* Load/Store Operators
* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd
*     2007 Yves Jerschow
* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)


#include <botan/types.h>
#include <botan/bswap.h>
#include <botan/get_byte.h>
#include <botan/mem_ops.h>
#include <vector>



#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(x) (x)
#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(x) (x)

#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(x) reverse_bytes(x)
#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(x) reverse_bytes(x)


#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(x) (x)
#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(x) (x)

#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(x) reverse_bytes(x)
#define BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(x) reverse_bytes(x)



namespace Botan {

* Make a u16bit from two bytes
* @param i0 the first byte
* @param i1 the second byte
* @return i0 || i1
inline u16bit make_u16bit(byte i0, byte i1)
   return ((static_cast<u16bit>(i0) << 8) | i1);

* Make a u32bit from four bytes
* @param i0 the first byte
* @param i1 the second byte
* @param i2 the third byte
* @param i3 the fourth byte
* @return i0 || i1 || i2 || i3
inline u32bit make_u32bit(byte i0, byte i1, byte i2, byte i3)
   return ((static_cast<u32bit>(i0) << 24) |
           (static_cast<u32bit>(i1) << 16) |
           (static_cast<u32bit>(i2) <<  8) |

* Make a u32bit from eight bytes
* @param i0 the first byte
* @param i1 the second byte
* @param i2 the third byte
* @param i3 the fourth byte
* @param i4 the fifth byte
* @param i5 the sixth byte
* @param i6 the seventh byte
* @param i7 the eighth byte
* @return i0 || i1 || i2 || i3 || i4 || i5 || i6 || i7
inline u64bit make_u64bit(byte i0, byte i1, byte i2, byte i3,
                          byte i4, byte i5, byte i6, byte i7)
   return ((static_cast<u64bit>(i0) << 56) |
           (static_cast<u64bit>(i1) << 48) |
           (static_cast<u64bit>(i2) << 40) |
           (static_cast<u64bit>(i3) << 32) |
           (static_cast<u64bit>(i4) << 24) |
           (static_cast<u64bit>(i5) << 16) |
           (static_cast<u64bit>(i6) <<  8) |

* Load a big-endian word
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th T of in, as a big-endian value
template<typename T>
inline T load_be(const byte in[], size_t off)
   in += off * sizeof(T);
   T out = 0;
   for(size_t i = 0; i != sizeof(T); ++i)
      out = (out << 8) | in[i];
   return out;

* Load a little-endian word
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th T of in, as a litte-endian value
template<typename T>
inline T load_le(const byte in[], size_t off)
   in += off * sizeof(T);
   T out = 0;
   for(size_t i = 0; i != sizeof(T); ++i)
      out = (out << 8) | in[sizeof(T)-1-i];
   return out;

* Load a big-endian u16bit
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th u16bit of in, as a big-endian value
inline u16bit load_be<u16bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
   return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(*(reinterpret_cast<const u16bit*>(in) + off));
   in += off * sizeof(u16bit);
   return make_u16bit(in[0], in[1]);

* Load a little-endian u16bit
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th u16bit of in, as a little-endian value
inline u16bit load_le<u16bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
   return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(*(reinterpret_cast<const u16bit*>(in) + off));
   in += off * sizeof(u16bit);
   return make_u16bit(in[1], in[0]);

* Load a big-endian u32bit
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th u32bit of in, as a big-endian value
inline u32bit load_be<u32bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
   return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(*(reinterpret_cast<const u32bit*>(in) + off));
   in += off * sizeof(u32bit);
   return make_u32bit(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]);

* Load a little-endian u32bit
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th u32bit of in, as a little-endian value
inline u32bit load_le<u32bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
   return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(*(reinterpret_cast<const u32bit*>(in) + off));
   in += off * sizeof(u32bit);
   return make_u32bit(in[3], in[2], in[1], in[0]);

* Load a big-endian u64bit
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th u64bit of in, as a big-endian value
inline u64bit load_be<u64bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
   return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2B(*(reinterpret_cast<const u64bit*>(in) + off));
   in += off * sizeof(u64bit);
   return make_u64bit(in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3],
                      in[4], in[5], in[6], in[7]);

* Load a little-endian u64bit
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param off an offset into the array
* @return off'th u64bit of in, as a little-endian value
inline u64bit load_le<u64bit>(const byte in[], size_t off)
   return BOTAN_ENDIAN_N2L(*(reinterpret_cast<const u64bit*>(in) + off));
   in += off * sizeof(u64bit);
   return make_u64bit(in[7], in[6], in[5], in[4],
                      in[3], in[2], in[1], in[0]);

* Load two little-endian words
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param x0 where the first word will be written
* @param x1 where the second word will be written
template<typename T>
inline void load_le(const byte in[], T& x0, T& x1)
   x0 = load_le<T>(in, 0);
   x1 = load_le<T>(in, 1);

* Load four little-endian words
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param x0 where the first word will be written
* @param x1 where the second word will be written
* @param x2 where the third word will be written
* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
template<typename T>
inline void load_le(const byte in[],
                    T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3)
   x0 = load_le<T>(in, 0);
   x1 = load_le<T>(in, 1);
   x2 = load_le<T>(in, 2);
   x3 = load_le<T>(in, 3);

* Load eight little-endian words
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param x0 where the first word will be written
* @param x1 where the second word will be written
* @param x2 where the third word will be written
* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
* @param x4 where the fifth word will be written
* @param x5 where the sixth word will be written
* @param x6 where the seventh word will be written
* @param x7 where the eighth word will be written
template<typename T>
inline void load_le(const byte in[],
                    T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3,
                    T& x4, T& x5, T& x6, T& x7)
   x0 = load_le<T>(in, 0);
   x1 = load_le<T>(in, 1);
   x2 = load_le<T>(in, 2);
   x3 = load_le<T>(in, 3);
   x4 = load_le<T>(in, 4);
   x5 = load_le<T>(in, 5);
   x6 = load_le<T>(in, 6);
   x7 = load_le<T>(in, 7);

* Load a variable number of little-endian words
* @param out the output array of words
* @param in the input array of bytes
* @param count how many words are in in
template<typename T>
inline void load_le(T out[],
                    const byte in[],
                    size_t count)
   std::memcpy(out, in, sizeof(T)*count);

   const size_t blocks = count - (count % 4);
   const size_t left = count - blocks;

   for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 4)
      bswap_4(out + i);

   for(size_t i = 0; i != left; ++i)
      out[blocks+i] = reverse_bytes(out[blocks+i]);

   for(size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i)
      out[i] = load_le<T>(in, i);

* Load two big-endian words
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param x0 where the first word will be written
* @param x1 where the second word will be written
template<typename T>
inline void load_be(const byte in[], T& x0, T& x1)
   x0 = load_be<T>(in, 0);
   x1 = load_be<T>(in, 1);

* Load four big-endian words
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param x0 where the first word will be written
* @param x1 where the second word will be written
* @param x2 where the third word will be written
* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
template<typename T>
inline void load_be(const byte in[],
                    T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3)
   x0 = load_be<T>(in, 0);
   x1 = load_be<T>(in, 1);
   x2 = load_be<T>(in, 2);
   x3 = load_be<T>(in, 3);

* Load eight big-endian words
* @param in a pointer to some bytes
* @param x0 where the first word will be written
* @param x1 where the second word will be written
* @param x2 where the third word will be written
* @param x3 where the fourth word will be written
* @param x4 where the fifth word will be written
* @param x5 where the sixth word will be written
* @param x6 where the seventh word will be written
* @param x7 where the eighth word will be written
template<typename T>
inline void load_be(const byte in[],
                    T& x0, T& x1, T& x2, T& x3,
                    T& x4, T& x5, T& x6, T& x7)
   x0 = load_be<T>(in, 0);
   x1 = load_be<T>(in, 1);
   x2 = load_be<T>(in, 2);
   x3 = load_be<T>(in, 3);
   x4 = load_be<T>(in, 4);
   x5 = load_be<T>(in, 5);
   x6 = load_be<T>(in, 6);
   x7 = load_be<T>(in, 7);

* Load a variable number of big-endian words
* @param out the output array of words
* @param in the input array of bytes
* @param count how many words are in in
template<typename T>
inline void load_be(T out[],
                    const byte in[],
                    size_t count)
   std::memcpy(out, in, sizeof(T)*count);

   const size_t blocks = count - (count % 4);
   const size_t left = count - blocks;

   for(size_t i = 0; i != blocks; i += 4)
      bswap_4(out + i);

   for(size_t i = 0; i != left; ++i)
      out[blocks+i] = reverse_bytes(out[blocks+i]);

   for(size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i)
      out[i] = load_be<T>(in, i);

* Store a big-endian u16bit
* @param in the input u16bit
* @param out the byte array to write to
inline void store_be(u16bit in, byte out[2])
   *reinterpret_cast<u16bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(in);
   out[0] = get_byte(0, in);
   out[1] = get_byte(1, in);

* Store a little-endian u16bit
* @param in the input u16bit
* @param out the byte array to write to
inline void store_le(u16bit in, byte out[2])
   *reinterpret_cast<u16bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(in);
   out[0] = get_byte(1, in);
   out[1] = get_byte(0, in);

* Store a big-endian u32bit
* @param in the input u32bit
* @param out the byte array to write to
inline void store_be(u32bit in, byte out[4])
   *reinterpret_cast<u32bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(in);
   out[0] = get_byte(0, in);
   out[1] = get_byte(1, in);
   out[2] = get_byte(2, in);
   out[3] = get_byte(3, in);

* Store a little-endian u32bit
* @param in the input u32bit
* @param out the byte array to write to
inline void store_le(u32bit in, byte out[4])
   *reinterpret_cast<u32bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(in);
   out[0] = get_byte(3, in);
   out[1] = get_byte(2, in);
   out[2] = get_byte(1, in);
   out[3] = get_byte(0, in);

* Store a big-endian u64bit
* @param in the input u64bit
* @param out the byte array to write to
inline void store_be(u64bit in, byte out[8])
   *reinterpret_cast<u64bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_B2N(in);
   out[0] = get_byte(0, in);
   out[1] = get_byte(1, in);
   out[2] = get_byte(2, in);
   out[3] = get_byte(3, in);
   out[4] = get_byte(4, in);
   out[5] = get_byte(5, in);
   out[6] = get_byte(6, in);
   out[7] = get_byte(7, in);

* Store a little-endian u64bit
* @param in the input u64bit
* @param out the byte array to write to
inline void store_le(u64bit in, byte out[8])
   *reinterpret_cast<u64bit*>(out) = BOTAN_ENDIAN_L2N(in);
   out[0] = get_byte(7, in);
   out[1] = get_byte(6, in);
   out[2] = get_byte(5, in);
   out[3] = get_byte(4, in);
   out[4] = get_byte(3, in);
   out[5] = get_byte(2, in);
   out[6] = get_byte(1, in);
   out[7] = get_byte(0, in);

* Store two little-endian words
* @param out the output byte array
* @param x0 the first word
* @param x1 the second word
template<typename T>
inline void store_le(byte out[], T x0, T x1)
   store_le(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));

* Store two big-endian words
* @param out the output byte array
* @param x0 the first word
* @param x1 the second word
template<typename T>
inline void store_be(byte out[], T x0, T x1)
   store_be(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));

* Store four little-endian words
* @param out the output byte array
* @param x0 the first word
* @param x1 the second word
* @param x2 the third word
* @param x3 the fourth word
template<typename T>
inline void store_le(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3)
   store_le(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));

* Store four big-endian words
* @param out the output byte array
* @param x0 the first word
* @param x1 the second word
* @param x2 the third word
* @param x3 the fourth word
template<typename T>
inline void store_be(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3)
   store_be(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));

* Store eight little-endian words
* @param out the output byte array
* @param x0 the first word
* @param x1 the second word
* @param x2 the third word
* @param x3 the fourth word
* @param x4 the fifth word
* @param x5 the sixth word
* @param x6 the seventh word
* @param x7 the eighth word
template<typename T>
inline void store_le(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3,
                                 T x4, T x5, T x6, T x7)
   store_le(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x4, out + (4 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x5, out + (5 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x6, out + (6 * sizeof(T)));
   store_le(x7, out + (7 * sizeof(T)));

* Store eight big-endian words
* @param out the output byte array
* @param x0 the first word
* @param x1 the second word
* @param x2 the third word
* @param x3 the fourth word
* @param x4 the fifth word
* @param x5 the sixth word
* @param x6 the seventh word
* @param x7 the eighth word
template<typename T>
inline void store_be(byte out[], T x0, T x1, T x2, T x3,
                                 T x4, T x5, T x6, T x7)
   store_be(x0, out + (0 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x1, out + (1 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x2, out + (2 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x3, out + (3 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x4, out + (4 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x5, out + (5 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x6, out + (6 * sizeof(T)));
   store_be(x7, out + (7 * sizeof(T)));

template<typename T>
void copy_out_be(byte out[], size_t out_bytes, const T in[])
   while(out_bytes >= sizeof(T))
      store_be(in[0], out);
      out += sizeof(T);
      out_bytes -= sizeof(T);
      in += 1;

   for(size_t i = 0; i != out_bytes; ++i)
      out[i] = get_byte(i%8, in[0]);

template<typename T, typename Alloc>
void copy_out_vec_be(byte out[], size_t out_bytes, const std::vector<T, Alloc>& in)
   copy_out_be(out, out_bytes, in.data());

template<typename T>
void copy_out_le(byte out[], size_t out_bytes, const T in[])
   while(out_bytes >= sizeof(T))
      store_le(in[0], out);
      out += sizeof(T);
      out_bytes -= sizeof(T);
      in += 1;

   for(size_t i = 0; i != out_bytes; ++i)
      out[i] = get_byte(sizeof(T) - 1 - (i % 8), in[0]);

template<typename T, typename Alloc>
void copy_out_vec_le(byte out[], size_t out_bytes, const std::vector<T, Alloc>& in)
   copy_out_le(out, out_bytes, in.data());

