/* * PKCS #5 PBES1 * (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd * * Distributed under the terms of the Botan license */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Botan { /* * Encrypt some bytes using PBES1 */ void PBE_PKCS5v15::write(const byte input[], size_t length) { while(length) { size_t put = std::min(DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE, length); pipe.write(input, length); flush_pipe(true); length -= put; } } /* * Start encrypting with PBES1 */ void PBE_PKCS5v15::start_msg() { if(direction == ENCRYPTION) pipe.append(new CBC_Encryption(block_cipher->clone(), new PKCS7_Padding, key, iv)); else pipe.append(new CBC_Decryption(block_cipher->clone(), new PKCS7_Padding, key, iv)); pipe.start_msg(); if(pipe.message_count() > 1) pipe.set_default_msg(pipe.default_msg() + 1); } /* * Finish encrypting with PBES1 */ void PBE_PKCS5v15::end_msg() { pipe.end_msg(); flush_pipe(false); pipe.reset(); } /* * Flush the pipe */ void PBE_PKCS5v15::flush_pipe(bool safe_to_skip) { if(safe_to_skip && pipe.remaining() < 64) return; SecureVector buffer(DEFAULT_BUFFERSIZE); while(pipe.remaining()) { size_t got = pipe.read(&buffer[0], buffer.size()); send(buffer, got); } } /* * Set the passphrase to use */ void PBE_PKCS5v15::set_key(const std::string& passphrase) { PKCS5_PBKDF1 pbkdf(hash_function->clone()); SecureVector key_and_iv = pbkdf.derive_key(16, passphrase, &salt[0], salt.size(), iterations).bits_of(); key.resize(8); iv.resize(8); copy_mem(&key[0], &key_and_iv[0], 8); copy_mem(&iv[0], &key_and_iv[8], 8); } /* * Create a new set of PBES1 parameters */ void PBE_PKCS5v15::new_params(RandomNumberGenerator& rng) { iterations = 10000; salt = rng.random_vec(8); } /* * Encode PKCS#5 PBES1 parameters */ MemoryVector PBE_PKCS5v15::encode_params() const { return DER_Encoder() .start_cons(SEQUENCE) .encode(salt, OCTET_STRING) .encode(iterations) .end_cons() .get_contents(); } /* * Decode PKCS#5 PBES1 parameters */ void PBE_PKCS5v15::decode_params(DataSource& source) { BER_Decoder(source) .start_cons(SEQUENCE) .decode(salt, OCTET_STRING) .decode(iterations) .verify_end() .end_cons(); if(salt.size() != 8) throw Decoding_Error("PBES1: Encoded salt is not 8 octets"); } /* * Return an OID for this PBES1 type */ OID PBE_PKCS5v15::get_oid() const { const OID base_pbes1_oid("1.2.840.113549.1.5"); const std::string cipher = block_cipher->name(); const std::string digest = hash_function->name(); if(cipher == "DES" && digest == "MD2") return (base_pbes1_oid + 1); else if(cipher == "DES" && digest == "MD5") return (base_pbes1_oid + 3); else if(cipher == "DES" && digest == "SHA-160") return (base_pbes1_oid + 10); else if(cipher == "RC2" && digest == "MD2") return (base_pbes1_oid + 4); else if(cipher == "RC2" && digest == "MD5") return (base_pbes1_oid + 6); else if(cipher == "RC2" && digest == "SHA-160") return (base_pbes1_oid + 11); else throw Internal_Error("PBE-PKCS5 v1.5: get_oid() has run out of options"); } std::string PBE_PKCS5v15::name() const { return "PBE-PKCS5v15(" + block_cipher->name() + "," + hash_function->name() + ")"; } /* * PKCS#5 v1.5 PBE Constructor */ PBE_PKCS5v15::PBE_PKCS5v15(BlockCipher* cipher, HashFunction* hash, Cipher_Dir dir) : direction(dir), block_cipher(cipher), hash_function(hash) { if(cipher->name() != "DES" && cipher->name() != "RC2") { throw Invalid_Argument("PBE_PKCS5v1.5: Unknown cipher " + cipher->name()); } if(hash->name() != "MD2" && hash->name() != "MD5" && hash->name() != "SHA-160") { throw Invalid_Argument("PBE_PKCS5v1.5: Unknown hash " + hash->name()); } } PBE_PKCS5v15::~PBE_PKCS5v15() { delete block_cipher; delete hash_function; } }