/* * (C) 2016 René Korthaus, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #include "tests.h" #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_CIPHER_MODE_PADDING) #include #endif namespace Botan_Tests { #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_CIPHER_MODE_PADDING) class Cipher_Mode_Padding_Tests final : public Text_Based_Test { public: Cipher_Mode_Padding_Tests() : Text_Based_Test("pad.vec", "In,Blocksize", "Out") {} Test::Result run_one_test(const std::string& header, const VarMap& vars) override { const std::vector input = vars.get_req_bin("In"); const std::vector expected = vars.get_opt_bin("Out"); const size_t block_size = vars.get_req_sz("Blocksize"); std::string algo = header; auto underscore = algo.find('_'); if(underscore != std::string::npos) { if(algo.substr(underscore + 1, std::string::npos) != "Invalid") { throw Test_Error("Unexpected padding header " + header); } algo = algo.substr(0, underscore); } Test::Result result(algo); auto pad = Botan::BlockCipherModePaddingMethod::create(algo); if(!pad) { result.test_failure("Invalid padding method: " + algo); return result; } if(expected.empty()) { // This is an unpad an invalid input and ensure we reject if(pad->unpad(input.data(), block_size) != block_size) { result.test_failure("Did not reject invalid padding", Botan::hex_encode(input)); } else { result.test_success("Rejected invalid padding"); } } else { // This is a pad plaintext and unpad valid padding round trip test Botan::secure_vector buf(input.begin(), input.end()); pad->add_padding(buf, input.size() % block_size, block_size); result.test_eq("pad", buf, expected); buf.assign(expected.begin(), expected.end()); const size_t last_block = (buf.size() < block_size) ? 0 : buf.size() - block_size; const size_t pad_bytes = block_size - pad->unpad(&buf[last_block], block_size); buf.resize(buf.size() - pad_bytes); // remove padding result.test_eq("unpad", buf, input); } return result; } }; BOTAN_REGISTER_TEST("modes", "bc_pad", Cipher_Mode_Padding_Tests); #endif }