#!/bin/bash set -ev which shellcheck > /dev/null && shellcheck "$0" # Run shellcheck on this if available MAKE_PREFIX=() TEST_PREFIX=() TEST_EXE=./botan-test TEST_FLAGS=() CFG_FLAGS=(--prefix=/tmp/botan-installation --cc=$CC --os=$TRAVIS_OS_NAME) CC_BIN=$CXX if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "static" ] || [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "mini-static" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--disable-shared --amalgamation) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "shared" ] || [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "mini-shared" ]; then # No special flags required for shared lib build CFG_FLAGS+=() elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "bsi" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--module-policy=bsi) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "nist" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--module-policy=nist) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "sonarqube" ]; then # No special flags required CFG_FLAGS+=() elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "parallel" ]; then if [ "$CC" = "gcc" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-cilkplus) else CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-openmp) fi elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "coverage" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-coverage --no-optimizations) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "sanitizer" ]; then export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-sanitizers --disable-modules=locking_allocator) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "valgrind" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-valgrind --with-debug-info --disable-modules=locking_allocator) TEST_PREFIX=(valgrind --error-exitcode=9 -v) fi if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "mini-static" ] || [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "mini-shared" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--minimized-build --enable-modules="base,dev_random,system_rng,sha2_32,sha2_64,aes") elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "valgrind" ]; then # Valgrind on Travis on full build takes too long and the job is killed # Prune to the most important stuff CFG_FLAGS+=(--module-policy=modern --enable-modules=tls) elif [ "${BUILD_MODE:0:5}" != "cross" ]; then # Only use external libraries when compiling natively CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-bzip2 --with-lzma --with-sqlite --with-zlib) if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "coverage" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-tpm) TEST_FLAGS=(--run-long-tests --run-online-tests --pkcs11-lib=/tmp/softhsm/lib/softhsm/libsofthsm2.so) fi # Avoid OpenSSL when using dynamic checkers, or on OS X where it sporadically # is not installed on the CI image if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "osx" ] && [ "$BUILD_MODE" != "sanitizer" ] && [ "$BUILD_MODE" != "valgrind" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-openssl) fi fi if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ] && [ "${BUILD_MODE:0:5}" != "cross" ]; then # The Boost-specific codepaths are tested via the OS X CI CFG_FLAGS+=(--with-boost) fi if [ "${BUILD_MODE:0:6}" = "cross-" ]; then if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--disable-shared) MAKE_PREFIX=(xcrun --sdk iphoneos) if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "cross-arm32" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--os=ios) CFG_FLAGS+=(--cpu=armv7 --cc-abi-flags="-arch armv7 -arch armv7s -stdlib=libc++") elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "cross-arm64" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--os=ios) CFG_FLAGS+=(--cpu=armv8-a --cc-abi-flags="-arch arm64 -stdlib=libc++") fi elif [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then CFG_FLAGS+=(--disable-modules=ffi) if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "cross-arm32" ]; then CC_BIN=arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-4.8 TEST_PREFIX=(qemu-arm -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/) CFG_FLAGS+=(--cpu=armv7) CFG_FLAGS+=(--module-policy=modern --enable-modules=tls) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "cross-arm64" ]; then CC_BIN=aarch64-linux-gnu-g++-4.8 TEST_PREFIX=(qemu-aarch64 -L /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/) CFG_FLAGS+=(--cpu=armv8-a) CFG_FLAGS+=(--module-policy=modern --enable-modules=tls) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "cross-ppc32" ]; then CC_BIN=powerpc-linux-gnu-g++-4.8 TEST_PREFIX=(qemu-ppc -L /usr/powerpc-linux-gnu/) CFG_FLAGS+=(--cpu=ppc32) CFG_FLAGS+=(--module-policy=modern --enable-modules=tls) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "cross-ppc64" ]; then CC_BIN=powerpc64le-linux-gnu-g++-4.8 TEST_PREFIX=(qemu-ppc64le -L /usr/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/) CFG_FLAGS+=(--cpu=ppc64 --with-endian=little) CFG_FLAGS+=(--module-policy=modern --enable-modules=tls) elif [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "cross-win32" ]; then CC_BIN=i686-w64-mingw32-g++ # No test prefix needed, PE executes as usual with Wine installed CFG_FLAGS+=(--os=mingw) CFG_FLAGS+=(--cpu=x86_32 --cc-abi-flags="-static" --disable-shared) TEST_EXE=./botan-test.exe fi fi fi CFG_FLAGS+=(--cc-bin="ccache $CC_BIN") if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "sonarqube" ]; then MAKE_PREFIX=(./build-wrapper-linux-x86/build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir bw-outputs) fi # configure ./configure.py "${CFG_FLAGS[@]}" # pre-build ccache stats ccache --show-stats # build! if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "docs" ]; then doxygen build/botan.doxy sphinx-build -a -W -c src/build-data/sphinx doc/manual manual-out else MAKE_CMD=("${MAKE_PREFIX[@]}" make -j "$BUILD_JOBS") echo "Running" "${MAKE_CMD[@]}" time "${MAKE_CMD[@]}" fi # post-build ccache stats ccache --show-stats # Run SonarQube analysis if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "sonarqube" ]; then cp src/build-data/sonar-project.properties . if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then # => This will run a full analysis of the project and push results to the SonarQube server. # # Analysis is done only on master so that build of branches don't push analyses to the same project and therefore "pollute" the results echo "Starting analysis by SonarQube..." sonar-scanner "-Dsonar.login=$SONAR_TOKEN" # PR analysis deactivated at least until custom quality profiles can be created elif false && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ] && [ -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN-}" ]; then # => This will analyse the PR and display found issues as comments in the PR, but it won't push results to the SonarQube server # # For security reasons environment variables are not available on the pull requests # coming from outside repositories # http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/pull-requests/#Security-Restrictions-when-testing-Pull-Requests # That's why the analysis does not need to be executed if the variable GITHUB_TOKEN is not defined. echo "Starting Pull Request analysis by SonarQube..." sonar-scanner -Dsonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN" \ -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview \ -Dsonar.github.oauth="$GITHUB_TOKEN" \ -Dsonar.github.repository="$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" \ -Dsonar.github.pullRequest="$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" fi # When neither on master branch nor on a non-external pull request => nothing to do fi if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "sonarqube" ] || [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "docs" ] || \ ( [ "${BUILD_MODE:0:5}" = "cross" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx" ] ); then echo "Running tests disabled on this build type" else TEST_CMD=("${TEST_PREFIX[@]}" $TEST_EXE "${TEST_FLAGS[@]}") echo "Running" "${TEST_CMD[@]}" time "${TEST_CMD[@]}" fi # Run Python tests (need shared libs) if [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "shared" ] || [ "$BUILD_MODE" = "coverage" ]; then # TODO: find all things in PATH that begin with python- and execute them :) for py in python2 python3 do $py --version LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. $py src/python/botan2.py done fi if [ "$BUILD_MODE" != "docs" ]; then # Test make install make install fi