define SSL_TLS A new TLS API is being developed. This version has numerous performance and usability issues and will not be supported in the future. Only use it if you need it for compatability with code written against previous versions. uses_tr1 yes tls_client.h tls_connection.h tls_exceptn.h tls_magic.h tls_policy.h tls_record.h tls_server.h tls_session_key.h tls_suites.h tls_alerts.h tls_handshake_hash.h tls_messages.h tls_reader.h tls_state.h c_kex.cpp cert_req.cpp cert_ver.cpp finished.cpp tls_handshake_hash.cpp hello.cpp rec_read.cpp rec_wri.cpp s_kex.cpp tls_client.cpp tls_policy.cpp tls_server.cpp tls_session_key.cpp tls_state.cpp tls_suites.cpp aes arc4 asn1 des dh dsa eme_pkcs emsa3 filters hmac md5 prf_ssl3 prf_tls rng rsa sha1 ssl3mac x509cert