# Direct-BT LE and BREDR Library
[Original document location](https://jausoft.com/cgit/direct_bt.git/about/).
## Git Repository
This project's canonical repositories is hosted on [Gothel Software](https://jausoft.com/cgit/direct_bt.git/).
## Overview
*Direct-BT* provides direct [Bluetooth LE and BREDR](https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/bluetooth-core-specification/) programming,
offering robust high-performance support for embedded & desktop with zero overhead via C++ and Java.
It supports a fully event driven workflow from adapter management and device discovery to GATT programming,
using its platform agnostic HCI, L2CAP, SMP and GATT protocol implementation.
Multiple Bluetooth adapter are handled, as well as multiple concurrent connections per adapter.
Peripheral server device programming is supported as well as the central client, which is also used for [Java](http://jausoft.goethel.localnet/cgit/direct_bt.git/tree/trial/java/trial/org/direct_bt) and [C++ self unit testing](http://jausoft.goethel.localnet/cgit/direct_bt.git/tree/trial/direct_bt) across two or more Bluetooth adapter.
Further, the [provided repeater](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/dbt_repeater00_8cpp-example.html) application allows to connect between a Bluetooth client and server to analyze their protocol.
Direct-BT has been used successfully in a medical trial, as well as in a [connected medical device application](https://www.zafena.se/en/product/zafena-552-poc-workstation/).
The [Jau C++ and Java support library](https://jausoft.com/cgit/jaulib.git/about/) has been extracted to encapsulate its generic use-cases.
Below you can find a few notes about [*Direct-BT* Origins](#direct_bt_origins).
## Details
You will find a [detailed overview of *Direct-BT*](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/namespacedirect__bt.html#details) (C++)
and the [same in the Java API](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/namespaceorg_1_1direct__bt.html#details).
See details on the [C++ and Java API](#direct_bt_apidoc) including its different C++ API level modules.
allows listening to adapter changes and device discovery and
to GATT indications and notifications.
*Direct-BT* is exposed via the following native libraries
- *libdirect_bt.so* for the core C++ implementation.
- *libjavadirect_bt.so* for the Java binding.
*Direct-BT* is C++17 conform and shall upgrade towards C++20 when widely available on all target platforms.
Some elaboration on the implementation details
> The host-side of HCI, L2CAP etc is usually implemented within the OS, e.g. *Linux/BlueZ* Kernel.
> These layers communicate with the actual BT controller and the user application, acting as the middleman.
> *Direct-BT* offers packet types and handler facilities for HCI, L2CAP, SMP, ATT-PDU and GATT (as well to *Linux/BlueZ-Mngr*)
> to communicate with these universal host-side Bluetooth layers and hence to reach-out to devices.
### Implementation Status
> LE master/client mode is fully supported to work with LE BT devices.
> LE slave/server mode (*peripheral*) is fully supported with LE BT devices:
> - BTRole separation (master/slave)
> - Advertising
> - GATT Server with user code interaction via listener
> - Slave / Server SMP Security, reusing persisting *SMPKeyBin* files.
> *SMP LE Secure Connections* and *LE legacy pairing* is fully supported,
> exposing BTSecurityLevel and SMPIOCapability setup per connection
> and providing *automatic security mode negotiation*.
> Provoding *dbt_repeater00*, a *BT repeater* forwading between *GATT-Server* and *-Client*,
> allowing protocol analysis between an external client and server.
> *Online* unit testing with two BT adapter is provided.
> BREDR support is planned and prepared for.
To support other platforms than Linux/BlueZ, we will have to
* move specified HCI host features used in DBTManager to HCIHandler, SMPHandler,.. - and -
* add specialization for each new platform using their non-platform-agnostic features.
### Direct-BT Default Connection Parameter
Please check the [Connection Paramter](doc/Connection_Parameter.md) for details.
## Supported Platforms
The following **platforms** are tested and hence supported
**Debian 12 Bookworm (GNU/Linux)**
- amd64 (validated, Generic)
**Debian 11 Bullseye (GNU/Linux)**
- amd64 (validated, Generic)
- arm64 (should work, Raspberry Pi 3+ and 4)
- arm32 (should work, Raspberry Pi 3+ and 4)
**Debian 10 Buster (GNU/Linux)**
- amd64 (validated, Generic)
- arm64 (validated, Raspberry Pi 3+ and 4)
- arm32 (validated, Raspberry Pi 3+ and 4)
- potential issues with *capsh*, see below.
**Ubuntu 20.04 (GNU/Linux)**
- amd64 (validated, Generic)
**Ubuntu 18.04 (GNU/Linux)**
- amd64 (validated, Generic)
- potential issues with *capsh*, see below.
## Tested Bluetooth Adapter
* Bluetooth 4.0
- Intel Bluemoon Bluetooth Adapter (Internal, ID: 8087:0a2a) *OK*
- Intel Wireless (Internal, ID: 8087:07dc) *OK*
- CSR Bluetooth Adapter (USB-A, ID: 0a12:0001, CSR8510) *OK*
- Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Adapter (Internal, BCM43455 on 3+, 4) *OK*
- Asus BT-400 Broadcom BCM20702A Bluetooth (USB-A, ID 0b05:17cb, BCM20702A1) *OK*
- Broadcom Corp. BCM2046B1, part of BCM2046 Bluetooth (Internal, ID 0a5c:4500) *OK*
* Bluetooth 5.0
- Intel AX200 (Internal, ID 8087:0029) *OK*
- Intel AX201 (Internal, ID 8087:0026) *OK*
- Asus BT-500 (USB-A, ID 0b05:190e, RTL8761BU) *OK on Debian12/Kernel 5.14)*
- Realtek RTL8761BU *OK* (May need manual power-up, depending on firmware)
Please check the [adapter list](doc/adapter/adapter.md) for more details.
## Using Direct-BT Applications
### System Preparations
Since *Direct-BT* is not using a 3rd party Bluetooth client library or daemon/service,
they should be disabled to allow operation without any interference.
To disable the *BlueZ* D-Bus userspace daemon *bluetoothd* via systemd,
you may use the following commands.
systemctl stop bluetooth
systemctl disable bluetooth
systemctl mask bluetooth
### Required Permissions for Direct-BT Applications
Since *Direct-BT* requires root permissions to certain Bluetooth network device facilities,
non-root user require to be granted such permissions.
For GNU/Linux, these permissions are called [capabilities](https://linux.die.net/man/7/capabilities).
The following capabilites are required
- *CAP_NET_RAW* (Raw HCI access)
- *CAP_NET_ADMIN* (Additional raw HCI access plus (re-)setting the adapter etc)
On Debian >= 11 and Ubuntu >= 20.04 we can use package `libcap2-bin`, version `1:2.44-1`,
which provides the binaries `/sbin/setcap` and `/sbin/getcap`.
It depends on package `libcap2`, version `>= 1:2.33`.
If using earlier `setcap` binaries, *your mileage may vary (YMMV)*.
#### Launch as root
In case your platform lacks support for mentioned `setcap`,
you may need to execute your application as root using `sudo`, e.g.:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/dist-amd64/lib sudo dist-amd64/bin/dbt_scanner10
#### Launch as user using setcap
To launch your Direct-BT application as a user,
you may set the required `capabilities` before launch via [setcap](https://linux.die.net/man/8/setcap)
sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' dist-amd64/bin/dbt_scanner10
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/dist-amd64/lib dist-amd64/bin/dbt_scanner10
#### Launch as user via capsh
Alternatively one can set the required `capabilities` of a Direct-BT application
and launch it as a user via [capsh](https://linux.die.net/man/1/capsh).
sudo /sbin/capsh --caps="cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip cap_setpcap,cap_setuid,cap_setgid+ep" \
--keep=1 --user=$USER --addamb=cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip \
-- -c "YOUR FANCY direct_bt STUFF"
Notable here is that *capsh* needs to be invoked by root to hand over the capabilities
and to pass over the *cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip* via *--addamb=...*
it also needs *cap_setpcap,cap_setuid,cap_setgid+ep* beforehand.
### Launch Examples
The *capsh* method (default), *setcap* and *root* method is being utilized in
- [scripts/run-dbt_scanner10.sh](https://jausoft.com/cgit/direct_bt.git/tree/scripts/run-native-example.sh)
- [scripts/run-java-scanner10.sh](https://jausoft.com/cgit/direct_bt.git/tree/scripts/run-java-example.sh)
See *Examples* below ...
## Programming with Direct-BT
### API
Exposed API closely follows and references the [Bluetooth Specification](https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/bluetooth-core-specification/).
#### API Documentation
Up to date API documentation can be found:
* [C++ API Doc](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/namespacedirect__bt.html#details):
* [General User Level API](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/group__DBTUserAPI.html)
* [Central-Client User Level API](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/group__DBTUserClientAPI.html)
* [Peripheral-Server User Level API](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/group__DBTUserServerAPI.html)
* [System Level API](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/group__DBTSystemAPI.html)
* [Java API Doc](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/namespaceorg_1_1direct__bt.html#details)
* [jaulib Standalone C++ API Doc](https://jausoft.com/projects/jaulib/build/documentation/cpp/html/index.html).
A guide for getting started with *Direct-BT* on C++ and Java may follow up.
#### Java Specifics
*org.direct_bt.BTFactory* provides a factory to instantiate the initial root
*org.direct_bt.BTManager*, using the *Direct-BT* implementation.
### Examples
*Direct-BT* [C++ examples](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/examples.html)
are available, demonstrating the event driven and multithreading workflow:
- [dbt_scanner10.cpp](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/dbt_scanner10_8cpp-example.html) *Master* with *Gatt-Client*
- [dbt_peripheral00.cpp](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/dbt_peripheral00_8cpp-example.html) *Peripheral* with *GATT-Server*
- [dbt_repeater00.cpp](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/cpp/html/dbt_repeater00_8cpp-example.html) *BT Repeater* forwading between *GATT-Server* and *-Client*, allowing protocol analysis between an external client and server.
*Direct-BT* [Java examples](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/examples.html)
are availble, demonstrates the event driven and multithreading workflow:
- [DBTScanner10.java](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/DBTScanner10_8java-example.html), matching *dbt_scanner10.cpp*.
- [DBTPeripheral00.java](https://jausoft.com/projects/direct_bt/build/documentation/java/html/DBTPeripheral00_8java-example.html), matching *dbt_peripheral00.cpp*.
## Building Direct-BT
This project also uses the [Jau C++ and Java Support Library](https://jausoft.com/cgit/jaulib.git/about/)
as a git submodule, which has been extracted from this project to encapsulate its generic use-cases.
*Direct-BT* does not require GLib/GIO
nor shall the *BlueZ* userspace service *bluetoothd* be active for best experience.
To disable the *bluetoothd* service using systemd:
systemctl stop bluetooth
systemctl disable bluetooth
systemctl mask bluetooth
### Build Dependencies
- CMake 3.13+ but >= 3.18 is recommended
- GCC >= 8.3.0 (g++)
- or clang >= 10.0
- libunwind8 >= 1.2.1
- For Java support
- OpenJDK >= 11.
- junit4 >= 4.12
Installing build dependencies for Debian >= 10 and Ubuntu >= 18.04:
apt install git
apt install build-essential g++ gcc libc-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev
apt install libunwind8 libunwind-dev
apt install openjdk-11-jdk openjdk-11-jre junit4
apt install cmake cmake-extras extra-cmake-modules pkg-config
apt install doxygen graphviz
### Build Procedure
The following is covered with [a convenient build script](https://jausoft.com/cgit/direct_bt.git/tree/scripts/build.sh).
For a generic build use:
git clone --recurse-submodules git://jausoft.com/srv/scm/direct_bt.git
cd direct_bt
mkdir build
cd build
make -j $CPU_COUNT install test doc
The install target of the last command will create the include/ and lib/ directories with a copy of
the headers and library objects respectively in your build location. Note that
doing an out-of-source build may cause issues when rebuilding later on.
Our cmake configure has a number of options, *cmake-gui* or *ccmake* can show
you all the options. The interesting ones are detailed below:
Changing install path from /usr/local to /usr
Building debug build:
Building with enabled *testing*, i.e. offline testing without any potential interaction as user:
Building with enabled *trial* and *testing* , i.e. live testing with 2 Bluetooth adapter and potential sudo interaction:
Disable stripping native lib even in non debug build:
Disable using `libunwind` (default: enabled for all but `arm32`, `armhf`)
Disable using `C++ Runtime Type Information` (*RTTI*) (default: disabled for *Direct-BT*)
Override default javac debug arguments `source,lines`:
Building debug and instrumentation (sanitizer) build:
Using clang instead of gcc:
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++
Cross-compiling on a different system:
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-m32 -march=i586
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=-m32 -march=i586
To build Java bindings:
To build examples:
To build documentation run:
make doc
### Unit Testing
Building with enabled *testing*, i.e. offline testing without any potential interaction as user
is provided via the *cmake* build argument `-DBUILD_TESTING=ON`, see above.
Building with enabled *trial* and *testing* , i.e. live testing with 2 Bluetooth adapter
is provided via the *cmake* build argument `-DBUILD_TRIAL=ON`, see above.
The *trial* tests utilize one or more actual Bluetooth adapter,
hence using the *capsh* launch for the required permissions as described above.
Therefor, *sudo* will be called and a user interaction to enter the *sudo* password may occur.
The *trial* tests cover *Direct-BT*'s Bluetooth functionality,
having its *master/client* and *slave/server peripheral* facilities communicating via actual adapter,
supporting regression testing of the API, its implementation and adapter.
The tests are implemented in both, C++ and Java.
The C++ unit tests are also being used for *valgrind* memory leak and data race validation.
At this point we are free of leaks and use-after-free issues.
The *trial* tests take around 110 seconds, since `TestDBClientServer1*` performs the test twelve fold altogether:
- Two fold between installed adapter in both directions
- Three fold w/o encryption, in legacy mode (SC 0) and secure connections (SC 1)
- Two fold each test
- without encryption just twice
- with encryption
- with `ENC_ONLY` encryption and initial key pairing
- with `ENC_ONLY` encryption and reusing pre-paired keys
All tests pass reproducible using two well working adapter, e.g. Raspi 3b+ (BT4) and CSR (BT4).
1/7 legacy security (SC 0) tests using at least one not well working BT5 adapter may timeout waiting for key completion.
The following issues are known and are under investigation:
- *BlueZ* is not sending us all new key information under legacy security (SC 0) using at least one BT5 adapter
- This is mitigated by *BTAdapter*'s *smp_watchdog*, leading to a retrial visible as *SMP Timeout*
### Cross Build
Also provided is a [cross-build script](https://jausoft.com/cgit/direct_bt.git/tree/scripts/build-cross.sh)
using chroot into a target system using [QEMU User space emulation](https://qemu-project.gitlab.io/qemu/user/main.html)
and [Linux kernel binfmt_misc](https://wiki.debian.org/QemuUserEmulation)
to run on other architectures than the host.
You may use [our pi-gen branch](https://jausoft.com/cgit/pi-gen.git/about/) to produce
a Raspi-arm64, Raspi-armhf or PC-amd64 target image.
## Build Status
*Will be updated*
## Support & Sponsorship
*Direct-BT* is the new implementation as provided by [Gothel Software](https://jausoft.com/) and [Zafena ICT](https://ict.zafena.se).
If you like to utilize *Direct-BT* in a commercial setting,
please contact [Gothel Software](https://jausoft.com/) to setup a potential support contract.
## Common issues
If you have any issues, please go through the [Troubleshooting Guide](TROUBLESHOOTING.md).
If the solution is not there, please search for an existing issue in our [Bugzilla DB](https://jausoft.com/bugzilla/describecomponents.cgi?product=Direct-BT),
please [contact us](https://jausoft.com/) for a new bugzilla account via email to Sven Gothel .
## Contributing to Direct-BT
You shall agree to Developer Certificate of Origin and Sign-off your code,
using a real name and e-mail address.
Please check the [Contribution](CONTRIBUTING.md) document for more details.
## Historical Notes
### Direct-BT Origins
*Direct-BT* development started around April 2020,
initially as an alternative *TinyB* Java-API implementation.
The work was motivated due to strict
performance, discovery- and connection timing requirements,
as well as being able to handle multiple devices concurrently
using a real-time event driven low-overhead architecture.
Zafena's [POC-Workstation](https://www.zafena.se/en/product/zafena-552-poc-workstation/)
was originally implemented using *TinyB* and hence the D-Bus layer to the *BlueZ* client library.
Real time knowledge when devices are discovered and connected
were not available and *cloaked* by the caching mechanism.
Advertising package details were not exposed.
Connections attempts often took up to 10 seconds to be completed.
Detailed information from the *Bluetooth* layer were inaccessible
including detailed error states.
Fine grained control about discovery and connection parameter
were not exposed by the D-Bus API and hence *TinyB*.
In January 2020 we tried to remedy certain aspects to meet our goals,
but concluded to require direct *Bluetooth* control
via the *BlueZ*/*Linux* kernel implementation.
*Direct-BT* was born.
We then implemented data types for
- *HCI Packets* to handle HCI communication with the adapter
- *Mgmt Packets* to support *BlueZ*/Linux communication
- *ATT PDU Messages* to handle GATT communication with the remote device
- *SMP Packets* to implement *Secure Connections (SC)* and *Legacy pairing*.
Last but not least we added
- *Bluetooth* version 5 support
- *GATT-Server* support to enable implementing *peripheral* devices,
as well as to allow self-testing of *Direct-BT*.
Today, *Direct-BT*'s C++ and Java API match 1:1
and shall not contain legacy API artifacts.
### TinyB Removal since version 2.3
Heading towards feature completion for *Direct-BT*,
we completely removed the previously refactored *TinyB*.
Detailing full *Bluetooth* support in *Direct-BT* including the addition
of GATT-Server support rendered *TinyB* an obstacle for the public API.
However, *TinyB* inspired us and was a great reference implementation while developing and testing *Direct-BT*.
We like to thank the authors of *TinyB* for their great work helping others and us moving forward.
Thank you!
### TinyB
*TinyB* was developed by the *Intel Corporation*
and its main authors were
- Petre Eftime
- Andrei Vasiliu
*TinyB* was licensed under the *The MIT License (MIT)*
and the *Intel Corporation* holds its copyright
from the year 2016.
## Changes
**3.0.0 *Direct-BT* Maturity (Bluetooth LE)**
* `AdapterstatusListener::deviceFound()` is only called if not already connected and if initially found.
* Use `noexcept` where possible
- `BTGattHandler::send*()`
- `BTGattHandler::GattServerHandler`, `BTGattChar`, `BTGattDesc`
* BTManager is passed as `shared_ptr`, aligning with JNI lifecycle
* AdapterStatusListener, BTGattCharListener: Adopt full Java/Native link via DBTNativeDownlink and JavaUplink, clean API, impl and lifecycle
* Robustness of JNI
- Passing `trial.org.direct_bt.TestDBTProvokeClientServer_i470` w/o crash
- Use `std::shared_ptr` instead of a `naked pointer` for sane lifcycle, see new `shared_ptr_ref`.
* Fix several memory leaks and uninitialized fields using valgrind analysis (native and w/ JVM)
- BTGattHandler::disconnect(): Check weak BTDevice before using resources
- BTGattHandler::l2capReaderEndLocked(): Remove off-thread BTDevice::disconnect() on io-error, use BT host's disconnect (simplify tear down)
- BTGattHandler's l2capReader data race (use after free)
* Trial `TestDBClientServer1*` test changes
- Split tests into NoEnc, SC0 and SC1 classes
- Have client/server adapter names unique, allowing multi-machine testing in one room
* Bump jaulib v0.8.0
* BTAdapter Server: Offload waiting for L2CAP client connection to BTDevice::processL2CAPSetup() dedicated thread
* [L2CAP, HCI]Comm: Hold external interrupted delegate from `service_runner` for complete interrupted() query
* WIP: BTAdapter::startDiscovery(): Retry up to `MAX_BACKGROUND_DISCOVERY_RETRY` (3), mitigating failure to start discovery
* BTDevice::notifyLEFeature(): Remove HCIStatusCode param and only call with SUCCESS status code
* Fix and [document default connection paramter](doc/Connection_Parameter.md), leaning to the higher performance side
* Resolve legacy security (SC 0) BlueZ/Kernel Mgmt LTK role of `master` or `initiator` field
* Have trial `TestDBClientServer1*` test in both client/server directions, legacy and secure connections (SC)
* Fix BTAdapter's server mode key handling
* Have failed pairing issue disconnect, posting indicative reason
* Use global `inline constexpr` instead of `#define` macros
* Bump jaulib v0.7.14
* Adopt jaulib detailed git version info: Using post-tag `VERSION_COMMITS` and `VERSION_SHA1_SHORT`. `VERSION_LONG` reflects post-tag and dirty.
* Bump jaulib v0.7.12-1
* Added *online* unit testing using actual BT adapter, testing *client* with *server* functionality.
* BTAdapter/HCIHandler: Fix advertising state: Active until either disabled or connected.
* DBTAdapter: Fix removeAllStatusListener(): Re-add internal listener to maintain functionality.
* GATT Server enhancements, incl new DBGattServer::Mode and `dbt_repeater00` implementation.
* BTDevice::getGattServices(): MTU and remote GATT Services shall be processed from here at request only, moved from BTDevice::connectGATT().
* jaulib v0.7.11 fixes
* JNI `DBGatt[Server|Service|Char]_ctorImpl()` fix for 32-bit platforms
* BlueZ/Linux >= 5.13 (?) Bug Workaround on 'set_local_name(..)'
* Fixing clang++ 11.0.1 and g++ 8.3.0 compilation issues
* Refine BTAdapter API on commands in powerd-off state only: `setName()`, `setSecureConnections()`, `setDefaultConnParam()`
* Proper definition of `BTDevice::getName()`
* Expose refined EInfoReport via `BTDevice::getEIR()` and use it in `BTAdapter::startAdvertising()`
* Add `DBGattServer::Listener::write[Char|Desc]ValueDone()` callback
* Add and use `[BTAdapter|BTManager]::setDefaultConnParam(..)` essential in server mode
* Consolidated `BTDevice::setConnSecurity*(..)` and added `BTAdapter::setServerConnSecurity(...)`
* Server fixes GATT sendNotification/Indication, `BTDevice::connectGATT()`, `AttReadNRsp`.
* Server adding proper `AttErrorRsp` replies and supporting `AttFindByTypeValueReq/Rsp`.
* Server: Using L2CapServer socket/accept services while in advertising mode.
* Reuse `jau::service_runner`, replacing code duplication
* Enhance SMP and key managment, LTK validation
* jaulib v0.7.9 fixes
* jaulib v0.7.5 fixes
* `BTAdapter::pausing_discovery_devices`: Use `std::weak_ptr` list
* Add `BTAdapter::removeDevicePausingDiscovery()` and `getCurrentDiscoveryPolicy()`
* DBTAdapter.cxx: Fix AdapterStatusListener.discoveringChanged(..) signature
* Add BTObject::checkValid() implementation overriding jau:JavaUplink, to actually validate whether instance is still valid.
* Added *DiscoveryPolicy*, allowing fine tuned discovery keep-alive policy
and covering HCI host OS's implied discovery turn-off when connected (BlueZ/Linux).
API change of `BTAdapter::startDiscovery(..)` and `AdapterStatusListener::discoveringChanged(..)`
* BTDevice::connectGATT(): Discover GATT services and parse GenericAccess ASAP before `AdapterStatusListener::deviceReady()`
* SMPKeyBin::createAndWrite(..): Drop 'overwrite' argument as we shall set `overwrite = PairingMode::PRE_PAIRED != device.getPairingMode()`
* Fix *PRE_PAIRED* mode for !SC (legacy): Master needs to upload init LTK 1st, then responder LTK (regression)
* Robustness: Reader-Callback Shutdown after 8s and use SC atomic for state
* BTAdapter::startDiscovery(..): Add 'bool filter_dup=true' as last parameter
* Unlock mutex before `notify_all` to avoid pessimistic re-block of notified `wait()` thread
* Completed Java support for LE slave/server (*peripheral*) mode incl *GATT-Server*.
* Add `BTAdapter's Slave Peripheral SMP Key Management`
- Full SMP key persistence in *peripheral* mode
* Reshape *SMPKeyBin* design: Set and upload from BTDevice (split functionality), v5.
* BTDevice::unpair() is now issued directly by *Direct-BT*
to have a consistent and stable security workflow:
- when a BTRole::Slave BTDevice is discovered, see AdapterStatusListener::deviceFound().
- when a BTRole::Slave BTDevice is disconnected, see AdapterStatusListener::deviceDisconnected().
- when a BTRole::Master BTDevice gets connected, see AdapterStatusListener::deviceConnected().
* LE slave/server mode (*peripheral*): 1st Milestone
- BTRole separation implemented and tested
- Advertising implemented and tested
- GATT Server implemented and tested
- Slave / Server SMP Security implemented and testing
* SMPKeyBin v4, added localAddress (adapter) to filename + bin-fmt.
* Simplified `SMP*Key` class names and `set[Default|Connected]LE_PHY()` args.
* Added EUI48 endian conversion when passing/receiving to Bluetooth
* Passed validation of [multiple BT5 adapter](doc/adapter/adapter.md).
* Fixed `EInfoReport::read_[ext_]ad_reports()` multiple reports
* Added Link-Key support in our SMP processing and SMPKeyBin, supporting non-legacy SC.
* Aligned `BTGatt* findGatt*()` methods across Java/C++
* Moved `EUI48`, `EUI48Sub` (C++/Java) and `uuid_t`, `Octets` (C++) to `jaulib` for general use.
* Added BTRole and GATTRole for full master/client and slave/server support.
* Added BTAdapter advertising support
* Only use and program selected BTAdapter via BTAdapter::initialize() (required now)
- Supports using multiple applications, each using one adapter, or
- One application using multiple adapter for different tasks and BTRole
* Removal of *TinyB*
* Bluetooth 5.0 Support
- Using HCI extended scanning and connecting if supported (old API may not work on new adapter)
- Parsing and translating extended and enhanced event types, etc
- TODO: User selection of `LE_2M` and `L2_CODED`, ... ???
* Revised API: BTGattChar::addCharListener(..) in C++ and Java for a more intuitive use.
* Fix EUI48Sub::scanEUI48Sub(..): Fail on missing expected colon, i.e. after each two digits
* Fix JNIAdapterStatusListener::deviceConnected(..): NewObject(.., deviceClazzCtor, ..) used wrong argument order
* Fix EUI48 unit test and refine on application permissions for launching applications
* Make `BTDeviceRegistry` and `BTSecurityRegistry` universal
* Move `BTDeviceRegistry` and `BTSecurityRegistry` to `direct_bt` library (from examples)
* EUI48Sub: Complement with `hash_code()`, `clear()`, `indexOf()`, `contains()`, ...
* SMPKeyBin: Tighten constraints, `readAndApply(..)` must validate `minSecLevel`.
* `BTAdapter::mgmtEvDeviceFoundHCI(..)`: Clarify code path, covering name change via AD EIR.
* Passthrough all paramter `BTAdapter::startDiscovery(..)` -> `HCIHandler::le_set_scan_param(..)`: Add `le_scan_active` and `filter_policy`.
Active scanning is used to gather device name in discovery mode (AD EIR).
* Add `-dbt_debug` argument for AD EIR `direct_bt.debug.hci.scan_ad_eir` and parse EIR GAPFlags
* Fix BTGattHandler: Gather all Descriptors from all Characteristics (only queried 1st Char.)
* SMPKeyBin's base filename compatibility with FAT32 Long Filename (LFN)
* Complete SMPKeyBin user API: Convenient static 'one shot' entries + support no-encryption case
* Fix leaked AdapterStatusListener
* Fixed HCIHandler and l2cap related issues
* Unified free function to_string(..) and member toString()
* Tested key regeneration use-case: Pairing failure (bad key), key removal and auto security negotiation.
* Adding SMPKeyBin file removal support.
* Tested negative passkey/boolean input, requested via auto security negotiation.
* Using negative passkey response via `setPairingPasskey(passkey = 0)` for performance.
* Providing full featured `SMPKeyBin` for LTK, CSRK and secure connection param setup persistence and upload.
* Added Auto Security mode, negotiating the security setup with any device.
* Bugfixes in HCIHandler and ACL/SMP packet processing.
* Enhanced robusteness of underlying C++ API and implementation.
* Kicked off junit testing for Java implementation
* Adding *direct_bt-fat.jar* (fat jar) bootstrapping its contained native libraries using merged-in `jaulib`.
* Java API renaming, incl package: *org.tinyb* to *org.direct_bt*.
* Completing SMP/Security implementation (WIP)
* Replaced std::vector and jau::cow_vector with jau::darray and jau::cow_darray
* Added AdapterStatusListener callback methods devicePairingState(..) and deviceReady(..), supporting security/pairing.
* Added support for *LE Secure Connections* and *LE legacy pairing* utilizing SMP and BlueZ/Kernel features.
* Exposing BTSecurityLevel and SMPIOCapability for connection oriented security setup on BlueZ/Kernel, see DBTDevice and BluetoothDevice.
* Covering SMP over L2CAP messaging via SMPPDUMsg types and retrieval via HCI/ACL/L2CAP on BlueZ/Kernel
* Use read lock-free jau::cow_vector for all callback-lists, avoiding locks in callback iteration
* Passed GCC all warnings, compile clean
* Passed GCC sanitizer runtime checks
* Using extracted *Jau C++ Support Library*, enhanced encapsulation
* Passed valgrind's memcheck, helgrind and drd validating no memory leak nor data race or deadlock using dbt_scanner10
* Added native de-mangled backtrace support using *libunwind* and and *abi::__cxa_demangle*
* Reaching robust implementation state of *Direct-BT*, including recovery from L2CAP transmission breakdown on Raspberry Pi.
* Resolved race conditions on rapid device discovery and connect, using one thread per device.
* API documentation with examples
* Tested on GNU/Linux x86_64, arm32 and arm64 with native and Java examples.
* Tested on Bluetooth Adapter: Intel, CSR and Raspberry Pi
* Almost removed non-standard *Linux/BlueZ-Mngr* kernel dependency using the universal HCI protocol, remaining portion configures the adapter.
* Java D-Bus implementation details of package 'tinyb' moved to *tinyb.dbus*.
* The *tinyb.jar* jar file has been renamed to *tinyb2.jar*, avoiding conflicts.
* General interfaces matching the original implementation and following [BlueZ API](http://git.kernel.org/cgit/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/doc/device-api.txt)
were created in package *org.tinyb*.
* Class *org.tinyb.BluetoothFactory* provides a factory to instantiate the initial root *org.tinyb.BluetoothManager*, either using the original D-Bus implementation or an alternative implementation.
* C++ namespace and implementation kept unchanged.
* Added notifications API
* Capitalized RSSI and UUID properly in Java
* Added JNI Helper classes for managing lifetime of JNIEnv and Global Refences
* Added asynchronous methods for discovering BluetoothObjects