* Basic No-Op Engine Source File                 *
* (C) 1999-2007 Jack Lloyd                       *

#include <botan/engine.h>
#include <botan/libstate.h>
#include <botan/stl_util.h>
#include <botan/lookup.h>

namespace Botan {

namespace {

* Algorithm Cache                                *
template<typename T>
class Algorithm_Cache_Impl : public Engine::Algorithm_Cache<T>
      T* get(const std::string& name) const
         Mutex_Holder lock(mutex);
         return search_map(mappings, name);

      void add(T* algo, const std::string& index_name = "") const

         Mutex_Holder lock(mutex);

         const std::string name =
            (index_name != "" ? index_name : algo->name());

         if(mappings.find(name) != mappings.end())
            delete mappings[name];
         mappings[name] = algo;

         mutex = global_state().get_mutex();

         typename std::map<std::string, T*>::iterator i = mappings.begin();

         while(i != mappings.end())
            delete i->second;
         delete mutex;
      Mutex* mutex;
      mutable std::map<std::string, T*> mappings;


* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
IF_Operation* Engine::if_op(const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
                            const BigInt&, const BigInt&, const BigInt&,
                            const BigInt&, const BigInt&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
DSA_Operation* Engine::dsa_op(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&,
                              const BigInt&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
NR_Operation* Engine::nr_op(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&,
                            const BigInt&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
ELG_Operation* Engine::elg_op(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&,
                              const BigInt&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
DH_Operation* Engine::dh_op(const DL_Group&, const BigInt&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
Modular_Exponentiator* Engine::mod_exp(const BigInt&,
                                       Power_Mod::Usage_Hints) const
   return 0;

* Acquire a BlockCipher                          *
const BlockCipher* Engine::block_cipher(const std::string& name) const
   return lookup_algo(cache_of_bc, global_state().deref_alias(name),
                      this, &Engine::find_block_cipher);

* Acquire a StreamCipher                         *
const StreamCipher* Engine::stream_cipher(const std::string& name) const
   return lookup_algo(cache_of_sc, global_state().deref_alias(name),
                      this, &Engine::find_stream_cipher);

* Acquire a HashFunction                         *
const HashFunction* Engine::hash(const std::string& name) const
   return lookup_algo(cache_of_hf, global_state().deref_alias(name),
                      this, &Engine::find_hash);

* Acquire a MessageAuthenticationCode            *
const MessageAuthenticationCode* Engine::mac(const std::string& name) const
   return lookup_algo(cache_of_mac, global_state().deref_alias(name),
                      this, &Engine::find_mac);

* Acquire a S2K object                           *
const S2K* Engine::s2k(const std::string& name) const
   return lookup_algo(cache_of_s2k, global_state().deref_alias(name),
                      this, &Engine::find_s2k);

* Acquire a cipher padding object                *
const BlockCipherModePaddingMethod*
Engine::bc_pad(const std::string& name) const
   return lookup_algo(cache_of_bc_pad, global_state().deref_alias(name),
                      this, &Engine::find_bc_pad);

* Add a block cipher to the lookup table         *
void Engine::add_algorithm(BlockCipher* algo) const

* Add a stream cipher to the lookup table        *
void Engine::add_algorithm(StreamCipher* algo) const

* Add a hash function to the lookup table        *
void Engine::add_algorithm(HashFunction* algo) const

* Add a MAC to the lookup table                  *
void Engine::add_algorithm(MessageAuthenticationCode* algo) const

* Add a S2K to the lookup table                  *
void Engine::add_algorithm(S2K* algo) const

* Add a cipher pad method to the lookup table    *
void Engine::add_algorithm(BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* algo) const

* Create an Engine                               *
   cache_of_bc = new Algorithm_Cache_Impl<BlockCipher>();
   cache_of_sc = new Algorithm_Cache_Impl<StreamCipher>();
   cache_of_hf = new Algorithm_Cache_Impl<HashFunction>();
   cache_of_mac = new Algorithm_Cache_Impl<MessageAuthenticationCode>();
   cache_of_s2k = new Algorithm_Cache_Impl<S2K>();
   cache_of_bc_pad =
      new Algorithm_Cache_Impl<BlockCipherModePaddingMethod>();

* Destroy an Engine                              *
   delete cache_of_bc;
   delete cache_of_sc;
   delete cache_of_hf;
   delete cache_of_mac;
   delete cache_of_s2k;
   delete cache_of_bc_pad;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
BlockCipher* Engine::find_block_cipher(const std::string&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
StreamCipher* Engine::find_stream_cipher(const std::string&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
HashFunction* Engine::find_hash(const std::string&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
MessageAuthenticationCode* Engine::find_mac(const std::string&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
S2K* Engine::find_s2k(const std::string&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
BlockCipherModePaddingMethod* Engine::find_bc_pad(const std::string&) const
   return 0;

* Basic No-Op Engine Implementation              *
Keyed_Filter* Engine::get_cipher(const std::string&, Cipher_Dir)
   return 0;
