/* * (C) 2009,2015 Jack Lloyd * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #include "test_pubkey.h" #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_PUBLIC_KEY_CRYPTO) #include "test_rng.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Botan_Tests { void check_invalid_signatures(Test::Result& result, Botan::PK_Verifier& verifier, const std::vector& message, const std::vector& signature) { const size_t tests_to_run = (Test::run_long_tests() ? 20 : 5); const std::vector zero_sig(signature.size()); result.test_eq("all zero signature invalid", verifier.verify_message(message, zero_sig), false); for(size_t i = 0; i < tests_to_run; ++i) { const std::vector bad_sig = Test::mutate_vec(signature); try { if(!result.test_eq("incorrect signature invalid", verifier.verify_message(message, bad_sig), false)) { result.test_note("Accepted invalid signature " + Botan::hex_encode(bad_sig)); } } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_note("Accepted invalid signature " + Botan::hex_encode(bad_sig)); result.test_failure("Modified signature rejected with exception", e.what()); } } } void check_invalid_ciphertexts(Test::Result& result, Botan::PK_Decryptor& decryptor, const std::vector& plaintext, const std::vector& ciphertext) { const size_t tests_to_run = (Test::run_long_tests() ? 20 : 5); size_t ciphertext_accepted = 0, ciphertext_rejected = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < tests_to_run; ++i) { const std::vector bad_ctext = Test::mutate_vec(ciphertext); try { const Botan::secure_vector decrypted = decryptor.decrypt(bad_ctext); ++ciphertext_accepted; if(!result.test_ne("incorrect ciphertext different", decrypted, plaintext)) { result.test_eq("used corrupted ciphertext", bad_ctext, ciphertext); } } catch(std::exception&) { ++ciphertext_rejected; } } result.test_note("Accepted " + std::to_string(ciphertext_accepted) + " invalid ciphertexts, rejected " + std::to_string(ciphertext_rejected)); } std::vector PK_Test::possible_providers(const std::string&) { return Test::provider_filter({ "base", "openssl", "tpm" }); } Test::Result PK_Signature_Generation_Test::run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) { const std::vector message = get_req_bin(vars, "Msg"); const std::vector signature = get_req_bin(vars, "Signature"); const std::string padding = get_opt_str(vars, "Padding", default_padding(vars)); Test::Result result(algo_name() + "/" + padding + " signature generation"); std::unique_ptr privkey; try { privkey = load_private_key(vars); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error& e) { result.note_missing(e.what()); return result; } std::unique_ptr pubkey(Botan::X509::load_key(Botan::X509::BER_encode(*privkey))); std::vector> verifiers; for(std::string verify_provider : possible_providers(algo_name())) { std::unique_ptr verifier; try { verifier.reset(new Botan::PK_Verifier(*pubkey, padding, Botan::IEEE_1363, verify_provider)); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { //result.test_note("Skipping verifying with " + verify_provider); continue; } result.test_eq("KAT signature valid", verifier->verify_message(message, signature), true); check_invalid_signatures(result, *verifier, message, signature); verifiers.push_back(std::move(verifier)); } for(auto&& sign_provider : possible_providers(algo_name())) { std::unique_ptr rng; if(vars.count("Nonce")) { rng.reset(test_rng(get_req_bin(vars, "Nonce"))); } std::unique_ptr signer; std::vector generated_signature; try { signer.reset(new Botan::PK_Signer(*privkey, Test::rng(), padding, Botan::IEEE_1363, sign_provider)); generated_signature = signer->sign_message(message, rng ? *rng : Test::rng()); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { //result.test_note("Skipping signing with " + sign_provider); continue; } if(sign_provider == "base") { result.test_eq("generated signature matches KAT", generated_signature, signature); } else if(generated_signature != signature) { for(std::unique_ptr& verifier : verifiers) { if(!result.test_eq("generated signature valid", verifier->verify_message(message, generated_signature), true)) { result.test_failure("generated signature", generated_signature); } } } } return result; } Test::Result PK_Signature_Verification_Test::run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) { const std::vector message = get_req_bin(vars, "Msg"); const std::vector signature = get_req_bin(vars, "Signature"); const std::string padding = get_opt_str(vars, "Padding", default_padding(vars)); std::unique_ptr pubkey = load_public_key(vars); Test::Result result(algo_name() + "/" + padding + " signature verification"); for(auto&& verify_provider : possible_providers(algo_name())) { std::unique_ptr verifier; try { verifier.reset(new Botan::PK_Verifier(*pubkey, padding, Botan::IEEE_1363, verify_provider)); result.test_eq("correct signature valid", verifier->verify_message(message, signature), true); check_invalid_signatures(result, *verifier, message, signature); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { result.test_note("Skipping verifying with " + verify_provider); } } return result; } Test::Result PK_Signature_NonVerification_Test::run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) { const std::string padding = get_opt_str(vars, "Padding", default_padding(vars)); const std::vector message = get_req_bin(vars, "Msg"); std::unique_ptr pubkey = load_public_key(vars); const std::vector invalid_signature = get_req_bin(vars, "InvalidSignature"); Test::Result result(algo_name() + "/" + padding + " verify invalid signature"); for(auto&& verify_provider : possible_providers(algo_name())) { std::unique_ptr verifier; try { verifier.reset(new Botan::PK_Verifier(*pubkey, padding, Botan::IEEE_1363, verify_provider)); result.test_eq("incorrect signature rejected", verifier->verify_message(message, invalid_signature), false); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { result.test_note("Skipping verifying with " + verify_provider); } } return result; } Test::Result PK_Encryption_Decryption_Test::run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) { const std::vector plaintext = get_req_bin(vars, "Msg"); const std::vector ciphertext = get_req_bin(vars, "Ciphertext"); const std::string padding = get_opt_str(vars, "Padding", default_padding(vars)); Test::Result result(algo_name() + "/" + padding + " decryption"); std::unique_ptr privkey = load_private_key(vars); // instead slice the private key to work around elgamal test inputs //std::unique_ptr pubkey(Botan::X509::load_key(Botan::X509::BER_encode(*privkey))); Botan::Public_Key* pubkey = privkey.get(); std::vector> decryptors; for(auto&& dec_provider : possible_providers(algo_name())) { std::unique_ptr decryptor; try { decryptor.reset(new Botan::PK_Decryptor_EME(*privkey, Test::rng(), padding, dec_provider)); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { continue; } result.test_eq(dec_provider, "decryption of KAT", decryptor->decrypt(ciphertext), plaintext); check_invalid_ciphertexts(result, *decryptor, plaintext, ciphertext); } for(auto&& enc_provider : possible_providers(algo_name())) { std::unique_ptr encryptor; try { encryptor.reset(new Botan::PK_Encryptor_EME(*pubkey, Test::rng(),padding, enc_provider)); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { continue; } std::unique_ptr kat_rng; if(vars.count("Nonce")) { kat_rng.reset(new Fixed_Output_RNG(get_req_bin(vars, "Nonce"))); } const std::vector generated_ciphertext = encryptor->encrypt(plaintext, kat_rng ? *kat_rng : Test::rng()); if(enc_provider == "base") { result.test_eq(enc_provider, "generated ciphertext matches KAT", generated_ciphertext, ciphertext); } else if(generated_ciphertext != ciphertext) { for(std::unique_ptr& dec : decryptors) { result.test_eq("decryption of generated ciphertext", dec->decrypt(generated_ciphertext), plaintext); } } } return result; } Test::Result PK_KEM_Test::run_one_test(const std::string&, const VarMap& vars) { const std::vector K = get_req_bin(vars, "K"); const std::vector C0 = get_req_bin(vars, "C0"); const std::vector salt = get_opt_bin(vars, "Salt"); const std::string kdf = get_req_str(vars, "KDF"); Test::Result result(algo_name() + "/" + kdf + " KEM"); std::unique_ptr privkey = load_private_key(vars); const Botan::Public_Key& pubkey = *privkey; const size_t desired_key_len = K.size(); std::unique_ptr enc; try { enc.reset(new Botan::PK_KEM_Encryptor(pubkey, Test::rng(), kdf)); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { result.test_note("Skipping due to missing KDF: " + kdf); return result; } Fixed_Output_RNG fixed_output_rng(get_req_bin(vars, "R")); Botan::secure_vector produced_encap_key, shared_key; enc->encrypt(produced_encap_key, shared_key, desired_key_len, fixed_output_rng, salt); result.test_eq("C0 matches", produced_encap_key, C0); result.test_eq("K matches", shared_key, K); std::unique_ptr dec; try { dec.reset(new Botan::PK_KEM_Decryptor(*privkey, Test::rng(), kdf)); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error& e) { result.test_note("Skipping test", e.what()); return result; } const Botan::secure_vector decr_shared_key = dec->decrypt(C0.data(), C0.size(), desired_key_len, salt.data(), salt.size()); result.test_eq("decrypted K matches", decr_shared_key, K); return result; } Test::Result PK_Key_Agreement_Test::run_one_test(const std::string& header, const VarMap& vars) { const std::vector shared = get_req_bin(vars, "K"); const std::string kdf = get_opt_str(vars, "KDF", default_kdf(vars)); Test::Result result(algo_name() + "/" + kdf + (header.empty() ? header : " " + header) + " key agreement"); std::unique_ptr privkey = load_our_key(header, vars); const std::vector pubkey = load_their_key(header, vars); const size_t key_len = get_opt_sz(vars, "OutLen", 0); for(auto&& provider : possible_providers(algo_name())) { std::unique_ptr kas; try { kas.reset(new Botan::PK_Key_Agreement(*privkey, Test::rng(), kdf, provider)); result.test_eq(provider, "agreement", kas->derive_key(key_len, pubkey).bits_of(), shared); } catch(Botan::Lookup_Error&) { //result.test_note("Skipping key agreement with with " + provider); } } return result; } std::vector PK_Key_Generation_Test::run() { std::vector results; for(auto&& param : keygen_params()) { const std::string report_name = algo_name() + (param.empty() ? param : " " + param); Test::Result result(report_name + " keygen"); result.start_timer(); std::unique_ptr key_p = Botan::create_private_key(algo_name(), Test::rng(), param); const Botan::Private_Key& key = *key_p; result.confirm("Key passes self tests", key.check_key(Test::rng(), true)); result.test_gte("Key has reasonable estimated strength (lower)", key.estimated_strength(), 64); result.test_lt("Key has reasonable estimated strength (upper)", key.estimated_strength(), 512); // Test PEM public key round trips OK try { Botan::DataSource_Memory data_src(Botan::X509::PEM_encode(key)); std::unique_ptr loaded(Botan::X509::load_key(data_src)); result.confirm("recovered public key from private", loaded.get() != nullptr); result.test_eq("public key has same type", loaded->algo_name(), key.algo_name()); result.test_eq("public key passes checks", loaded->check_key(Test::rng(), false), true); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure("roundtrip PEM public key", e.what()); } // Test DER public key round trips OK try { Botan::DataSource_Memory data_src(Botan::X509::BER_encode(key)); std::unique_ptr loaded(Botan::X509::load_key(data_src)); result.confirm("recovered public key from private", loaded.get() != nullptr); result.test_eq("public key has same type", loaded->algo_name(), key.algo_name()); result.test_eq("public key passes checks", loaded->check_key(Test::rng(), false), true); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure("roundtrip BER public key", e.what()); } // Test PEM private key round trips OK try { Botan::DataSource_Memory data_src(Botan::PKCS8::PEM_encode(key)); std::unique_ptr loaded( Botan::PKCS8::load_key(data_src, Test::rng())); result.confirm("recovered private key from PEM blob", loaded.get() != nullptr); result.test_eq("reloaded key has same type", loaded->algo_name(), key.algo_name()); result.test_eq("private key passes checks", loaded->check_key(Test::rng(), false), true); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure("roundtrip PEM private key", e.what()); } try { Botan::DataSource_Memory data_src(Botan::PKCS8::BER_encode(key)); std::unique_ptr loaded(Botan::PKCS8::load_key(data_src, Test::rng())); result.confirm("recovered public key from private", loaded.get() != nullptr); result.test_eq("public key has same type", loaded->algo_name(), key.algo_name()); result.test_eq("public key passes checks", loaded->check_key(Test::rng(), false), true); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure("roundtrip BER private key", e.what()); } const std::string passphrase = Test::random_password(); try { Botan::DataSource_Memory data_src( Botan::PKCS8::PEM_encode(key, Test::rng(), passphrase, std::chrono::milliseconds(10))); std::unique_ptr loaded( Botan::PKCS8::load_key(data_src, Test::rng(), passphrase)); result.confirm("recovered private key from encrypted blob", loaded.get() != nullptr); result.test_eq("reloaded key has same type", loaded->algo_name(), key.algo_name()); result.test_eq("private key passes checks", loaded->check_key(Test::rng(), false), true); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure("roundtrip encrypted PEM private key", e.what()); } try { Botan::DataSource_Memory data_src( Botan::PKCS8::BER_encode(key, Test::rng(), passphrase, std::chrono::milliseconds(10))); std::unique_ptr loaded( Botan::PKCS8::load_key(data_src, Test::rng(), passphrase)); result.confirm("recovered private key from BER blob", loaded.get() != nullptr); result.test_eq("reloaded key has same type", loaded->algo_name(), key.algo_name()); result.test_eq("private key passes checks", loaded->check_key(Test::rng(), false), true); } catch(std::exception& e) { result.test_failure("roundtrip encrypted BER private key", e.what()); } result.end_timer(); results.push_back(result); } return results; } } #endif