// (C) 2015 Simon Warta (Kullo GmbH) // Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) #include "catch.hpp" #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_BASE64_CODEC) #include namespace { std::vector toStdVector(const Botan::secure_vector &in) { return std::vector(in.cbegin(), in.cend()); } std::vector toStdVector(const std::string &in) { return std::vector(in.cbegin(), in.cend()); } } TEST_CASE("Base64 encode empty string", "[base64]") { // common knowledge auto emptyString = std::string(""); auto emptyVector = std::vector(emptyString.cbegin(), emptyString.cend()); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(emptyVector) == "" )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 encode short string", "[base64]") { // test vectors from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648 auto in1 = std::vector{ 'f' }; auto in2 = std::vector{ 'f', 'o' }; auto in3 = std::vector{ 'f', 'o', 'o' }; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in1) == "Zg==" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in2) == "Zm8=" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in3) == "Zm9v" )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 encode string", "[base64]") { // Generated by: echo -n "xyz" | base64 auto in1 = std::vector{ 'h','e','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d' }; auto in2 = std::vector{ 'h','e','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d','!' }; auto in3 = std::vector{ 'H','e','l','l','o',',',' ','w','o','r','l','d','.' }; auto in4 = std::vector{ 'T','h','e',' ','1','2',' ','c','h','a','r','s' }; auto in5 = std::vector{ 'T','h','e',' ','1','3',' ','c','h','a','r','s','.' }; auto in6 = std::vector{ 'T','h','e',' ','1','4',' ','c','h','a','r','s','.','.' }; auto in7 = std::vector{ 'T','h','e',' ','1','5',' ','c','h','a','r','s','.','.','.' }; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in1) == "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in2) == "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in3) == "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkLg==" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in4) == "VGhlIDEyIGNoYXJz" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in5) == "VGhlIDEzIGNoYXJzLg==" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in6) == "VGhlIDE0IGNoYXJzLi4=" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in7) == "VGhlIDE1IGNoYXJzLi4u" )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 encode string special chars", "[base64]") { // Generated by: echo -n "xyz" | base64 auto in1 = toStdVector("An UTF-8 uuml: ü"); auto in2 = toStdVector("Weird German 2 byte thing: ß."); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in1) == "QW4gVVRGLTggdXVtbDogw7w=" )); CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(in2) == "V2VpcmQgR2VybWFuIDIgYnl0ZSB0aGluZzogw58u" )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 encode empty binary", "[base64]") { auto binary0 = std::vector{}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary0) == "" )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 encode binary", "[base64]") { // Generated by: cat /dev/urandom | head -c 3 | tee /tmp/mybinary | hexdump -C && cat /tmp/mybinary | base64 std::vector binary1 = {0x9b}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary1) == "mw==" )); std::vector binary2 = {0x1c, 0x60}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary2) == "HGA=" )); std::vector binary3 = {0x81, 0x34, 0xbd}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary3) == "gTS9" )); std::vector binary4 = {0x5e, 0x6c, 0xff, 0xde}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary4) == "Xmz/3g==" )); std::vector binary5 = {0xb2, 0xcd, 0xf0, 0xdc, 0x7f}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary5) == "ss3w3H8=" )); std::vector binary6 = {0xfc, 0x56, 0x2d, 0xda, 0xd4, 0x0e}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary6) == "/FYt2tQO" )); std::vector binary7 = {0x29, 0xb2, 0x32, 0x2e, 0x88, 0x41, 0xe8}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary7) == "KbIyLohB6A==" )); std::vector binary8 = {0x0f, 0x0f, 0xce, 0xd9, 0x49, 0x7a, 0xaf, 0x92}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary8) == "Dw/O2Ul6r5I=" )); std::vector binary9 = {0x27, 0x0f, 0xb1, 0x89, 0x82, 0x80, 0x0d, 0xa6, 0x40}; CHECK(( Botan::base64_encode(binary9) == "Jw+xiYKADaZA" )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 decode empty string", "[base64]") { // common knowledge auto outVector = toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("")); CHECK(( outVector == std::vector{} )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 decode short string", "[base64]") { // test vectors from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648 CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("Zg==")) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("Zm8=")) == toStdVector("fo") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("Zm9v")) == toStdVector("foo") )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 decode string", "[base64]") { // Generated by: echo -n "xyz" | base64 CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")) == toStdVector("hello world") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")) == toStdVector("hello world!") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkLg==")) == toStdVector("Hello, world.") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("VGhlIDEyIGNoYXJz")) == toStdVector("The 12 chars") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("VGhlIDEzIGNoYXJzLg==")) == toStdVector("The 13 chars.") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("VGhlIDE0IGNoYXJzLi4=")) == toStdVector("The 14 chars..") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("VGhlIDE1IGNoYXJzLi4u")) == toStdVector("The 15 chars...") )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 decode string special chars", "[base64]") { // Generated by: echo -n "xyz" | base64 auto in1 = std::string("QW4gVVRGLTggdXVtbDogw7w="); auto in2 = std::string("V2VpcmQgR2VybWFuIDIgYnl0ZSB0aGluZzogw58u"); auto out1 = std::string("An UTF-8 uuml: ü"); auto out2 = std::string("Weird German 2 byte thing: ß."); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(in1)) == toStdVector(out1) )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(in2)) == toStdVector(out2) )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 decode binary", "[base64]") { // Generated by: cat /dev/urandom | head -c 3 | tee /tmp/mybinary | hexdump -C && cat /tmp/mybinary | base64 std::vector binary0 = {}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("")) == binary0)); std::vector binary1 = {0x9b}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("mw==")) == binary1 )); std::vector binary2 = {0x1c, 0x60}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("HGA=")) == binary2 )); std::vector binary3 = {0x81, 0x34, 0xbd}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("gTS9")) == binary3 )); std::vector binary4 = {0x5e, 0x6c, 0xff, 0xde}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("Xmz/3g==")) == binary4 )); std::vector binary5 = {0xb2, 0xcd, 0xf0, 0xdc, 0x7f}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("ss3w3H8=")) == binary5 )); std::vector binary6 = {0xfc, 0x56, 0x2d, 0xda, 0xd4, 0x0e}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("/FYt2tQO")) == binary6 )); std::vector binary7 = {0x29, 0xb2, 0x32, 0x2e, 0x88, 0x41, 0xe8}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("KbIyLohB6A==")) == binary7 )); std::vector binary8 = {0x0f, 0x0f, 0xce, 0xd9, 0x49, 0x7a, 0xaf, 0x92}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("Dw/O2Ul6r5I=")) == binary8 )); std::vector binary9 = {0x27, 0x0f, 0xb1, 0x89, 0x82, 0x80, 0x0d, 0xa6, 0x40}; CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode("Jw+xiYKADaZA")) == binary9 )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 decode and ignore whitespace", "[base64]") { CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string(" Zg=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Z g=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg =="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg= ="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg== "), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\rZg=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\nZg=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\tZg=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\r=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\n=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\t=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\r"), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\n"), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\t"), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\r Zg=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\n Zg=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\t Zg=="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\r =="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\n =="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\t =="), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\r "), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\n "), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); CHECK(( toStdVector(Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\t "), true)) == toStdVector("f") )); } TEST_CASE("Base64 decode and don't ignore whitespace", "[base64]") { CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string(" Zg=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Z g=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg =="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg= ="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg== "), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\rZg=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\nZg=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\tZg=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\r=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\n=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\t=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\r"), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\n"), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\t"), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\r Zg=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\n Zg=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("\t Zg=="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\r =="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\n =="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg\t =="), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\r "), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\n "), false) ); CHECK_THROWS( Botan::base64_decode(std::string("Zg==\t "), false) ); } #endif // BOTAN_HAS_BASE64_CODEC