/* * (C) 2009 Jack Lloyd * * Distributed under the terms of the Botan license */ #include "tests.h" #include #include #include #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ECC_GROUP) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Botan; #define CHECK_MESSAGE(expr, print) try { if(!(expr)) { ++fails; std::cout << "FAILURE: " << print << "\n"; }} catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << e.what() << "\n"; } #define CHECK(expr) try { if(!(expr)) { ++fails; std::cout << "FAILURE: " << #expr << "\n"; } } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << e.what() << "\n"; } namespace { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PointGFp& point) { out << "(" << point.get_affine_x() << " " << point.get_affine_y() << ")"; return out; } PointGFp create_random_point(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, const CurveGFp& curve) { const BigInt& p = curve.get_p(); Modular_Reducer mod_p(p); while(true) { const BigInt x = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 1, p); const BigInt x3 = mod_p.multiply(x, mod_p.square(x)); const BigInt ax = mod_p.multiply(curve.get_a(), x); const BigInt y = mod_p.reduce(x3 + ax + curve.get_b()); const BigInt sqrt_y = ressol(y, p); if(sqrt_y > 1) { BOTAN_ASSERT_EQUAL(mod_p.square(sqrt_y), y, "Square root is correct"); PointGFp point(curve, x, sqrt_y); return point; } } } size_t test_point_turn_on_sp_red_mul() { size_t fails = 0; // setting up expected values BigInt exp_Qx(std::string("466448783855397898016055842232266600516272889280")); BigInt exp_Qy(std::string("1110706324081757720403272427311003102474457754220")); BigInt exp_Qz(1); // performing calculation to test std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"; std::string b_secp = "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode(p_secp); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode(a_secp); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode(b_secp); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode(G_secp_comp); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode(&sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size()); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode(&sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size()); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode(&sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size()); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP(sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1); BigInt d("459183204582304"); PointGFp r1 = d * p_G; CHECK(r1.get_affine_x() != 0); PointGFp p_G2(p_G); PointGFp r2 = d * p_G2; CHECK_MESSAGE(r1 == r2, "error with point mul after extra turn on sp red mul"); CHECK(r1.get_affine_x() != 0); PointGFp p_r1 = r1; PointGFp p_r2 = r2; p_r1 *= 2; p_r2 *= 2; CHECK_MESSAGE(p_r1.get_affine_x() == p_r2.get_affine_x(), "error with mult2 after extra turn on sp red mul"); CHECK(p_r1.get_affine_x() != 0); CHECK(p_r2.get_affine_x() != 0); r1 *= 2; r2 *= 2; CHECK_MESSAGE(r1 == r2, "error with mult2 after extra turn on sp red mul"); CHECK_MESSAGE(r1.get_affine_x() == r2.get_affine_x(), "error with mult2 after extra turn on sp red mul"); CHECK(r1.get_affine_x() != 0); r1 += p_G; r2 += p_G2; CHECK_MESSAGE(r1 == r2, "error with op+= after extra turn on sp red mul"); r1 += p_G; r2 += p_G2; CHECK_MESSAGE(r1 == r2, "error with op+= after extra turn on sp red mul for both operands"); r1 += p_G; r2 += p_G2; CHECK_MESSAGE(r1 == r2, "error with op+= after extra turn on sp red mul for both operands"); return fails; } size_t test_coordinates() { size_t fails = 0; BigInt exp_affine_x(std::string("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470")); BigInt exp_affine_y(std::string("1373093393927139016463695321221277758035357890939")); // precalculation std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"; std::string b_secp = "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp160r1 (bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1 ); PointGFp p0 = p_G; PointGFp p1 = p_G * 2; PointGFp point_exp(secp160r1, exp_affine_x, exp_affine_y); if(!point_exp.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); CHECK_MESSAGE( p1.get_affine_x() == exp_affine_x, " p1_x = " << p1.get_affine_x() << "\n" << "exp_x = " << exp_affine_x << "\n"); CHECK_MESSAGE( p1.get_affine_y() == exp_affine_y, " p1_y = " << p1.get_affine_y() << "\n" << "exp_y = " << exp_affine_y << "\n"); return fails; } /** Test point multiplication according to -------- SEC 2: Test Vectors for SEC 1 Certicom Research Working Draft September, 1999 Version 0.3; Section 2.1.2 -------- */ size_t test_point_transformation () { size_t fails = 0; // get a vailid point EC_Group dom_pars(OID("")); PointGFp p = dom_pars.get_base_point(); // get a copy PointGFp q = p; CHECK_MESSAGE( p.get_affine_x() == q.get_affine_x(), "affine_x changed during copy"); CHECK_MESSAGE( p.get_affine_y() == q.get_affine_y(), "affine_y changed during copy"); return fails; } size_t test_point_mult () { size_t fails = 0; EC_Group secp160r1(OIDS::lookup("secp160r1")); const CurveGFp& curve = secp160r1.get_curve(); std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode(G_secp_comp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP(sv_G_secp_comp, curve); BigInt d_U("0xaa374ffc3ce144e6b073307972cb6d57b2a4e982"); PointGFp Q_U = d_U * p_G; CHECK(Q_U.get_affine_x() == BigInt("466448783855397898016055842232266600516272889280")); CHECK(Q_U.get_affine_y() == BigInt("1110706324081757720403272427311003102474457754220")); return fails; } size_t test_point_negative() { size_t fails = 0; // performing calculation to test std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"; std::string b_secp = "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1 ); PointGFp p1 = p_G *= 2; CHECK(p1.get_affine_x() == BigInt("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470")); CHECK(p1.get_affine_y() == BigInt("1373093393927139016463695321221277758035357890939")); PointGFp p1_neg = p1.negate(); CHECK(p1_neg.get_affine_x() == BigInt("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470")); CHECK(p1_neg.get_affine_y() == BigInt("88408243403763901739989511495005261618427168388")); return fails; } size_t test_zeropoint() { size_t fails = 0; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"); BigInt bi_a_secp("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"); BigInt bi_b_secp("0x1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p1(secp160r1, BigInt("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470"), BigInt("1373093393927139016463695321221277758035357890939")); if(!p1.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); p1 -= p1; CHECK_MESSAGE( p1.is_zero(), "p - q with q = p is not zero!"); return fails; } size_t test_zeropoint_enc_dec() { size_t fails = 0; BigInt bi_p_secp("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"); BigInt bi_a_secp("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"); BigInt bi_b_secp("0x1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"); CurveGFp curve(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p(curve); CHECK_MESSAGE( p.is_zero(), "by constructor created zeropoint is no zeropoint!"); std::vector sv_p = unlock(EC2OSP(p, PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED)); PointGFp p_encdec = OS2ECP(sv_p, curve); CHECK_MESSAGE( p == p_encdec, "encoded-decoded (uncompressed) point is not equal the original!"); sv_p = unlock(EC2OSP(p, PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED)); p_encdec = OS2ECP(sv_p, curve); CHECK_MESSAGE( p == p_encdec, "encoded-decoded (compressed) point is not equal the original!"); sv_p = unlock(EC2OSP(p, PointGFp::HYBRID)); p_encdec = OS2ECP(sv_p, curve); CHECK_MESSAGE( p == p_encdec, "encoded-decoded (hybrid) point is not equal the original!"); return fails; } size_t test_calc_with_zeropoint() { size_t fails = 0; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"); BigInt bi_a_secp("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"); BigInt bi_b_secp("0x1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"); CurveGFp curve(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p(curve, BigInt("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470"), BigInt("1373093393927139016463695321221277758035357890939")); if(!p.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); CHECK_MESSAGE( !p.is_zero(), "created is zeropoint, shouldn't be!"); PointGFp zero(curve); CHECK_MESSAGE( zero.is_zero(), "by constructor created zeropoint is no zeropoint!"); PointGFp res = p + zero; CHECK_MESSAGE( res == p, "point + zeropoint is not equal the point"); res = p - zero; CHECK_MESSAGE( res == p, "point - zeropoint is not equal the point"); res = zero * 32432243; CHECK_MESSAGE( res.is_zero(), "zeropoint * skalar is not a zero-point!"); return fails; } size_t test_add_point() { size_t fails = 0; // precalculation std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"; std::string b_secp = "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1 ); PointGFp p0 = p_G; PointGFp p1 = p_G *= 2; p1 += p0; PointGFp expected(secp160r1, BigInt("704859595002530890444080436569091156047721708633"), BigInt("1147993098458695153857594941635310323215433166682")); CHECK(p1 == expected); return fails; } size_t test_sub_point() { size_t fails = 0; //Setting up expected values BigInt exp_sub_x(std::string("112913490230515010376958384252467223283065196552")); BigInt exp_sub_y(std::string("143464803917389475471159193867377888720776527730")); BigInt exp_sub_z(std::string("562006223742588575209908669014372619804457947208")); // precalculation std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"; std::string b_secp = "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1 ); PointGFp p0 = p_G; PointGFp p1 = p_G *= 2; p1 -= p0; PointGFp expected(secp160r1, BigInt("425826231723888350446541592701409065913635568770"), BigInt("203520114162904107873991457957346892027982641970")); CHECK(p1 == expected); return fails; } size_t test_mult_point() { size_t fails = 0; //Setting up expected values BigInt exp_mult_x(std::string("967697346845926834906555988570157345422864716250")); BigInt exp_mult_y(std::string("512319768365374654866290830075237814703869061656")); // precalculation std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"; std::string b_secp = "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1 ); PointGFp p0 = p_G; PointGFp p1 = p_G *= 2; p1 *= p0.get_affine_x(); PointGFp expected(secp160r1, exp_mult_x, exp_mult_y); CHECK(p1 == expected); return fails; } size_t test_basic_operations() { size_t fails = 0; // precalculation std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"; std::string b_secp = "1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1 ); PointGFp p0 = p_G; PointGFp expected(secp160r1, BigInt("425826231723888350446541592701409065913635568770"), BigInt("203520114162904107873991457957346892027982641970")); CHECK(p0 == expected); PointGFp p1 = p_G *= 2; CHECK(p1.get_affine_x() == BigInt("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470")); CHECK(p1.get_affine_y() == BigInt("1373093393927139016463695321221277758035357890939")); PointGFp simplePlus= p1 + p0; PointGFp exp_simplePlus(secp160r1, BigInt("704859595002530890444080436569091156047721708633"), BigInt("1147993098458695153857594941635310323215433166682")); if(simplePlus != exp_simplePlus) std::cout << simplePlus << " != " << exp_simplePlus << "\n"; PointGFp simpleMinus= p1 - p0; PointGFp exp_simpleMinus(secp160r1, BigInt("425826231723888350446541592701409065913635568770"), BigInt("203520114162904107873991457957346892027982641970")); CHECK(simpleMinus == exp_simpleMinus); PointGFp simpleMult= p1 * 123456789; CHECK(simpleMult.get_affine_x() == BigInt("43638877777452195295055270548491599621118743290")); CHECK(simpleMult.get_affine_y() == BigInt("56841378500012376527163928510402662349220202981")); // check that all initial points hasn't changed CHECK(p1.get_affine_x() == BigInt("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470")); CHECK(p1.get_affine_y() == BigInt("1373093393927139016463695321221277758035357890939")); CHECK(p0.get_affine_x() == BigInt("425826231723888350446541592701409065913635568770")); CHECK(p0.get_affine_y() == BigInt("203520114162904107873991457957346892027982641970")); return fails; } size_t test_enc_dec_compressed_160() { size_t fails = 0; // Test for compressed conversion (02/03) 160bit std::string p_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffC"; std::string b_secp = "1C97BEFC54BD7A8B65ACF89F81D4D4ADC565FA45"; std::string G_secp_comp = "024A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82"; std::string G_order_secp_comp = "0100000000000000000001F4C8F927AED3CA752257"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp160r1(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, secp160r1 ); std::vector sv_result = unlock(EC2OSP(p_G, PointGFp::COMPRESSED)); CHECK( sv_result == sv_G_secp_comp); return fails; } size_t test_enc_dec_compressed_256() { size_t fails = 0; // Test for compressed conversion (02/03) 256bit std::string p_secp = "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff"; std::string a_secp = "ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffFC"; std::string b_secp = "5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B"; std::string G_secp_comp = "036B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296"; std::string G_order_secp_comp = "ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G_secp_comp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp curve(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_comp, curve ); std::vector sv_result = unlock(EC2OSP(p_G, PointGFp::COMPRESSED)); CHECK( sv_result == sv_G_secp_comp); return fails; } size_t test_enc_dec_uncompressed_112() { size_t fails = 0; // Test for uncompressed conversion (04) 112bit std::string p_secp = "db7c2abf62e35e668076bead208b"; std::string a_secp = "6127C24C05F38A0AAAF65C0EF02C"; std::string b_secp = "51DEF1815DB5ED74FCC34C85D709"; std::string G_secp_uncomp = "044BA30AB5E892B4E1649DD0928643ADCD46F5882E3747DEF36E956E97"; std::string G_order_secp_uncomp = "36DF0AAFD8B8D7597CA10520D04B"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_uncomp = hex_decode ( G_secp_uncomp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp curve(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_uncomp, curve ); std::vector sv_result = unlock(EC2OSP(p_G, PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED)); CHECK( sv_result == sv_G_secp_uncomp); return fails; } size_t test_enc_dec_uncompressed_521() { size_t fails = 0; // Test for uncompressed conversion(04) with big values(521 bit) std::string p_secp = "01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; std::string a_secp = "01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFC"; std::string b_secp = "0051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF109E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B503F00"; std::string G_secp_uncomp = "0400C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2ffA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD16650"; std::string G_order_secp_uncomp = "01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFA51868783BF2F966B7FCC0148F709A5D03BB5C9B8899C47AEBB6FB71E91386409"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_uncomp = hex_decode ( G_secp_uncomp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp curve(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_uncomp, curve ); std::vector sv_result = unlock(EC2OSP(p_G, PointGFp::UNCOMPRESSED)); std::string result = hex_encode(&sv_result[0], sv_result.size()); std::string exp_result = hex_encode(&sv_G_secp_uncomp[0], sv_G_secp_uncomp.size()); CHECK_MESSAGE( sv_result == sv_G_secp_uncomp, "\ncalc. result = " << result << "\nexp. result = " << exp_result << "\n"); return fails; } size_t test_enc_dec_uncompressed_521_prime_too_large() { size_t fails = 0; // Test for uncompressed conversion(04) with big values(521 bit) std::string p_secp = "01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; // length increased by "ff" std::string a_secp = "01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFC"; std::string b_secp = "0051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF109E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B503F00"; std::string G_secp_uncomp = "0400C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2ffA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD16650"; std::string G_order_secp_uncomp = "01ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFA51868783BF2F966B7FCC0148F709A5D03BB5C9B8899C47AEBB6FB71E91386409"; std::vector sv_p_secp = hex_decode ( p_secp ); std::vector sv_a_secp = hex_decode ( a_secp ); std::vector sv_b_secp = hex_decode ( b_secp ); std::vector sv_G_secp_uncomp = hex_decode ( G_secp_uncomp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_p_secp[0], sv_p_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_a_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_a_secp[0], sv_a_secp.size() ); BigInt bi_b_secp = BigInt::decode ( &sv_b_secp[0], sv_b_secp.size() ); CurveGFp secp521r1 (bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); std::unique_ptr p_G; bool exc = false; try { p_G = std::unique_ptr(new PointGFp(OS2ECP ( sv_G_secp_uncomp, secp521r1))); if(!p_G->on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); } catch (std::exception e) { exc = true; } CHECK_MESSAGE(exc, "attempt of creation of point on curve with too high prime did not throw an exception"); return fails; } size_t test_gfp_store_restore() { size_t fails = 0; // generate point //EC_Group dom_pars = global_config().get_ec_dompar(""); //EC_Group dom_pars(""); EC_Group dom_pars(OID("")); PointGFp p = dom_pars.get_base_point(); //store point (to std::string) std::vector sv_mes = unlock(EC2OSP(p, PointGFp::COMPRESSED)); PointGFp new_p = OS2ECP(sv_mes, dom_pars.get_curve()); CHECK_MESSAGE( p == new_p, "original and restored point are different!"); return fails; } // maybe move this test size_t test_cdc_curve_33() { size_t fails = 0; std::string G_secp_uncomp = "04081523d03d4f12cd02879dea4bf6a4f3a7df26ed888f10c5b2235a1274c386a2f218300dee6ed217841164533bcdc903f07a096f9fbf4ee95bac098a111f296f5830fe5c35b3e344d5df3a2256985f64fbe6d0edcc4c61d18bef681dd399df3d0194c5a4315e012e0245ecea56365baa9e8be1f7"; std::vector sv_G_uncomp = hex_decode ( G_secp_uncomp ); BigInt bi_p_secp = BigInt("2117607112719756483104013348936480976596328609518055062007450442679169492999007105354629105748524349829824407773719892437896937279095106809"); BigInt bi_a_secp("0xa377dede6b523333d36c78e9b0eaa3bf48ce93041f6d4fc34014d08f6833807498deedd4290101c5866e8dfb589485d13357b9e78c2d7fbe9fe"); BigInt bi_b_secp("0xa9acf8c8ba617777e248509bcb4717d4db346202bf9e352cd5633731dd92a51b72a4dc3b3d17c823fcc8fbda4da08f25dea89046087342595a7"); CurveGFp curve(bi_p_secp, bi_a_secp, bi_b_secp); PointGFp p_G = OS2ECP ( sv_G_uncomp, curve); bool exc = false; try { if(!p_G.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); } catch (std::exception) { exc = true; } CHECK(!exc); return fails; } size_t test_more_zeropoint() { size_t fails = 0; // by Falko std::string G = "024a96b5688ef573284664698968c38bb913cbfc82"; std::vector sv_G_secp_comp = hex_decode ( G ); BigInt bi_p("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffff"); BigInt bi_a("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff7ffffffc"); BigInt bi_b("0x1c97befc54bd7a8b65acf89f81d4d4adc565fa45"); CurveGFp curve(bi_p, bi_a, bi_b); PointGFp p1(curve, BigInt("16984103820118642236896513183038186009872590470"), BigInt("1373093393927139016463695321221277758035357890939")); if(!p1.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); PointGFp minus_p1 = -p1; if(!minus_p1.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); PointGFp shouldBeZero = p1 + minus_p1; if(!shouldBeZero.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); BigInt y1 = p1.get_affine_y(); y1 = curve.get_p() - y1; CHECK_MESSAGE(p1.get_affine_x() == minus_p1.get_affine_x(), "problem with minus_p1 : x"); CHECK_MESSAGE(minus_p1.get_affine_y() == y1, "problem with minus_p1 : y"); PointGFp zero(curve); if(!zero.on_the_curve()) throw Internal_Error("Point not on the curve"); CHECK_MESSAGE(p1 + zero == p1, "addition of zero modified point"); CHECK_MESSAGE( shouldBeZero.is_zero(), "p - q with q = p is not zero!"); return fails; } size_t test_mult_by_order() { size_t fails = 0; // generate point EC_Group dom_pars(OID("")); PointGFp p = dom_pars.get_base_point(); PointGFp shouldBeZero = p * dom_pars.get_order(); CHECK_MESSAGE(shouldBeZero.is_zero(), "G * order != O"); return fails; } size_t test_point_swap() { size_t fails = 0; EC_Group dom_pars(OID("")); auto& rng = test_rng(); PointGFp a(create_random_point(rng, dom_pars.get_curve())); PointGFp b(create_random_point(rng, dom_pars.get_curve())); b *= BigInt(rng, 20); PointGFp c(a); PointGFp d(b); d.swap(c); CHECK(a == d); CHECK(b == c); return fails; } /** * This test verifies that the side channel attack resistant multiplication function * yields the same result as the normal (insecure) multiplication via operator*= */ size_t test_mult_sec_mass() { size_t fails = 0; auto& rng = test_rng(); EC_Group dom_pars(OID("")); for(int i = 0; i<50; i++) { try { PointGFp a(create_random_point(rng, dom_pars.get_curve())); BigInt scal(BigInt(rng, 40)); PointGFp b = a * scal; PointGFp c(a); c *= scal; CHECK(b == c); } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << "test_mult_sec_mass failed: " << e.what() << "\n"; ++fails; } } return fails; } size_t test_curve_cp_ctor() { try { EC_Group dom_pars(OID("")); CurveGFp curve(dom_pars.get_curve()); } catch(...) { return 1; } return 0; } size_t ecc_randomized_test() { const std::vector groups = { "brainpool160r1", "brainpool192r1", "brainpool224r1", "brainpool256r1", "brainpool320r1", "brainpool384r1", "brainpool512r1", "gost_256A", "secp112r1", "secp112r2", "secp128r1", "secp128r2", "secp160k1", "secp160r1", "secp160r2", "secp192k1", "secp192r1", "secp224k1", "secp224r1", "secp256k1", "secp256r1", "secp384r1", "secp521r1", "x962_p192v2", "x962_p192v3", "x962_p239v1", "x962_p239v2", "x962_p239v3" }; auto& rng = test_rng(); size_t fails = 0; size_t tests = 0; for(auto&& group_name : groups) { EC_Group group(group_name); const PointGFp& base_point = group.get_base_point(); const BigInt& group_order = group.get_order(); const PointGFp inf = base_point * group_order; CHECK(inf.is_zero()); CHECK(inf.on_the_curve()); try { for(size_t i = 0; i != 10; ++i) { ++tests; const BigInt a = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 2, group_order); const BigInt b = BigInt::random_integer(rng, 2, group_order); const BigInt c = a + b; const PointGFp P = base_point * a; const PointGFp Q = base_point * b; const PointGFp R = base_point * c; const PointGFp A1 = P + Q; const PointGFp A2 = Q + P; CHECK(A1 == R); CHECK(A2 == R); CHECK(P.on_the_curve()); CHECK(Q.on_the_curve()); CHECK(R.on_the_curve()); CHECK(A1.on_the_curve()); CHECK(A2.on_the_curve()); } } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Testing " << group_name << " failed: " << e.what() << "\n"; ++fails; } } test_report("ECC Randomized", tests, fails); return fails; } #endif } size_t test_ecc_unit() { size_t fails = 0; #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_ECC_GROUP) fails += test_point_turn_on_sp_red_mul(); fails += test_coordinates(); fails += test_point_transformation (); fails += test_point_mult (); fails += test_point_negative(); fails += test_zeropoint(); fails += test_zeropoint_enc_dec(); fails += test_calc_with_zeropoint(); fails += test_add_point(); fails += test_sub_point(); fails += test_mult_point(); fails += test_basic_operations(); fails += test_enc_dec_compressed_160(); fails += test_enc_dec_compressed_256(); fails += test_enc_dec_uncompressed_112(); fails += test_enc_dec_uncompressed_521(); fails += test_enc_dec_uncompressed_521_prime_too_large(); fails += test_gfp_store_restore(); fails += test_cdc_curve_33(); fails += test_more_zeropoint(); fails += test_mult_by_order(); fails += test_point_swap(); fails += test_mult_sec_mass(); fails += test_curve_cp_ctor(); test_report("ECC", 0, fails); ecc_randomized_test(); #endif return fails; }