_str(), i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), device->toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); } } else { // all other types .. d->getValue().put_octets_nc(value_offset, value); } return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; } } } // if characteristics-range } // for characteristics } // if service-range } // for services return AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE; } void signalWriteDone(BTDeviceRef device, const uint16_t handle) noexcept { for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { if( s->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= s->getEndHandle() ) { for(DBGattCharRef& c : s->getCharacteristics()) { if( c->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= c->getEndHandle() ) { if( handle == c->getValueHandle() ) { { int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { l->writeCharValueDone(device, s, c); } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("GATT-REQ: WRITE-Done: (%s) %d/%zd: %s of %s: Caught exception %s", c->toString().c_str(), i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), device->toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); } return; } for(DBGattDescRef& d : c->getDescriptors()) { if( handle == d->getHandle() ) { if( d->isUserDescription() ) { return; } const bool isCCCD = d->isClientCharConfig(); if( !isCCCD ) { int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { l->writeDescValueDone(device, s, c, d); } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("GATT-REQ: WRITE-Done: (%s) %d/%zd: %s of %s: Caught exception %s", d->toString().c_str(), i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), device->toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); } return; } } } // if characteristics-range } // for characteristics } // if service-range } // for services return; } public: void close() noexcept override { BTDeviceRef device = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); if( nullptr == device ) { ERR_PRINT("null device: %s", gh.toString().c_str()); } else { int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { l->disconnected(device); } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("%d/%zd: %s: Caught exception %s", i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), gh.toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); } writeDataQueue.clear(); writeDataQueueHandles.clear(); } DBGattServer::Mode getMode() noexcept override { return DBGattServer::Mode::DB; } bool replyExchangeMTUReq(const AttExchangeMTU * pdu) noexcept override { const uint16_t clientMTU = pdu->getMTUSize(); gh.setUsedMTU( std::min(gh.getServerMTU(), clientMTU) ); const AttExchangeMTU rsp(AttPDUMsg::ReqRespType::RESPONSE, gh.getUsedMTU()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: MTU recv: %u, %s -> %u %s from %s", clientMTU, pdu->toString().c_str(), gh.getUsedMTU(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); if( nullptr != gattServerData ) { BTDeviceRef device = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); if( nullptr != device ) { int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { l->mtuChanged(device, gh.getUsedMTU()); } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("%d/%zd: %s: Caught exception %s", i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), gh.toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); } } return gh.send(rsp); } bool replyWriteReq(const AttPDUMsg * pdu) noexcept override { /** * Without Response: * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_WRITE_CMD * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.9.1 Write Characteristic Value without Response * * With Response: * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_WRITE_REQ * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.9.3 Write Characteristic Value * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: Client Characteristic Configuration * * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_WRITE_RSP * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.9.3 Write Characteristic Value */ BTDeviceRef device = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); if( nullptr == device ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::UNLIKELY_ERROR, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); ERR_PRINT("GATT-Req: WRITE.0, null device: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::PREPARE_WRITE_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { const AttPrepWrite * req = static_cast(pdu); if( !hasServerHandle( req->getHandle() ) ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, req->getOpcode(), req->getHandle()); WARN_PRINT("GATT-Req: WRITE.10: %s -> %s from %s", req->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } const uint16_t handle = req->getHandle(); AttPrepWrite rsp(false, *req); writeDataQueue.push_back(rsp); if( writeDataQueueHandles.cend() == jau::find_if(writeDataQueueHandles.cbegin(), writeDataQueueHandles.cend(), [&](const uint16_t it)->bool { return handle == it; }) ) { // new entry writeDataQueueHandles.push_back(handle); } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: WRITE.11: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } else if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::EXECUTE_WRITE_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { const AttExeWriteReq * req = static_cast(pdu); if( 0x01 == req->getFlags() ) { // immediately write all pending prepared values AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode res = AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; for( auto iter_handle = writeDataQueueHandles.cbegin(); iter_handle < writeDataQueueHandles.cend(); ++iter_handle ) { for( auto iter_prep_write = writeDataQueue.cbegin(); iter_prep_write < writeDataQueue.cend(); ++iter_prep_write ) { const AttPrepWrite &p = *iter_prep_write; const uint16_t handle = p.getHandle(); if( handle == *iter_handle ) { const jau::TOctetSlice &p_value = p.getValue(); jau::TROOctets p_val(p_value.get_ptr_nc(0), p_value.size(), p_value.byte_order()); res = applyWrite(device, handle, p_val, p.getValueOffset()); if( AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR != res ) { writeDataQueue.clear(); writeDataQueueHandles.clear(); AttErrorRsp err(res, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); WARN_PRINT("GATT-Req: WRITE.12: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } } } } for( auto iter_handle = writeDataQueueHandles.cbegin(); iter_handle < writeDataQueueHandles.cend(); ++iter_handle ) { signalWriteDone(device, *iter_handle); } } // else 0x00 == req->getFlags() -> cancel all prepared writes writeDataQueue.clear(); writeDataQueueHandles.clear(); AttExeWriteRsp rsp; COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: WRITE.13: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } uint16_t handle = 0; const jau::TOctetSlice * vslice = nullptr; bool withResp; if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::WRITE_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { const AttWriteReq * req = static_cast(pdu); handle = req->getHandle(); vslice = &req->getValue(); withResp = true; } else if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::WRITE_CMD == pdu->getOpcode() ) { const AttWriteCmd * req = static_cast(pdu); handle = req->getHandle(); vslice = &req->getValue(); withResp = false; } else { // Actually an internal error, method should not have been called AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); WARN_PRINT("GATT-Req: WRITE.20: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } jau::TROOctets req_val(vslice->get_ptr_nc(0), vslice->size(), vslice->byte_order()); AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode res = applyWrite(device, handle, req_val, 0); if( AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR != res ) { AttErrorRsp err(res, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); WARN_PRINT("GATT-Req: WRITE.21: %s -> %s (sent %d) from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), (int)withResp, gh.toString().c_str()); if( withResp ) { return gh.send(err); } return true;; } if( withResp ) { AttWriteRsp rsp; COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: WRITE.22: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); if( !gh.send(rsp) ) { return false; } } signalWriteDone(device, handle); return true; } bool replyReadReq(const AttPDUMsg * pdu) noexcept override { /* BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.8.1 Read Characteristic Value */ /* BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.8.3 Read Long Characteristic Value */ /* For any follow up request, which previous request reply couldn't fit in ATT_MTU */ BTDeviceRef device = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); if( nullptr == device ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::UNLIKELY_ERROR, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); ERR_PRINT("GATT-Req: READ, null device: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } uint16_t handle = 0; uint16_t value_offset = 0; bool isBlobReq; if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::READ_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { const AttReadReq * req = static_cast(pdu); handle = req->getHandle(); isBlobReq = false; } else if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::READ_BLOB_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { /** * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.8.3 Read Long Characteristic Value * * If the Characteristic Value is not longer than (ATT_MTU – 1) * an ATT_ERROR_RSP PDU with the error * code set to Attribute Not Long shall be received on the first * ATT_READ_BLOB_REQ PDU. */ const AttReadBlobReq * req = static_cast(pdu); handle = req->getHandle(); value_offset = req->getValueOffset(); isBlobReq = true; } else { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); WARN_PRINT("GATT-Req: READ: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } if( 0 == handle ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.0: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } const jau::nsize_t rspMaxSize = gh.getUsedMTU()-1; (void)rspMaxSize; for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { if( s->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= s->getEndHandle() ) { /** * AttReadByGroupTypeRsp (1 opcode + 1 element_size + 2 handle + 2 handle + 16 uuid128_t = 22 bytes) * always fits in minimum ATT_PDU 23 */ for(DBGattCharRef& c : s->getCharacteristics()) { if( c->getHandle() <= handle && handle <= c->getEndHandle() ) { if( handle == c->getValueHandle() ) { if( isBlobReq ) { #if SEND_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_LONG if( c->getValue().size() <= rspMaxSize ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_LONG, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); COND_PRINT(env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.0: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), toString().c_str()); gh.send(err); return; } #endif if( value_offset > c->getValue().size() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_OFFSET, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.1: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } } { bool allowed = true; int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { allowed = l->readCharValue(device, s, c) && allowed; } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("GATT-REQ: READ: (%s) %d/%zd: %s of %s: Caught exception %s", c->toString().c_str(), i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), device->toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); if( !allowed ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_READ_PERM, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.2: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } } AttReadNRsp rsp(isBlobReq, c->getValue(), value_offset); // Blob: value_size == value_offset -> OK, ends communication if( rsp.getPDUValueSize() > rspMaxSize ) { rsp.pdu.resize(gh.getUsedMTU()); // requires another READ_BLOB_REQ } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.3: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } for(DBGattDescRef& d : c->getDescriptors()) { if( handle == d->getHandle() ) { if( isBlobReq ) { #if SEND_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_LONG if( isBlobReq && d->getValue().size() <= rspMaxSize ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_LONG, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); COND_PRINT(env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.0: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), toString().c_str()); gh.send(err); return; } #endif if( value_offset > c->getValue().size() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_OFFSET, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.1: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } } { bool allowed = true; int i=0; jau::for_each_fidelity(gattServerData->listener(), [&](DBGattServer::ListenerRef &l) { try { allowed = l->readDescValue(device, s, c, d) && allowed; } catch (std::exception &e) { ERR_PRINT("GATT-REQ: READ: (%s) %d/%zd: %s of %s: Caught exception %s", d->toString().c_str(), i+1, gattServerData->listener().size(), device->toString().c_str(), e.what()); } i++; }); if( !allowed ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_READ_PERM, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.4: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } } AttReadNRsp rsp(isBlobReq, d->getValue(), value_offset); // Blob: value_size == value_offset -> OK, ends communication if( rsp.getPDUValueSize() > rspMaxSize ) { rsp.pdu.resize(gh.getUsedMTU()); // requires another READ_BLOB_REQ } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.5: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } } } // if characteristics-range } // for characteristics } // if service-range } // for services AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), handle); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ.6: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } bool replyFindInfoReq(const AttFindInfoReq * pdu) noexcept override { // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_INFORMATION_REQ // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_INFORMATION_RSP // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.7.1 Discover All Characteristic Descriptors if( 0 == pdu->getStartHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: INFO.0: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } if( pdu->getStartHandle() > pdu->getEndHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: INFO.1: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } const uint16_t end_handle = pdu->getEndHandle(); const uint16_t start_handle = pdu->getStartHandle(); const jau::nsize_t rspMaxSize = std::min(255, gh.getUsedMTU()-2); AttFindInfoRsp rsp(gh.getUsedMTU()); // maximum size jau::nsize_t rspElemSize = 0; jau::nsize_t rspSize = 0; jau::nsize_t rspCount = 0; for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { for(DBGattCharRef& c : s->getCharacteristics()) { for(DBGattDescRef& d : c->getDescriptors()) { if( start_handle <= d->getHandle() && d->getHandle() <= end_handle ) { const jau::nsize_t size = 2 + d->getType()->getTypeSizeInt(); if( 0 == rspElemSize ) { // initial setting or reset rspElemSize = size; rsp.setElementSize(rspElemSize); } if( rspSize + size > rspMaxSize || rspElemSize != size ) { // send if rsp is full - or - element size changed rsp.setElementCount(rspCount); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: INFO.2: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); // Client shall issue additional FIND_INFORMATION_REQ } rsp.setElementHandle(rspCount, d->getHandle()); rsp.setElementValueUUID(rspCount, *d->getType()); rspSize += size; ++rspCount; } } } } if( 0 < rspCount ) { // loop completed, elements added and all fitting in ATT_MTU rsp.setElementCount(rspCount); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: INFO.3: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, pdu->getOpcode(), start_handle); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: INFO.4: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } bool replyFindByTypeValueReq(const AttFindByTypeValueReq * pdu) noexcept override { // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_REQ // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_RSP // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.4.2 Discover Primary Service by Service UUID if( 0 == pdu->getStartHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPEVALUE.0: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } if( pdu->getStartHandle() > pdu->getEndHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPEVALUE.1: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } const jau::uuid16_t uuid_prim_service = jau::uuid16_t(GattAttributeType::PRIMARY_SERVICE); const jau::uuid16_t uuid_secd_service = jau::uuid16_t(GattAttributeType::SECONDARY_SERVICE); const uint16_t end_handle = pdu->getEndHandle(); const uint16_t start_handle = pdu->getStartHandle(); const jau::uuid16_t att_type = pdu->getAttType(); std::unique_ptr att_value = pdu->getAttValue(); uint16_t req_group_type; if( att_type.equivalent( uuid_prim_service ) ) { req_group_type = GattAttributeType::PRIMARY_SERVICE; } else if( att_type.equivalent( uuid_secd_service ) ) { req_group_type = GattAttributeType::SECONDARY_SERVICE; } else { // not handled req_group_type = 0; } // const jau::nsize_t rspMaxSize = std::min(255, getUsedMTU()-2); AttFindByTypeValueRsp rsp(gh.getUsedMTU()); // maximum size jau::nsize_t rspSize = 0; jau::nsize_t rspCount = 0; const jau::nsize_t size = 2 + 2; for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { if( start_handle <= s->getHandle() && s->getHandle() <= end_handle ) { if( ( ( GattAttributeType::PRIMARY_SERVICE == req_group_type && s->isPrimary() ) || ( GattAttributeType::SECONDARY_SERVICE == req_group_type && !s->isPrimary() ) ) && s->getType()->equivalent(*att_value) ) { rsp.setElementHandles(rspCount, s->getHandle(), s->getEndHandle()); rspSize += size; ++rspCount; COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPEVALUE.4: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); // done } } } (void)rspSize; // not yet used if( 0 < rspCount ) { // loop completed, elements added and all fitting in ATT_MTU rsp.setElementCount(rspCount); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPEVALUE.5: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, pdu->getOpcode(), start_handle); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPEVALUE.6: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } bool replyReadByTypeReq(const AttReadByNTypeReq * pdu) noexcept override { // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_REQ // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BY_TYPE_RSP // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.6.1 Discover All Characteristics of a Service if( 0 == pdu->getStartHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE.0: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } if( pdu->getStartHandle() > pdu->getEndHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE.1: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } const jau::uuid16_t uuid_characteristic = jau::uuid16_t(GattAttributeType::CHARACTERISTIC); const jau::uuid16_t uuid_incl_service = jau::uuid16_t(GattAttributeType::INCLUDE_DECLARATION); uint16_t req_type; if( pdu->getNType()->equivalent( uuid_characteristic ) ) { req_type = GattAttributeType::CHARACTERISTIC; } else if( pdu->getNType()->equivalent( uuid_incl_service ) ) { req_type = GattAttributeType::INCLUDE_DECLARATION; } else { // not handled req_type = 0; } if( GattAttributeType::CHARACTERISTIC == req_type ) { const uint16_t end_handle = pdu->getEndHandle(); const uint16_t start_handle = pdu->getStartHandle(); const jau::nsize_t rspMaxSize = std::min(255, gh.getUsedMTU()-2); AttReadByTypeRsp rsp(gh.getUsedMTU()); // maximum size jau::nsize_t rspElemSize = 0; jau::nsize_t rspSize = 0; jau::nsize_t rspCount = 0; for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { for(DBGattCharRef& c : s->getCharacteristics()) { if( start_handle <= c->getHandle() && c->getHandle() <= end_handle ) { const jau::nsize_t size = 2 + 1 + 2 + c->getValueType()->getTypeSizeInt(); if( 0 == rspElemSize ) { // initial setting or reset rspElemSize = size; rsp.setElementSize(rspElemSize); } if( rspSize + size > rspMaxSize || rspElemSize != size ) { // send if rsp is full - or - element size changed rsp.setElementCount(rspCount); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE.2: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); // Client shall issue additional READ_BY_TYPE_REQ } jau::nsize_t ePDUOffset = rsp.getElementPDUOffset(rspCount); rsp.setElementHandle(rspCount, c->getHandle()); // Characteristic Handle ePDUOffset += 2; rsp.pdu.put_uint8_nc(ePDUOffset, c->getProperties()); // Characteristics Property ePDUOffset += 1; rsp.pdu.put_uint16_nc(ePDUOffset, c->getValueHandle()); // Characteristics Value Handle ePDUOffset += 2; c->getValueType()->put(rsp.pdu.get_wptr_nc(ePDUOffset), 0, true /* littleEndian */); // Characteristics Value Type UUID ePDUOffset += c->getValueType()->getTypeSizeInt(); rspSize += size; ++rspCount; } } } if( 0 < rspCount ) { // loop completed, elements added and all fitting in ATT_MTU rsp.setElementCount(rspCount); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE.3: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE.4: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } else if( GattAttributeType::INCLUDE_DECLARATION == req_type ) { // TODO: Support INCLUDE_DECLARATION ?? AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE.5: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } else { // TODO: Add other group types ??? AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::UNSUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPE, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE.6: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } } bool replyReadByGroupTypeReq(const AttReadByNTypeReq * pdu) noexcept override { // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_REQ // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part F ATT: ATT_READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_RSP // BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.4.1 Discover All Primary Services if( 0 == pdu->getStartHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: GROUP_TYPE.0: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } if( pdu->getStartHandle() > pdu->getEndHandle() ) { AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::INVALID_HANDLE, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: GROUP_TYPE.1: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } const jau::uuid16_t uuid_prim_service = jau::uuid16_t(GattAttributeType::PRIMARY_SERVICE); const jau::uuid16_t uuid_secd_service = jau::uuid16_t(GattAttributeType::SECONDARY_SERVICE); uint16_t req_group_type; if( pdu->getNType()->equivalent( uuid_prim_service ) ) { req_group_type = GattAttributeType::PRIMARY_SERVICE; } else if( pdu->getNType()->equivalent( uuid_secd_service ) ) { req_group_type = GattAttributeType::SECONDARY_SERVICE; } else { // not handled req_group_type = 0; } if( 0 != req_group_type ) { const uint16_t end_handle = pdu->getEndHandle(); const uint16_t start_handle = pdu->getStartHandle(); const jau::nsize_t rspMaxSize = std::min(255, gh.getUsedMTU()-2); AttReadByGroupTypeRsp rsp(gh.getUsedMTU()); // maximum size jau::nsize_t rspElemSize = 0; jau::nsize_t rspSize = 0; jau::nsize_t rspCount = 0; for(DBGattServiceRef& s : gattServerData->getServices()) { if( ( ( GattAttributeType::PRIMARY_SERVICE == req_group_type && s->isPrimary() ) || ( GattAttributeType::SECONDARY_SERVICE == req_group_type && !s->isPrimary() ) ) && start_handle <= s->getHandle() && s->getHandle() <= end_handle ) { const jau::nsize_t size = 2 + 2 + s->getType()->getTypeSizeInt(); if( 0 == rspElemSize ) { // initial setting or reset rspElemSize = size; rsp.setElementSize(rspElemSize); } if( rspSize + size > rspMaxSize || rspElemSize != size ) { // send if rsp is full - or - element size changed /** * AttReadByGroupTypeRsp (1 opcode + 1 element_size + 2 handle + 2 handle + 16 uuid128_t = 22 bytes) * always fits in minimum ATT_PDU 23 */ rsp.setElementCount(rspCount); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: GROUP_TYPE.3: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); // Client shall issue additional READ_BY_TYPE_REQ } rsp.setElementStartHandle(rspCount, s->getHandle()); rsp.setElementEndHandle(rspCount, s->getEndHandle()); rsp.setElementValueUUID(rspCount, *s->getType()); rspSize += size; ++rspCount; } } if( 0 < rspCount ) { // loop completed, elements added and all fitting in ATT_MTU rsp.setElementCount(rspCount); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: GROUP_TYPE.4: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(rsp); } AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: GROUP_TYPE.5: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } else { // TODO: Add other group types ??? AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::UNSUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPE, pdu->getOpcode(), pdu->getStartHandle()); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: GROUP_TYPE.6: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); return gh.send(err); } } }; class FwdGattServerHandler : public BTGattHandler::GattServerHandler { private: BTGattHandler& gh; BTDeviceRef fwdServer; std::shared_ptr fwd_gh; jau::darray writeDataQueue; jau::darray writeDataQueueHandles; public: FwdGattServerHandler(BTGattHandler& gh_, BTDeviceRef fwdServer_) noexcept : gh(gh_), fwdServer(fwdServer_) { fwd_gh = fwdServer->getGattHandler(); } void close() noexcept override { writeDataQueue.clear(); writeDataQueueHandles.clear(); } DBGattServer::Mode getMode() noexcept override { return DBGattServer::Mode::FWD; } bool replyExchangeMTUReq(const AttExchangeMTU * pdu) noexcept override { if( !fwd_gh->isConnected() ) { close(); return false; } BTDeviceRef clientSource = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); fwd_gh->notifyNativeRequestSent(*pdu, clientSource); const uint16_t clientMTU = pdu->getMTUSize(); std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.write_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: MTU: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::EXCHANGE_MTU_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() ) { const AttExchangeMTU* mtuRsp = static_cast( rsp.get() ); const uint16_t serverMTU = mtuRsp->getMTUSize(); gh.setUsedMTU( std::min(gh.getServerMTU(), std::min(clientMTU, serverMTU) ) ); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: MTU: %u -> %u -> %u", clientMTU, serverMTU, gh.getUsedMTU()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeMTUResponse(clientMTU, *rsp, AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR, serverMTU, gh.getUsedMTU(), clientSource); } else { const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_code = AttPDUMsg::Opcode::ERROR_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() ? static_cast(rsp.get())->getErrorCode() : AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; fwd_gh->notifyNativeMTUResponse(clientMTU, *rsp, error_code, 0, 0, clientSource); } return gh.send(*rsp); } bool replyWriteReq(const AttPDUMsg * pdu) noexcept override { if( !fwd_gh->isConnected() ) { close(); return false; } BTDeviceRef clientSource = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); fwd_gh->notifyNativeRequestSent(*pdu, clientSource); if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::PREPARE_WRITE_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { { const AttPrepWrite * req = static_cast(pdu); const uint16_t handle = req->getHandle(); writeDataQueue.push_back(*req); if( writeDataQueueHandles.cend() == jau::find_if(writeDataQueueHandles.cbegin(), writeDataQueueHandles.cend(), [&](const uint16_t it)->bool { return handle == it; }) ) { // new entry writeDataQueueHandles.push_back(handle); } } std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.write_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: WRITE.11: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); { const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_code = AttPDUMsg::Opcode::ERROR_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() ? static_cast(rsp.get())->getErrorCode() : AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; fwd_gh->notifyNativeWriteResponse(*rsp, error_code, clientSource); } return gh.send(*rsp); } else if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::EXECUTE_WRITE_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { { const AttExeWriteReq * req = static_cast(pdu); if( 0x01 == req->getFlags() ) { // immediately write all pending prepared values for( auto iter_handle = writeDataQueueHandles.cbegin(); iter_handle < writeDataQueueHandles.cend(); ++iter_handle ) { const jau::endian byte_order = writeDataQueue.size() > 0 ? writeDataQueue[0].getValue().byte_order() : jau::endian::little; jau::POctets data(256, 0, byte_order); // same byte order across all requests BTGattHandler::NativeGattCharSections_t sections; for( auto iter_prep_write = writeDataQueue.cbegin(); iter_prep_write < writeDataQueue.cend(); ++iter_prep_write ) { const AttPrepWrite &p = *iter_prep_write; const uint16_t handle = p.getHandle(); if( handle == *iter_handle ) { const jau::TOctetSlice &p_value = p.getValue(); jau::TROOctets p_val(p_value.get_ptr_nc(0), p_value.size(), p_value.byte_order()); const jau::nsize_t p_end = p.getValueOffset() + p_value.size(); if( p_end > data.capacity() ) { data.recapacity(p_end); } if( p_end > data.size() ) { data.resize(p_end); } data.put_octets_nc(p.getValueOffset(), p_val); BTGattHandler::NativeGattCharListener::Section section(p.getValueOffset(), (uint16_t)p_end); if( sections.size() > 0 && section.start >= sections[sections.size()-1].start && section.start <= sections[sections.size()-1].end ) { // quick merge of consecutive sections write requests if( section.end > sections[sections.size()-1].end ) { sections[sections.size()-1].end = section.end; } // else section lies within last section } else { sections.push_back(section); } } if( iter_prep_write + 1 == writeDataQueue.cend() ) { // last entry fwd_gh->notifyNativeWriteRequest(handle, data, sections, true /* with_response */, clientSource); } } } } // else 0x00 == req->getFlags() -> cancel all prepared writes writeDataQueue.clear(); writeDataQueueHandles.clear(); } std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.write_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: WRITE.13: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); { const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_code = AttPDUMsg::Opcode::ERROR_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() ? static_cast(rsp.get())->getErrorCode() : AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; fwd_gh->notifyNativeWriteResponse(*rsp, error_code, clientSource); } return gh.send(*rsp); } if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::WRITE_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { { const AttWriteReq &p = *static_cast(pdu); const jau::TOctetSlice &p_value = p.getValue(); BTGattHandler::NativeGattCharSections_t sections; jau::TROOctets p_val(p_value.get_ptr_nc(0), p_value.size(), p_value.byte_order()); sections.emplace_back( 0, (uint16_t)p_value.size() ); fwd_gh->notifyNativeWriteRequest(p.getHandle(), p_val, sections, true /* with_response */, clientSource); } std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.write_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: WRITE.22: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); { const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_code = AttPDUMsg::Opcode::ERROR_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() ? static_cast(rsp.get())->getErrorCode() : AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; fwd_gh->notifyNativeWriteResponse(*rsp, error_code, clientSource); } return gh.send(*rsp); } else if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::WRITE_CMD == pdu->getOpcode() ) { { const AttWriteCmd &p = *static_cast(pdu); const jau::TOctetSlice &p_value = p.getValue(); BTGattHandler::NativeGattCharSections_t sections; jau::TROOctets p_val(p_value.get_ptr_nc(0), p_value.size(), p_value.byte_order()); sections.emplace_back( 0, (uint16_t)p_value.size() ); fwd_gh->notifyNativeWriteRequest(p.getHandle(), p_val, sections, false /* with_response */, clientSource); } const bool res = fwd_gh->send(*pdu); COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: WRITE.21: res %d, %s to %s", res, pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return res; } else { // Actually an internal error, method should not have been called AttErrorRsp err(AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST, pdu->getOpcode(), 0); WARN_PRINT("GATT-Req: WRITE.20: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), err.toString().c_str(), gh.toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(err, clientSource); { fwd_gh->notifyNativeWriteResponse(err, err.getErrorCode(), clientSource); } return gh.send(err); } } bool replyReadReq(const AttPDUMsg * pdu) noexcept override { if( !fwd_gh->isConnected() ) { close(); return false; } BTDeviceRef clientSource = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); fwd_gh->notifyNativeRequestSent(*pdu, clientSource); uint16_t handle; uint16_t value_offset; { if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::READ_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { const AttReadReq * req = static_cast(pdu); handle = req->getHandle(); value_offset = 0; } else if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::READ_BLOB_REQ == pdu->getOpcode() ) { /** * BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 3, Part G GATT: 4.8.3 Read Long Characteristic Value * * If the Characteristic Value is not longer than (ATT_MTU – 1) * an ATT_ERROR_RSP PDU with the error * code set to Attribute Not Long shall be received on the first * ATT_READ_BLOB_REQ PDU. */ const AttReadBlobReq * req = static_cast(pdu); handle = req->getHandle(); value_offset = req->getValueOffset(); } else { // Internal error handle = 0; value_offset = 0; } } std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.read_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: READ: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); { if( AttPDUMsg::Opcode::READ_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() || AttPDUMsg::Opcode::READ_BLOB_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() ) { const AttReadNRsp * p = static_cast(rsp.get()); const jau::TOctetSlice& p_value = p->getValue(); jau::TROOctets p_val(p_value.get_ptr_nc(0), p_value.size(), p_value.byte_order()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReadResponse(handle, value_offset, *rsp, AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR, p_val, clientSource); } else { const AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode error_code = AttPDUMsg::Opcode::ERROR_RSP == rsp->getOpcode() ? static_cast(rsp.get())->getErrorCode() : AttErrorRsp::ErrorCode::NO_ERROR; jau::TROOctets p_val; fwd_gh->notifyNativeReadResponse(handle, value_offset, *rsp, error_code, p_val, clientSource); } } return gh.send(*rsp); } bool replyFindInfoReq(const AttFindInfoReq * pdu) noexcept override { if( !fwd_gh->isConnected() ) { close(); return false; } BTDeviceRef clientSource = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); fwd_gh->notifyNativeRequestSent(*pdu, clientSource); std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.read_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: INFO: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); return gh.send(*rsp); } bool replyFindByTypeValueReq(const AttFindByTypeValueReq * pdu) noexcept override { if( !fwd_gh->isConnected() ) { close(); return false; } BTDeviceRef clientSource = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); fwd_gh->notifyNativeRequestSent(*pdu, clientSource); std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.read_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPEVALUE: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); return gh.send(*rsp); } bool replyReadByTypeReq(const AttReadByNTypeReq * pdu) noexcept override { if( !fwd_gh->isConnected() ) { close(); return false; } BTDeviceRef clientSource = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); fwd_gh->notifyNativeRequestSent(*pdu, clientSource); std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.read_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: TYPE: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); return gh.send(*rsp); } bool replyReadByGroupTypeReq(const AttReadByNTypeReq * pdu) noexcept override { if( !fwd_gh->isConnected() ) { close(); return false; } BTDeviceRef clientSource = gh.getDeviceUnchecked(); fwd_gh->notifyNativeRequestSent(*pdu, clientSource); std::unique_ptr rsp = fwd_gh->sendWithReply(*pdu, gh.read_cmd_reply_timeout); // valid reply or exception if( nullptr == rsp ) { ERR_PRINT2("No reply; req %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); return false; } COND_PRINT(gh.env.DEBUG_DATA, "GATT-Req: GROUP_TYPE: %s -> %s from %s", pdu->toString().c_str(), rsp->toString().c_str(), fwd_gh->toString().c_str()); fwd_gh->notifyNativeReplyReceived(*rsp, clientSource); return gh.send(*rsp); } }; std::unique_ptr BTGattHandler::selectGattServerHandler(BTGattHandler& gh, DBGattServerRef gattServerData) noexcept { if( nullptr != gattServerData ) { switch( gattServerData->getMode() ) { case DBGattServer::Mode::DB: { if( gattServerData->getServices().size() > 0 ) { return std::make_unique(gh, gattServerData); } [[fallthrough]]; } case DBGattServer::Mode::FWD: { BTDeviceRef fwdServer = gattServerData->getFwdServer(); if( nullptr != fwdServer ) { return std::make_unique(gh, fwdServer); } [[fallthrough]]; } default: break; } } return std::make_unique(); }