/* Code to run the X.509v3 processing tests described in "Conformance Testing of Relying Party Client Certificate Path Proccessing Logic", which is available on NIST's web site. Known Failures/Problems Policy extensions are not implemented, so we skip tests #34-#53. Tests #75 and #76 are skipped as they make use of relatively obscure CRL extensions which are not supported. In addition, please note that some of the tests have their results altered from what the test result should be according to NIST's documentation. The changes are clearly marked (see x509test.cpp; search for "CHANGE OF TEST RESULT") and there are comments explaining why the results where changed. Currently, tests #19, #65, and #67 have had their results changed from the official results. */ #include "tests.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Botan; std::vector dir_listing(const std::string&); void run_one_test(u32bit, Path_Validation_Result::Code, std::string, std::string, std::vector, std::vector); std::map expected_results; size_t unexp_failure, unexp_success, wrong_error, skipped; void populate_expected_results(); size_t test_nist_x509() { unexp_failure = unexp_success = wrong_error = skipped = 0; try { populate_expected_results(); const std::string root_test_dir = "src/test-data/nist_x509/"; std::vector test_dirs = dir_listing(root_test_dir); std::sort(test_dirs.begin(), test_dirs.end()); for(size_t j = 0; j != test_dirs.size(); j++) { const std::string test_dir = root_test_dir + test_dirs[j] + "/"; std::vector all_files = dir_listing(test_dir); std::vector certs, crls; std::string root_cert, to_verify; for(size_t k = 0; k != all_files.size(); k++) { const std::string current = all_files[k]; if(current.find("int") != std::string::npos && current.find(".crt") != std::string::npos) certs.push_back(test_dir + current); else if(current.find("root.crt") != std::string::npos) root_cert = test_dir + current; else if(current.find("end.crt") != std::string::npos) to_verify = test_dir + current; else if(current.find(".crl") != std::string::npos) crls.push_back(test_dir + current); } if(expected_results.find(j+1) == expected_results.end()) { #if 0 std::cout << "Testing disabled for test #" << j+1 << " " << std::endl; #endif skipped++; continue; } run_one_test(j+1, expected_results[j+1], root_cert, to_verify, certs, crls); } } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } std::cout << "Total unexpected failures: " << unexp_failure << std::endl; std::cout << "Total unexpected successes: " << unexp_success << std::endl; std::cout << "Total incorrect failures: " << wrong_error << std::endl; std::cout << "Tests skipped: " << skipped << std::endl; return unexp_failure + unexp_success + wrong_error; } void run_one_test(u32bit test_no, Path_Validation_Result::Code expected, std::string root_cert, std::string to_verify, std::vector certs, std::vector crls) { std::cout << "NIST X.509 test #" << test_no << "... "; Certificate_Store_In_Memory store; store.add_certificate(X509_Certificate(root_cert)); X509_Certificate end_user(to_verify); for(size_t j = 0; j != certs.size(); j++) store.add_certificate(X509_Certificate(certs[j])); for(size_t j = 0; j != crls.size(); j++) { DataSource_Stream in(crls[j]); X509_CRL crl(in); /* std::vector crl_entries = crl.get_revoked(); for(u32bit k = 0; k != crl_entries.size(); k++) { std::cout << "Revoked: " << std::flush; for(u32bit l = 0; l != crl_entries[k].serial.size(); l++) printf("%02X", crl_entries[k].serial[l]); std::cout << std::endl; } */ store.add_crl(crl); } Path_Validation_Restrictions restrictions(true); Path_Validation_Result validation_result = x509_path_validate(end_user, restrictions, store); Path_Validation_Result::Code result = validation_result.result(); if(result == expected) { std::cout << "passed" << std::endl; return; } const std::string result_str = Path_Validation_Result::status_string(result); const std::string exp_str = Path_Validation_Result::status_string(expected); if(expected == Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED) { std::cout << "unexpected failure: " << result_str << std::endl; unexp_failure++; } else if(result == Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED) { std::cout << "unexpected success: " << exp_str << std::endl; unexp_success++; } else { std::cout << "wrong error: " << result_str << "/" << exp_str << std::endl; wrong_error++; } } std::vector dir_listing(const std::string& dir_name) { DIR* dir = opendir(dir_name.c_str()); if(!dir) { std::cout << "Error, couldn't open dir " << dir_name << std::endl; std::exit(1); } std::vector listing; while(true) { struct dirent* dir_ent = readdir(dir); if(dir_ent == 0) break; const std::string entry = dir_ent->d_name; if(entry == "." || entry == "..") continue; listing.push_back(entry); } closedir(dir); return listing; } /* The expected results are essentially the error codes that best coorespond to the problem described in the testing documentation. There are a few cases where the tests say there should or should not be an error, and I disagree. A few of the tests have test results different from what they "should" be: these changes are marked as such, and have comments explaining the problem at hand. */ void populate_expected_results() { /* OK, not a super great way of doing this... */ expected_results[1] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[2] = Certificate_Status_Code::SIGNATURE_ERROR; expected_results[3] = Certificate_Status_Code::SIGNATURE_ERROR; expected_results[4] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[5] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_NOT_YET_VALID; expected_results[6] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_NOT_YET_VALID; expected_results[7] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[8] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_NOT_YET_VALID; expected_results[9] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_HAS_EXPIRED; expected_results[10] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_HAS_EXPIRED; expected_results[11] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_HAS_EXPIRED; expected_results[12] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[13] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND; expected_results[14] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND; expected_results[15] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[16] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[17] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[18] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[19] = Certificate_Status_Code::CRL_NOT_FOUND; expected_results[20] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_IS_REVOKED; expected_results[21] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_IS_REVOKED; expected_results[22] = Certificate_Status_Code::CA_CERT_NOT_FOR_CERT_ISSUER; expected_results[23] = Certificate_Status_Code::CA_CERT_NOT_FOR_CERT_ISSUER; expected_results[24] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[25] = Certificate_Status_Code::CA_CERT_NOT_FOR_CERT_ISSUER; expected_results[26] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[27] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[28] = Certificate_Status_Code::CA_CERT_NOT_FOR_CERT_ISSUER; expected_results[29] = Certificate_Status_Code::CA_CERT_NOT_FOR_CERT_ISSUER; expected_results[30] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[31] = Certificate_Status_Code::CA_CERT_NOT_FOR_CRL_ISSUER; expected_results[32] = Certificate_Status_Code::CA_CERT_NOT_FOR_CRL_ISSUER; expected_results[33] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; /* Policy tests: a little trickier because there are other inputs which affect the result. In the case of the tests currently in the suite, the default method (with acceptable policy being "any-policy" and with no explict policy required), will almost always result in a verified status. This is not particularly helpful. So, we should do several different tests for each test set: 1) With the user policy as any-policy and no explicit policy 2) With the user policy as any-policy and an explicit policy required 3) With the user policy as test-policy-1 (2.16.840. and an explict policy required 4) With the user policy as either test-policy-1 or test-policy-2 and an explicit policy required This provides reasonably good coverage of the possible outcomes. */ expected_results[34] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[35] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[36] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[37] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[38] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[39] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[40] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[41] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[42] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[43] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[44] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; //expected_results[45] = Certificate_Status_Code::EXPLICT_POLICY_REQUIRED; //expected_results[46] = Certificate_Status_Code::ACCEPT; //expected_results[47] = Certificate_Status_Code::EXPLICT_POLICY_REQUIRED; expected_results[48] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[49] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[50] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[51] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[52] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[53] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[54] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG; expected_results[55] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG; expected_results[56] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[57] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[58] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG; expected_results[59] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG; expected_results[60] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG; expected_results[61] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG; expected_results[62] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[63] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[64] = Certificate_Status_Code::SIGNATURE_ERROR; expected_results[65] = Certificate_Status_Code::CRL_NOT_FOUND; expected_results[66] = Certificate_Status_Code::CRL_NOT_FOUND; expected_results[67] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; expected_results[68] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_IS_REVOKED; expected_results[69] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_IS_REVOKED; expected_results[70] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_IS_REVOKED; expected_results[71] = Certificate_Status_Code::CERT_IS_REVOKED; expected_results[72] = Certificate_Status_Code::CRL_HAS_EXPIRED; expected_results[73] = Certificate_Status_Code::CRL_HAS_EXPIRED; expected_results[74] = Certificate_Status_Code::VERIFIED; /* These tests use weird CRL extensions which aren't supported yet */ //expected_results[75] = ; //expected_results[76] = ; }