/* * (C) 2009 Jack Lloyd * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #include "tests.h" #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BIGINT) #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_NUMBERTHEORY) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_EC_CURVE_GFP) #include #endif using namespace Botan; namespace { BOTAN_TEST_CASE(bigint_to_u32bit, "BigInt to_u32bit", { for(size_t i = 0; i != 32; ++i) { const u32bit in = 1 << i; BOTAN_TEST(in, BigInt(in).to_u32bit(), "in range round trips"); } }); BigInt test_integer(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t bits, BigInt max) { /* Produces integers with long runs of ones and zeros, for testing for carry handling problems. */ BigInt x = 0; auto flip_prob = [](size_t i) { if(i % 64 == 0) return .5; if(i % 32 == 0) return .4; if(i % 8 == 0) return .05; return .01; }; bool active = rng.next_byte() % 2; for(size_t i = 0; i != bits; ++i) { x <<= 1; x += static_cast(active); const double prob = flip_prob(i); const double sample = double(rng.next_byte() % 100) / 100.0; // biased if(sample < prob) active = !active; } if(max > 0) { while(x >= max) { const size_t b = x.bits() - 1; BOTAN_ASSERT(x.get_bit(b) == true, "Set"); x.clear_bit(b); } } return x; } #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_EC_CURVE_GFP) void nist_redc_test(Test_State& _test, const std::string& prime_name, const BigInt& p, std::function&)> redc_fn) { auto& rng = test_rng(); const BigInt p2 = p*p; const size_t trials = 100; const size_t p_bits = p.bits(); Modular_Reducer p_redc(p); secure_vector ws; for(size_t i = 0; i != trials; ++i) { const BigInt x = test_integer(rng, 2*p_bits, p2); // TODO: time and report all three approaches const BigInt v1 = x % p; const BigInt v2 = p_redc.reduce(x); BigInt v3 = x; redc_fn(v3, ws); BOTAN_TEST(v1, v2, "reference"); BOTAN_TEST(v2, v3, "specialized"); if(v1 != v2 || v2 != v3) std::cout << "Prime " << prime_name << " input " << x << "\n"; } } #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_NIST_PRIME_REDUCERS_W32) BOTAN_TEST_CASE(bigint_redc_p192, "P-192 reduction", { nist_redc_test(_test, "P-192", prime_p192(), redc_p192); }); BOTAN_TEST_CASE(bigint_redc_p224, "P-224 reduction", { nist_redc_test(_test, "P-224", prime_p224(), redc_p224); }); BOTAN_TEST_CASE(bigint_redc_p256, "P-256 reduction", { nist_redc_test(_test, "P-256", prime_p256(), redc_p256); }); BOTAN_TEST_CASE(bigint_redc_p384, "P-384 reduction", { nist_redc_test(_test, "P-384", prime_p384(), redc_p384); }); #endif BOTAN_TEST_CASE(bigint_redc_p521, "P-521 reduction", { nist_redc_test(_test, "P-521", prime_p521(), redc_p521); }); #endif void strip_comments(std::string& line) { if(line.find('#') != std::string::npos) line = line.erase(line.find('#'), std::string::npos); } /* Strip comments, whitespace, etc */ void strip(std::string& line) { strip_comments(line); #if 0 while(line.find(' ') != std::string::npos) line = line.erase(line.find(' '), 1); #endif while(line.find('\t') != std::string::npos) line = line.erase(line.find('\t'), 1); } std::vector parse(const std::string& line) { const char DELIMITER = ':'; std::vector substr; std::string::size_type start = 0, end = line.find(DELIMITER); while(end != std::string::npos) { substr.push_back(line.substr(start, end-start)); start = end+1; end = line.find(DELIMITER, start); } if(line.size() > start) substr.push_back(line.substr(start)); while(substr.size() <= 4) // at least 5 substr, some possibly empty substr.push_back(""); return substr; } // c==expected, d==a op b, e==a op= b size_t results(std::string op, const BigInt& a, const BigInt& b, const BigInt& c, const BigInt& d, const BigInt& e) { std::string op1 = "operator" + op; std::string op2 = op1 + "="; if(c == d && d == e) return 0; else { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "ERROR: " << op1 << std::endl; std::cout << "a = " << std::hex << a << std::endl; std::cout << "b = " << std::hex << b << std::endl; std::cout << "c = " << std::hex << c << std::endl; std::cout << "d = " << std::hex << d << std::endl; std::cout << "e = " << std::hex << e << std::endl; if(d != e) { std::cout << "ERROR: " << op1 << " | " << op2 << " mismatch" << std::endl; } return 1; } } size_t check_add(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); BigInt b(args[1]); BigInt c(args[2]); BigInt d = a + b; BigInt e = a; e += b; if(results("+", a, b, c, d, e)) return 1; d = b + a; e = b; e += a; return results("+", a, b, c, d, e); } size_t check_sub(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); BigInt b(args[1]); BigInt c(args[2]); BigInt d = a - b; BigInt e = a; e -= b; return results("-", a, b, c, d, e); } size_t check_mul(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); BigInt b(args[1]); BigInt c(args[2]); /* std::cout << "a = " << args[0] << "\n" << "b = " << args[1] << std::endl; */ /* This makes it more likely the fast multiply algorithms will be usable, which is what we really want to test here (the simple n^2 multiply is pretty well tested at this point). */ a.grow_to(64); b.grow_to(64); BigInt d = a * b; BigInt e = a; e *= b; if(results("*", a, b, c, d, e)) return 1; d = b * a; e = b; e *= a; return results("*", a, b, c, d, e); } size_t check_sqr(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); BigInt b(args[1]); a.grow_to(64); b.grow_to(64); BigInt c = square(a); BigInt d = a * a; return results("sqr", a, a, b, c, d); } size_t check_div(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); BigInt b(args[1]); BigInt c(args[2]); BigInt d = a / b; BigInt e = a; e /= b; return results("/", a, b, c, d, e); } size_t check_mod(const std::vector& args, Botan::RandomNumberGenerator& rng) { BigInt a(args[0]); BigInt b(args[1]); BigInt c(args[2]); BigInt d = a % b; BigInt e = a; e %= b; size_t got = results("%", a, b, c, d, e); if(got) return got; word b_word = b.word_at(0); /* Won't work for us, just pick one at random */ while(b_word == 0) for(size_t j = 0; j != 2*sizeof(word); j++) b_word = (b_word << 4) ^ rng.next_byte(); b = b_word; c = a % b; /* we declare the BigInt % BigInt version to be correct here */ word d2 = a % b_word; e = a; e %= b_word; return results("%(word)", a, b, c, d2, e); } size_t check_shl(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); size_t b = std::atoi(args[1].c_str()); BigInt c(args[2]); BigInt d = a << b; BigInt e = a; e <<= b; return results("<<", a, b, c, d, e); } size_t check_shr(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); size_t b = std::atoi(args[1].c_str()); BigInt c(args[2]); BigInt d = a >> b; BigInt e = a; e >>= b; return results(">>", a, b, c, d, e); } /* Make sure that (a^b)%m == r */ size_t check_powmod(const std::vector& args) { BigInt a(args[0]); BigInt b(args[1]); BigInt m(args[2]); BigInt c(args[3]); BigInt r = power_mod(a, b, m); if(c != r) { std::cout << "ERROR: power_mod" << std::endl; std::cout << "a = " << std::hex << a << std::endl; std::cout << "b = " << std::hex << b << std::endl; std::cout << "m = " << std::hex << m << std::endl; std::cout << "c = " << std::hex << c << std::endl; std::cout << "r = " << std::hex << r << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; } /* Make sure that n is prime or not prime, according to should_be_prime */ size_t is_primetest(const std::vector& args, Botan::RandomNumberGenerator& rng) { BigInt n(args[0]); bool should_be_prime = (args[1] == "1"); bool is_prime = Botan::is_prime(n, rng); if(is_prime != should_be_prime) { std::cout << "ERROR: is_prime" << std::endl; std::cout << "n = " << n << std::endl; std::cout << is_prime << " != " << should_be_prime << std::endl; } return 0; } } size_t test_bigint() { const std::string filename = TEST_DATA_DIR "/mp_valid.dat"; std::ifstream test_data(filename); if(!test_data) throw Botan::Stream_IO_Error("Couldn't open test file " + filename); size_t total_errors = 0; size_t errors = 0, alg_count = 0; std::string algorithm; bool first = true; size_t counter = 0; auto& rng = test_rng(); while(!test_data.eof()) { if(test_data.bad() || test_data.fail()) throw Botan::Stream_IO_Error("File I/O error reading from " + filename); std::string line; std::getline(test_data, line); strip(line); if(line.size() == 0) continue; // Do line continuation while(line[line.size()-1] == '\\' && !test_data.eof()) { line.replace(line.size()-1, 1, ""); std::string nextline; std::getline(test_data, nextline); strip(nextline); if(nextline.size() == 0) continue; line += nextline; } if(line[0] == '[' && line[line.size() - 1] == ']') { if(!first) test_report("Bigint " + algorithm, alg_count, errors); algorithm = line.substr(1, line.size() - 2); total_errors += errors; errors = 0; alg_count = 0; counter = 0; first = false; continue; } std::vector substr = parse(line); // std::cout << "Testing: " << algorithm << std::endl; size_t new_errors = 0; if(algorithm.find("Addition") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_add(substr); else if(algorithm.find("Subtraction") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_sub(substr); else if(algorithm.find("Multiplication") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_mul(substr); else if(algorithm.find("Square") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_sqr(substr); else if(algorithm.find("Division") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_div(substr); else if(algorithm.find("Modulo") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_mod(substr, rng); else if(algorithm.find("LeftShift") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_shl(substr); else if(algorithm.find("RightShift") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_shr(substr); else if(algorithm.find("ModExp") != std::string::npos) new_errors = check_powmod(substr); else if(algorithm.find("PrimeTest") != std::string::npos) new_errors = is_primetest(substr, rng); else std::cout << "Unknown MPI test " << algorithm << std::endl; counter++; alg_count++; errors += new_errors; if(new_errors) std::cout << "ERROR: BigInt " << algorithm << " failed test #" << std::dec << alg_count << std::endl; } total_errors += test_bigint_to_u32bit(); #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_EC_CURVE_GFP) #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_NIST_PRIME_REDUCERS_W32) total_errors += test_bigint_redc_p192(); total_errors += test_bigint_redc_p224(); total_errors += test_bigint_redc_p256(); total_errors += test_bigint_redc_p384(); #endif total_errors += test_bigint_redc_p521(); #endif return total_errors; } #else UNTESTED_WARNING(bigint); #endif // BOTAN_HAS_NUMBERTHEORY #else SKIP_TEST(bigint); #endif // BOTAN_HAS_BIGINT