/************************************************* * Hex Encoder/Decoder Source File * * (C) 1999-2007 The Botan Project * *************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include namespace Botan { /************************************************* * Hex_Encoder Constructor * *************************************************/ Hex_Encoder::Hex_Encoder(bool breaks, u32bit length, Case c) : casing(c), line_length(breaks ? length : 0) { in.create(64); out.create(2*in.size()); counter = position = 0; } /************************************************* * Hex_Encoder Constructor * *************************************************/ Hex_Encoder::Hex_Encoder(Case c) : casing(c), line_length(0) { in.create(64); out.create(2*in.size()); counter = position = 0; } /************************************************* * Hex Encoding Operation * *************************************************/ void Hex_Encoder::encode(byte in, byte out[2], Hex_Encoder::Case casing) { const byte* BIN_TO_HEX = ((casing == Uppercase) ? BIN_TO_HEX_UPPER : BIN_TO_HEX_LOWER); out[0] = BIN_TO_HEX[((in >> 4) & 0x0F)]; out[1] = BIN_TO_HEX[((in ) & 0x0F)]; } /************************************************* * Encode and send a block * *************************************************/ void Hex_Encoder::encode_and_send(const byte block[], u32bit length) { for(u32bit j = 0; j != length; ++j) encode(block[j], out + 2*j, casing); if(line_length == 0) send(out, 2*length); else { u32bit remaining = 2*length, offset = 0; while(remaining) { u32bit sent = std::min(line_length - counter, remaining); send(out + offset, sent); counter += sent; remaining -= sent; offset += sent; if(counter == line_length) { send('\n'); counter = 0; } } } } /************************************************* * Convert some data into hex format * *************************************************/ void Hex_Encoder::write(const byte input[], u32bit length) { in.copy(position, input, length); if(position + length >= in.size()) { encode_and_send(in, in.size()); input += (in.size() - position); length -= (in.size() - position); while(length >= in.size()) { encode_and_send(input, in.size()); input += in.size(); length -= in.size(); } in.copy(input, length); position = 0; } position += length; } /************************************************* * Flush buffers * *************************************************/ void Hex_Encoder::end_msg() { encode_and_send(in, position); if(counter && line_length) send('\n'); counter = position = 0; } /************************************************* * Hex_Decoder Constructor * *************************************************/ Hex_Decoder::Hex_Decoder(Decoder_Checking c) : checking(c) { in.create(64); out.create(in.size() / 2); position = 0; } /************************************************* * Check if a character is a valid hex char * *************************************************/ bool Hex_Decoder::is_valid(byte in) { return (HEX_TO_BIN[in] != 0x80); } /************************************************* * Handle processing an invalid character * *************************************************/ void Hex_Decoder::handle_bad_char(byte c) { if(checking == NONE) return; if((checking == IGNORE_WS) && Charset::is_space(c)) return; throw Decoding_Error("Hex_Decoder: Invalid hex character: " + to_string(c)); } /************************************************* * Hex Decoding Operation * *************************************************/ byte Hex_Decoder::decode(const byte hex[2]) { return (byte)((HEX_TO_BIN[hex[0]] << 4) | HEX_TO_BIN[hex[1]]); } /************************************************* * Decode and send a block * *************************************************/ void Hex_Decoder::decode_and_send(const byte block[], u32bit length) { for(u32bit j = 0; j != length / 2; ++j) out[j] = decode(block + 2*j); send(out, length / 2); } /************************************************* * Convert some data from hex format * *************************************************/ void Hex_Decoder::write(const byte input[], u32bit length) { for(u32bit j = 0; j != length; ++j) { if(is_valid(input[j])) in[position++] = input[j]; else handle_bad_char(input[j]); if(position == in.size()) { decode_and_send(in, in.size()); position = 0; } } } /************************************************* * Flush buffers * *************************************************/ void Hex_Decoder::end_msg() { decode_and_send(in, position); position = 0; } }