/* * SSLv3 PRF * (C) 2004-2006 Jack Lloyd * * Distributed under the terms of the Botan license */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Botan { namespace { /* * Return the next inner hash */ OctetString next_hash(u32bit where, u32bit want, HashFunction& md5, HashFunction& sha1, const byte secret[], u32bit secret_len, const byte seed[], u32bit seed_len) { if(want > md5.OUTPUT_LENGTH) throw Internal_Error("SSL3_PRF:next_hash: want is too big"); const byte ASCII_A_CHAR = 0x41; for(u32bit j = 0; j != where + 1; j++) sha1.update(ASCII_A_CHAR + where); sha1.update(secret, secret_len); sha1.update(seed, seed_len); SecureVector sha1_hash = sha1.final(); md5.update(secret, secret_len); md5.update(sha1_hash); SecureVector md5_hash = md5.final(); return OctetString(md5_hash, want); } } /* * SSL3 PRF */ SecureVector SSL3_PRF::derive(u32bit key_len, const byte secret[], u32bit secret_len, const byte seed[], u32bit seed_len) const { if(key_len > 416) throw Internal_Error("SSL3_PRF: Requested key length is too large"); MD5 md5; SHA_160 sha1; OctetString output; int counter = 0; while(key_len) { const u32bit produce = std::min(key_len, md5.OUTPUT_LENGTH); output = output + next_hash(counter++, produce, md5, sha1, secret, secret_len, seed, seed_len); key_len -= produce; } return output.bits_of(); } }