/* * (C) 2015,2018 Jack Lloyd * (C) 2016 Daniel Neus, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity * (C) 2017 René Korthaus, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #define BOTAN_NO_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS #include "tests.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BASE64_CODEC) #include #endif #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BASE32_CODEC) #include #endif #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BASE58_CODEC) #include #endif #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_POLY_DBL) #include #endif #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_UUID) #include #endif namespace Botan_Tests { namespace { class Utility_Function_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Utility_Function_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("util.vec", "In1,In2,Out") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& algo, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Util " + algo); if(algo == "round_up") { const size_t x = vars.get_req_sz("In1"); const size_t to = vars.get_req_sz("In2"); result.test_eq(algo, Botan::round_up(x, to), vars.get_req_sz("Out")); try { Botan::round_up(x, 0); result.test_failure("round_up did not reject invalid input"); } catch(std::exception&) {} } else if(algo == "round_down") { const size_t x = vars.get_req_sz("In1"); const size_t to = vars.get_req_sz("In2"); result.test_eq(algo, Botan::round_down(x, to), vars.get_req_sz("Out")); result.test_eq(algo, Botan::round_down(x, 0), x); } return result; } std::vector run_final_tests() override { std::vector results; results.push_back(test_loadstore()); return results; } Test::Result test_loadstore() { Test::Result result("Util load/store"); const std::vector membuf = Botan::hex_decode("00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"); const uint8_t* mem = membuf.data(); const uint16_t in16 = 0x1234; const uint32_t in32 = 0xA0B0C0D0; const uint64_t in64 = 0xABCDEF0123456789; result.test_is_eq(Botan::get_byte(0, in32), 0xA0); result.test_is_eq(Botan::get_byte(1, in32), 0xB0); result.test_is_eq(Botan::get_byte(2, in32), 0xC0); result.test_is_eq(Botan::get_byte(3, in32), 0xD0); result.test_is_eq(Botan::make_uint16(0xAA, 0xBB), 0xAABB); result.test_is_eq(Botan::make_uint32(0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04), 0x01020304); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 0), 0x0011); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 1), 0x2233); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 2), 0x4455); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 3), 0x6677); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 0), 0x1100); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 1), 0x3322); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 2), 0x5544); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 3), 0x7766); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 0), 0x00112233); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 1), 0x44556677); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 2), 0x8899AABB); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 3), 0xCCDDEEFF); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 0), 0x33221100); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 1), 0x77665544); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 2), 0xBBAA9988); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 3), 0xFFEEDDCC); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 0), 0x0011223344556677); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem, 1), 0x8899AABBCCDDEEFF); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 0), 0x7766554433221100); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem, 1), 0xFFEEDDCCBBAA9988); // Check misaligned loads: result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem + 1, 0), 0x1122); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem + 3, 0), 0x4433); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem + 1, 1), 0x55667788); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem + 3, 1), 0xAA998877); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_be(mem + 1, 0), 0x1122334455667788); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem + 7, 0), 0xEEDDCCBBAA998877); result.test_is_eq(Botan::load_le(mem + 5, 0), 0xCCBBAA9988776655); uint8_t outbuf[16] = { 0 }; for(size_t offset = 0; offset != 7; ++offset) { uint8_t* out = outbuf + offset; Botan::store_be(in16, out); result.test_is_eq(out[0], 0x12); result.test_is_eq(out[1], 0x34); Botan::store_le(in16, out); result.test_is_eq(out[0], 0x34); result.test_is_eq(out[1], 0x12); Botan::store_be(in32, out); result.test_is_eq(out[0], 0xA0); result.test_is_eq(out[1], 0xB0); result.test_is_eq(out[2], 0xC0); result.test_is_eq(out[3], 0xD0); Botan::store_le(in32, out); result.test_is_eq(out[0], 0xD0); result.test_is_eq(out[1], 0xC0); result.test_is_eq(out[2], 0xB0); result.test_is_eq(out[3], 0xA0); Botan::store_be(in64, out); result.test_is_eq(out[0], 0xAB); result.test_is_eq(out[1], 0xCD); result.test_is_eq(out[2], 0xEF); result.test_is_eq(out[3], 0x01); result.test_is_eq(out[4], 0x23); result.test_is_eq(out[5], 0x45); result.test_is_eq(out[6], 0x67); result.test_is_eq(out[7], 0x89); Botan::store_le(in64, out); result.test_is_eq(out[0], 0x89); result.test_is_eq(out[1], 0x67); result.test_is_eq(out[2], 0x45); result.test_is_eq(out[3], 0x23); result.test_is_eq(out[4], 0x01); result.test_is_eq(out[5], 0xEF); result.test_is_eq(out[6], 0xCD); result.test_is_eq(out[7], 0xAB); } return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("util", Utility_Function_Tests); class CT_Mask_Tests final : public Test { public: std::vector run() override { Test::Result result("CT utils"); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero8", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(0).value(), 0xFF); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero8", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(1).value(), 0x00); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero8", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(0xFF).value(), 0x00); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero16", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(0).value(), 0xFFFF); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero16", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(1).value(), 0x0000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero16", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(0xFF).value(), 0x0000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(0).value(), 0xFFFFFFFF); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(1).value(), 0x00000000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_zero32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_zero(0xFF).value(), 0x00000000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less8", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(0, 1).value(), 0xFF); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less8", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(1, 0).value(), 0x00); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less8", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(0xFF, 5).value(), 0x00); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less16", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(0, 1).value(), 0xFFFF); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less16", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(1, 0).value(), 0x0000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less16", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(0xFFFF, 5).value(), 0x0000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(0, 1).value(), 0xFFFFFFFF); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(1, 0).value(), 0x00000000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(0xFFFF5, 5).value(), 0x00000000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(0xFFFFFFFF, 5).value(), 0x00000000); result.test_eq_sz("CT::is_less32", Botan::CT::Mask::is_lt(5, 0xFFFFFFFF).value(), 0xFFFFFFFF); return {result}; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("ct_utils", CT_Mask_Tests); class BitOps_Tests final : public Test { public: std::vector run() override { std::vector results; results.push_back(test_power_of_2()); results.push_back(test_ctz()); results.push_back(test_sig_bytes()); return results; } private: template void test_ctz(Test::Result& result, T val, size_t expected) { result.test_eq("ctz(" + std::to_string(val) + ")", Botan::ctz(val), expected); } Test::Result test_ctz() { Test::Result result("ctz"); test_ctz(result, 0, 32); test_ctz(result, 1, 0); test_ctz(result, 0x80, 7); test_ctz(result, 0x8000000, 27); test_ctz(result, 0x8100000, 20); test_ctz(result, 0x80000000, 31); return result; } template void test_sig_bytes(Test::Result& result, T val, size_t expected) { result.test_eq("significant_bytes(" + std::to_string(val) + ")", Botan::significant_bytes(val), expected); } Test::Result test_sig_bytes() { Test::Result result("significant_bytes"); test_sig_bytes(result, 0, 0); test_sig_bytes(result, 1, 1); test_sig_bytes(result, 0x80, 1); test_sig_bytes(result, 255, 1); test_sig_bytes(result, 256, 2); test_sig_bytes(result, 65535, 2); test_sig_bytes(result, 65536, 3); test_sig_bytes(result, 0x80000000, 4); test_sig_bytes(result, 0, 0); test_sig_bytes(result, 1, 1); test_sig_bytes(result, 0x80, 1); test_sig_bytes(result, 256, 2); test_sig_bytes(result, 0x80000000, 4); test_sig_bytes(result, 0x100000000, 5); return result; } template void test_power_of_2(Test::Result& result, T val, bool expected) { result.test_eq("power_of_2(" + std::to_string(val) + ")", Botan::is_power_of_2(val), expected); } Test::Result test_power_of_2() { Test::Result result("is_power_of_2"); test_power_of_2(result, 0, false); test_power_of_2(result, 1, false); test_power_of_2(result, 2, true); test_power_of_2(result, 3, false); test_power_of_2(result, 0x8000, true); test_power_of_2(result, 0x8001, false); test_power_of_2(result, 0x8000000, true); test_power_of_2(result, 0, false); test_power_of_2(result, 1, false); test_power_of_2(result, 2, true); test_power_of_2(result, 3, false); test_power_of_2(result, 0x8000, true); test_power_of_2(result, 0x8001, false); test_power_of_2(result, 0x8000000, true); test_power_of_2(result, 0x100000000000, true); return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("bit_ops", BitOps_Tests); #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_POLY_DBL) class Poly_Double_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Poly_Double_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("poly_dbl.vec", "In,Out") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Polynomial doubling"); const std::vector in = vars.get_req_bin("In"); const std::vector out = vars.get_req_bin("Out"); std::vector b = in; Botan::poly_double_n(b.data(), b.size()); result.test_eq("Expected value", b, out); return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("poly_dbl", Poly_Double_Tests); #endif class Version_Tests final : public Test { public: std::vector run() override { Test::Result result("Versions"); result.confirm("Version datestamp matches macro", Botan::version_datestamp() == BOTAN_VERSION_DATESTAMP); const char* version_cstr = Botan::version_cstr(); std::string version_str = Botan::version_string(); result.test_eq("Same version string", version_str, std::string(version_cstr)); const char* sversion_cstr = Botan::short_version_cstr(); std::string sversion_str = Botan::short_version_string(); result.test_eq("Same short version string", sversion_str, std::string(sversion_cstr)); const std::string expected_sversion = std::to_string(BOTAN_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + std::to_string(BOTAN_VERSION_MINOR) + "." + std::to_string(BOTAN_VERSION_PATCH); result.test_eq("Short version string has expected format", sversion_str, expected_sversion); const std::string version_check_ok = Botan::runtime_version_check(BOTAN_VERSION_MAJOR, BOTAN_VERSION_MINOR, BOTAN_VERSION_PATCH); result.confirm("Correct version no warning", version_check_ok.empty()); const std::string version_check_bad = Botan::runtime_version_check(1, 19, 42); const std::string expected_error = "Warning: linked version (" + sversion_str + ") does not match version built against (1.19.42)\n"; result.test_eq("Expected warning text", version_check_bad, expected_error); return {result}; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("versioning", Version_Tests); class Date_Format_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Date_Format_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("dates.vec", "Date") {} std::vector parse_date(const std::string& s) { const std::vector parts = Botan::split_on(s, ','); if(parts.size() != 6) { throw Test_Error("Bad date format '" + s + "'"); } std::vector u32s; for(auto const& sub : parts) { u32s.push_back(Botan::to_u32bit(sub)); } return u32s; } Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& type, const VarMap& vars) override { const std::string date_str = vars.get_req_str("Date"); Test::Result result("Date parsing"); const std::vector d = parse_date(date_str); if(type == "valid" || type == "valid.not_std" || type == "valid.64_bit_time_t") { Botan::calendar_point c(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " year", c.get_year(), d[0]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " month", c.get_month(), d[1]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " day", c.get_day(), d[2]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " hour", c.get_hour(), d[3]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " minute", c.get_minutes(), d[4]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " second", c.get_seconds(), d[5]); if(type == "valid.not_std" || (type == "valid.64_bit_time_t" && c.get_year() > 2037 && sizeof(std::time_t) == 4)) { result.test_throws("valid but out of std::timepoint range", [c]() { c.to_std_timepoint(); }); } else { Botan::calendar_point c2 = Botan::calendar_value(c.to_std_timepoint()); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " year", c2.get_year(), d[0]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " month", c2.get_month(), d[1]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " day", c2.get_day(), d[2]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " hour", c2.get_hour(), d[3]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " minute", c2.get_minutes(), d[4]); result.test_is_eq(date_str + " second", c2.get_seconds(), d[5]); } } else if(type == "invalid") { result.test_throws("invalid date", [d]() { Botan::calendar_point c(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]); }); } else { throw Test_Error("Unexpected header '" + type + "' in date format tests"); } return result; } std::vector run_final_tests() override { Test::Result result("calendar_point::to_string"); Botan::calendar_point d(2008, 5, 15, 9, 30, 33); // desired format: --
T:: result.test_eq("calendar_point::to_string", d.to_string(), "2008-05-15T09:30:33"); return {result}; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("util_dates", Date_Format_Tests); #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BASE32_CODEC) class Base32_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Base32_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("base32.vec", "Base32", "Binary") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& type, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Base32"); const bool is_valid = (type == "valid"); const std::string base32 = vars.get_req_str("Base32"); try { if(is_valid) { const std::vector binary = vars.get_req_bin("Binary"); result.test_eq("base32 decoding", Botan::base32_decode(base32), binary); result.test_eq("base32 encoding", Botan::base32_encode(binary), base32); } else { auto res = Botan::base32_decode(base32); result.test_failure("decoded invalid base32 to " + Botan::hex_encode(res)); } } catch(std::exception& e) { if(is_valid) { result.test_failure("rejected valid base32", e.what()); } else { result.test_note("rejected invalid base32"); } } return result; } std::vector run_final_tests() override { Test::Result result("Base32"); const std::string valid_b32 = "MY======"; for(char ws_char : { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }) { for(size_t i = 0; i <= valid_b32.size(); ++i) { std::string b32_ws = valid_b32; b32_ws.insert(i, 1, ws_char); try { result.test_failure("decoded whitespace base32", Botan::base32_decode(b32_ws, false)); } catch(std::exception&) {} try { result.test_eq("base32 decoding with whitespace", Botan::base32_decode(b32_ws, true), "66"); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure(b32_ws, e.what()); } } } return {result}; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("base32", Base32_Tests); #endif #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BASE58_CODEC) class Base58_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Base58_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("base58.vec", "Base58", "Binary") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& type, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Base58"); const bool is_valid = (type == "valid"); const std::string base58 = vars.get_req_str("Base58"); try { if(is_valid) { const std::vector binary = vars.get_req_bin("Binary"); result.test_eq("base58 decoding", Botan::base58_decode(base58), binary); result.test_eq("base58 encoding", Botan::base58_encode(binary), base58); } else { auto res = Botan::base58_decode(base58); result.test_failure("decoded invalid base58 to " + Botan::hex_encode(res)); } } catch(std::exception& e) { if(is_valid) { result.test_failure("rejected valid base58", e.what()); } else { result.test_note("rejected invalid base58"); } } return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("base58", Base58_Tests); class Base58_Check_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Base58_Check_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("base58c.vec", "Base58", "Binary") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& type, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Base58 Check"); const bool is_valid = (type == "valid"); const std::string base58 = vars.get_req_str("Base58"); try { if(is_valid) { const std::vector binary = vars.get_req_bin("Binary"); result.test_eq("base58 decoding", Botan::base58_check_decode(base58), binary); result.test_eq("base58 encoding", Botan::base58_check_encode(binary), base58); } else { auto res = Botan::base58_check_decode(base58); result.test_failure("decoded invalid base58c to " + Botan::hex_encode(res)); } } catch(std::exception& e) { if(is_valid) { result.test_failure("rejected valid base58c", e.what()); } else { result.test_note("rejected invalid base58c"); } } return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("base58c", Base58_Check_Tests); #endif #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BASE64_CODEC) class Base64_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Base64_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("base64.vec", "Base64", "Binary") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& type, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Base64"); const bool is_valid = (type == "valid"); const std::string base64 = vars.get_req_str("Base64"); try { if(is_valid) { const std::vector binary = vars.get_req_bin("Binary"); result.test_eq("base64 decoding", Botan::base64_decode(base64), binary); result.test_eq("base64 encoding", Botan::base64_encode(binary), base64); } else { auto res = Botan::base64_decode(base64); result.test_failure("decoded invalid base64 to " + Botan::hex_encode(res)); } } catch(std::exception& e) { if(is_valid) { result.test_failure("rejected valid base64", e.what()); } else { result.test_note("rejected invalid base64"); } } return result; } std::vector run_final_tests() override { Test::Result result("Base64"); const std::string valid_b64 = "Zg=="; for(char ws_char : { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }) { for(size_t i = 0; i <= valid_b64.size(); ++i) { std::string b64_ws = valid_b64; b64_ws.insert(i, 1, ws_char); try { result.test_failure("decoded whitespace base64", Botan::base64_decode(b64_ws, false)); } catch(std::exception&) {} try { result.test_eq("base64 decoding with whitespace", Botan::base64_decode(b64_ws, true), "66"); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure(b64_ws, e.what()); } } } return {result}; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("base64", Base64_Tests); #endif class Charset_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Charset_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("charset.vec", "In,Out") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& type, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Charset"); const std::vector in = vars.get_req_bin("In"); const std::vector expected = vars.get_req_bin("Out"); const std::string in_str(in.begin(), in.end()); std::string converted; if(type == "UCS2-UTF8") { converted = Botan::ucs2_to_utf8(in.data(), in.size()); } else if(type == "UCS4-UTF8") { converted = Botan::ucs4_to_utf8(in.data(), in.size()); } else if(type == "UTF8-LATIN1") { converted = Botan::utf8_to_latin1(in_str); } else if(type == "UTF16-LATIN1") { converted = Botan::Charset::transcode(in_str, Botan::Character_Set::LATIN1_CHARSET, Botan::Character_Set::UCS2_CHARSET); } else if(type == "LATIN1-UTF8") { converted = Botan::Charset::transcode(in_str, Botan::Character_Set::UTF8_CHARSET, Botan::Character_Set::LATIN1_CHARSET); } else { throw Test_Error("Unexpected header '" + type + "' in charset tests"); } result.test_eq("string converted successfully", std::vector(converted.begin(), converted.end()), expected); return result; } Test::Result utf16_to_latin1_negative_tests() { Test::Result result("Charset negative tests"); result.test_throws("conversion fails for non-Latin1 characters", []() { // "abcdefŸabcdef" std::vector input = { 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x66, 0x01, 0x78, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x62, 0x00, 0x63, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x66 }; Botan::Charset::transcode(std::string(input.begin(), input.end()), Botan::Character_Set::LATIN1_CHARSET, Botan::Character_Set::UCS2_CHARSET); }); result.test_throws("conversion fails for UTF16 string with odd number of bytes", []() { std::vector input = { 0x00, 0x61, 0x00 }; Botan::Charset::transcode(std::string(input.begin(), input.end()), Botan::Character_Set::LATIN1_CHARSET, Botan::Character_Set::UCS2_CHARSET); }); return result; } Test::Result utf8_to_latin1_negative_tests() { Test::Result result("Charset negative tests"); result.test_throws("conversion fails for non-Latin1 characters", []() { // "abcdefŸabcdef" const std::vector input = { 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0xC5, 0xB8, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66 }; Botan::utf8_to_latin1(std::string(input.begin(), input.end())); }); result.test_throws("invalid utf-8 string", []() { // sequence truncated const std::vector input = { 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0xC5 }; Botan::utf8_to_latin1(std::string(input.begin(), input.end())); }); result.test_throws("invalid utf-8 string", []() { std::vector input = { 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0xC8, 0xB8, 0x61 }; Botan::utf8_to_latin1(std::string(input.begin(), input.end())); }); return result; } std::vector run_final_tests() override { Test::Result result("Charset negative tests"); result.merge(utf16_to_latin1_negative_tests()); result.merge(utf8_to_latin1_negative_tests()); return{ result }; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("charset", Charset_Tests); class Hostname_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Hostname_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("hostnames.vec", "Issued,Hostname") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& type, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("Hostname Matching"); const std::string issued = vars.get_req_str("Issued"); const std::string hostname = vars.get_req_str("Hostname"); const bool expected = (type == "Invalid") ? false : true; const std::string what = hostname + ((expected == true) ? " matches " : " does not match ") + issued; result.test_eq(what, Botan::host_wildcard_match(issued, hostname), expected); return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("hostname", Hostname_Tests); class ReadKV_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: ReadKV_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("utils/read_kv.vec", "Input,Expected") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& status, const VarMap& vars) override { Test::Result result("read_kv"); const bool is_valid = (status == "Valid"); const std::string input = vars.get_req_str("Input"); const std::string expected = vars.get_req_str("Expected"); if(is_valid) { confirm_kv(result, Botan::read_kv(input), split_group(expected)); } else { // In this case "expected" is the expected exception message result.test_throws("Invalid key value input throws exception", expected, [&]() { Botan::read_kv(input); }); } return result; } private: std::vector split_group(const std::string& str) { std::vector elems; if(str.empty()) return elems; std::string substr; for(auto i = str.begin(); i != str.end(); ++i) { if(*i == '|') { elems.push_back(substr); substr.clear(); } else { substr += *i; } } if(!substr.empty()) elems.push_back(substr); return elems; } void confirm_kv(Test::Result& result, const std::map& kv, const std::vector& expected) { if(!result.test_eq("expected size", expected.size() % 2, size_t(0))) return; for(size_t i = 0; i != expected.size(); i += 2) { auto j = kv.find(expected[i]); if(result.confirm("Found key", j != kv.end())) { result.test_eq("Matching value", j->second, expected[i+1]); } } result.test_eq("KV has same size as expected", kv.size(), expected.size()/2); } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("util_read_kv", ReadKV_Tests); class CPUID_Tests final : public Test { public: std::vector run() override { Test::Result result("CPUID"); result.confirm("Endian is either little or big", Botan::CPUID::is_big_endian() || Botan::CPUID::is_little_endian()); if(Botan::CPUID::is_little_endian()) { result.test_eq("If endian is little, it is not also big endian", Botan::CPUID::is_big_endian(), false); } else { result.test_eq("If endian is big, it is not also little endian", Botan::CPUID::is_little_endian(), false); } const size_t cache_line_size = Botan::CPUID::cache_line_size(); result.test_gte("Cache line size is >= 16", cache_line_size, 16); result.test_lte("Cache line size is <= 256", cache_line_size, 256); result.confirm("Cache line size is a power of 2", Botan::is_power_of_2(cache_line_size)); const std::string cpuid_string = Botan::CPUID::to_string(); result.test_success("CPUID::to_string doesn't crash"); #if defined(BOTAN_TARGET_CPU_IS_X86_FAMILY) if(Botan::CPUID::has_sse2()) { result.confirm("Output string includes sse2", cpuid_string.find("sse2") != std::string::npos); Botan::CPUID::clear_cpuid_bit(Botan::CPUID::CPUID_SSE2_BIT); result.test_eq("After clearing cpuid bit, has_sse2 returns false", Botan::CPUID::has_sse2(), false); Botan::CPUID::initialize(); // reset state result.test_eq("After reinitializing, has_sse2 returns true", Botan::CPUID::has_sse2(), true); } #endif return {result}; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("cpuid", CPUID_Tests); #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_UUID) class UUID_Tests : public Test { public: std::vector run() override { Test::Result result("UUID"); const Botan::UUID empty_uuid; const Botan::UUID random_uuid1(Test::rng()); const Botan::UUID random_uuid2(Test::rng()); const Botan::UUID loaded_uuid(std::vector(16, 4)); result.test_throws("Cannot load wrong number of bytes", []() { Botan::UUID u(std::vector(15)); }); result.test_eq("Empty UUID is empty", empty_uuid.is_valid(), false); result.confirm("Empty UUID equals another empty UUID", empty_uuid == Botan::UUID()); result.test_throws("Empty UUID cannot become a string", [&]() { empty_uuid.to_string(); }); result.test_eq("Random UUID not empty", random_uuid1.is_valid(), true); result.test_eq("Random UUID not empty", random_uuid2.is_valid(), true); result.confirm("Random UUIDs are distinct", random_uuid1 != random_uuid2); result.confirm("Random UUIDs not equal to empty", random_uuid1 != empty_uuid); const std::string uuid4_str = loaded_uuid.to_string(); result.test_eq("String matches expected", uuid4_str, "04040404-0404-0404-0404-040404040404"); const std::string uuid_r1_str = random_uuid1.to_string(); result.confirm("UUID from string matches", Botan::UUID(uuid_r1_str) == random_uuid1); class AllSame_RNG : public Botan::RandomNumberGenerator { public: AllSame_RNG(uint8_t b) : m_val(b) {} void randomize(uint8_t out[], size_t len) override { for(size_t i = 0; i != len; ++i) out[i] = m_val; } std::string name() const override { return "zeros"; } bool accepts_input() const override { return false; } void add_entropy(const uint8_t[], size_t) override {} void clear() override {} bool is_seeded() const override { return true; } private: uint8_t m_val; }; AllSame_RNG zeros(0x00); const Botan::UUID zero_uuid(zeros); result.test_eq("Zero UUID matches expected", zero_uuid.to_string(), "00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000"); AllSame_RNG ones(0xFF); const Botan::UUID ones_uuid(ones); result.test_eq("Ones UUID matches expected", ones_uuid.to_string(), "FFFFFFFF-FFFF-4FFF-BFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF"); return {result}; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("uuid", UUID_Tests); #endif } }