/* * (C) 1999-2007,2018 Jack Lloyd * 2016 Matthias Gierlings * * Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt) */ #include #include #include #include namespace Botan { /* * Addition Operator */ BigInt& BigInt::operator+=(const BigInt& y) { const size_t x_sw = sig_words(), y_sw = y.sig_words(); if(sign() == y.sign()) { const size_t reg_size = std::max(x_sw, y_sw) + 1; if(m_reg.size() < reg_size) grow_to(reg_size); bigint_add2(mutable_data(), reg_size - 1, y.data(), y_sw); } else { const int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(data(), x_sw, y.data(), y_sw); if(relative_size < 0) { const size_t reg_size = std::max(x_sw, y_sw); grow_to(reg_size); bigint_sub2_rev(mutable_data(), y.data(), y_sw); set_sign(y.sign()); } else if(relative_size == 0) { zeroise(m_reg); set_sign(Positive); } else if(relative_size > 0) { bigint_sub2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y.data(), y_sw); } } return (*this); } /* * Subtraction Operator */ BigInt& BigInt::operator-=(const BigInt& y) { const size_t x_sw = sig_words(), y_sw = y.sig_words(); int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(data(), x_sw, y.data(), y_sw); const size_t reg_size = std::max(x_sw, y_sw) + 1; grow_to(reg_size); if(relative_size < 0) { if(sign() == y.sign()) bigint_sub2_rev(mutable_data(), y.data(), y_sw); else bigint_add2(mutable_data(), reg_size - 1, y.data(), y_sw); set_sign(y.reverse_sign()); } else if(relative_size == 0) { if(sign() == y.sign()) { clear(); set_sign(Positive); } else bigint_shl1(mutable_data(), x_sw, 0, 1); } else if(relative_size > 0) { if(sign() == y.sign()) bigint_sub2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y.data(), y_sw); else bigint_add2(mutable_data(), reg_size - 1, y.data(), y_sw); } return (*this); } BigInt& BigInt::mod_add(const BigInt& s, const BigInt& mod, secure_vector& ws) { if(this->is_negative() || s.is_negative() || mod.is_negative()) throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::mod_add expects all arguments are positive"); // TODO add optimized version of this *this += s; this->reduce_below(mod, ws); return (*this); } BigInt& BigInt::mod_sub(const BigInt& s, const BigInt& mod, secure_vector& ws) { if(this->is_negative() || s.is_negative() || mod.is_negative()) throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::mod_sub expects all arguments are positive"); const size_t t_sw = sig_words(); const size_t s_sw = s.sig_words(); const size_t mod_sw = mod.sig_words(); if(t_sw > mod_sw || s_sw > mod_sw) throw Invalid_Argument("BigInt::mod_sub args larger than modulus"); int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(data(), t_sw, s.data(), s_sw); if(relative_size >= 0) { // this >= s in which case just subtract bigint_sub2(mutable_data(), t_sw, s.data(), s_sw); } else { // Otherwise we must sub s and then add p (or add (p - s) as here) ws.resize(mod_sw + 1); bigint_sub3(ws.data(), mod.data(), mod_sw, s.data(), s_sw); if(m_reg.size() < mod_sw) grow_to(mod_sw); word carry = bigint_add2_nc(mutable_data(), m_reg.size(), ws.data(), mod_sw); BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(carry == 0); } return (*this); } BigInt& BigInt::rev_sub(const word y[], size_t y_sw, secure_vector& ws) { /* *this = BigInt(y, y_sw) - *this; return *this; */ if(this->sign() != BigInt::Positive) throw Invalid_State("BigInt::sub_rev requires this is positive"); const size_t x_sw = this->sig_words(); const int32_t relative_size = bigint_cmp(y, y_sw, this->data(), x_sw); ws.resize(std::max(y_sw, x_sw) + 1); clear_mem(ws.data(), ws.size()); if(relative_size < 0) { bigint_sub3(ws.data(), this->data(), x_sw, y, y_sw); this->flip_sign(); } else if(relative_size == 0) { ws.clear(); } else if(relative_size > 0) { bigint_sub3(ws.data(), y, y_sw, this->data(), x_sw); } m_reg.swap(ws); return (*this); } /* * Multiplication Operator */ BigInt& BigInt::operator*=(const BigInt& y) { secure_vector ws; return this->mul(y, ws); } BigInt& BigInt::mul(const BigInt& y, secure_vector& ws) { const size_t x_sw = sig_words(); const size_t y_sw = y.sig_words(); set_sign((sign() == y.sign()) ? Positive : Negative); if(x_sw == 0 || y_sw == 0) { clear(); set_sign(Positive); } else if(x_sw == 1 && y_sw) { grow_to(y_sw + 1); bigint_linmul3(mutable_data(), y.data(), y_sw, word_at(0)); } else if(y_sw == 1 && x_sw) { grow_to(x_sw + 1); bigint_linmul2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y.word_at(0)); } else { const size_t new_size = x_sw + y_sw + 1; ws.resize(new_size); secure_vector z_reg(new_size); bigint_mul(z_reg.data(), z_reg.size(), data(), size(), x_sw, y.data(), y.size(), y_sw, ws.data(), ws.size()); z_reg.swap(m_reg); } return (*this); } BigInt& BigInt::square(secure_vector& ws) { const size_t sw = sig_words(); secure_vector z(2*sw); ws.resize(z.size()); bigint_sqr(z.data(), z.size(), data(), size(), sw, ws.data(), ws.size()); swap_reg(z); set_sign(BigInt::Positive); return (*this); } BigInt& BigInt::operator*=(word y) { if(y == 0) { clear(); set_sign(Positive); } const size_t x_sw = sig_words(); if(size() < x_sw + 1) grow_to(x_sw + 1); bigint_linmul2(mutable_data(), x_sw, y); return (*this); } /* * Division Operator */ BigInt& BigInt::operator/=(const BigInt& y) { if(y.sig_words() == 1 && is_power_of_2(y.word_at(0))) (*this) >>= (y.bits() - 1); else (*this) = (*this) / y; return (*this); } /* * Modulo Operator */ BigInt& BigInt::operator%=(const BigInt& mod) { return (*this = (*this) % mod); } /* * Modulo Operator */ word BigInt::operator%=(word mod) { if(mod == 0) throw BigInt::DivideByZero(); if(is_power_of_2(mod)) { word result = (word_at(0) & (mod - 1)); clear(); grow_to(2); m_reg[0] = result; return result; } word remainder = 0; for(size_t j = sig_words(); j > 0; --j) remainder = bigint_modop(remainder, word_at(j-1), mod); clear(); grow_to(2); if(remainder && sign() == BigInt::Negative) m_reg[0] = mod - remainder; else m_reg[0] = remainder; set_sign(BigInt::Positive); return word_at(0); } /* * Left Shift Operator */ BigInt& BigInt::operator<<=(size_t shift) { if(shift) { const size_t shift_words = shift / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS, shift_bits = shift % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS, words = sig_words(); /* * FIXME - if shift_words == 0 && the top shift_bits of the top word * are zero then we know that no additional word is needed and can * skip the allocation. */ const size_t needed_size = words + shift_words + (shift_bits ? 1 : 0); if(m_reg.size() < needed_size) grow_to(needed_size); bigint_shl1(mutable_data(), words, shift_words, shift_bits); } return (*this); } /* * Right Shift Operator */ BigInt& BigInt::operator>>=(size_t shift) { if(shift) { const size_t shift_words = shift / BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS, shift_bits = shift % BOTAN_MP_WORD_BITS; bigint_shr1(mutable_data(), sig_words(), shift_words, shift_bits); if(is_zero()) set_sign(Positive); } return (*this); } }